苅山 靖 林 陵平 吉田 拓矢 図子 あまね 図子 浩太佑 図子 浩二
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.67, no.2, pp.187-197, 2018-04-01 (Released:2018-03-16)

Movement control and muscle function for pelvic movement in the frontal plane (pelvic elevation) are important for various single-leg sports activities. We aimed to clarify mechanical characteristics of pelvic squat (P-Sq: single-leg squat exercise with emphasis on pelvic elevation, developed by our research group) compared with the double-leg squat (D-Sq) and single-leg squat (S-Sq). Twelve male track and field athletes performed D-Sq, S-Sq, and P-Sq exercises at various loads (90%, 75%, and 60% of 1-repetition maximum [1RM]), using maximum effort. Kinematic and kinetic data were calculated using data recorded with a motion capture system and force platforms. We observed the highest values with P-Sq, followed by S-Sq and D-Sq under all load conditions as follows: peak vertical ground reaction force and rate of force development (RFD), range of pelvic elevation, peak pelvic elevation velocity, peak powers associated with hip abduction torque and trunk lateral flexion torque. In P-Sq, RFD at 90% 1RM was smaller than under the other load conditions, whereas peak vertical ground reaction force at 90% 1RM was larger than under the other load conditions. There were no differences among load conditions with regard to hip abduction and trunk lateral flexion torques and powers. Therefore, characteristics of P-Sq compared to those of D-Sq and S-Sq are 1) larger and faster pelvic elevation, using related muscles (hip abductors and trunk lateral flexors) under all load conditions, 2) larger peak ground reaction force with pelvic elevation under large load conditions, and larger RFD in pelvic elevation under low load conditions.
小林 盾 七條 達弘
理論と方法 (ISSN:09131442)
vol.32, no.1, pp.142-155, 2017 (Released:2017-07-19)
小林 真 北野 仁菜
とやま発達福祉学年報 (ISSN:21850801)
vol.8, pp.3-14, 2017-05-31

羽根田 貴行 小林 万里 田村 善太郎 高田 清志 小川 泉
哺乳類科学 (ISSN:0385437X)
vol.57, no.1, pp.35-43, 2017 (Released:2017-07-11)

厚岸地域大黒島のゼニガタアザラシ(Phoca vitulina stejnegeri)の上陸個体数は,近年増加傾向にある.それに伴い,大黒島に隣接する厚岸湾での漁業被害が深刻化している.しかしながら,被害物は痕跡が残り難いことから,実際に本種がどれくらいの漁獲物を捕食しているのか,漁業への影響の程度は明らかではない.本研究では,厚岸湾を利用するゼニガタアザラシの漁業への影響の程度を評価することを最終目標とし,いつ,どのような個体が,どれくらいの頻度で厚岸湾を利用しているかを明らかにすることを目的とした.厚岸湾で2個体に衛星発信機を装着したところ,両個体とも,厚岸湾の利用場所は湾内の小定置網と重なっており,極めて浅く短い潜水を行っていることが明らかになった.また,初春以降,両個体とも厚岸湾の利用が見られなくなり,それぞれ厚岸湾外と釧路へと移動した.両個体の移動時期は厚岸湾の小定置網漁が終わる時期とも一致していたことから,厚岸湾で両個体が餌としていた魚の分布が変化したことによって,ゼニガタアザラシも餌場を変えたと考えられた.これらの結果から,ゼニガタアザラシにとって厚岸湾は,初春に,成獣個体だけでなく採餌経験が未熟な未成熟個体にも,上陸場から近く水深が浅いため長時間滞在できる餌場であると考えられた.初春を過ぎるとゼニガタアザラシは厚岸湾から別の場所への餌場の変化がみられ,成獣はより上陸場に近く水深の深い餌場を利用し,幼獣は広範囲に移動しながら餌場の探索を長時間行なっていた.これらの違いは成獣と幼獣で餌場の学習や採餌経験の豊富さから発生しているものと考えられた.
羽根田 貴行 諸星 綾 小林 万里
Association of Wildlife and Human Society
野生生物と社会 (ISSN:24240877)
vol.4, no.2, pp.1-10, 2017 (Released:2017-06-17)

