渡邉 英伸 上野 宣 村田 健史
情報知識学会誌 (ISSN:09171436)
vol.24, no.3, pp.291-296, 2014-10-06 (Released:2014-12-31)
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科学データのオープン化に対する取り組みが進められる中で,Web アプリケーションの脆弱性は避けて通れない問題である.NICTサイエンスクラウドでも,Web アプリケーションの公開を希望するクラウド利用者の技術的スキルや専門知識を問わず,高水準のセキュアなWeb アプリケーションの開発が可能な仕組みや体制が要求されるようになった.本論文では,一般競争入札方式を想定し,NICTサイエンスクラウド利用者のWeb アプリケーション開発の技術的スキルや専門知識が乏しい場合においても,セキュアなWeb アプリケーションを開発するための開発協力手法を提案する.
三原 真智人 上野 貴司
社団法人 農業農村工学会
農業土木学会論文集 (ISSN:03872335)
vol.1999, no.200, pp.171-178, 1999-04-25 (Released:2011-08-11)

畑地圃場にUSLE標準試験枠を作り, 降雨に伴って表面流が発生するたびに流亡土量と水質を観測した.採取した懸濁水のサンプルをろ過または遠心分離して上澄み水を得て, 懸濁水および上澄み水に含まれる窒素, リン成分を比較して, 土壌侵食が富栄養化成分の表面流出に与える影響について検討した.本研究の結果, 懸濁水中の全窒素および全リン濃度は浮遊物質と相関を示し, 上澄み水中の全窒素および全リン濃度を大きく上回った.無機態窒素については, 浮遊物質との相関はほとんど見られなかった.しかし, 全ての窒素およびリン成分の流出負荷は流亡土量と正の相関を示した.また最も多量の施肥 (628.5kg/10a) を行った試験枠における窒素およびリンの流出負荷は, 他の試験枠を大きく上回った.これらの結果から, 土壌流亡に伴って窒素およびリン成分の流出負荷が増大し, とくに多施肥試験枠においてこの傾向は顕著であることが明らかとなった.
松本 直子 桑原 牧子 工藤 雄一郎 佐藤 悦夫 石村 智 中園 聡 上野 祥史 松本 雄一

小林 貴志 福本 恭子 土下 喜正 楠本 正明 上野 和行
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.32, no.8, pp.772-775, 2006-08-10 (Released:2007-11-09)

It has been reported that the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of carvedilol vary between the S- and R- enantiomers. The aim of this study was to evaluate the pharmacokinetic characteristics of carvedilol for each enantiomer and apply this in clinical practice. Serum stereoselective concentrations of carvedilol were monitored in 60 Japanese inpatients who received a fixed dose of carvedilol. The concentrations were determined by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Serum carvedilol concentration/dose of administered carvedilol ratios were determined for each enantiomer (R/D, S/D). The means±SD for R/D and S/D were 85.8±264.0 (10-3kg/L) and 29.0±78.2 (10-3kg/L), respectively. The mean for R/D tended to be larger than that for S/D (p=0.11), and the dispersion of R/D was significantly greater than that of S/D (p<0.01). Although a significant positive correlation was observed between R/D and S/D, a remarkable difference was observed in a few inpatients. These results suggest that the pharmacokinetics of carvedilol are different for each enantiomer. The monitoring of the stereoselective pharmacokinetics of carvedilol is therefore necessary to ensure proper use.
上野 喬
社会経済史学 (ISSN:00380113)
vol.37, no.5, pp.495-517,530-52, 1972

In summing up the activities of the Royal Dutch/Shell Group in the thirties, we can point out their conservative characters on all fields. For instance the Gorup had taken a share of about 11 per cent in the world crude oil production constantly and had enjoyed a sound financial result in this hard decade. In this essay the author sketches a short economic and business history of the Group in terms of their cartel or cooperative movements in the thirties and wants to add a short supplement to the famous International Petroleum Cartel (1952). In the middle of the twenties the world economy had been growing year by year, but things changed gradually in the petroleum industry. Among many firms the Group was the quickest to see the writing on the wall, overproduction of crude oil, and to persuade cooperation to each other. By their effort the 'Achnacarry' or 'As is' Agreement of 1928, the spirit of the most comprehensive cartel agreement in this industry, was shown. The petroleum industry consists of crude oil production, reffining, transportation and marketing. As time went on the essence of the 'Achnacary' Agreement was spread over all these fields. Without this in their integrated fields, the international petroleum cartel could not attain their purpose.With this Agreement the Big Three-Standard - NJ, Anglo-Persian and the Group - tried to limit the competition in production (Middle East and Venezuela) and in marketing (Europe artd Asia). The depressing thirties were the time of development of petrochemical industry and the time of technocrats. In petrochemical field the Group was running the top, and in this field cartels or patents had played the most important roles. Moreover cartel movements were not limited in these firms, IG Farben, ICI and Du Pont also wanted to make international and inter-industry cooperations among one another. As for technocrats the Group owed much to them. By Kessler, Cohen, De Kok and Pijzel the Group succeeded to establish MEKOG in Holland and Shell Chemical in California. Last but not least, tanker transportation has been the most important means of carrying oil from producing to consuming countries, and the Group was the biggest tanker owner oil company at that time. But even for them it was essential to keep tanker freight rates as high as possible. In 1934, after the failure of the Tankskibscontralen of Norwegian, the International Tanker Owners Association was started, and it was entirely certain that if the Majors of oil companies had not entered in, this cartel, its success would have been doubtful. In this tanker pool the Kessler plan came into being at last.
上野 裕介 増澤 直 曽根 直幸
日本生態学会誌 (ISSN:00215007)
vol.67, no.2, pp.229-237, 2017

