木下 憲治
法制史研究 (ISSN:04412508)
vol.64, pp.97-141,en7, 2015

<p> 近年初期・中期中世国制史研究において、儀礼や象徴的コミュニケーションに関連した研究が多数なされている。その第一人者はG・アルトホフである。しかし、彼らのグループは、カロリング期のハルミスカラにはほとんど関心を示してこなかった。本論文は、カロリング期のハルミスカラの意義を解明するためにカロリング期のハルミスカラに関連するカピトゥラリアと先行研究が扱わなかった史料を分析したものである。J・M・メグランは、ハルミスカラと公的贖罪には関連性があると示唆していた。また、彼は公的贖罪とは神の復讐であるという仮説を提起しており、ハルミスカラにおいても公的贖罪においても被害者の復讐の側面を強調していた。最近のM・デヨングとC・M・ブッカーのルイ敬虔帝の贖罪と国王官職概念についての研究を参照することによって、八二九年のハルミスカラに対してはメグランの仮説の正当性を裏付けることができた。しかし、八五三年以降のハルミスカラは、その意味の重点を変えていった。すなわち、ハルミスカラは、「神の復讐」という側面を希薄にし、鞍運びという儀礼的な行為と引き替えに、非行を犯した者を国王支配へと再統合する側面があった。また、カロリング期のハルミスカラにおいては、国王支配へと再統合される人物は、貧しい自由人ではなく、政治指導層から従軍義務が「免除されない」階層にまで及んでいた。後期カロリング朝の国王は、ハルミスカラによって中間層までをも再統合によって再び王国の秩序に組み込む必要に迫られていたのである。本稿の結論は、M・イネスが明らかにしたような局地的エリートとの連携及び彼らとの互酬性によって王国を支配する必要に迫られたカロリング王権の姿と密接に関連している。</p>
田口 秀子 河本 美智子
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
家政学雑誌 (ISSN:04499069)
vol.37, no.7, pp.603-613, 1986

乳児の適切な衣服着装を考えるための資料とすることを望み, 乳児を対象として, その衣服着装状態を母親に対するアンケート方法により回答を得て, 母親からみた乳児の衣服着装状態を検討した.<BR>乳児における衣服着装状態は, 各季節を通じて「ちょうどよさそうである」と思っている母親が室内では82~100%あり, 戸外では46~70%であった.しかし, 快適感では春, 冬に室内で11~12%の母親が「不快」ではないかと感じており, 戸外では20~49%の高い割合を示した.秋には室内, 戸外とも「快適である」と思っている母親は100%であり, 秋の戸外で14%の母親が「涼しそうである」とする傾向は快適感としてとらえているようである.また, 季節別にみて夏では蒸暑感を, 春と冬には冷感を感じていると回答した母親の割合が高い.しかし, 母親からみた乳児の厚着および薄着感は, 室内と戸外での傾向が似ており, 春, 夏, 冬においては「普通である」と思っている母親が, 室内で50~89%, 戸外は64~83%と多く, 秋では室内で41%, 戸外で36%の母親が「やや厚着である」と思っており, 全体的に春, 夏は薄着, 秋, 冬はやや厚着の傾向であった.<BR>母親からみた乳児の身体局部における冷感は, 春, 秋, 冬にあり, 室内, 戸外とも衣服で被覆されていない, 手, 足, 首, 顔, 頭にあると思う母親が多い.<BR>乳児の衣服着装の特徴としては, おむつカバーを除くすべての衣服が, 月齢よりも大きく, おむつカバーのように, その衣服の機能上フィット性をより望むもの以外は, 乳児の成長度を加味して大きなサイズの衣服を選択しているようである.それらの材質は, 肌着, ブラウス, Tシャツ, ベビードレス, カバーオール, ショートパンツ, おむつ, よだれかけ等, 直接肌に触れる割合の多い衣服がほとんどであるために, 取り扱いやすい綿が選ばれている.しかし, 乳児の月齢が増すにしたがって, 耐久性や耐洗濯性のある材質を着装させている.<BR>乳児の衣服着装パターンの特徴は, 各季節ともロンパース, カバーオールが主体で, ベビードレスは春に着装させる割合が比較的多く, 他の季節での着装は少ない.夏には肌着を着装させないで, Tシャツ+ズボンまたはロンパースのみという薄着の着装もあるが, 春, 秋, 冬では, おむつ+おむつカバー+肌着+カバー・オールまたはロンパース・ブラウス+ズボン+よだれかけが代表的なパターンである.なお, くつ下は夏, 秋に用いることは少ない.また, 家族構成別に乳児の着装パターンの特徴をみると, 祖母同居の家庭では父母のみの家庭にくらべ, 春, 冬に乳児の衣服着装枚数が多く厚着であり, 夏は薄着の傾向である.また, 授乳の方法別にみた乳児の着装パターンは, 秋, 冬の母乳児では薄着, 混合乳児ではやや厚着の傾向がみられた.
Society of Computer Chemistry, Japan
Journal of Computer Chemistry, Japan (ISSN:13471767)
pp.2020-0021, (Released:2021-08-14)

