大類 孝

橋本 達一郎
結核 (ISSN:00229776)
vol.62, no.2, pp.51-60, 1987-02-15 (Released:2011-05-24)

BCG vaccination against tuberculosis has been carried out for more than half century since the birth of BCG vaccine. The progress and problems of BCG vaccination in the world were briefly reviewed here in two aspects, protective effectiveness and complications, especially during recent 10 years.1. General status of BCG vaccination todayIn most countries, intradermal injection with freeze-dried BCG vaccine is being performed in young children, particularly new-borns and infants in developing countries. Percutaneous BCG vaccination, now being conducted in a few countries, has less complications but varied effectiveness. The BCG strain, dosage and viability of the vaccine have carefully been selected in each country, especially for young children, as these factors were found to be closely related to the effectiveness and complications of the BCG vaccination.2. Effectiveness of BCG vaccinationIt is surprising that the efficacy of BCG vaccination has extensively been disputed up to the present, because the most reliable controlled trials carried out since 1930, had shown very much disparate results of protective effectiveness from none to some 80 %. A well-designed large-scale controlled trial with the secured freeze-dried BCG vaccine was carried out recently in South Indian in order to verify the efficacy of BCG vaccination. However, the South Indian trial gave no protection against bacillary pulmonary tuberculosis in children and young adult throughout 15 years of follow up.Explanations and hypothesis have been proposed so far for the unexpected results of the South Indian trial, and vaccine dose (viability), infectious with atypical mycobacteria and weak pathogenicity of infectious tubercle bacilli in local area were taken up for the possible causes. Although until present any hypothesis has not yet been confirmed, it can be said that the BCG vaccination may not always be effective in some area of the world.As the South Indian trial gave no direct information on the efficacy of BCG vaccine in child hood type tuberculosis, a policy to continue BCG vaccinaion in young children was recommended. Also a number of the retrospective studies had shown the protective effect of BCG vaccine against childhood tuberculosis. However, the controlled BCG trial in infants was desired in the future and recently the case-control study in children was carried out to prove the efficacy of BCG vaccination in tuberculosis contacts.3. The complications of BCG vaccinationThe BCG vaccine should be highly effective with less complications. However, the stronger the BCG strain used the more the complications in terms of the suppurative lymphadenitis in young children, as shown in the comparison of vaccine strains between French and J apanese in the field study. As a result, the vaccine of stronger strain which may be more immunogenic, had to be adjusted in the dosage to expect acceptable complications.More serious complications such as disseminated BCG infectious had never been systematically determined on a world-wide scale. On behalf of IUAT, A. Lotte et al had the first time systematically calculated the incidence of serious complications of BCG vaccinaion on a world scale. The number of disseminated BCG infectious (non-fatal and fatal) and post-BCG diseases were disclosed in the comprehensive study. Although the incidence of the serious BCG complications was extremely low, this survey is very useful for decision of BCG vaccination policy in the future along with the protective effectiveness of BCG vaccination in the area.
山内 勇人 河野 恵 大西 誠
環境感染 (ISSN:09183337)
vol.21, no.2, pp.81-86, 2006-06-20

インフルエンザウィルス感染症は, 病床運営や患者生命にも関わる重篤な院内感染症の一つである. 当院は240床中80%がリウマチ性疾患, 中でも関節リウマチ (RA) が大多数を占めるRAの専門病院である. 2002年度の全国的なインフルエンザの大流行時に, 当院でもインフルエンザ患者が急増した. その主たる原因をエレベーター内での飛沫感染と考え, 入院患者, 職員, 外来患者や面会人を含む病院全体での厳格なサージカルマスク着用による飛沫予防策を緊急導入し, アウトブレークを途絶することに成功した. その経験から, 当院ではワクチン接種の推進に加え, 冬期のサージカルマスク対策を継続して行っている. 更には, 外来有熱患者の受付でのトリアージを2004年度より導入し, 飛沫予防策の強化を図っている. その結果, 入院患者でのインフルエンザ発生は, 2003年度0人, 2004年度は3人と良好な結果である.<BR>当院のようなハイリスク集団におけるインフルエンザの院内感染対策において, ワクチン接種の重要性は言うまでもないが, 病院全体での厳格な飛沫予防策の併用は極めて有用である可能性が示唆された.
木場 貴俊
日本研究 = NIHON KENKYŪ (ISSN:24343110)
vol.60, pp.159-192, 2020-03-31

狩野派で主に描かれてきた、化物の名称と容姿を個別に並べた「化物尽くし絵巻」と総称される絵巻(狩野派系統本)は、江戸文化特有の作品である。その系譜上に位置付けられる、国際日本文化研究センター所蔵『諸国妖怪図巻』(長岡多門作、18 世紀以降 以下、日文研本)は、詞書(ことばがき)がある狩野派系統本として珍しい作品である。本論は、『諸国妖怪図巻』とそれと関係する詞書がある二巻の絵巻、作者不明『化物尽くし絵巻』(國松良康氏所蔵、18 世紀以降 以下、國松本)と作者不明『怪奇談絵詞』(福岡市博物館所蔵、江戸末期~明治時代)を比較することで、各絵巻の特徴や関連性を考察したものである。
KATO Teruyuki
Meteorological Society of Japan
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
pp.2020-029, (Released:2020-03-24)