渡辺 和宏 舟山 裕士 福島 浩平 柴田 近 高橋 賢一 上野 達也 長尾 宗紀 羽根田 祥 松野 正紀 佐々木 巌
一般社団法人 日本消化器外科学会
日本消化器外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03869768)
vol.37, no.5, pp.517-521, 2004 (Released:2011-06-08)
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術前診断が可能であった右傍十二指腸ヘルニアを経験したので報告する. 症例は71 歳の男性で, 突然の右側腹部痛で発症した. 小腸造影にて, 口側, 肛門側での狭窄を伴う, 空腸係蹄の集塊像を右側腹部に認めた. 上腹部CTにて, 右側腹部で被膜に包まれ嚢状塊となった拡張した小腸を認め, 上腸間膜動静脈の腹側を扇状構造の腸間膜が走行していた. 右傍十二指腸ヘルニアの診断にて, 発症から14日後, 開腹手術となった. 開腹所見にて下結腸間膜窩に発生した右傍十二指腸ヘルニアと診断され, 嵌入した腸管を還納した後ヘルニア門を閉鎖した. 腸間膜側壁窩に発生する一般的な傍十二指腸ヘルニアでは, ヘルニア嚢は上腸間膜動静脈の背側を走行するが, 自験例では上腸間膜動静脈とは独立した位置関係であった. 下結腸間膜窩をヘルニア門とするヘルニアは我々が検索した限りでは報告がなく, 極めてまれな症例であると考えられた.
上野 矗
障害児教育研究紀要 (ISSN:03877671)
no.17, pp.1-9, 1995-03-01

本報告では、病気との和解を実現した3人の患者の表明資料について、経験的現象学的方法の手順にそって意味分析を行ない、そこから病気との和解にかかわる3つの鍵語が見い出されてきた。これら鍵語を現象学的人間学的心理学の視座から語源的に分析を試みた。 その結果、理解=悟りが自身を心に注ぎ、コミットし、気づくこと ; 闇=暗らさは光が光としての意味をもつ上で闇が必要であること、すなわち相反し合う両極をひとつに融合すること ; 病気=病は危機的な状況から平安な地平へと転換していく過程であることとの意味づけが引き出されてきた。 以上から、病気との和解が病気それ自体の意味のうちに内包されていること、そして病気との和解の実現には人類的な集合的知恵に由来し、人間の存在論的なあり方が大きくあずかってくることが知られた。In this study, 3 key-words closely related to the living with disease were found out by the semantic analysis of descriptions concerning the episodes of the living with disese about which three patients told. These key-words were etymologically analyzed from the existential-phenomenological-psychological point of view. As a result, the first key-word: understanding (Satori) means that I pour myself into mind ; I commit myself to ~; and I become aware of ~, The second key-word : Darkness (Kurai) shows real meaning for us. Darkness serves us as a background against which we see the light. It should relate us to gap between the sun and the night. The last key-word : Disease(Yamai) means the revolution of a process from a serious crisis to a peaceful horizontality. In conclusion, the key-word Yamai in itself involves a meaning of the living with disease. And an actualization of the living with disease seems to come from the collective wisdom and a existential way of human-being..
平沢 良和 山本 浩基 上野 順也 尾崎 泰 藤盛 嵩浩 好井 覚
公益社団法人 日本理学療法士協会
理学療法学Supplement Vol.38 Suppl. No.2 (第46回日本理学療法学術大会 抄録集)
pp.CbPI1211, 2011 (Released:2011-05-26)