The Pacific Ocean along the coast of eastern Hokkaido is rich in marine resources and many pinniped species inhabit the area. In this study, we report the pinniped numbers and species that are incidentally caught in salmon set nets in the waters off eastern Hokkaido from spring to autumn in 2012-2014. As a result, the number of by-catch individuals was higher in spring than in autumn, with the majority of animals caught in Konbumori and Hamanaka, respectively. Individuals of all the pinniped species that inhabit the Hokkaido coast were caught in spring. The main seal species caught in this season were harbor seals, spotted seals, and northern fur seals, whereas the majority of by-catch animals in autumn were harbor seals. Most of the by-catch seals were young individuals. However, in addition to pups, pregnant northern fur seal females were caught incidentally, likely while moving northward to breed. Migratory pinnipeds depends on the environment, the change in the number of by-catch by year was great. In contrast, resident species changed little. Therefore, status of the by-catch of migratory pinnipeds can be used as an indicator of environmental changes, whereas, the current inhabitant changes for resident species such as harbor seals.
金子 雄一郎 山下 良久 小林 啓輝
Japan Society of Civil Engineers
土木学会論文集F6(安全問題) (ISSN:21856621)
vol.69, no.2, pp.I_87-I_94, 2013

小林 信彦 Nobuhiko Kobayashi 桃山学院大学文学部
桃山学院大学人間科学 = HUMAN SCIENCES REVIEW, St. Andrew's University (ISSN:09170227)
no.30, pp.99-128, 2006-01-15

In a European folk tale called Saint Peter's Mother, an old woman, who was wicked in her life and fell to Hell, is pulled out of Hell with the aid of an onion. Other sinners in Hell take hold of her, so that they may be pulled out along with her. Noticing this, she kicks them. At that moment, the onion breaks, and all fall back into Hell. It is found that she is still mean, just as she was in her former life, and unworthy of being rescued from Hell. Many variants of this story are found all over the Christian world. And Henry F. Fullenwider proposes to add one more to the list of variants(Fullenwider, "The Onion and the Spiderweb: Paul Carus' Karma and Other Literary Variants of Grimms' Sankt Peters Mutter [Bolte/Polvka, num. 221]," Fabula 28, 1987, pp. 320-326). The story which he takes up as a new variant of Saint Peter's Mother is unique in that it is a Buddhist story composed by a European. It is The Spider Web of Paul Carus(1852-1919), who was born and educated in Germany, and immigrated to America to be an advocator of "religion of science" as editor of The Open Court. As Kayoko Nagao(長尾佳代子)points out in her paper(長尾,「芥川龍之介『蜘蛛の糸』原作の主題 -ポ-ル・ケ-ラスが『カルマ』で言おうとしたこと-」,『仏教文学』27, 京都, 2003, pp. 161-172), The Spider-web is based on an episode that is repeated in such collections of Buddhist narratives as the Avadnaataka and the Divyvadna. This ancient Buddhist episode consists of four parts: When Buddha appears on earth, he smiles and sheds light,* which reaches all places including Hell (1). Bathed in Buddha's light, sinners in Hell are cheered (2). Thereupon Buddha sends his proxy to Hell (3). And those sinners there seize the opportunity for deliverance in the distant future (4). Lon Feer's translation of the Avadnaataka had appeared two years before Carus published his Spider Web(Avadnaataka, cent lgendes buddhiques, traduites du sanskrit par M. Lon Feer, Annales du Muse Guimet 18, Paris, 1891). Carus had diligently studied Buddhism, read almost all translations of Buddhist scriptures then available in Europe, and written many books on Buddhism. So he was following the Buddhist tradition when he wrote The Spider Web, which runs as follows: A sinner called Kandata has been suffering tortures in Hell. When Buddha appears on earth, the light shed by him reaches Hell and sinners there soften. Buddha sends a spider as his proxy to Kandata, who takes hold of the web and begins to climb up. Soon he feels the thread trembling, for many sinners are climbing after him. Kandata becomes frightened and shouts, "Let go the cobweb. It is mine." At that moment, the spiderweb breaks, and all fall back into Hell. The meaning of this story is that it is essential to follow Buddha's teaching, according to which there exists no such thing as tman(self). Kandata falls back into Hell, because he has not thrown away the illusion of tman, saying that the cobweb is his alone. A memory of Saint Peter's Mother might have come to Carus, when he wrote the scene of falling again into Hell, but this is not the core of the story. The Spider Web is a failure story composed on the basis of the tradi-tional Buddhist episode. Being ignorant of this, Fullenwider misses the meaning of Carus' story, and he puts a special emphasis on the scene of falling back into Hell. The Spider Web of Paul Carus cannot be a variant of Saint Peter's Mother. *Here light is a symbol of Buddha's teaching.
小林 健二
国文学研究資料館紀要 = The Bulletin of The National Institure of Japanese Literature (ISSN:18802230)
no.43, pp.1-55, 2017-03-16

