新岡 昌幸
北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要 (ISSN:18821669)
vol.130, pp.133-149, 2018-03-30

山崎 晃男
大阪樟蔭女子大学人間科学研究紀要 (ISSN:13471287)
vol.8, pp.221-232, 2009-01-31

高橋 竜太郎 池田 心
情報処理学会研究報告. GI, 研究報告ゲーム情報学 (ISSN:21888736)
vol.2018-GI-39, no.10, pp.1-7, 2018-02-23

将棋や囲碁,麻雀など多くのゲームでコンピュータプログラムが十分強くなり,より複雑なゲームやより高次な目的に関心が移りつつある.「ぷよぷよ」 は二十年以上遊ばれる人気の落ちものパズルゲームであるが,これも近年十分強いコンピュータプログラムの作成が達成された.本研究では,“連鎖構成” というこのゲームの中心的課題の一つに着目し,連鎖構成を身につけられれば楽しめる一方でこれができずに上達を諦めてしまう人が多い現状を解決したいと考える.そのためには,連鎖構成に特化した問題群,いわゆる 「なぞぷよ」 「詰めぷよ」 を沢山与えることが有効であると考える.人手により多くの良い問題が作成公開されているが,プレイヤごとの技術レベルや嗜好に合わせた問題が自動で無数に作成できれば,ぷよぷよを続ける人が増えることが期待できる.我々は,ランダム生成検査方式と,逆向き生成方式の二つのなぞぷよ作成法を試みる.さらに,作成された問題の 「難しさ」 「面白さ」 「役立ち度」 などを推測する関数を機械学習によって構成することを試みる.これらにより,プレイヤのレべルや好みにあった問題だけを提示するシステムを提案する.
木村 優里
一般社団法人 日本科学教育学会
科学教育研究 (ISSN:03864553)
vol.41, no.4, pp.398-415, 2017

<p>In science education research so far, a kind of dichotomy between science experts and the lay public has often been popularly presupposed, and little attention has been paid to those in between, who continue to engage in scientific practices after finishing their schooling as non-professional scientists. They can be called 'amateur scientists', and are the target of this study. The purpose of this study is to explore possible or probable factors (internal motivation and socio-cultural contexts) by which amateur scientists can continue to commit themselves to their scientific practices, and generate a hypothetical model of these factors and their interrelationships. In order to tackle this issue, investigations were made to identify the motivations of amateur scientists and the socio-cultural factors around them through a semi-structured interview (using the Modified-Grounded Theory Approach). A hypothetical model was then generated, explaining the reasons why these amateur scientists could continue to devote themselves to their favorite scientific practices.</p>
Yujiro Kameyama Maki Matsuhama Chie Mizumaru Rieko Saito Tsuyoshi Ando Seiko Miyazaki
The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin (ISSN:00092363)
vol.67, no.12, pp.1301-1313, 2019-12-01 (Released:2019-12-01)

A pharmacopoeia’s core mission is to protect public health by creating and making available public standards to help ensure the quality of drugs. In recent years, pharmacopoeias around the world have harmonized their standards in the present context of globalized drug supply chains and markets. For example, the Pharmacopoeial Discussion Group has worked to harmonize excipient monographs and general chapters. In addition, the International Meeting of World Pharmacopoeias has been held by the WHO to discuss information exchange and international collaboration, among other topics. To contribute further to the protection of public health in the globalized drug market, we conducted a comparative study of the pharmacopoeias in Japan, Europe, and the United States. We aimed to examine current differences among the Japanese Pharmacopoeia, the European Pharmacopoeia, and the United States Pharmacopeia–National Formulary and to identify areas that require further collaboration among the three pharmacopoeias. In this study, we analyzed monographs and general chapters listed in the three pharmacopoeias. We identified the features of the monographs and general chapters listed in each pharmacopoeia, as well as differences across the pharmacopoeias. Moreover, on the basis of our findings, we suggest standards that require further collaboration among the pharmacopoeias in certain preferred areas. The comparison data produced by this study are expected to be used to develop strategies for future revisions of pharmacopoeias around the world.
荒川 薫
一般社団法人 電子情報通信学会
電子情報通信学会 基礎・境界ソサイエティ Fundamentals Review (ISSN:18820875)
vol.1, no.2, pp.2_21-2_25, 2007-10-01 (Released:2011-03-01)

乳幼児は様々な状況下で泣き声を発するが,泣き声の音響上の特徴及び,各状況下において泣き声の定量的性質がどのように違うかを明らかにする研究が,種々行われてきた.本解説では,これらについて紹介する.このような研究には,単に,泣き声の定量的性質や,各状況下での統計的性質の違いを明らかにするものから,その啼泣原因を推定するルールベースシステムを提案するものまでが存在する.また,月齢によってもその定量的性質に違いがあり,新生児のみ対象とした研究や,月齢2 か月~ 6 か月,あるいは月齢12 か月までの高月齢児を対象とした研究がなされている.定量的性質としては,その周波数分布に着目するものが多いが,他に,泣き声の持続時間やその間隔に着目して乳児の状態を分類しようとする方法も提案されている.
酒井 啓子
一般財団法人 日本国際政治学会
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.2017, no.189, pp.189_17-189_32, 2017-10-23 (Released:2018-12-19)

