池田 一人
東洋文化研究所紀要 (ISSN:05638089)
vol.162, pp.154-266, 2012-12-20

This paper aims to outline the development of knowledge on the Karen people of Burma, and to locate the first publication of the Christian version of Karen history in this knowledge formation process. In "A History of the Pgakanyaw," Saw Aung Hla narrates a history of struggle against persistent attempts by Buddhist Burmans and Mons to swallow the Pgakanyaw, who, with their unique language, script, culture, and kingship, had managed for many centuries to hold to a monotheistic faith, which was to be later fulfilled as Christianity. The question, then, is; what is the origin of the historiography of this first Christian version of Karen history? A substantial part of the Karen knowledge widely shared to date was mostly formed by the American Baptist missionaries during the second quarter of the nineteenth century in Tenasserim Division of colonial Burma. Two early Baptist missionaries played prominent roles with the help of nameless Karen assistants. Jonathan Wade was the creator of both Sgaw and Pwo orthographies, and the compiler of the dictionaries and grammar books. Through his works, Karen ethnicity emerged and was linguistically defined. Francis Mason published the first systematic and general description of the Karen people as a part of the natural history of Tenasserim Division. Mason's core idea that the Karen were a lost tribe of Israelites and therefore originated as a biblical nation remained unquestioned until doubtful anthropologists gained the initiative in interpreting the ethnic origin of the Karen. Knowledge on the Karen was in the first place produced, collected and shaped in an organized manner by the hands of the Baptists. It was then distributed through printing and publication, and shared with the world. Throughout the nineteenth century, the Baptist mission created an amount of information and knowledge on the Karen as never been seen before in Burma. These had in time attained the quality of valuable "first-hand records" and "classics" indispensable for knowing who the Karen were. British colonialists who came into contact with the Karen a few decades later also followed the understanding carved out by the early Baptists. On the other hand, the two other concerned parties, who, to modern eyes, were supposed to have held a close relationship with Karen knowledge, remained silent up to the twentieth century in terms of written sources. They were the Karen themselves on one side, and the ethnic Burman, a neighbor to the Karen, on the other. The records of the former would be discovered if a serious research were to be conducted on the early Sgaw and Pwo periodicals kept in the Baptist missionary archive in America. The lack of sources on the latter would tend to indicate theoretical skepticism about whether the ethnic category, consciousness or identity of "Burman" and "Myanmar" had truly already been established among the Burman speaking population in nineteenth century Burma. Around the turn of the twentieth century, the British colonial administrators began to survey the Karen as a subject to be ruled and integrated, and added a vast amount of demographic and linguistic data to the Baptist-originated perceptions on the Karen. The twentieth century saw another institutionalization of Karen knowledge when anthropology began to deal with the Karen and built up an academically verified and systematized knowledge of the Karen. At the beginning of the twentieth century, Burma was rapidly transformed into an ethnically organized and articulated society. Burman nationalism was, of course, the most acute expression of this ethnicization. Along with the elevated nationalistic atmosphere, the Karen were often accused of siding with the colonialists, and their image deteriorated and became fixed in the mind of the Burman majority. On the side of the so-called Karen people, Baptists, who had already grown influential in colonial Burma, started to propagate their ethnic claims especially in the political sphere, and at the same time their public utterances began to be recorded, particularly in the English language. The 1940s was a major transitional period in Burmese history, and the Karen were now becoming more and more a significant political issue in Burma. After Burma accomplished independence, a substantial change occurred in conditions on the mode of Karen knowledge production. American Baptists and British colonialists, two major and privileged composers of Karen knowledge, left Burma and the Karen for good. A fair amount of witness reports that continuously radiated the impression of the Karen as being "Christian," "pro-British," and "anti-Burman" were left behind, and these turned into valuable and firm historical records which were never to be updated again. Saw Aung Hla's version of Karen history is, in this perspective, a legitimate and fundamentalistic successor to the Karen knowledge which had been fostered in Baptist mission history in Burma. It was also one of the most carefully structured ethnic claims made in the late colonial Burma.
指村 奈穂子 池田 明彦 井出 雄二
東京大学農学部演習林報告 (ISSN:03716007)
no.123, pp.33-51, 2010-07 (Released:2011-07-26)


1 0 0 0 OA 気管支喘息 II

池田 忍 イケダ シノブ IKEDA Shinobu
千葉大学人文社会科学研究科研究プロジェクト報告書 (ISSN:18817165)
vol.279, pp.191-204, 2014-02-28

