大石 匠 深谷 千絵 笠井 俊輔 太田 淳也 国分 栄仁 齋藤 淳 石原 和幸 中川 種昭
特定非営利活動法人 日本歯周病学会
日本歯周病学会会誌 (ISSN:03850110)
vol.56, no.4, pp.406-413, 2015-01-30 (Released:2015-02-18)
1 1

本研究は,in vitro バイオフィルムに対するシタフロキサシン(STFX)の効果を検討することを目的とした。歯周病においてバイオフィルムは複数菌で構成され,抗菌薬に耐性を示すことが知られている。 STFX はニューキノロン系経口抗菌薬であり嫌気性口腔細菌を含む幅広い抗菌スペクトラムを示す。我々は微量流体デバイス BioFlux を採用した。BioFlux は嫌気条件下で自動的に培地を排出可能であり,本研究に有用と考えた。Porphyromonas gingivalis ATCC33277 および Streptococcus gordonii ATCC35105 の 2 菌種混合液を用い,37℃,2 時間かけバイオフィルムを形成させ,顕微鏡にて確認した。STFX または対照薬アジスロマイシン(AZM)を添加後,嫌気条件下で 5 日間作用させた。薬剤濃度は経口常用量投与時の歯肉組織および歯肉溝滲出液中濃度に基づき,STFX は 0.65 および 1.30 μg/ml,AZM は 2.92,3.95 および 7.90 μg/ml とした。薬剤作用後の生存率は,染色後の画像解析にて定量した。 その結果,抗菌薬作用群すべてにおいて,生存率の減少を認めた。STFX 作用後の生存率は,AZM 各群と比較して有意(p<0.05)に少なかった。以上の結果より,STFX はバイオフィルム中の歯周病原細菌に対して破壊効果を有することが示唆された。 日本歯周病学会会誌(日歯周誌)56(4):406-413,2014
華岡 眞幸 華岡 千佳子
特定非営利活動法人 日本歯周病学会
日本歯周病学会会誌 (ISSN:03850110)
vol.59, no.2, pp.87-99, 2017-06-30 (Released:2017-07-25)

ブラキシズムの関与した限局型慢性歯周炎患者に対し,tooth contact habit(TCH)のコントロールとナイトガード装着後にfull mouth disinfection(FMD)と歯周組織再生療法を行い,サーポーティブペリオドンタルセラピー(SPT)移行後も良好に経過している一症例を報告する。患者は初診時64歳女性で右上臼歯部歯肉の腫脹・疼痛を主訴に来院した。臨床診査で上下左右臼歯部に限局した深い歯周ポケットと垂直性骨吸収像が認められTCHとブラキシズムの自覚があり,ナイトガードの装着と自己暗示療法の指導を行った。細菌検査でPorphyromonas gingivalisが16.67%,Tannerella forsythensisが3.48%,Treponema denticolaが3.68%と高い割合で検出されたため,アジスロマイシン投与下でfull mouth disinfection(FMD)を行い,その後1,2壁性骨欠損とLindhe下顎II度根分岐部病変にエナメルマトリックスデリバティブ,β-リン酸三カルシウム,吸収性メンブレンを併用した歯周組織再生療法を行った。FMD後は急性歯周膿瘍が再発せずコンプライアンスが得られた。歯周組織再生療法時の所見では肉芽組織や根面の歯肉縁下歯石量は少なく,そのため術野の確保が容易となり施術時間が短縮された。術後の診査では,probing pocket depth,bleeding on probing,clinical attachment levelの減少,垂直性骨吸収像の改善と根分岐部に硬組織の造成が認められた。P. gingivalis,T. forsythensis,T. denticolaは検出限界以下となり,SPT移行後の経過も良好である。
島谷 康司 田中 美吏 金井 秀作 大塚 彰 沖 貞明 関矢 寛史
理学療法科学 (ISSN:13411667)
vol.23, no.6, pp.721-725, 2008 (Released:2009-01-28)
3 1

川村 卓 島田 一志 高橋 佳三 森本 吉謙 小池 関也 阿江 通良
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.0812080087, (Released:2008-12-10)
25 4

The purpose of this study was to analyze three-dimensionally two groups of baseball strikers, i.e. high and low swing speed groups, and to compare the kinematics of their upper limb motion. Sixteen skilled male strikers were videotaped with two synchronized high-speed video cameras operating at 200 Hz. One trial in which the maximum bat head speed was achieved was selected for each subject and digitized to obtain three-dimensional coordinates of the segment end-points and the bat using a DLT technique. Subjects were divided into High (n=8) and Low (n=8) groups according to the bat head speed. The angles compared between the two groups were abduction-adduction, horizontal abduction-adduction, flexion-extension and internal-external rotation for both shoulders, flexion-extension for both elbows, supination-pronation for both forearms, radius-ulnar flexion, and dorsi-palmar flexion for both hands. The sequential data were normalized with the time from the point when the speed of the grip was over 3 m/s to the ball impact, and then averaged.
宮垣 元
福祉社会学研究 (ISSN:13493337)
vol.16, pp.75-79, 2019-05-31 (Released:2019-10-10)
萩原 守
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.97, no.12, pp.1939-1976,2073-, 1988-12-20 (Released:2017-11-29)

