山本 晴彦 岩谷 潔 鈴木 賢士 早川 誠而 鈴木 義則
自然災害科学 (ISSN:02866021)
vol.19, no.3, pp.315-328, 2000-11-30

Typhoon 9918 (Bart) passed through the Kyushu and the western part of Chugoku districts on September 24,1999. The strong wind and storm surge disasters were caused by the typhoon 9918 in western part of Japan. During the typhoon passing, the peak gust speed recorded at Ushibuka weather station in Kumamoto Prefecture was 66.2 m/s, which was the maximum value in Kyushu district (exclusive of islands). The peak gust speed recorded at the Onoda fire station and the Hofu north base were 58.9 m/s and 61.2 m/s, respectively. The sea level recorded at Moji was 372 cm at 8 : 10,which was 140 cm higher than the calculated value (232 cm). The loss money by the strong wind and storm surge disasters in Yamaguchi Prefecture by the typhoon 9918 exceeded 41 billions yen.
早川 由紀夫 新井 房夫 北爪 智啓
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.106, no.5, pp.660-664, 1997-10-25 (Released:2009-11-12)

The Edifice of Hiuchi Volcano was founded on the Mokake ignimbrite plateau which is directly underlain by the Nanairi pumice. They erupted from near the present summit successively about 350ka. On the plateau, the Ozorizawa cone was first established about 100 ka. Next, the Shibayasugura cone having twin peaks, Shibayasugura (2, 356 m) and Manaitagura (2, 346 m), was built shifting slightly southeast. At 19ka, the Jubeike lava flow and Kumazawa Tashiro lava dome were issued from the northeastern flanks. The latter was accompanied by a devastating blast. Southward-opening horseshoe depression is source of the Nushiri debris avalanche, which dammed up the Nushiri River and formed the Oze marsh about 8ka. The Akanagure lava dome and flows immediately occupied the depression. The youngest volcanic feature at Hiuchi is the Miike lava dome, 300m south of the Manaitagura peak. It emplaced during the 16th century, just before the Shirohikemizu flood descended the Hinoemata River on July 28, 1544. Hiuchi Volcano has erupted 17 × 1012 kg of magma since its birth, 350 thousand years ago. Average discharge rate is 4.9 × 1010 kg per thousand years, an order of magnitude smaller than that of the most active Japanese volcanoes.
佐藤 源貞 川上 春夫 早川 和夫 泉山 昭
一般社団法人 映像情報メディア学会
テレビジョン (ISSN:18849644)
vol.28, no.12, pp.1007-1016, 1974-12-01 (Released:2011-03-14)

同軸系伝送機器に使用されるインピーダンス変成回路には種々のものが使用されている.現在, 変成回路として最も広く使用されているのが4分の1波長インピーダンス変成回路である.本稿は種々の装置に用いられる2段4分の1波長インピーダンス変成回路の特性, 特に広帯域特性を呈するものとして, その定在波比の周波数特性がWagner型およびChebyshev型の設計法について述べた.
町田 誠 早川 典生 町田 敬 坂上 悟
The Japanese Society of Snow and Ice
雪氷 (ISSN:03731006)
vol.69, no.4, pp.457-469, 2007-07-15 (Released:2009-08-07)

早川 哲也 寺島 貴志 西畑 昭史 山角 浩一 浜岡 荘司 佐伯 浩
Japan Society of Civil Engineers
海洋開発論文集 (ISSN:09127348)
vol.13, pp.783-787, 1997 (Released:2011-06-27)

Ports and fishing ports in cold regions in Hokkaido freeze during winter. Changes in sea level after ice sheets have adfrozen to port facilities, such as floating structures, quays and breakwaters, create vertical ice loads. Floating structures often suffer damage from sea ice, making it important to consider the influence of the sea ice in the design of such structures in cold regions.In this study, investigations of sea ice conditions were conducted to estimate ice loads, and the distribution of ice thickness and the area range where the ice sheet undergoes flexural failure were clarified.

