Farah Hanan Fathihah Jaffar Khairul Osman Nur Hilwani Ismail Kok-Yong Chin Siti Fatimah Ibrahim
Tohoku University Medical Press
The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine (ISSN:00408727)
vol.248, no.3, pp.169-179, 2019 (Released:2019-07-26)

Extensive use of Wi-Fi has contributed to radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation (RF-EMR) pollution in environment. Various studies have been conducted to evaluate the effect of RF-EMR emitted by Wi-Fi transmitter on male reproduction health. However, there are conflicting findings between studies. Thus, this review aims to elucidate the possible effects of 2.45 GHz Wi-Fi exposure on both animal and human male reproductive system. A computerized database search performed through MEDLINE via Ovid and PUBMED with the following set of keywords: ‘Wi-Fi or WiFi or wireless fidelity or Wi-Fi router or WiFi router or electromagnetic or radiofrequency radiation’ AND ‘sperm or spermatozoa or spermatogenesis or semen or seminal plasma or testes or testis or testosterone or male reproduction’ had returned 526 articles. Only 17 studies conformed to pre-set inclusion criterion. Additional records identified through Google Scholar and reviewed article further revealed six eligible articles. A total of 23 articles were used for data extraction, including 15 studies on rats, three studies on mice, and five studies on human health. Sperm count, motility and DNA integrity were the most affected parameters when exposed to RF-EMR emitted by Wi-Fi transmitter. Unfortunately, sperm viability and morphology were inconclusive. Structural and/or physiological analyses of the testes showed degenerative changes, reduced testosterone level, increased apoptotic cells, and DNA damage. These effects were mainly due to the elevation of testicular temperature and oxidative stress activity. In conclusion, exposure towards 2.45 GHz RF-EMR emitted by Wi-Fi transmitter is hazardous on the male reproductive system.
Junichiro Irie Emi Inagaki Masataka Fujita Hideaki Nakaya Masanori Mitsuishi Shintaro Yamaguchi Kazuya Yamashita Shuhei Shigaki Takashi Ono Hideo Yukioka Hideyuki Okano Yo-ichi Nabeshima Shin-ichiro Imai Masato Yasui Kazuo Tsubota Hiroshi Itoh
The Japan Endocrine Society
Endocrine Journal (ISSN:09188959)
pp.EJ19-0313, (Released:2019-11-02)
8 115

Recent studies have revealed that decline in cellular nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) levels causes aging-related disorders and therapeutic approaches increasing cellular NAD+ prevent these disorders in animal models. The administration of nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) has been shown to mitigate aging-related dysfunctions. However, the safety of NMN in humans have remained unclear. We, therefore, conducted a clinical trial to investigate the safety of single NMN administration in 10 healthy men. A single-arm non-randomized intervention was conducted by single oral administration of 100, 250, and 500 mg NMN. Clinical findings and parameters, and the pharmacokinetics of NMN metabolites were investigated for 5 h after each intervention. Ophthalmic examination and sleep quality assessment were also conducted before and after the intervention. The single oral administrations of NMN did not cause any significant clinical symptoms or changes in heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, and body temperature. Laboratory analysis results did not show significant changes, except for increases in serum bilirubin levels and decreases in serum creatinine, chloride, and blood glucose levels within the normal ranges, independent of the dose of NMN. Results of ophthalmic examination and sleep quality score showed no differences before and after the intervention. Plasma concentrations of N-methyl-2-pyridone-5-carboxamide and N-methyl-4-pyridone-5-carboxamide were significantly increased dose-dependently by NMN administration. The single oral administration of NMN was safe and effectively metabolized in healthy men without causing any significant deleterious effects. Thus, the oral administration of NMN was found to be feasible, implicating a potential therapeutic strategy to mitigate aging-related disorders in humans.
Sanghwa Kim Seong-Ho Hong Choon-Keun Bong Myung-Haing Cho
The Japanese Society of Toxicology
The Journal of Toxicological Sciences (ISSN:03881350)
vol.40, no.5, pp.535-550, 2015-10-01 (Released:2015-09-10)
31 49

