キンランとコナラとThelephora ellisii
Yagame, T., & Maekawa, N. (2019). Ectomycorrhiza synthesis and basidiome formation of an orchid symbiont of the genus Thelephora on Quercus serrata. Mycoscience, 60(6), 343–350. https://t.co/k4cbA0PlMM
Germination of the fully myco-heterotrophic orchid Cyrtosia septentrionalis is characterized by low fungal specificity and does not require direct seed-mycobiont contact. Mycoscience, 54(5), 343–352. https://t.co/5rXTMd5RHu
Re-examination of a rare protosteloid amoeba Schizoplasmodiopsis micropunctata, and the revision of Tychosporium (Cavosteliida, Variosea, Amoebozoa)
今井三子によるキズキンタケ(Leotia lubrica f. ochracea )の記載。
Imai, S. (1941). Geoglossaceae Japoniae. Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University, 45(4), 155–264. https://t.co/DNWIOQOREg https://t.co/7eDDp6WTpF
Oberwinkler, F. (1990). New genera of auricularioid heterobasidiomycetes. Reports of the Torrori Mycological Institute, 28, 113–127.
Taxonomic revision of Termitomyces species found in Ryukyu Archipelago, Japan, based on phylogenetic analyses with three loci
日本産オオシロアリタケ属(Termitomyces)を調べた結果、偽根をもつT. intermediusと偽根をもたないT. fragilisの2種が認められた。
Taxonomy of corticioid fungi in Japan: Present status and future prospects
鳥取大の前川先生による日本産の背着生菌類の総説。現在,日本産のcorticioid fungiは14目にまたがる160属442種になるとのこと。
Taxonomic and ecological significance of synnema-like structures/acanthophyses produced by Physisporinus (Meripilaceae, Polyporales) species
Mycoscience VOL.64 (2023) 136–149
#freshwater #Meripilus #oxygen_concentration #phylogenetic_analysis #Rigidoporus https://t.co/rTn990n5Ag
珪藻の持つロドプシンの生理的役割を調べた論文が出版されました(Microbes Environ)!
Light-driven Proton Pumps as a Potential Regulator for Carbon Fixation in Marine Diatoms https://t.co/kPFPClxlYR
Recently published discoveries of new fungi displayed in BioRSS https://t.co/vOH4lRjtnh https://t.co/TTVFbKhJPB https://t.co/cT9obu3BKv https://t.co/90dFVFeSFt https://t.co/4BSZpeDqI5 https://t.co/QgTg52jp3n
キクラゲ属の一種 Auricularia americana s. str. を日本新産種として報告しました.北海道から多くの標本が得られたことから,本種の和名としてキタキクラゲを提唱しました.
Burkholderia related fungal endosymbiont diversity in Mortierella and friends, massive diversity in relatives of Mycoavidus!! https://t.co/IGgdCbGxQK @zygolife https://t.co/HgTQhxEoG8