1 0 0 0 OA 気管支喘息 II

早川 尚志
内陸アジア史研究 (ISSN:09118993)
no.30, pp.23-49, 2015-03-31

As is usually the case with Inner Asian dynasties that ruled vast territories, the TimuridDynasty operated a postal system, which encompassed an extensive web of postal stations.This system was instrumental in allowing the Timurids to acquire information rapidly,and it also facilitated the movement of both military personnel and civilians. The system was also used for time-tracking: For instance, citing how many postal stations there were between two cities proved to be a relatively reliable way of calculating distance. This truly demonstrates the importance of the postal system under the TimuridDynasty, especially as far as transport is concerned. In this paper, I examine the postal station as a criterion of time-tracking and relateit to a unit called farsaḫ or farsang. I also discuss the way in which the Timurid Dynastycould retain and manage the postal station as a constant criterion. Specifically, I examinethe system of postal stations, the permission needed in order to conduct a journey, howsuch permission was acquired, who could supply such permission, the benefits of suchpermission, and the support of the šiqāʾūls.The results of my investigation demonstrate how the Timurid rulers kept this web ofpostal stations in their lands and how they used them in order to obtain valuable informationas quickly as possible, especially during emergencies.
早川 尚志
内陸アジア史研究 (ISSN:09118993)
vol.30, pp.23-49, 2015

As is usually the case with Inner Asian dynasties that ruled vast territories, the Timurid
Dynasty operated a postal system, which encompassed an extensive web of postal stations.
This system was instrumental in allowing the Timurids to acquire information rapidly,
and it also facilitated the movement of both military personnel and civilians. The system was also used for time-tracking: For instance, citing how many postal stations there were between two cities proved to be a relatively reliable way of calculating distance. This truly demonstrates the importance of the postal system under the Timurid
Dynasty, especially as far as transport is concerned. In this paper, I examine the postal station as a criterion of time-tracking and relate
it to a unit called farsaḫ or farsang. I also discuss the way in which the Timurid Dynasty
could retain and manage the postal station as a constant criterion. Specifically, I examine
the system of postal stations, the permission needed in order to conduct a journey, how
such permission was acquired, who could supply such permission, the benefits of such
permission, and the support of the šiqāʾūls.
The results of my investigation demonstrate how the Timurid rulers kept this web of
postal stations in their lands and how they used them in order to obtain valuable information
as quickly as possible, especially during emergencies.
稲岡 徹 早川 博文 米山 陽太郎
The Society of Plant Protection of North Japan
北日本病害虫研究会報 (ISSN:0368623X)
vol.1982, no.33, pp.139-141, 1982

1981年6月5日より9月17日まで北海道和寒町の町営三和, 福原両牧野において, 吸血性アブ類の種構成と季節消長を調査した。5属12種が記録され, このうちニッポンシロフアブが全体の約50%を占め, これに次いでアカウシアブ, シロフアブ, ゴマフアブ, キノシタシロフアブ, キバラァブが多かった。アブは6月下旬より9月中旬まで見られ, 種数, 個体数とも7月中旬より8月中旬までが最も多く, 牛体への害もこの時期に集中していた。
早川 恭只
美學 (ISSN:05200962)
vol.63, no.2, pp.97-108, 2012-12-31

Many films which take disasters like earthquakes as their subjects are fictional. And life goes on (1992) is a movie about the big 1990 earthquake in Iran. However, fiction and reality are interwoven equivalently by Kiarostami. This truly reflects his own style of making films. The earthquake really hit a place where Kiarostami had shot a previous film, and And life goes on is just a fiction based on reality, in which a cineaste who is an actor travels with his son to ask the safety of previous cast members. This film can pretend to be a documentary, but includes the exposure of being fiction, and its fictional images are contrasted by the views of the devastated area and victims' narration. However, the local children seem to play what they should be beyond themselves and their roles in the film. In such their self-direction, we can recognize a truth about children who have got not only a victims' desire to continue living and their daily lives but also the film makers' desire to expect such a situation. The evidence of a child's life can be brought to such interstice between fiction and reality, where the difference between them melts and fuses.
早川 由紀夫 小山 真人
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.37, no.4, pp.167-181, 1992-10-01

The eruptive history of the Higashi Izu monogenetic volcano field for the past 32,000 years is revealed by tephrochronology and loess-chronometry. Morphology, color, and size of basaltic tephra grains are widely variable depending on the mode of the eruption; e.g., spinose red scoria are fallout from a strombolian eruption column when a scoria cone is established around the crater; yellowish green lapilli and hard tuff (kata) are products from phreatomagmatic explosions, the former being more magmatic than the latter. In the field, these discriminations are useful not only for identification of each tephra bed, but also for understanding the transition of eruptive styles during one eruptive event. Because vents are closed or sealed at the end of an eruption, an absolutely quiescence occurs between eruptive events in a monogenetic volcano field. This proves the validity of loess-chronometry. Some of the NW-SE or NE-SW trending alignments of volcanoes proved to be created by eruptive fissures; i.e., they are erupted simultaneously. Among them, the 11 km-long Iwanoyama-Iyuzan volcanic chain is the most conspicuous, which was active about 2,000 years ago. Eruptive events more than 10^9 kg of magma discharge are recognized 13 times during the past 32,000 years, so that the average frequency of eruption in this field is calculated one every 2,500 years. The last is the Iwanoyama-Iyuzan eruption. The discharge rate of magma is 100×l0^9 kg/ky for the past 32,000 years or 330×10^9 kg/ky for the past 5,000 years. The rate seems to be accelerated recently, however, it is still an order of magnitude lower than that of a polygenetic volcano such as Izu Oshima. The Kawagodaira eruption of 3,000 years ago is remarkable for two reasons: the largest with 765×10^9 kg of magma and the first appearance of rhyolite in the field.
舟田 優花 川島 基展 早川 大地 三上 浩司 近藤 邦雄
映像情報メディア学会技術報告 (ISSN:13426893)
vol.40, no.11, pp.195-198, 2016-03-02

