伊藤 英人 松岡 和 矢野 裕太 柴田 万織 伊丹 健一郎
公益社団法人 有機合成化学協会
有機合成化学協会誌 (ISSN:00379980)
vol.78, no.7, pp.671-682, 2020-07-01 (Released:2020-07-09)
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Polycyclic aromatic compounds are recognized as highly important class of compounds in materials science due to their high utility as organic semiconductors and organic optoelectronic materials. In general, they can be obtained through the established π-extension methods from unfunctionalized aromatics, while the syntheses are often suffered from multi-step process including halogenation, coupling reaction, Diels-Alder reaction, aromatization and so on. Recently, we have established a novel synthetic concept “annulative π-extension (APEX)” which has the potential to have a tremendous impact on the fields of synthetic chemistry since it allows rapid access to fused aromatic systems from simple unfunctionalized aromatic compounds in a single step. Here we report our recent results of palladium-catalyzed APEX reactions for the synthesis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, polycyclic heteroaromatics, nanographenes and even graphene nanoribbons from readily available unfunctionalized aromatics.
吉田 栄子 大川原 美紀 劉 亦韋 矢野 裕一 喩 静 川崎 力 秋本 義雄 平賀 秀明
社会薬学 (ISSN:09110585)
vol.39, no.2, pp.79-86, 2020-12-10 (Released:2020-12-30)

China’s pharmaceutical market, the second largest in the world, has recently attracted the attention of many countries. However, Chinese pharmacists’ role in pharmacies and their legal responsibilities in China are not well known in Japan. Clarifying Chinese pharmacists’ legal obligations and identifying their specific roles may contribute to improvements in pharmacy operations in Japan. To investigate the Chinese legal system as it pertains to pharmacists in China, we used China’s official government website. In 2019, there were 516,003 pharmacists in China. As of 2020, the Chinese Pharmacist Act is still in the preparatory stage; however, the Administrative Regulation, which describes the system for licensing pharmacists, has been established. Article 1 of the Administrative Regulation states that Chinese pharmacists are responsible for the quality control of medications, as well as medication consultations. Another regulation, Good Supply Practice, specifies that the lot numbers of medications should be provided to patients at the time of dispensing. We believe that this is particularly beneficial to pharmaceutical traceability. Since 2017, the circulation of counterfeit HARVONI® combination tablets has been a problem in Japan. To secure and improve the quality of medications in Japan, we believe that it is important for pharmacists to understand that they are “responsible for the quality of the medicine” and to promote discussions on pharmacy quality control tasks.
矢野 裕基 鈴木 悠子 安本 和正 原田 和彦 玉内 登志雄
一般社団法人 日本農村医学会
日本農村医学会学術総会抄録集 (ISSN:18801749)
vol.57, pp.68, 2008

