古株 靖久 加藤 伸彦 佐藤 文彦
日本植物生理学会年会およびシンポジウム 講演要旨集 第47回日本植物生理学会年会講演要旨集
pp.443, 2006 (Released:2006-12-27)

オウレン(Coptis japonica)が生合成するベルベリンは抗菌活性等をもつ有用イソキノリンアルカロイドである。当研究室で確立されたオウレン培養細胞はベルベリン生合成活性が高く、かつその生合成酵素遺伝子のほとんどが単離されていることからアルカロイド生合成系のよい研究モデルである。本研究では同細胞を用いてベルベリン生合成系の転写制御因子の単離と機能解析を試みたので報告する。まず同生合成系に関与する転写因子の単離を目的に高生産選抜株のEST約5000クローンを配列決定し、これらの配列からBLASTx検索により約50の転写因子相同配列を見出した。相同性等をもとに27クローンを選抜し、その転写調節活性を一過的RNAi法(BBB 69:63,2005)により解析した。候補遺伝子配列特異的に作製した二本鎖RNAをオウレンプロトプラストへ導入し、3日間培養後に生合成酵素6OMTの転写産物量を定量することにより解析した。その結果、clone#48の発現抑制に伴って6OMTのmRNAが劇的に低下するという結果を得た。他の生合成遺伝子の発現量を測定した結果、測定した8の遺伝子全てで低下を認めた。一方actinや一次代謝系GAPDH、Chorismate mutaseへの影響は認められなかった。clone#48にはbHLHの保存配列が存在し、CjbHLH1と名付けた。CjbHLH1によりベルベリン生合成系が特異的かつ包括的に制御されていることが示唆されたことより、現在、安定形質転換体を作成し、その機能の解析を進めている。
古田 明子 Akiko FURUTA
女性学評論 = Women's studies forum
vol.14, pp.201-224, 2000-03-31

The TV animation Sailor Moon,broadcast from 1992 to 1997,won an unusual popularity among the young female audience in Japan at that time. This study is an attempt to clarify an implicit message theanimation conveys to the audience under the disguise of a childish story of love, peace and justice by examining the underlying structure each episode of the animation has. A TV animation which repeats practically the same story every week is a very effective cultural apparatus but hasbeen seldom studied in detail. Each episode generally follows the pattern of a typical initiation story: the heroine undergoes a process of maturity through the experienceof symbolic death and rebirth. But the story at the same time cleverly escapes from such an interpretation. What is characteristic with the story is that the initiation process is definitely related to consumer behavior: endless pursuit of commercial goods. And in this sense the heroine never accomplishes the initiation and this incompleteness or failure in initiation indeed places Sailor Moon in a unique position in the lineage of popularlegends. We see many other examples of such incompleteness. The heroine's metamorphosis itself betrays this. For what she puts on after taking off her girlish clothes is, unlike a traditional heroine, a "sailor suit", the symbol of eternal girlishness which accompanies an implication of commercialized sexuality. In the last episode,the heroine discloses her naked body of a matured woman before she becomes the savior of the world. Seemingly she finally attains motherhood and succeeds in showing a role model to the young audience but only to turn out to be a false one. Forher final purpose remains to be to reproduce her duplicates: ideal consumersof the consumption society. It is at that moment that a "Girl" throws off the mask of "Lovely One" and exposes her true face of"Woman".
古谷 陽一 渡辺 哲郎 永田 豊 小尾 龍右 引網 宏彰 嶋田 豊
一般社団法人 日本東洋医学会
日本東洋医学雑誌 (ISSN:02874857)
vol.62, no.5, pp.609-614, 2011 (Released:2011-12-27)
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目的:冷え症の危険因子となる身体症状を明らかにする。研究デザイン:2008年7月7日から11月14日にかけて前向きコホート研究を行なった。対象と方法:観察開始時に冷えを認めない女子短期大学生70名(年齢中央値20歳)。冷えの苦痛の程度をNumerical Rating Scale(NRS)で7月および11月に5日間ずつ記録した。身体症状は気血水スコア(寺澤)で評価した。冷え症の判定基準は冷えNRSの平均値5以上とした。結果:11月に17名が冷え症と判定された。有意な関連を示した自覚症状は「体がむくむ」で,多変量オッズ比[95%信頼区間]11.6[1.9 to 97.5]であった。また,冷え症群は非冷え症群より低身長であった(身長差[95%信頼区間]-5.9cm[-8.6 to -3.1])。結語:「体がむくむ」と「低身長」は冷え症の危険因子である可能性が示された。
水田 啓介 伊藤 八次 西田 基 秋田 茂樹 加藤 雅也 小塩 勝博 海田 健宏 古田 充哉 宮田 英雄 柳田 正巳 柴田 康成 横山 壽一 松原 茂規 小泉 光 森 芳郎 大野 通敏 近藤 由香 藤宮 大 山田 匡彦 渡辺 英彦 加藤 洋治
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.90, no.12, pp.1399-1407, 1997-12-01 (Released:2011-11-04)