Air freshener could be one of the multiple sources that release volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the indoor environment. The use of these products may be associated with an increase in the measured level of terpene, such as xylene and other volatile air freshener components, including aldehydes, and esters. Air freshener is usually used indoors, and thus some compounds emitted from air freshener may have potentially harmful health impacts, including sensory irritation, respiratory symptoms, and dysfunction of the lungs. The constituents of air fresheners can react with ozone to produce secondary pollutants such as formaldehyde, secondary organic aerosol (SOA), oxidative product, and ultrafine particles. These pollutants then adversely affect human health, in many ways such as damage to the central nervous system, alteration of hormone levels, etc. In particular, the ultrafine particles may induce severe adverse effects on diverse organs, including the pulmonary and cardiovascular systems. Although the indoor use of air freshener is increasing, deleterious effects do not manifest for many years, making it difficult to identify air freshener-associated symptoms. In addition, risk assessment recognizes the association between air fresheners and adverse health effects, but the distinct causal relationship remains unclear. In this review, the emitted components of air freshener, including benzene, phthalate, and limonene, were described. Moreover, we focused on the health effects of these chemicals and secondary pollutants formed by the reaction with ozone. In conclusion, scientific guidelines on emission and exposure as well as risk characterization of air freshener need to be established.
福田 千紘 宮﨑 智彦 Lee Bo-Hyun
宝石学会(日本)講演会要旨 平成26年度 宝石学会(日本)講演論文要旨
pp.6, 2014 (Released:2014-10-01)

エチオピアからは 1994 年ごろにオパール の 産 出 が 報 告 さ れ て い る (KoivulaJ.I.,et al 1994).2008 年前半には Wollo地区において豊穣な鉱床がみつかり,多量のカット石が市場に供給されている(Rondeu.,et al 2010).また 2013年初め頃に原石のままでの輸出が禁止されたと報じられた(Addis Fortune Jan. 2013).これらは主に色調が無色∼白色から淡黄色∼褐色を呈し,半透明∼不透明まである.オーストラリア産オパールにみられる強い青白色の紫外線蛍光や燐光はほとんど認められず弱い青白色の蛍光が認められる.ほかの産地のオパールに比べて多孔質で日常の取り扱いで重量が変化しやすい個体が多く見受けられる. 2013年初めごろから暗黒色不透明なエチオピア産オパールとされるブラックオパールに似たオパールが流通し始めた.これらは売り手の情報によると処理を施してあり,酸と有機物を用いて黒色化しているとのことである.価格も処理を施されていない同産地のオパールよりも割高で明らかにブラックオパールを模して製造されていると推定される.外観はオーストラリア産ブラックオパールとは異なる独特の鮮やかな遊色とわずかに褐色を帯びた漆黒の地色を呈し,従来から知られている砂糖液処理やスモーク処理の処理オパールとも異なる.またあまり小さなカット石は存在せず数カラット以上の比較的大きく厚みのあるルースのみ存在する点も特徴的と思われる.透過光では暗赤色を呈する試料が多く,拡大検査にてスクラッチ状または斑点状の黒色の色だまりがみられる個体が多い.試料を切断したところ内部まで黒色で外形に沿った色の濃淡が認められた.これは内部まで処理の効果が及んでいることと原石のまま処理するのではなくカットして完成品に近い形状に仕上げた後に処理を施し表面を再研磨していることを示唆すると考えられる.色の起源に関してはアモルファスカーボンが原因との報告があり(Williams 2012),本研究でもアモルファスカーボンの存在を追認した. さらに今年に入ってから様々な色調に着色されたエチオピア産とされるオパールが流通し始めた.これらはファイアオパールに似せた黄色∼オレンジ色系のものと天然には存在しない地色が青色系,ピンク色系を確認した.これらは有色樹脂の含浸が疑われたが近赤外分光分析の結果,樹脂は検出されず色素を用いた着色処理であることが判明した. 本研究では黒色の処理オパールとそのほかの色の着色オパールの鑑別上の諸特徴を報告するとともに処理の再現実験の途中経過と暫定的な結果も報告する.
木村-黒田 純子 黒田 洋一郎
vol.45, pp.S5-2, 2018