<B>〈緒言〉</B>近年地方の医療を取り巻く問題に患者の医療費負担増・地域間格差の拡大などがある。今回,医療福祉制度面での地域間格差を検証することと医療ソーシャルワーカー(以下,MSW)や病院が用いる制度改善の最も有効な手段を検討することを目的に,全国の市町村が実施する重度心身障害者医療費助成制度(以下,助成制度)の現状とその改善手段についてのアンケート調査を2007年11月に実施した。その結果,今後検討するべき課題が明確となったので報告する。<BR><B>〈調査方法〉</B>1,対象 全国120の厚生連病院MSW 2,調査方法 郵送によるアンケート調査 設問(1)から(7)助成制度の内容,設問(8)から(13)制度改善の手段<BR><B>〈結果〉</B>76病院(病院所在地14町56市)より回答(回収率63%)<BR>(1)対象障害の範囲<BR> 1)身体障害 「2級まで対象」 23(33%),「3級まで対象」 38(54%),「心臓や肺,腎臓などの内部障害について対象拡大あり」 20(29%) 2)知的障害 「A判定(IQ35以下)」 38(54%) 3)複合障害その他の対象 「対象範囲あり」 23(32%)<BR>(2)助成方法 「現物給付」 45(64%)<BR>(3)所得制限 「あり」 53(76%)<BR>(4)年齢制限 「あり」 6(9%)<BR>(5)自己負担 「あり」 36(52%)<BR>(6)助成の時効 「あり」 40(63%)〈BR> 時効期限 最短6ヶ月 1 最長5年 4 最多2年 9<BR>(7)助成制度の問題 「あり」 40(68%)<BR> 助成制度のどこが問題か(複数回答)<BR> 「対象障害の範囲」 28(34%)<BR> 「所得制限」 18(22%)<BR> 「助成方法」 17(21%)<BR>(8)MSWの問題解決の実践 「実践あり」 26(63%)<BR> 実際にMSWが多く用いた手段(複数回答)<BR> 「行政担当との直接交渉」 18(32%)<BR> 「個別ケース援助」 17(30%)<BR>(9)MSWの採る最も有効と思う手段<BR> 「地域の患者団体との連携」 9(17%)<BR> 「行政担当との直接交渉」 8(15%)<BR> 「地域の福祉関係者との連携」 7(13%)<BR>(10)病院の問題解決の実践 「実践あり」 8(11%)<BR> 実際に病院が行った手段(複数回答)<BR> 「行政機関への直接交渉」 5(41%)<BR>(11)病院の採る最も有効と思う手段<BR> 「地域の医療関係団体との連携」 21(39%)<BR> 「行政機関への直接交渉」 11(20%)<BR>(12)各県MSW協会の実践 「実践あり」 4(6%)<BR>(13)各県MSW協会の採る最も有効と思う手段<BR> 「制度改正の提言」 19(37%)<BR><B>〈考察〉</B>今回の結果から,全国の助成制度に地域間格差が存在することは明らかである。制度に問題があると感じているMSWも多く,何らかの制度改善に向けたアクションが必要である。しかし,実際にはMSWや病院は制度を改善するために最も有効と思う手段を実践できていない。何故なのか,その理由を探る必要がある。実践を難しくしている要素を明らかにし,今後は地域の患者団体や医療・福祉の関係団体と連携を強化し,共に制度改善を図ることが必要である。各県MSW協会には制度改正の提言など目に見える活動が求められている。各地域の制度はそれぞれの地域の病院や団体が行動を起こさなければ改善は実現しないものと考える。<BR>
北河 齊 茅野 茂人 豊原 徹 長尾 秀樹 矢野 裕光
一般社団法人 映像情報メディア学会
テレビジョン学会年次大会講演予稿集 (ISSN:09191879)
vol.29, pp.147-148, 1993

This paper reports the solid state 10kW UHF Television Transmitter using MOS FETs and its System with the Remote Control and Data Logger Equipment.
長岡 千賀 小山内 秀和 矢野 裕理 松島 佳苗 加藤 寿宏 吉川 左紀子
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.25, no.2, pp.139-155, 2018-06-01 (Released:2018-12-01)

This study aims to investigate the characteristics of effective interaction between a therapist and his/her child client with autism spectrum disorder during a session of occupational therapy. Four sessions were video-recorded and analyzed, including one conducted by a novice therapist and three by expert therapists. Three children with autism spectrum disorder who were able to take part in everyday conversations also participated in this study. In study 1, we coded the therapists’ utterances according to their function in the context through a session. In study 2, we segmented the video-recording of a session based on the goal of child behavior, recorded the therapists’ physical support, and examined not only the temporal relationship between the therapists’ utterances and physical support but also the children’s proactive behavior. The results indicated that the expert therapists appropriately provided attentive utterances and physical support according to the children’s actions. We discuss a new and useful framework for understanding therapist support and children with developmental disabilities.
林 克彦 矢野 裕児 齊藤 実
日本物流学会誌 (ISSN:13493345)
vol.2007, no.15, pp.153-160, 2007