In Japan, localized heavy rainfall events producing accumulated three-hour precipitation amounts larger than 200 mm are often observed to cause severe landslides and floods. Such events are mainly brought by quasi-stationary band-shaped precipitation systems, named “senjo-kousuitai” in Japanese. Senjo-kousuitai is defined as a band-shaped heavy rainfall area with a length of 50-300 km and a width of 20-50 km, produced by successively formed and developed convective cells, lining up to organize multi-cell clusters, and passing or stagnating at almost the same place for a few hours. The formation processes of senjo-kousuitai are categorized mainly into two types; the broken line type in which convective cells simultaneously form on a quasi-stationary local front by the inflow of warm and humid air, and the back building type in which new convective cells successively forming on the upstream side of low-level winds linearly organize with pre-existing cells. In this study, previous studies of band-shaped precipitation systems are reviewed, and the numerical reproducibility of senjo-kousuitai events and the favorable conditions for their occurrence are examined. In a case of Hiroshima heavy rainfall observed in western Japan on 20 August 2014, the reproduction of the senjo-kousuitai requires a horizontal resolution of at least 2 km, which is sufficient to roughly resolve the formation and development processes of convective cells, while a resolution of 250-500 m is necessary to accurately reproduce their inner core structures. The 2-km model quantitatively reproduced the Hiroshima case when initial conditions 10 hours before the event were used, but the predicted amounts of maximum accumulated precipitation were considerably reduced as the initial time became closer to the occurrence time of the senjo-kousuitai. This reduction was brought from the excessive inflow of low-level dry air that shifted occurrence areas of new multi-cell clusters.  Six favorable occurrence conditions of senjo-kousuitai events for their diagnostic forecasts were statistically constructed from environmental atmospheric fields in previous localized heavy rainfall events. Two conditions of (1) large water vapor flux amounts (> 150 g m−2 s−1) and (2) short distances to the level of free convection (< 1000 m) were chosen representatively for the low-level water vapor field that is judged based on 500-m height data. Four other favorable conditions are selected; (3) high relative humidity at midlevels (> 60 % at 500 hPa and 700 hPa), (4) large vertical shear estimated from the storm relative environmental helicity (> 100 m2 s−2), (5) synoptic-scale ascending areas (400 km mean field at 700 hPa), and (6) the exclusion of warm air advection frequently appearing at 700-850 hPa and inhibiting the development of convection (i.e., an equilibrium level > 3000 m).
大類 孝 中山 勝敏 福島 健泰 千葉 大 佐々木 英忠
一般社団法人 日本老年医学会
日本老年医学会雑誌 (ISSN:03009173)
vol.42, no.1, pp.34-36, 2005-01-25 (Released:2011-03-02)
1 63

呼吸器感染症の中で肺炎は, 抗菌剤の開発がめざましい今日においても, 日本での疾患別死亡率の第4位を占めている. また, 肺炎による死亡者を年齢別に見ると, 65歳以上の高齢者が全体に占める割合は約9割と極めて高い. 近年, 高齢者の肺炎は複雑化し難治例が増加しつつあるといわれる. その背景には高齢化社会を迎え, さまざまな基礎疾患を抱えた易感染状態の患者が増加している点や, 加齢に伴う免疫能の低下によって弱毒性の病原微生物によっても肺炎を発症しうる点などが挙げられる. よって, 高齢者特に寝たきり高齢者の免疫状態を把握し, ワクチン等を用いて免疫を賦活化させ感染防御能を高める方法は, 高齢者の感染症, 特に肺炎の予防に有効ではないかと考えられる. 本シンポジウムで, 私は, 初めに寝たきり高齢者の免疫能について言及し, さらにこれらの対象者におけるインフルエンザワクチン, 肺炎球菌ワクチンおよびBCGワクチンの効果について解説する.
Chamberlain Basil Hall
B. Meiklejohn and Co., Yokohama : Japan
pp.1-369, 1882

小泉八雲(ラフカディオ・ハーン Lafcadio Hearn)の旧蔵書。ヘルン文庫配架番号[932], 本文:w140 x h225mm, 扉前の折り込み地図(The world as known to the Japanse of the mythical era):w235 x h225mm,表見返しに"Lafcadio Hearn, Yokohama, 1890"のサイン,その他裏見返しを含めた書き込み多数,扉に「へるん」の変体仮名の蔵書印。扉に"Supplement to Vol. X."とあり,中扉に"Read before the Asiatic Society of Japan April 12th, May 10th, adn June 21st, 1882."とあり,『日本アジア協会紀要』の第10巻別冊として1882年に刊行されたもの。また,表見返しのサインから,ハーンは,来日後の1890年に横浜で買い求めたものと思われる。
増井 啓太 浦 光博
心理学評論 (ISSN:03861058)
vol.61, no.3, pp.330-343, 2018 (Released:2020-01-18)

The Dark Triad (DT) is a constellation of three dark personality dimensions, which includes Machiavellianism, psychopathy, and narcissism. It may be that these three personality traits are conceptually distinct; however, they have overlapping features such as callousness and interpersonal manipulation. The DT is characteristic of a maladaptive personality. Previous studies have revealed a positive relationship between DT and socially deviant behaviors and hostile interpersonal cognition. However, individuals with high DT scores are not always self-centered, but show altruistic and prosocial responses in certain situations. In this article, we have introduced the adaptive strategies of people with dark personalities. We then reviewed the associations between DT, social success, attractiveness, and building relationships with other people. Finally, we summarized the significance of adaptive strategies used by people with dark personalities.
関谷 直也
一般社団法人 情報科学技術協会
情報の科学と技術 (ISSN:09133801)
vol.62, no.9, pp.372-377, 2012-09-01 (Released:2017-04-18)