<p>近年、自閉症、注意欠如多動症(ADHD)など発達障害が急増しており、社会問題となっている。従来、発達障害は遺伝要因が大きいと言われてきたが、膨大な遺伝子研究が行われた結果、遺伝要因よりも環境要因が大きいことが明らかとなってきた。環境要因は多様だが、なかでも農薬など環境化学物質の曝露が疑われている。2010年頃から、有機リン系農薬(OP)曝露がADHDなど発達障害のリスクを上げることを示す論文が多数発表された。2012年、米国小児科学会は"農薬曝露は子どもに発達障害,脳腫瘍などの健康被害を起こす"と公的に警告した(Pediatrics, 130)。OECDによれば、日本の農地単位面積当たりの農薬使用量は、世界でも極めて多い。殺虫剤では、世界で規制が強まっているOPの使用がいまだに多く、ネオニコチノイド系農薬(NEO)の使用量が急増している。国内の子ども(223名、2012-3年)の尿中にはOPの代謝物やNEOが極めて高率に検出され(Environ Res, 147, 2016)、日常的な慢性複合曝露影響が危惧されている。OPはアセチルコリン分解酵素を阻害し、NEOはニコチン性アセチルコリン受容体を介したシグナル毒性(J Toxicol Sci, 41, 2016)を示し、共にコリン作動系を障害する。コリン作動系は、中枢及び末梢の脳神経系で重要であり、特に発達期の脳でシナプス・神経回路形成を担っている。NEOはヒトには安全と謳われたが、哺乳類の脳発達に悪影響を及ぼす報告が蓄積してきている。我々のラット発達期小脳培養系では、短期曝露でニコチン様の興奮作用を起こし(Plos One, 7, 2012)、長期曝露で遺伝子発現を攪乱した(IJERPH, 13, 2016)。我々のデータと共に国内外の報告から、NEOの影響を中心に、コリン作動系を介した脳発達について考察する。</p>
Shingo Matsumoto Shunsuke Kuroda Takahide Sano Takeshi Kitai Taishi Yonetsu Shun Kohsaka Sho Torii Takuya Kishi Issei Komuro Ken-ichi Hirata Koichi Node Yuya Matsue
The Japanese Circulation Society
Circulation Journal (ISSN:13469843)
pp.CJ-21-0160, (Released:2021-04-29)

Background:This study investigated the effects of age on the outcomes of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and on cardiac biomarker profiles, especially in patients with cardiovascular diseases and/or risk factors (CVDRF).Methods and Results:A nationwide multicenter retrospective study included 1,518 patients with COVID-19. Of these patients, 693 with underlying CVDRF were analyzed; patients were divided into age groups (<55, 55–64, 65–79, and ≥80 years) and in-hospital mortality and age-specific clinical and cardiac biomarker profiles on admission evaluated. Overall, the mean age of patients was 68 years, 449 (64.8%) were male, and 693 (45.7%) had underlying CVDRF. Elderly (≥80 years) patients had a significantly higher risk of in-hospital mortality regardless of concomitant CVDRF than younger patients (P<0.001). Typical characteristics related to COVID-19, including symptoms and abnormal findings on baseline chest X-ray and computed tomography scans, were significantly less prevalent in the elderly group than in the younger groups. However, a significantly (P<0.001) higher proportion of elderly patients were positive for cardiac troponin (cTn), and B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) and N-terminal pro BNP (NT-proBNP) levels on admission were significantly higher among elderly than younger patients (P<0.001 and P=0.001, respectively).Conclusions:Elderly patients with COVID-19 had a higher risk of mortality during the hospital course, regardless of their history of CVDRF, were more likely to be cTn positive, and had significantly higher BNP/NT-proBNP levels than younger patients.
ITO Kosuke WU Chun-Chieh CHAN Kelvin T. F. TOUMI Ralf DAVIS Chris
Meteorological Society of Japan
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
pp.2020-001, (Released:2019-10-08)