本研究の目的は、荷主企業の視点から鉄道コンテナ輸送に対する評価を把握し、荷主企業のグリーロジスティクス構築に鉄道コンテナ輸送が貢献する可能性を探ることにある。荷主企業に対するアンケート調査と先進的事例のインタビュー調査により、 (1) 荷主企業にとってモーダルシフトが重要な経営課題となっていること、 (2) 多くの荷主企業が戦術的レベルで、一部先進企業が企業戦略レベルでモーダルシフトに取り組んでいること、 (3) 通運事業者とJR貨物に対し専門家として重要な役割を果たすことを期待していることがわかった。今後、荷主企業の視点に立ったグリーンロジスティクスの構築に向けて、輸送事業者と荷主企業との間で連携を進め、それぞれの役割を果たしていくことが求められている。
木原 俊行 矢野 裕俊 森 久佳 廣瀬 真琴
カリキュラム研究 (ISSN:0918354X)
vol.22, pp.1-14, 2013-03-31 (Released:2017-10-17)

The concept of "leadership" is currently regarded as one of the most important ideas for School-Based Curriculum Development (SBCD). Based on the prevailing trend of SBCD, the authors have been paying attention to the theories and practices of curriculum leadership. Besides, the authors have tried to clarify the relationships between curriculum leadership and Professional Learning Community, which is a conceptual framework of teacher development. In the research, it revealed that the teachers who play a key role of coordinating SBCD in individual schools, so called "leading teachers," have few opportunities to learn the theories on and practices for curriculum development as professionals engaged in it. In order for the teachers to cope with the problem, the authors developed a self-learning tool with which leading teachers are able to get knowledge about SBCD from a professional's perspective. It was the handbook titled "Handbook for the leading teachers in charge of School-Based Curriculum Development: to learn theories on and practices for it" (The Handbook). In Japan, teacher leaders have a great chance to demonstrate their initiative in SBCD. The Handbook is designed for them to link its contents with the practices at their own schools. The Handbook mentioned above consists of the following 7 chapters; Chapter1: Theories on and models of curriculum development Chapter2: Practical trends of curriculum development Chapter3: Excellent cases of curriculum practices in Japan Chapter4: Exercise for decision-making in the process of curriculum practices Chapter5: Reflection on the curriculum practices of your school Chapter6: Important references for curriculum development Chapter7: Recommendations for further studies on curriculum development These chapters were constructed based on the requirements as follows; 1) Leading teachers can learn both academic theories on and practices for curriculum development in balance. In addition, they can understand the theories in relation to the practices. 2) Leading teachers can learn the practices based on curriculum leadership deeply. 3) Readers (leading teachers) are provided the tool for evaluation with which they can reflect their own curriculum practices. 4) Leading teachers are encouraged to learn more and more on curriculum practices. In order to improve the handbook with the use for curriculum development in view, the authors asked 22 leading teachers for SBCD (including the persons who had the same experiences in the past) as participants to evaluate the validity of the contents and the practical usefulness and so on of The Handbook in April 2012. The authors used two kinds of method for evaluation. One is asking 4-scale rating on 4 items. They are as follows; 1. Good for learning curriculum and curriculum development deeply 2. Suitable for clarifying the actions of leading teachers for SBCD 3. Useful for grasping the state of affairs on curriculum practices in your own school 4. Helpful for understanding how to develop curriculum practices of your own school The other method is asking free comments on 5 questions about the good and bad points of The Handbook, its originalities and so forth. Judging from the respondents' evaluation, The Handbook by and large achieved its aim of providing a tool for leading teachers to learn curriculum development theoretically and practically, indicating that it satisfied the first three of the four requirements; balancing theories and practical cases, devising to deepen learning, functioning as an evaluation tool for reflection, encouraging further learning. However, the fourth requirement proved to be satisfied insufficiently. It is concluded that The Handbook contributed leading teachers' knowledge-based learning and that it did not cover their practical and reflective learning for problem-solving,(View PDF for the rest of the abstract.)
原田平 輝志 前田 稔 矢野 裕二 小嶋 正治
The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin (ISSN:00092363)
vol.32, no.8, pp.3317-3319, 1984-08-25 (Released:2008-03-31)
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A nucleophilic displacement reaction of methyl 3, 4-O-isopropylidene-2-O-(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)-6-O-trityl-β-D-talopyranoside (10) with tetraalkylammonium fluorides in acetonitrile gave methyl 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-3, 4-O-isopropylidene-6-O-trityl-β-D-galactopyranoside (11). Excellent conversion of 11 into 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-D-galactose (1) was achieved by hydrolysis with 5 N hydrochloric acid.
渡辺 富雄 石森 祥太 矢野 裕芳
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.21, no.47, pp.249-254, 2015-02-20 (Released:2015-02-20)