A great deal of research has been done on the legal system in Mongolia during the Ch'ing period. But most of it is concerned with interpreting the Mongol Code (meng gu li 蒙古例) enacted by the Ch'ing government and tries to understand the judicial system in Mongolia in that way. There is no research which utilizes any actual judicial precedents. So there has been no way to see, except by speculation, (1)which code was actually effective, (2)how judgment was actually achieved, or (3)how leagues (cirulran) and banners (qosiru) actually functioned as judicial organs. In this paper the author collects and analyzes materials on judicial precedents in order to determine the actual process of the judicial system. He uses a collection of official documents (dang an 〓案) written in Mongolian. It was transcribed into the Cyrillic alphabet, titled as The oppression of Mongolian females in the period of the Manju invaders, and published at Ulan-bator in 1958. He also uses some other official documents photoengraved and introduced by K.Sagaster. The second chapter of The oppression of Mongolian females contains three documents exchanged between banners and leagues concerning an attempted murder which occurred in the left-wing-right-end (zuo yi you mo 左翼右末) banner of the Han-uul league in the Halha region. Looking at them, we can see the actual process of judgment. The outline of this incident is as follows. Two brothers stole three horses from a tayiji, but the bannerhead (jasar) ignored the Mongol Code and judged them by himself without reporting to his superiors. A daughter of the younger brother was given illegally to the tayiji in return for the stolen three horses and became a slave of the banner-head afterwards. Six years later she attempted to murder the banner-head and his wife, after she was incited by a man who had a grudge against the banner-head. The banner court of law sat again. Because she disclosed the illegal action of the banner-head in the second court of the league, the incident involved the banner-head himself and was reported to the emperor Qianlong (乾隆) by way of the minister dealing with the affairs in Huree (ku lun ban shi da chen 庫倫辧事大臣) and the board of foreign affairs (li fan yuan 理藩院). Finally the banner-head was deposed because of his illegal procedure and failure to report to his superiors, while the daughter was exiled to Canton, and the principal offender of the theft, her uncle, was sent to Hunan or Fukien. From these incidents, we can point out many legal facts which have not yet been appreciated. The first significant fact is the positive proof that the Mongol Code was applied in Mongolia during the Ch'ing period. And the second is the major principle that the Penal Code (xing lu・xing li 刑律・刑例) of the Ch'ing Code (da qing lu li 大清律例) was to be applied if there were no appropriate regulations in the Mongol Code. We can also bring out some other valuable facts : (1)the requirement that serious criminal cases had to be reported from banners to leagues and then to the board of foreign affairs, (2)the actual conditions at each level in which courts sat and the decisions were made and (3)the process of transporting criminals and witnesses from banners to leagues and then to Huree.

2 0 0 0 OA 総索引

一般社団法人 日本聴覚医学会
vol.63, no.6, pp.569-576, 2020-12-28 (Released:2021-01-16)
犬童 健良
行動経済学 (ISSN:21853568)
vol.9, pp.81-84, 2017 (Released:2017-06-01)

松井 美枝
The Human Geographical Society of Japan
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.52, no.5, pp.483-497, 2000-10-28 (Released:2009-04-28)
2 2

The term "jo-kou", which means female laborers working at spinning factories, has been used with discriminatory implications. The reality raised by this term leads us to imagine the group life of girls, the extremely hard work and the poverty, associated with a disdainful perception towards them. As a result, female laborers at spinning factories have also experienced severe social discrimination in neighborhood communities.The author proposes that these discriminatory conditions have been observed more strongly in the encounter with the neighboring residents outside of the factory rather than in labormanagement relations inside the factory. The author also asserts that a perspective which focuses only on matters inside factories tends to mask workers' independence and potential, which are necessary to clarify in this study. Therefore, this paper stresses an important perspective: that is, to direct our attention to the encounters of spinning female laborers with the neighborhood community outside factories.In the study area of Oda district at Muko county (since 1936, Amagasaki city) in Hyogo prefecture where the Kanzaki factory of Toyo Spinning Company was located, many reminiscences of spinning laborers are available, and the author adds personal interviews with neighboring residents. These narratives are helpful in clarifying the ways in which the residents viewed female laborers and how laborers shared their life world with the surrounding community. The impact of the neighborhood's discrimination of laborers and their reactions to it are also examined.The results obtained here are as follows: (1) The company's management was largely conditioned by the laborers' emotions that arose as a result of encounters with the neighborhood community. (2) The laborers' independence, which tends to be unclear if we focus on labor-management relations inside the factory, can be recognized through an analysis of relations between female laborers and the neighborhood community.
西田 豊昭
経営行動科学 (ISSN:09145206)
vol.11, no.2, pp.101-122, 1997-10-20 (Released:2011-01-27)
6 1