While the fundamental understanding of the movement of a tropical cyclone (TC) is fairly mature, there are still notable advancements being made. This paper summarizes new concepts and updates on existing fundamental theories on TC movement obtained from simplified barotropic models, full-physics models, and data analysis particularly since 2014. It includes the recent works on the interaction of the TC with its environment and the fundamental aspects of predictability related to TC movement. The conventional concepts of the steering flow, β-gyre, and diabatic heating remain important. Yet, a more complete understanding of mechanisms governing TC movement serves as an important basis toward the further improvement of track forecasts.
Moayad Al-subahi Mohamed Alayat Mansour Abdullah Alshehri Omar Helal Hammad Alhasan Ahmed Alalawi Abdullah Takrouni Ali Alfaqeh
The Society of Physical Therapy Science
Journal of Physical Therapy Science (ISSN:09155287)
vol.29, no.9, pp.1689-1694, 2017 (Released:2017-09-15)

[Purpose] The aim of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of physical therapy interventions in the treatment of sacroiliac joint dysfunction (SIJD). [Subjects and Methods] MEDLINE, PUBMED, CINAHL, AMED, PEDro, and CIRRIE databases were searched and only relevant data from studies that matched the inclusion criteria were included. CASP tools for critical appraisal were used to assess the quality of studies included. [Results] Nine articles met the inclusion criteria, of which, three examined the effect of exercise on SIJD, three used kinesio tape and four studies examined the effect of manipulation. Various outcomes were used including the visual analogue pain scale (VAS), Oswestry disability questionnaire (ODQ), numerical pain rating scale (NPRS) and pelvic position measurement (PALM, pelvimeter and photogrammetry). The quality of included studies ranged from low to average as the CASP tools revealed several limitations that affect the validity of the studies. The results showed that physiotherapy interventions are effective in reducing pain and disability associated with SIJD, with manipulation being the most effective approach and most commonly used within physical therapy clinics. [Conclusion] Manipulation, exercise and kinesio tape are effective in the treatment of pain, disability and pelvic asymmetry in SIJD.
Meteorological Society of Japan
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
pp.2021-015, (Released:2020-12-04)

Methane (CH4) is an important greenhouse gas and plays a significant role in tropospheric and stratospheric chemistry. Despite the relevance of methane (CH4) in human-induced climate change and air pollution chemistry, there is no scientific consensus on the causes of changes in its growth rates and variability over the past three decades. We use a well-validated chemistry-transport model for simulating CH4 concentration and estimation of regional CH4 emissions by inverse modelling for the period of 1988-2016. The control simulations are performed using a seasonally varying hydroxyl (OH) concentrations and assumed no interannual variability. Using inverse modelling of atmospheric observations, emission inventories, a wetland model, and a δ13C-CH4 box model, we show that reductions in emissions from Europe and Russia since 1988, particularly from oil-gas exploitation and enteric fermentation, led to decreased CH4 growth rates in the 1990s. This period was followed by a quasi-stationary state of CH4 in the atmosphere during the early 2000s. CH4 resumed growth from 2007, which we attribute to increases in emissions from coal mining mainly in China and intensification of ruminant farming in tropical regions. A sensitivity simulation using interannually varying OH shows that regional emission estimates by inversion are unaffected for the mid- and high latitude areas. We show that meridional shift in CH4 emissions toward the lower latitudes and the increase in CH4 loss by hydroxyl (OH) over the tropics finely balance out, which keep the CH4 gradients between the southern hemispheric tropical and polar sites relatively unchanged during 1988-2016. The latitudinal emissions shift is confirmed using the global distributions of the total column CH4 observations by satellite remote sensing. There is no evidence of emission enhancement due to climate warming, including the boreal regions, during our analysis period. These findings highlight key sectors for effective emission reduction strategies toward climate change mitigation.
揚妻-柳原 芳美
哺乳類科学 (ISSN:0385437X)
vol.44, no.2, pp.147-160, 2004 (Released:2008-03-05)