【目的】異所性骨化とは、通常骨化の起こらない組織に新生骨が発生する異常骨化現象である。整形外科やリハビリテーションの領域では、外傷後の拘縮した筋に関節可動域(Range of Motion;ROM)改善のための強制的外力が過度に加わった時に生じる化骨性筋炎として経験的に知られている。異所性骨化を併発すると、一旦運動療法を中止して局所の安静を図る必要があり、ROM制限の原因となることが多い。しかし、異所性骨化の診断には一般的に単純X線検査が用いられるため、X線像では軟部組織の評価は困難であり、異所性骨化がROMに及ぼす病態について不明である。今回、我々は異所性骨化を合併した大腿骨顆上骨折に対し、超音波検査(Ultrasonography;US)を行い、運動療法を継続した結果、正座が可能となるまで回復した症例を経験した。本研究の目的は、今回実施したUSでの異所性骨化の経時的変化について報告することである。【方法】対象は右大腿骨顆上骨折(AO/ASIF分類C1型)と診断された60歳代女性である。観血的整復内固定術(Zimmer NCB distal femoral plating system)後、膝蓋骨上内方に認めた腫瘤に対しUSを実施した。USにはGEヘルスケア社製LOGIQ9および10MHzリニアプローブを使用した。測定肢位は端坐位とし、測定部位は膝蓋骨直上から大腿骨長軸に近位へ5cm、内側へ3cmの部位で、腫瘤がプローブの中心となるように長軸走査を行った。大腿骨が鮮明に描出されるようにプローブの角度を調整し、膝関節屈曲-伸展の自動運動時の動態を撮像した。撮像した動画より腫瘤部の動態について定性的に観察を行った。測定は術後1ヵ月、術後2ヶ月、術後3ヵ月、術後7ヵ月に実施した。【説明と同意】対象には本研究の趣旨を説明し同意を得た上で実施した。【結果】術後1ヵ月のUSでは、腫瘤は高エコー像と低エコー像が混在する血腫であり大腿四頭筋との癒着を認めた。また血腫内部には音響陰影を伴う高輝度エコー像を認め、膝関節屈曲-伸展に応じて可動性を有していた。術後2ヵ月のUSでは血腫は骨化し、大腿骨との連続性を認めた。血腫と大腿四頭筋との癒着は剥離され、大腿四頭筋の滑走を認めていた。術後3ヵ月、術後7カ月のUSでは異所性骨化は経時的に縮小していた。【考察】異所性骨化の発生過程において、NicholasまたはKewalramaniらが述べる急性期の段階では、X線像での骨化は陰性であり、局所の腫脹、発赤、熱感やROM制限などの理学所見と、赤血球沈降速度、アルカリホスファターゼやクレアチニンホスホキナーゼなどの血液データが早期診断の指標となる。本症例では、局所の腫脹、熱感やROM制限を呈し、膝関節屈曲時に疼痛を認めたが、血液データによる評価は行われていなかった。後方視的にX線像を精査すると、術後1ヵ月の時点でわずかではあるが腫瘤部に仮骨形成を認めており、USでも血腫内部に仮骨と思われる音響陰影を伴う高輝度エコー像を認めた。しかし、当時はUSでの異所性骨化の動態に関する報告がなく、術後1ヵ月の時点では異所性骨化と判断できず、血腫が大腿四頭筋に癒着したものと考え、癒着剥離目的に大腿四頭筋の滑走を主眼とした膝関節屈曲-伸展の自動運動を継続した。術後2ヵ月のX線像では異所性骨化の形成を確認できたが、USでは大腿四頭筋と異所性骨化の癒着は剥離されており、また熱感や疼痛は消失しROMも拡大傾向であったため運動療法を継続した。機械的刺激が骨形成を促進すると考えられるため、異所性骨化の発生部位が関節運動により機械的刺激が加わるかどうかの判断が重要となる。術後1ヵ月では、仮骨を含む血腫は大腿四頭筋に癒着しており関節運動に伴い機械的刺激が加わり、骨形成を促進した可能性がある。術後2ヵ月では、X線像では異所性骨化を呈していたが、USでは大腿四頭筋などの軟部組織外に異所性骨化を認め、機械的刺激が加わらないと判断し、通常の大腿骨顆上骨折の運動療法を継続した。異所性骨化は経時的に吸収され術後1年のX線像では消失しており、運動療法を継続することで増悪することはなかった。本症例のX線像での異所性骨化は、USではKewalramaniが述べるcontiguous to boneであり、運動療法を継続することに問題はなかったと考える。【理学療法学研究としての意義】USでは軟部組織の動態観察が可能であり、異所性骨化の早期発見および発生部位を把握する上で非常に有用である。X線像だけで運動療法の中止を判断するのではなく、USにて異所性骨化の関節運動に伴う動態を判断した上で運動療法の適否を決定する必要がある。
pp.1-6月号, 1996
上野 和行 福本 恭子 三星 知 本田 裕加 五十嵐 幸子 長井 一彦 岡島 英雄
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.25, no.2, pp.101-104, 2014 (Released:2014-10-30)
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The Effects of a brown rice diet on clinical laborator y data in cholesterolemia patients (n=20, 2 men and 18 women) were studied. They had been diagnosed with cholesterolemia having over a 180 mg/dL total cholesterol level and received HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors for treatment of their cholesterolemia. All of the patients usually ingested a polished rice diet. They ingested a brown rice diet instead of a polished one 2 out of 3 meals ( breakfast, lunch and dinner ) for 3 months. The mean levels of the total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol after the study had significantly decreased more than those before the stud y. There was a tendency that the triglyceride after the study had decreased. Also, the mean levels of serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen after the study had significantly decreased more than those before the study. These results suggested that the ingestion of a brown rice diet suppor ts health care by improving lipidsis in cholesterolemia.
上野 誠
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.34, pp.69-85, 1991-03-30