IPD® (supratast tosilate) was investigated for its prophylactic efficacy and therapeutic efficacy in the treatment of cedar pollinosis during the 1996 cedar pollen season. The subjects investigated were patients at the Gifu University School of Medicine and its affiliated hospitals, who had a history of cedar pollinosis. The patients were classified into two treatment groups: the prophylaxis group (70 patients), in whom IPD® administration began before the start of cedar pollen dispersion, and the treatment group (49 patients), who underwent IPD® treatment only after cedar pollen dispersion had begun and symptoms of pollinosis had manifested.Results were as follows: (1) The nasal symptoms (sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion) were milder in the prophylaxis group than in the treatment group throughout the cedar pollen season, with the difference being significant during the season's first 2 weeks. (2) In the prophylaxis group, IPD®'s inhibitory effect was rated as excellent in 18.6% of the patients, good in 45.7% and fair in 20.0%. In the treatment group, the improvement in the symptoms was rated as disappearance in 4.2%, excellent in 20.8% and good in 43.8%. (3) When symptom inhibition in the prophylaxis group was investigated as a function of the duration of IPD® administration prior to the start of pollen dispersion, the good + excellent inhibition rate was 57.7% in the subpopulation pretreated for <2 weeks (26 cases), 64.9% with 2 to <4 weeks' pretreatment (37 cases) and 85.7% with 4 to <6 weeks' pretreatment (7 cases). Thus, IPD®'s prophylactic inhibitory rate increased with the length of the pretreatment period. (4) In the prophylaxis groups, the CAP-RAST value was significantly reduced at the time of peak pollen level and at the end of the pollen season compared with the value before IPD® administration.
治田 匡平 市田 裕之 石樋 康浩 宇髙 歩 日笠 真一 尾崎 淳子 大槻 真央 矢倉 裕輝 吉野 宗宏 古西 満 杉山 幸正
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.45, no.1, pp.44-53, 2019-01-10 (Released:2020-01-10)

Pharmacists' interventions are considered to be important at the time of starting anti-HIV therapy or changing treatment in outpatient care for HIV infection. We conducted a questionnaire survey to clarify patients' assessments of pharmacists' interventions in outpatient care for HIV infection. The survey was conducted at seven AIDS treatment center hospitals in the Kinki region, and the analysis was performed on 112 patients receiving the initial treatment and 79 patients experiencing treatment change. Pharmacists' interventions were found to be helpful by 97.3% of the initial treatment patients and 96.2% of the treatment change patients; the former often found it helpful in understanding the “necessity of receiving drugs” and “failure in taking drugs and acquisition of resistance”, while the latter often found it helpful in understanding the “difference of the new drug from the previous one” and “side effects”. Pharmacists' interventions relieved anxiety in 89.3% of the initial treatment patients and 89.9% of the treatment change patients, and produced good overall effects such as “relieving anxiety as regards receiving drugs”, “facilitating communication with doctors”, and “reducing questions for doctors”. The survey results showed that pharmacists' interventions at the time of starting anti-HIV therapy or changing treatment met patients' needs and contributed to improving the quality of medical care, such as reducing patient anxiety and the burden on doctors.
古田 幹雄
一般社団法人 日本数学会
数学 (ISSN:0039470X)
vol.50, no.2, pp.181-198, 1998-04-28
加藤 活大 西村 大作 佐野 博 片田 直幸 杉本 吉行 野場 広子 芳野 充比古 佐守 友康 三谷 幸生 武市 政之
一般財団法人 日本消化器病学会
日本消化器病学会雑誌 (ISSN:04466586)
vol.87, no.9, pp.1829-1836, 1990 (Released:2007-12-26)

アルコール性肝障害271例の長期予後を検討した. 生命予後は肝硬変が最も悪かつた (10年生存率: 23.8%). とくに多飲酒を続けた肝硬変は消化管出血死が多いことを反映して, 予後不良であつた. 肝細胞癌発生は肝硬変にほぼ限られ, その5年発生率は16.3%であり, 禁酒群の方が高い発生率を示した. 多飲酒継続の非硬変66例には反復肝生検を行い, 平均4年弱の経過で肝硬変移行率は30.3%であつた. 以上より, 多飲酒継続はアルコール性肝障害を進展させ, 生命予後の悪化をもたらすといえる. 肝硬変のみの検討でも禁酒は生命予後を全体的に改善したが, 肝細胞癌発生の危険性も高めるので, 肝硬変に移行する前に禁酒に導くことが大切である.
柴田 恵三 佐原 博之 古木 勲 吉田 豊 北 義人 石瀬 淳 相沢 芳樹
Japanese Association for Acute Medicine
日本救急医学会雑誌 (ISSN:0915924X)
vol.5, no.4, pp.384-388, 1994-08-15 (Released:2009-03-27)