Models for predicting properties/activities of materials based on machine learning can lead to the discovery of new mechanisms underlying properties/activities of materials. However, methods for constructing models that exhibit both high prediction accuracy and interpretability remain a work in progress because the prediction accuracy and interpretability exhibit a trade-off relationship. In this study, we propose a new model-construction method that combines decision tree (DT) with random forests (RF); which we therefore call DT-RF. In DT-RF, the datasets to be analyzed are divided by a DT model, and RF models are constructed for each subdataset. This enables global interpretation of the data based on the DT model, while the RT models improve the prediction accuracy and enable local interpretations. Case studies were performed using three datasets, namely, those containing data on the boiling point of compounds, their water solubility, and the transition temperature of inorganic superconductors. We examined the proposed method in terms of its validity, prediction accuracy, and interpretability.
小右原 美保
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.35, no.4, pp.301-311, 1991

The purpose of the present paper is to examine the literary image of athleticism. In this paper, "Tom Brown's schooldays" by Thomas Hughes published in 1857 is analyzed. This work may be regarded as educational literature written with didactic intent. This intent of the novelist must be considered in relation to the structure of his novel. By concentrating on the concepts of "manliness" in this work, the main findings are summarized as follows: (1) The author preach to boys readers: to be free from class consciousness,quit themselves like men,learn to box, and find the true friendship in their schoollife. (2) These points are carefully constructed as his narrative plan; Manly exercises and achievements are emphasized in Part One, and manly characters: truthfulness, responsibility,consideration for others; are emphasized in Part Two, by novelist's choice of incidents. (3) Both concepts of "manliness" are attained by Tom through his public schoollife and games serve the important function of developping his character. (4) Behind the teaching moral manliness lay the stress of self-control against sexuality and bodily sensations, which reflects the victorian morality.
vol.47, no.4, pp.356-361, 2006-04-15
河原 武敏
造園雑誌 (ISSN:03877248)
vol.50, no.5, pp.1-6, 1986

華やかな王朝時代に開花した文学の中でも、特にlI記之学は作者の内外面の生活を忠実に記録したものとして高く評価されている, 本研究は、これらの蜻蛉日記・和泉式部日記・紫式部日記・更級日記・讃岐典侍口記を対象に15庭園85項目の庭園描写を抽出して、平安時代に於ける寝殿造り庭園様式研究の主流であった皇家・上流貴族庭園のほか、中・下流貴族等の植栽を中心とした庭園の実態を明らかにした。
ABE Koji TAKANE Shouichi SATO Sojun
Interdisciplinary Information Sciences (ISSN:13409050)
vol.21, no.2, pp.151-157, 2015