The present report comprises a facility investigation of 11 guide dog training facilities run by 11 corporations as guide dog training facilities authorized by the National Public Safety Commission in Japan.The layout of each facility and the scale and configuration of the various rooms within are clarified based on categorization of the rooms into the kennel, joint-training, and administrative and management offices divisions, and the diversity among the facilities is discussed.Specific examples are cited to analyze the characteristics of the kennels and joint training rooms.
田中 毎実 大山 泰宏 井下 理 石村 雅雄 吉田 雅章 矢野 裕俊 神藤 貴昭 溝上 慎一 秋田 英康
vol.10, pp.A1-312, 2001-03-31

矢野 裕芳 若色 峰郎
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.70, no.591, pp.49-56, 2005
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This study aimed to identify planning factors that relate effective utilization of large-scale public gymnasium for athletic meets. In this topic, the utilization states of the arena space of Yoyogi National Stadium was surveyed. The following items were considered as planning factors to effective utilization of an arena space: 1) Duration of event 2) Features of spectators, number of spectators, number of days of using the facility, the ratio of "number of spectators" to "number of days of using the facility", and period necessary for preparation for each event 3) Kind of temporary equipment and places to install the equipment 4) Load carrying capacity of floor for installing the equipment, view from spectators' seats, methods of using lighting fixtures, and methods for installing scaffolds for the equipment 5) Heavy-duty zone to install large equipment used in the event
矢野裕司 加藤由花 横井健
vol.2011, no.1, pp.691-692, 2011-03-02

堀 秀史 中倉 滋夫 酒井 喜久雄 宇佐 利隆 矢野 裕 井上 健 野元 域弘
一般社団法人 国立医療学会
医療 (ISSN:00211699)
vol.52, no.7, pp.431-437, 1998-07-20 (Released:2011-10-19)

携帯型自動血圧計(ABPM)を用いた24時間血圧の測定が可能となり, 従来の随時血圧の測定ではわからなかった白衣高血圧, 早朝の急激な血圧上昇(morning surge)や夜間血圧におけるdipper型およびnon-dipPer型の存在が明らかになった. また, 24時間血圧は心血管系疾患や臓器障害の発症・進展と密接な関係にあることがわかってきた.今回, 本態性高血圧症患者21例(平均年齢63.6歳)を対象とし, αβ遮断薬塩酸アロチノロールの血圧日内変動におよぼす影響をABPMを用い検討した. 本剤の服用により, 24時間を通じ日内変動リズムのパターンに影響をおよぼすことなく良好な降圧効果が認められた. また, dipper型とnon-dipPer型に分けた検討において, non-dipper型でより良好な降圧効果が確認された. これより, 本剤は血圧日内変動に悪影響をおよぼさず安定した降圧効果を示す降圧薬であると考えられた.
矢野裕司 加藤由花 横井健
vol.2011, no.1, pp.691-693, 2011-03-02