愛知県犬山市および岐阜県可児市を中心に分布しているアライグマ(Procyon loter)の導入から定着,分布拡大までの過程を,新聞記事や聞き取り情報などから分析した.その結果,1962年に犬山市で起きた日本モンキーセンターからのアライグマ12頭の脱走,1982年可児市でのアライグマ約40頭の放逐などが,この地域にアライグマを定着させた要因と考えられた.また,アライグマの分布が急速に拡大したのはゴルフ場や道路建設および宅地開発が影響していることが示唆された.その後,アライグマは愛知·岐阜県境に広がる丘陵地を中心に定着し,徐々に南東へと分布域を拡大してきたと考えられる.野生化アライグマの問題点は様々に指摘されているが,本稿ではその対策のあり方についても検討を加えた.
諫田 泰成 中村 和昭 山崎 大樹 片岡 健 青井 貴之 中川 誠人 藤井 万紀子 阿久津 英憲 末盛 博文 浅香 勲 中村 幸夫 小島 肇 関野 祐子 古江-楠田 美保
組織培養研究 (ISSN:09123636)
vol.36, no.2, pp.13-19, 2017 (Released:2017-05-24)

近年、細胞培養に関連する技術の急速な開発に伴い、創薬研究、再生医療への応用など、細胞培養が貢献する分野が拡大している。欧米では細胞培養の再現性、信頼性、的確性を確保するうえで、細胞培養の基本概念を研究者・実験者間で共有することの重大性が認識され、Good Cell Culture Practice(GCCP)を作成することにより、細胞培養技術を一定の水準に維持する努力がなされている。我が国の研究者・実験者においても、細胞培養における基本概念を共有すべきと考え、「細胞培養における基本原則」案を作成した。本基本原則案は、培養細胞の脆弱性、入手先の信頼性と使用方法の妥当性、汚染防止、適切な管理と記録、作業者の安全と環境への配慮、の5条項から構成されている。この基本原則の概念が細胞培養を行うすべての研究者・実験者により共有され、日本の細胞培養技術が上進し、細胞培養技術を用いた研究の信頼性が向上することを期待する。
Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Series B (ISSN:03862208)
vol.90, no.9, pp.347-352, 2014-11-11 (Released:2014-11-11)
1 15

The Japanese Archipelago is characterized by active volcanism with variable eruption styles. The magnitude (M)-frequency relationships of catastrophic caldera-forming eruptions (M ≥ 7) are statistically different from those of smaller eruptions (M ≤ 5.7), suggesting that different mechanisms control these eruptions. We also find that volcanoes prone to catastrophic eruptions are located in regions of low crustal strain rate (<0.5 × 108/y) and propose, as one possible mechanism, that the viscous silicic melts that cause such eruptions can be readily segregated from the partially molten lower crust and form a large magma reservoir in such a tectonic regime. Finally we show that there is a ∼1% probability of a catastrophic eruption in the next 100 years based on the eruption records for the last 120 ky. More than 110 million people live in an area at risk of being covered by tephra >20 cm thick, which would severely disrupt every day life, from such an eruption on Kyushu Island, SW Japan.
Fumie Nishizaki Mai Shimbo Noriko Fukue Chisa Matsumoto Satsuki Noma Satoko Ohno-Urabe Chizuko A. Kamiya Sachiko Kanki Tomomi Ide Hideo Izawa Tatsunori Taniguchi Atsuko Nakayama Yoshio Kobayashi
The Japanese Circulation Society
Circulation Journal (ISSN:13469843)
pp.CJ-23-0063, (Released:2023-06-28)

Background: Equality in training opportunities, studying abroad, and satisfaction with work are not well investigated among Japanese cardiologists.Methods and Results: We studied cardiologists’ career development using a questionnaire that was emailed to 14,798 cardiologists belonging to the Japanese Circulation Society (JCS) in September 2022. Feelings regarding equality in training opportunities, preferences for studying abroad, and satisfaction with work were evaluated with regard to cardiologists’ age, sex, and other confounding factors. Survey responses were obtained from 2,566 cardiologists (17.3%). The mean (±SD) age of female (n=624) and male (n=1,942) cardiologists who responded to the survey was 45.6±9.5 and 50.0±10.6 years, respectively. Inequality in training opportunities was felt more by female than male cardiologists (44.1% vs. 33.9%) and by younger (<45 years old) than older (≥45 years old) (42.0% vs. 32.8%). Female cardiologists were less likely to prefer studying abroad (53.7% vs. 59.9%) and less satisfied with their work (71.3% vs. 80.8%) than male cardiologists. Increased feelings of inequality and lower work satisfaction were investigated among cardiologists who were young, had family care duties, and had no mentors. In the subanalysis, significant regional differences were found in cardiologists’ career development in Japan.Conclusions: Female and younger cardiologists felt greater inequality in career development than male and older cardiologists. A diverse workplace may prompt equality in training opportunities and work satisfaction for both female and male cardiologists.
バトオチル バルジンニャム Bat-Ochir BALJINNYAM
総合研究大学院大学文化科学研究科 / 葉山町(神奈川県)
総研大文化科学研究 = SOKENDAI Review of Cultural and Social Studies (ISSN:1883096X)
no.18, pp.(1)182-(15)168, 2022-03-31