This thesis describes field work by Shinobu Orikuchi, who, together with Kunio Yanagita, led the folkloric studies at their embryonic stage in Japan.Shinobu Orikuchi, 1887-1953, was a renowned writer, a scholar of classical literature as well as a folklorist. Unlike Kunio Yanagita who concentrated on folkloric studies and did not publish may literary works of his own, Orikuchi remained as a writer, a scholar of classical literature as well as a folklorist with his concern equally divided among the three roles. This thesis tries to make clear the relationship between Orikuchi's position with multiple roles and his field work. Orikuchi tried to make his observation of the modern folkloric practices in the context of “classical logic” extracted from his knowledge of “classical literature” and perceive “classicality” of the people. For example, in his observation of Oni performance in the folkloric performing arts called “Hana-matsuri” in Toyone-mura or Toh-ei-cho, Kita-shidaragun, Aichi prefecture, he perceived it to have originated in the performance by “Yamabito” for blessing the arrival of spring. Orikuchi came to this conclusion through his studies of “classical literature”, without the knowledge of which it is impossible for anyone to conclude that the Oni performance originates in Yamabito blessing performance. The field work of this sort made by Orikuchi in relation with studies of classical literature signifies reconfirmation of “classical literature” through “folkloric practices”. Therefore, Orikuchi's field observation can be considered as on having a characteristic of looking at “folkloric practices” in the light of “classical literature”. Being based on this kind of field observation by Orikuchi, it is easy to understand why Orikuchi defind “folkloric practices” as “classical literature in modern life”. Field works meant for Orikuchi works of connecting “classical literature” with “classical literature in modern life”.
嘉瀬 貴祥 上野 雄己
パーソナリティ研究 (ISSN:13488406)
vol.28, no.2, pp.175-178, 2019-11-01 (Released:2019-11-03)

The present study investigated the cross-sectional and longitudinal predictability of mental health using Sense of Coherence (SOC) through a linear regression model (LRM) and generalized additive model (GAM). The estimation using LRM and GAM showed that SOC predicted mental health in both cross-sectional and longitudinal data. Moreover, the model fit index and analysis of deviance showed that the GAM fitted better with both data compared to LRM. These results suggest that SOC can be used as a predictor of the current and future states of mental health as well as the continuous and gradual changes in mental health.
上野 亮 飯島 泰裕
青山社会情報研究 (ISSN:18837638)
no.4, pp.29-33, 2012-12-25

The East Japan great earthquake disaster occurred in March 2011. Information distribution using social media became one of the most important sources of information at the time. It was found that local governments throughout the whole country gave increased attention to social media. As a result, the utilization by local governments of social media significantly increased as it became a part of government policy. However, the concrete trend of this utilization of social media has not yet become clear. In this study, a questionnaire was distributed to 1,742 local governments throughout Japan from June to July of 2012. The name of the questionnaire was "an investigation of the variation of the actual situation of social media throughout the region." The results of the questionnaire are at first analyzed, and then the data are analyzed using an example of Facebook administered by the local government. In the analysis, Sagamihara city (Kanagawa Prefecture) and Kanazawa city (Ishikawa Prefecture) were chosen as the target cities. Using these two cities as a test case, a joint questionnaire was carried out. The overall results revealed a variation in the trend of social media within current local governments.
久保 田正 上野 輝彌
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.18, no.1, pp.51-54, 1971-06-15 (Released:2010-06-28)

Young specimens of Icosteus aenigmaticus Lockington have been reported from several places in Japan.All of these specimens were less than 326 mm in total length and were described as deep-bodied, having blotches on body, pelvic fins, and rounded posterior margin of the caudal fin.The specimen reported here is a mature male collected from Suruga Bay, : Shizuoka Prefecture, on March 15, 1970.The total length is 950 mm.The body color before fixation was dark brown and the pelvic fin is absent.The posterior margin of the caudal fin is lunate.The characters of this specimen match well with those of the specimen described as Acrotus willoughbyi Bean, which has been considered to be a junior synonym of Icosteus aenigmaticus.The appearance of the specimen in Suruga Bay is probably related to the appearance of unusually cold water masses off the coast of southern Japan on the Pacific side.