In order to analyse contemporary global crises, it is necessary for scholars of International Relations and Area Studies to overcome two limitations: Area Studies’ tendency to focus only on the substance of certain states or areas and the state-centric understanding of International Relations. Contemporary conflicts and faultlines that intermingle and interlock from the local level to the global level cannot be explained simply by unilineal causal relations among the existing actors but rather are complicated by their reciprocal interaction. In order to grasp the widespread networks of co-relationship among various actors, a new analytical framework should be introduced which frames current affairs as the product of a web of interconnections, and as a result of the transformation of those relationships, rather than on the actors’ essential qualities.As a case study of the above new framework, this paper analyses sectarian “faultlines” in post-war Iraq. Since 2003, violent clashes have occurred in Iraq, which Western media and policy-makers considered to be “sectarian conflicts.” As most of the Western policy-makers assume an essentialist understanding of sectarian relations in Iraq, they consider the sectarian factor as an explanatory and independent valuable. However, in order to propose an alternative approach to the perception of sectarian groups as cohesive actors, this paper avoids substantial “sectarian factors” for explanations of conflict in post-2003 Iraq, and focuses instead on the transformation of the various kinds of relationships that led to political and social strife. It sees how sectarian factors emerge as a result of mobilisation of rhetoric and legitimisation of fighting parties.This paper analyses media narratives in Iraq and surrounding states. It discloses that pro-government Iraqi media and Iranian media consider IS as inhuman terrorists while Arab and Turkish media as a reflection of anti-government ideology and sentiments in Iraqi society. In the regional power struggle between Iran, Saudi Arabia and Turkey, each media, domestic or regional, focuses on the victimhood of their side, and a sectarian narrative further legitimatises the appeal of the victims for their rights. For each side it is not “us” but “others” that discriminate us and exclude us from the Iraqi nation or from the religion of Islam; each side uses sectarian terms to demonise the others, with each insisting that it is “us” who pursue the unity of the community. This paper concludes that the conflicts in post-war Iraq are caused by the competition among the fighting actors over the right to claim the injustice of marginalisation, which often relies on sectarian legitimisation.
東中 竜一郎 杉山 弘晃 成松 宏美 磯崎 秀樹 菊井 玄一郎 堂坂 浩二 平 博順 南 泰浩 大和 淳司
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 第31回全国大会(2017)
pp.2H21, 2017 (Released:2018-07-30)


13 0 0 0 OA 神まうで

鉄道省 [編]
淺野 玄
日本野生動物医学会誌 (ISSN:13426133)
vol.21, no.4, pp.111-113, 2016-12-22 (Released:2017-06-09)

金子 周司
日本法科学技術学会誌 (ISSN:18801323)
vol.22, no.2, pp.49-59, 2017 (Released:2017-07-27)

From 2012 to 2014 in Japan, a total of 214 cases of motor vehicle collisions were attributed to the use of illegal drugs by drivers. In 93 out of 96 investigated cases, the causative agents were 22 kinds of synthetic cannabinoids (SCs). Those SCs can be grouped into three groups according to the timeline of use and their chemical structures. The first generation SC naphtoyl indole derivatives, such as MAM-2201, were used in 2012 and disappeared by governmental overall regulations in Spring, 2013. Instead, quinolinyl ester indoles (second generation SC, such as 5F-PB-22) and indazole carboxamides (third generation SC, such as 5F-AB-PINACA) appeared thereafter with much stronger potencies. An outbreak of SC occurred in Summer, 2014 with one of the strongest SCs, 5F-ADB. The common signs observed in the SC-abused drivers are impaired consciousness, anterograde amnesia, catalepsy with muscle rigidity, tachycardia, and vomiting or drooling. Since the third generation SCs are extremely potent CB1 agonists (only a small amount is required) and instable in blood, it is very difficult to detect SCs in biological samples. Actually, only in one third of the cases, SC could be detected in blood or urine.
上杉 和彦
史學雜誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.99, no.11, pp.1855-1877, 1970-1971, 1990-11-20

The Kamakura Bakufu from its inception carried out and tried to maintain three fundamental policies concerning its house vassals (gokenin): 1)the prohibition on unlimited official appointments; 2)an emphasis on the jogo 成功 insitution of selling official appointments; and 3)a commitment to continued service in the capital after appointments were made. However, the above three measures should not be regarded as a policy inherent only to the Bakufu, but rather as common to all the bureaucratic institutions urider the ruling elite (kenmon 権門) during those times. However, while these three measures continued to form the Bakufu's basic policy concerning its bureaucracy, amendment no.96 to its Joei Shikimoku 貞永式目 law code, which was promulgated in 1243 by Shogun Minamoto-no-Yoritsune while visiting the capital, contains language that significantly alters the existing customs governing the operation of the jogo institution. This amendment was epoch-making in the sense that efforts were now being made to follow the spirit of the traditional bureaucratic system more strictly than what the Bakufu had done up to that point. The jogo custom as practiced by the Bakufu increased in importance as a means of garnering revenues for the support of the court at Kyoto. However, on the other hand, due to the self-seeking attitudes of the functionaries in charge of selling official appointments, the actual fees paid were often reduced below the officially established rates. This in turn was causing a very unstable flow of funds into the royal treasury. While amendment no.96 quite correctly assesses the actual situation, in the background of its successful promulgation stood the royal court led by Kujono-Michie, who was closely connected to the Kamakura Shoguns. And so in this sense we can see the move to correct jogo practices as part of an overall effort in the movement for mutual cooperation between the aristocracy and the warrior class in controlling the capital bureaucracy. With respect to a bureaucratic polity centering around the jogo institution from this time on, we can observe quite contrasting approaches adopted by the court and the Bakufu. On the one hand, the court showed little initiative in preventing the reduction of fees paid for appointments, while the Bakufu took far more positive steps to insure that such fees were maintained at their official rates. In the background of this positive attitude taken by the Bakufu was the deepening involvement by the Hojo regents in appointing Kamakura house vassals to official positions, a practice that had traditionally been the sole perogative of the Shogun himself.