『舞の本絵巻』は江戸初期に刊行された絵入り版本「舞の本」三十六番を粉本に制作された大部で豪華な揃いの大型絵巻である。三十六番が絵巻として作られたと想定できるが、現在は散逸して国内外に十二軸十五番のものと六軸十一番の二系統の伝本が確認できる。それらを悉皆調査して「舞の本」から豪華な絵巻へと作られた様相を考察し、同時代の文芸享受史への位置づけをはかった。さらに、「舞の本」を粉本として豪華な絵本も同じ工房で作られたこと、これらの豪華な絵巻・絵本が松平家などの大名によって注文制作されたことにも言及した。また、現存する幸若舞曲を題材とした絵巻・絵本を概観できるように「幸若舞曲の絵入り本一覧稿(増補改訂)」を付した。The Illustrated Scrolls of Mainohon, grand both in number and size, gorgeously illustrated, were based on an early Edo-period woodblock edition of Mainohon, which was itself embellished throughout with pictures. Though this set of scrolls most probably included, in its original form, illustrations of all thirty-six kōwaka dances lyrics, extant versions contain only a portion of that number: one lineage of this work contains illustrations from fifteen dances in twelve scrolls, while the other contains illustrations for eleven dances in six scrolls. By examining all extant editions of this set of scrolls, I have attempted to trace the process whereby the picture-book Mainohon was at last transformed into the Illustrated Scrolls of Mainohon, as well as the latter’s place in the overall history of Edo-period art and literature. I discuss, furthermore, how the workshop which produced these illustrated scrolls also produced a number of other, similarly gorgeous picture-book editions, all based on the aforementioned Mainohon. All of these-illustrated scrolls and picture-books alike-were produced in response to requests made by the powerful daimyo family known as the Matsudaira clan. In order, finally, to facilitate a broader understanding of the field, I have thought it best to append a list of all extant illustrated books dealing with kōwaka dances lyrics.
小林 郁
神道史研究 (ISSN:05830702)
vol.64, no.1, pp.103-128, 2016-04
伊丹 琢 藪名香 俊人 家喜 湧大 矢野 賢一 山本 亮 小林 安之 篠田 信之 青木 隆明 西本 裕
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.83, no.856, pp.17-00291-17-00291, 2017 (Released:2017-12-25)

We previously proposeda power assist robot and conductedexperiments for cervical cord injury(CCI) patients. This paper proposed a new type of robot orthosis by making of their residual function around their shoulder in order to operate the wheelchair. A lock/unlock mechanism on the elbow joint is effectively used to transmit the residual function around the shoulder to the hand. We confirmedthat three patients with CCI could use their residual functionaround their shoulderand operate a wheelchair effectively in outdoor environment like high resistance roads and roads with a slope by measuring velocity of the wheelchair and electromyography of his shoulder muscle.
宮本 健弘 笠原 禎也 高田 良宏 松平 拓也 林 正治 松木 篤 上田 望
情報知識学会誌 (ISSN:09171436)
vol.27, no.4, pp.337-342, 2017-12-02 (Released:2018-02-09)

近年, 世界では「オープンサイエンス」の動きが盛んになっている. これに伴い, データ公開システムの重要性は年々増加しており, 機械可読性を持ち, 人間と機械双方にとって便利なリポジトリシステムの需要が高まっている. しかし, 研究機関独自に開発されたデータ公開システムの多くは, 汎用性や利便性, システム間連携の面で問題を抱えているのが現状である. これらの背景から本研究では, 「JAIRO Cloud」などで実績がある国立情報学研究所開発のWEKO を用いて, 金沢大学内の環日本海域環境研究センター及び国際文化資源学研究センターのデータリポジトリの構築を行っている. 構築に当たっては, 研究データを広く社会に公開する目的に加え, 研究データを保有する研究者らがリポジトリの管理に精通していなくとも, 自ら登録, 修正などを行える環境の整備を進めている.