本稿は、モンゴル国ウブルハンガイ県ハラホリン郡で行った聞き取り調査をもとに社会主義期モンゴルにおいてノルマを達成するため、牧民同士で相互的に行われていた「家畜泥棒」を互奪性という概念を用いてその実態を明らかにすることを目的とする。「家畜泥棒」とは、文字通り、他者の家畜を盗み、それを自分のものとして所有をすることである。しかし、遊牧民同士での相互的に取り合うという不思議な現象が存在する。モンゴル高原では社会的な役割を持つ「家畜泥棒」が記録されているのは、筆者の知る限り、清朝支配の末期の頃である。この時期、富裕な王侯貴族と漢族の商人に借金を負う遊牧民との間に貧富の格差が広がってきた。そんな中、貴族や金持ちの家畜を盗み、もっと貧しい人々に分配する「シリーン・サイン・エル(平原の良き男)」という義賊たちが生まれたのである。モンゴルにおいて特徴的なのは、比較的平等社会であった社会主義期においても「義賊」が存在したという点である。本稿では、牧畜共同組合の成員たちが家畜の生産頭数のノルマを達成できなかったとき、「サイン・エル(良き男)」と呼ばれる義賊に家畜を盗んできてもらうよう依頼していたことを報告すると同時にその「意義」について考察するものとする。当時のモンゴル人民共和国の計画経済政策により牧畜協同組合(ネグデル)や国営農場(サンギーン・アジ・アホイ)に設定された計画「ノルマ」を達成するため、地方の人々は必死に働くことになった。しかし、その一方で家畜は「生きた財産/生産手段」であるので、季節によってはガン(干害)やゾド(寒害)が起こると家畜が大量死する。そんなときネグデルの家畜を放牧する牧民たちは、何とかしてノルマを達成させるために「家畜泥棒」に他の地域から盗むことを依頼するわけである。こうした社会主義時代の家畜泥棒は、「サイン・エル(良い男)」と呼ばれた。つまり、モンゴル人民共和国では「盗まれた家畜(馬)が操作可能な資源としてインフォーマルな社会関係の源泉のひとつとなっていた」ということである。そして、こうした家畜を盗む人が、人々からサイン・エル、すなわち「良い男」として肯定的に評価されてきたことから判断するに、非公式な形ではあるが、モンゴルの地方の牧民が「家畜泥棒」互奪性によって、ノルマ達成の重圧から救われてきたということである。This article discuss about livestock theft from a viewpoint of the exchange concept in social and cultural anthropology. Research work was conducted based on materials obtained from fieldwork in Kharkhorin Soum, Övörkhangai Province in central Mongolia. One of the purpose of this research is to explore whether livestock theft in the name of the exchange concept existed in Mongolian nomadic pastoral culture for an extended period as a cultural practice or it has taken place as a social phenomenon. Livestock theft is now considered to be a social issue that is usually dealt with through law enforcement. However, in this study, I would like to describe it as a normal social occurrence based on traditional nomadic culture.Now a problem for herders, livestock theft was previously an exchange phenomenon in nature. It has been proved by the facts and fieldwork analysis of the livestock theft process and the theory of exchange.Caroline Humphrey and David Sneath mentioned that “The surplus that is not recovered for reproduction in the mandatory delivery plan (quota) was called “manipulable resources”. By the time there is no “market” in socialist society, such a system of exchanging surplus goods was expressed as the number of inventories, not money. The surplus was a good that could be used as a tool for political negotiations. Humphrey argues that these “manipulable resources” were the source of informal social relations under the socialist regime”. It is undeniable that such transactions may have existed in the pastoral cooperative (Negdel), which corresponds to the Kolkhoz in Mongolia, and the state-owned farm (Sangiin Aj Akhui), which corresponds to the Sovkhoz. On the other hand, what kind of measures were taken when the pastoralists who made up the general Negdel who were not executives could not achieve the quota? Perhaps it was the existence of a thief called “Sain er” who responded to that.From the information obtained in this study, it can be said that in the Mongolian People’s Republic, livestock theft and exchange (of horses) were sources of informal social relations built through manipulable resources. Judging from the fact that those who stole livestock in the context, from a community at the request of another community, were positively evaluated by local people as “Sain er,” that is, a “good man,” in the Mongolian rural pastoral communities, it can be said that theft with “reciprocity” shows that the local people were saved, informally though, from the pressure of achieving quotas.Livestock theft involves many kinds of social and cultural contexts, and therefore, it was allowed as a necessary factor in nomadic pastoralism in the daily process of nomadic people, but under modern laws, it is recognized as “theft” by people today.
ロベール ジャン-ノエル
pp.1-120, 2001-11-15