One of the most widely believed axioms of management is that a happy worker is a productive worker. However, most research on the nature of relationships between job satisfaction and job performance has not yielded convincing evidence that such a relationship exists to the degree most managers believe. One reason for this might lie in the way in which job performance is measured. Numerous studies have reported that using Organizational Citizenship Behavior to supplant more traditional measures of job performance may result in more robust relationship between job satisfaction and job performance. Although citizenship behavior has been regarded as an important factor and done as a daily work in Japanese company, little research has focused on it. In this study 71 employees who work for the Japanese company were interviewed and found that the most employees engaged in the citizenship behavior for their selfinterests. And then a questionnaire survey was conducted with 403 subjects who provided self-report answers designed to examine the relationship between citizenship behavior and satisfaction, commitment, and stress. In addition the relationship between citizenship behavior and employees' awareness of evaluation was examined. Results showed support for the relative importance of employees' awareness of evaluation as well as satisfaction. Implications for research on the causes of citizenship are discussed.
新井 政美
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.93, no.4, pp.467-509,583-58, 1984-04-20 (Released:2017-11-29)

Unlike most of West European nation-states, the nationalism of non-Western countries, as Hans Kohn put it with a clear insight, "grew in protest and in conflict with the existing state pattern". Such conflict between the political integration of an existing state and the national integration of a rising nationality also existed in Turkish nationalism. There were two groups of people who supported Turkish nationalism : the Ottoman Turks who were rulers of the Ottoman Empire, and Turkic peoples under Russian rule. The most urgent problem for the latter was to free themselves from the czarist rule. On the other hand, as long as the Ottoman Empire existed, preserving the political integration of the Empire should be the most important consideration for the rulers. Now, one of the distinctive characters of Turkish nationalism becomes clear ; it was a nationalism that purgued two different interests : interests of the state (political integration) and those of nation (national integration). These two interests were not in complete accord. Consequently, the Ottoman Empire and the Turkish nation must be regarded as the keys to analysis of Turkish nationalism. We have to examine the formation and development of nationalist movements both inside and outside the Ottoman Empire, making a comparison among them. In this paper, I will analyze the Genc Kalemler (Young Pens), a nationalist periodical published in Salonica, and the first center of the Ottoman Turkish nationalism after the 1908 revolution. Nationalists who issued this periodical stuck to the political integration of the Ottoman state. They regarded it as more urgent than the national integration of the Turkish nation. Then, how should we interpret such characteristics of the Ottoman Turkish nationalism? Political integration requires a center of power which becomes its nucleus. All the people in the territory, the object of the integration, are united under this power. It was the Ottoman Turks who were expected to become the nucleus for reconstructing the Ottoman state. If they discovered their national identity as Turks, which had been lost for a long time, the political integration of the state would be facilitated. Our next theme is how the characteristics of the Ottoman Turkish nationalism, the idea of the leaders of the Genc Kalemler, appeared in the Turk Dernegi (Turkish Association) and the Turk Yurdu (Turkish Homeland). These organizations were mainly supported by the Turks from Russia. We must analyze them in our next paper.
小山 義徳
日本教育工学会論文誌 (ISSN:13498290)
vol.32, no.4, pp.351-358, 2009-02-20 (Released:2016-08-05)

大勝 靖一
公益社団法人 日本化学会
化学と教育 (ISSN:03862151)
vol.46, no.4, pp.210-213, 1998-04-20 (Released:2017-07-11)

油脂及び油脂関連物質の酸化反応を自動酸化の立場から記述した。油脂の自動酸化は二面性がある。最初にその二面性に共通した, しかも基本的な, 特に油脂に特有な点を強調した立場から酸化反応を解説した。続いて油脂の酸化が必要不可欠であるという分野, 特に塗料における油脂の酸化と乾燥の関係について説明した。一方酸化が好ましくないものとして油脂の酸敗を取り上げ, さらには生体膜の構成成分であるリン脂質の酸化劣化とその防止の生体における重要性を記述した。
疋田 武
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.16, no.6, pp.654-657, 1964-12-20 (Released:2009-04-28)