Severe accidental hypothermia is associated with marked depression of the brain and cardiovascular function and carries a high risk of mortality. We present three such cases with core temperatures between 18 and 27°C. Two of these patients had cardiac arrest on arrival at the emergency department. Rapid rewarming and successful recovery of spontaneous circulation was accomplished by a combination of direct cardiac compression and continuous irrigation of the pericardial cavity with warm fluids (42°C) in one of the patients with cardiac arrest. The best choice of treatment for severe hypothermia complicated by cardiac arrest is partial cardiopulmonary bypass, but this modality is not readily available in many settings. In such cases, a combination of direct cardiac compression and continuous pericardial irrigation is the best available alternative. Other rewarming modalities for severe hypothermia syndrome are also reviewed.
月本 一郎 塙 嘉之 高久 史麿 浅野 茂隆 上田 一博 土田 昌宏 佐藤 武幸 大平 睦郎 星 順隆 西平 浩一 中畑 龍俊 今宿 晋作 秋山 祐一 櫻井 實 宮崎 澄雄 堺 薫 内海 治郎 黒梅 恭芳 古川 利温 山本 圭子 関根 勇夫 麦島 秀雄 矢田 純一 中沢 真平 小出 亮 加藤 俊一 金子 隆 松山 秀介 堀部 敬三 小西 省三郎 多和 昭雄 筒井 孟 高上 洋一 田坂 英子 植田 浩司
一般社団法人 日本血液学会
臨床血液 (ISSN:04851439)
vol.31, no.10, pp.1647-1655, 1990 (Released:2009-03-12)

Recombinant human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (rG-CSF), produced by Chinese hamster ovary cells, was administered in 69 chemotherapy-induced neutropenic pediatric patients (pts) with malignant tumors. Each pt received two cycles of the same chemotherapy and had neutropenia with absolute neutrophil counts (ANC) <500/μl in the first cycle. Initiating 72 hours after termination of chemotherapy in the second cycle, rG-CSF (2 μg/kg/day) was given subcutaneously or intravenously to each pt for 10 days. rG-CSF significantly increased ANC at nadir; 72±14 vs. 206±40/μl (data in the first cycle vs. data in the second cycle, respectively), and reduced the period of neutropenia with ANC<500/μl; 9.7±0.6 vs. 5.1±0.6 days, and the period for restoration to ANC≥1,000/μl after initiation of chemotherapy; 25.5±0.6 vs. 17.5±0.9 days. rG-CSF did not affect other components of peripheral blood. The number of days with fever ≥38°C was significantly reduced by rG-CSF treatment. Neck pain and lumbago were observed in one pt, polakysuria in one pt, and elevation of the serum levels of LDH and uric acid in one pt, however these were mild to moderate, transient, and resolved without any specific treatment. We concluded that rG-CSF was effective in neutropenia induced by intensive chemotherapy for malignant tumors without any serious side effects.
松永 信博 増田 壮佑 中牟田 大嗣 徳永 貴久 矢野 真一郎 押川 英夫 橋本 彰博 藤田 和夫 古賀 雅之 岩下 智明 原田 敦彦
Japan Society of Civil Engineers
水工学論文集 (ISSN:09167374)
vol.52, pp.1291-1296, 2008 (Released:2010-08-25)

Laboratory experiments were carried out on water quality purification with EcoBio-Block (EBB). EBB is a porous concrete block including Bacillus subtilis natto group. In this study, we examined experimentally denitrification effect of EBB by letting it live together with denitrification bacteria in soil. The time variations of TN, ON, DIN, NH4-N, NO2-N, and NO3-N were obtained under the aerated condition by changing the weight ratio of EBB to water. On the basis of those data, the denitrification rate, the mineralization rate, and the decreasing rate of DIN were obtained. As a result, we confirmed that the processes of organic matter decomposition, nitrification, and denitification were performed effectively by the symbiosis of useful microbial group and denitrifying bacteria.
古後 晴基 村田 潤 東 登志夫 村田 伸 鳥山 海樹 山下 裕 今村 純平
ヘルスプロモーション理学療法研究 (ISSN:21863741)
vol.6, no.1, pp.29-33, 2016-04-30 (Released:2016-07-29)

本研究の目的は,浮腫における圧痕深度計測法の妥当性と圧痕性浮腫の判別が可能な評価法であるかを明らかにすることである。22名44肢の浮腫有と診断された患者と,30名60肢の地域在住の健常高齢者を対象とした。被験者の足底を床面に付けた端座位とし,第3中足骨骨頭の足背部の圧痕深度をエデゲー?にて計測した。また,同一部位の皮下軟部組織厚を超音波画像診断装置にて計測した。統計解析には,圧痕深度値と皮下軟部組織厚値をPearson の相関係数にて分析した。また,圧痕深度値は,対応のないt 検定を用いて患者と健常者間で比較した。その結果,圧痕深度値と皮下軟部組織厚値との間に,極めて強い相関関係を示した。また,患者群は健常者群と比較して圧痕深度値が有意に高値を示した。本研究より,圧痕深度計測法は妥当性ある評価法であり,圧痕性浮腫の有無を判別可能な評価法である可能性が認められ,圧痕性浮腫における有用な評価法であることが示唆された。