舟田 優花 川島 基展 早川 大地 三上 浩司 近藤 邦雄
一般社団法人 映像情報メディア学会
映像情報メディア学会技術報告 (ISSN:13426893)
vol.40, pp.195-198, 2016

田中 博道 早川 弘之 宮坂 貞
The Society of Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan
有機合成化学協会誌 (ISSN:00379980)
vol.49, no.12, pp.1142-1155, 1991-12-01 (Released:2009-11-16)
2 6

Lithiation of nucleosides has been shown to be a highly general method for chemical modification of the base moiety. A wide range of substitutions can be accomplished simply by using different electrophiles in the reaction with the respective lithiated species.In the case of uridine, the protecting group of the sugar hydroxyl groups appeared to be an important determinant of the efficiency and regiochemical outcome of the lithiation. Regiospecific abstraction of H-6 in uracil moiety with LDA takes place only when 2'- and 3'-hydroxyl groups are simultaneously protected with an alkylidene group, e.g. isopropylidene group. Subsequent reaction with a variety of electrophiles furnishes 6-substituted derivatives, which are difficult to synthesize by any other methods.As an application of the C-6 lithiation with LDA, a series of 6-iodo and 6-phenylthio acyclouridines were synthesized. Among these derivatives, 1- [(2-hydroxyethoxy) methyl] -6-phenylthiothymine (HEPT) was found to be a new lead for anti-HIV agents. The activity of HEPT is highly specific to HIV-1 : other viruses, including HIV-2, are totally non-susceptible to HEPT. Further synthetic study improved the activity to a greater extent. In terms of excellent activity, low toxicity, and effectiveness against AZT-resistant HIV-1, these HEPT analogues constitute promising candidates for AIDS chemotherapy.
松村 博志 早川 眞 蜂巣 浩生 池田 耕一
vol.21, no.3, pp.2267-2270, 2009-08-18

A tall complex building including office, hotel and conference room where international conference will be held has been scarcely built. And cold heat source consumption rates in each facility, especially in conference rooms in like thus complex building are not easily available. The authors have collected and analyzed operational data through BEMS (Building Energy Management System) for 2 years after completion. As the results, comparing the ratio of floor areas of facilities, cold heat source consumption rate at office is small. The conference area consumption of cold heat source unit floor area is so large.
早川 智
日大医学雑誌 (ISSN:00290424)
vol.67, no.1, pp.43-48, 2008

昆虫など大部分の無脊椎動物は短命であるが,タラバガニやダイオウイカなどは獲得免疫系を有しないにも関らず,30 年を超える寿命がある.興味深いことに自然界で採集される無脊椎動物には悪性腫瘍の報告が殆ど見られず,有顎魚類以上で初めて悪性腫瘍がしばしば見られるようになる.子宮内で胎児・胎盤を育てる真胎生は大部分の哺乳類で見られるが,哺乳類特有のものではなく,他の脊椎動物門のみならず無脊椎動物にも見られることがある.特異免疫系は軟骨魚類のレベルで進化したシステムであるが,真胎生を行う脊椎動物は父親由来の抗原を有する胎児に対して免疫学的拒絶を来たす可能性があり,その制御が重要な課題となる.近年,胎児胎盤が母体の免疫学的拒絶を免れるシステムが明らかにされるに至った.興味深いことにその多くは悪性腫瘍が拒絶を免れるために使用するメカニズムと一致している.悪性腫瘍の立場からすると,新たな免疫回避機構を発明するよりは,胎児胎盤が母体の拒絶を免れるシステムを用いたほうが手っ取り早いということになる.この事実から,脊椎動物における悪性腫瘍の出現は胎児胎盤の生着を許すような抑制性免疫システムの進化に依存する,言い換えれば進化の上でのトレードオフになっているのではないかという仮説を導くことができる1).