Adding a sound to a certain environment is likely to be effective for design of impression there in acoustical point of view. However, until now, little is known about the effectiveness of additional sound on the change in impression. In order to investigate the effect of additional sound, an experiment was conducted by using three kinds of audio-visual materials offering three environments and five kinds of additional sounds. The audio-visual materials were respectively recorded at ``forest,'' ``park,'' and ``shopping street.'' They represent ``natural,'' ``artificial green,'' and ``urban'' environments, respectively. Five kinds of sound stimuli were respectively chosen as: ``bird singing,'' ``sound of stream,'' ``roaring of waves,'' ``traffic noise,'' and ``hum of voices.'' The former three stimuli are regarded as sounds in nature, while the latter two are regarded as artificial ones. The experiment was based on the method of paired comparison, consisting of the unprocessed original audio-visual material and that with one of the additional sounds. The subjects evaluated relative comfortableness and naturalness of each pair. Sound pressure level of the additional sound was controlled in order to discuss the influence of the loudness of the additional sound to the evaluation. The experimental results showed that the comfortableness was improved when the additional sound was `bird singing' or `sound of stream' categorized in the nature sound and its sound pressure level was a little lower than that at the original environment. Moreover, it was found out that the naturalness is degraded gradually for almost of the additional sound stimuli, as their sound pressure level is increased.
鈴木 五郎
慶應義塾大学日吉紀要. 英語英米文学
no.46, pp.177-205, 2005-03

Among the heroines that appear in all the dramatic works of WilliamShakespeare, Ophelia, although a tragic heroine, seems to be most loved,most popular, and best remembered. She has always been a source ofinspiration to many artists, regardless of age or nationality. What isdistinctly noteworthy in the dramatic description and representation of thistragic heroine through the mouthpiece of Gertrude in Act IV, scene vii,lines 167–84 in Hamlet (Peter Alexander edition of The Complete Worksof William Shakespeare) lies in its aesthetically and imaginatively richlanguage and dramatic poetry. As Shakespeare has successfully dramatisedand immortalised the Hamlet's well-known "To be, or not to be" soliloquyin Act III, scene i, the dramatist has also successfully succeeded here inimmortalising Ophelia as a tragic yet graceful and unforgettable heroine.The dramatic language and poetry employed and portrayed in theseimmortal lines had never failed to leave such celebrated nineteenth- andtwentieth-century painters as Ferdinand Victor Eugène Delacroix, JohnEverett Millais, and Paul Albert Steck unaffected and untouched: they werewithout doubt all charmed and drawn into the Shakespearian heart-rendingcharacter of Ophelia with such mounting passion and such enkindledimagination. This paper attempts to present a new and radical approach tointerpretation of Ophelia by way of taking into account some considerationsof the three prominent painters and their individual works of Ophelia inconnection with the Hamlet films, with a view to better understanding whatessentially constitutes and configures the disposition and behaviour of thistragic heroine. With the eleventh lithograph illustration of "Death of OPHELIA" in theseries of 13plates of 'Lithograph Illustrations for "Hamlet"', all of which wereproduced from 1834 to 1848, Ferdinand Victor Eugène Delacroix (1798–1863)lithographically and three-dimensionally represents the heroine's soul that is"struggling to be free" in the presence of "Cosmic Unconscious". John Everett Millais (1829–96), representing the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhoodwith William Holman Hunt and Dante Gabriel Rossetti and drawing inspirationmost likely from Hamlet, painted his masterpiece Ophelia, which recreatesan elaborate scene of Nature in which Ophelia, like a "mermaid-like", floatsdown a stream, chanting "snatches of old lauds". The drowning scene havingbeen realistically yet imaginatively depicted with highly aesthetic and poeticsensibilities, Millais encompasses within the canvas a red-breasted cockrobin, sitting on a bush and singing a psalm to Ophelia's "melodious lay". Thepresence of the cock robin suggests its symbolic metaphor for "forgiveness" andreconciliation. Paul Albert Steck (1866–1924) painted a visionary Ophelia underwater in hisOphélia. Nevertheless, the vision and intuition manifested in his work genuinelyinspire people more with "mirth" and less with "dirge". Ophelia in the artist's mind'seye is permanently transformed into an elegant and graceful court lady with prayers. With these paintings and the lithograph illustration in mind, one is alsoreminded that Ophelia's tears, often gushing from her eyes, do not prove herselfto be a woman of "frailty" at Elsinore, but rather a woman of warm affection andpatience —— a quality or "rarity" whose nature had been nurtured during theMiddle Ages and far into the Renaissance.