会議名: 日文研フォーラム, 開催地: 国際交流基金 京都支部, 会期: 1999年10月12日, 主催者: 国際日本文化研究センター
Ming-Chih Huang Nobuhiro Saito Michitaka Shimomura
Carcinological Society of Japan
Crustacean Research (ISSN:02873478)
vol.47, pp.43-53, 2018-06-30 (Released:2018-06-30)

Holophryxus fusiformis Shiino, 1937, a species of dajid isopod that attaches to the carapace of sakura shrimp, Lucensosergia lucens (Hansen, 1922), is reported from the sea of Taiwan for the first time. This species was first described as infesting Prehensilosergia prehensilis (Bate, 1881) from Kanbara, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan. The current finding represents the second occurrence of H. fusiformis and identifies a new host. Approximately 1% of the sakura shrimps in Yilan, Taiwan are infected by H. fusiformis. Holophryxus fusiformis has been found offshore from both Yilan, Taiwan and Nagasaki and in Suruga Bay, Japan; thus, the distribution of the parasite possibly follows the Kuroshio Current. When large quantities of parasites occur in the sea of Taiwan, the parasites are likely to flow into the Japanese waters along with the Kuroshio Current, subsequently influencing the production of the Japanese sakura shrimps. The establishment of a monitoring program for infection of the dajid in sakura shrimps between Taiwan and Japan is recommended. This study provides additional information on this species, including a new host, distribution, redescription, infection rate, and morphological variation.
Anthropological Science (ISSN:09187960)
pp.140827, (Released:2014-11-18)
4 9

The Early Pleistocene human fossil remains recovered from the TD6 lithostratigraphic unit of the Gran Dolina cave site in the Sierra de Atapuerca, northern Spain, show a mosaic of primitive and derived features. Among the latter, the modern human-like midfacial topography, as well as several synapomorphies shared with some European Middle Pleistocene hominin and Neanderthals, represents a challenge for the phylogenetic interpretation of Homo antecessor. Using an ontogenetic approach of the maxilla ATD6-69, Freidline et al. (Journal of Human Evolution, 65: 404–423 (2013)) have confirmed previous observations that H. antecessor adults had a set of facial features characterizing H. sapiens. However, Freidline and collaborators proposed that the evolution of modern-looking facial morphology occurred independently in Africa, Asia, and Europe and at several times during the Early and the Middle Pleistocene. Following their line of reasoning, the presence in H. antecessor of some features shared with the European Middle Pleistocene hominins and the Neanderthal lineage could also be interpreted as convergences. However, instead of supposing multiple, parallel evolution, we suggest that a more parsimonious interpretation envisages the hypothetical existence of an Early Pleistocene hominin population, from which several hominin lineages originate and inherit particular combinations of derived features. The TD6 hominins probably represent a side branch of this cladogenetic event, which evolved in Western Europe.