千葉大学大学院人文社会科学研究科研究プロジェクト報告書 第279集 『歴史=表象の現在』上村 清雄 編"The Presence of History as Representation", Chiba University Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Research Project Reports No.279近年、アイヌの人々を主体とする文化の発信力は高まり、その需要や研究の状況は大きく変わりつつある。とりわけ、かねてより知られる木彫、刺繍、アットゥシ織といった工芸分野を中心に展覧会の機会が増えた。背景には、「アイヌ文化の振興並びにアイヌの伝統に関する知識の普及及び啓発に関する法律」(本稿では通称の「アイヌ文化振興法」を用いる)の成立(一九九七)以後、衆参両議院における「アイヌ民族を先住民族とすることを求める決議」が採択され(二〇〇七)、内閣官房長官の要請により設置された「アイヌ政策のあり方に関する有識者懇談会」が報告書を提出(〇九)、白老ポロト湖畔に「民族共生の象徴となる空間」となる国立博物館の二〇二〇年度開設が決定する(一三・七)といった国の政策の進展がある。「アイヌ文化振興法」の成立以降は、公益財団法人アイヌ文化振興・研究推進機構(通称の「アイヌ文化財団」を用いる)が予算措置の面でも重要な役割を果たし、各地の博物館や美術館と共に主催する展覧会において、国内外のアイヌ工芸や民具のコレクションが継続的に紹介されるようになった。また博物館や美術館に限らず、現代の作品に触れる場、機会も開かれている。しかしながら、アイヌの人々が手がける造形は必ずしも「工芸」分野に限らず、またたとえ「伝統」的とみなされる木彫や刺繍などの手法を用いても、それぞれの作家がめざす表現世界は広がりをみせている。版画、イラスト、アニメーション、映像作品などを手がける表現者が現れている。そのような状況下で、「アイヌ・アート」という呼び名がさまざまな文脈で用いられ始めた。それは、…
光山 和彦 村上 文弘 池田 哲臣
映像情報メディア学会技術報告 (ISSN:13426893)
vol.36, no.10, pp.53-56, 2012-02-17

野中 紀彦 岩崎 富生 守谷 浩志 谷江 尚史 池田 靖
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.81, no.824, pp.15-00018-15-00018, 2015 (Released:2015-04-25)

A Kriging-based method for efficiently searching materials was used to select additive elements in lead-free solders that are effective for suppressing the grain-boundary diffusion, which is the cause of smaller breaking elongation than lead-contained solders. By using the idea of the L9-orthogonal-array design methodology, we selected nine combinations of additive elements, and investigated the dependence of diffusion coefficients on four parameters (the atomic radius of the 1st additive, the cohesive energy of the 1st additive, the atomic radius of the 2nd additive, and the cohesive energy of the 2nd additive). The diffusion coefficients were calculated by using molecular-dynamics simulations. The calculation results showed that the diffusion can be suppressed when the atomic radii of the 1st and 2nd additives are close to that of tin (Sn), and when the cohesive energies of the 1st and 2nd additives are smaller than that of tin. According to these conditions, we found that two additives selected from silver (Ag), indium (In), and bismuth (Bi) are effective for suppressing the diffusion and for increasing the breaking elongation. Because these results were confirmed by tensile deformation test, the Kriging-based method is considered to be practical for effectively searching materials.
池田 裕
日中医学 (ISSN:09126287)
vol.22, no.2, pp.16-20, 2007-07-25
森棟 隆弘 池田 正夫 島崎 利治 高畑 謙治 杉山 毅
富山大学工学部紀要 (ISSN:03871339)
vol.24, pp.7-13, 1973-03

In producing ferro-manganese we reduce Mn ore in electric furnace or high temperature blast furnace, the path of their chemical change of manganese oxide is not clearly known in raising the temperature. We tried to reduce them in the presence of CO or solid carbon in small muffle furnace from the temperature of 700℃ to 1500℃. And every 100℃ the sample were extracted and examined by X-ray. In these tests, the sample ores were pyrolusite (MnO_2) and contained small amount of braunite (MnO・3Mn_30_4・Si0_2) and Mn_30_4. Next results were known in reducing heating. At 700℃; Mn_20_3 and MnO appeared. At 800℃; No change. At 900℃; MnO increased, γ-Mn_20_3 appeared. At 1000℃; MnO a little increased. At 1100℃; Almost all structure w ere MnO, Mn_30_4 dicreased. At 1200℃; MnO increased. At 1300--1400℃; No change. At 1500℃; Mn_30_4 desappeared, MnO decreased and Fe-Mn solid solution appeared, but Mn carbides (Mn_3C, Mn_3C_4) were not formed.マンガン鉱を高温電気炉又は高温高炉で還元してフエロマンガンを造る場合に,マンガン鉱の化学変化はただ想像されるだけで,それについて調べたものが無い。これらのことから著者らはインド産マンガン鉱を使ってCOガス又は炭素の存在下で鉱石を700℃から1500℃迄の間で加熱還元し,100℃毎にサンプルを取りX線で調べ,マンガン化合物の変化と金属マンガン,マンガン炭化物となる温度を調べた。又各種の化合物の生成について熱力学的にも考察を加へたが,マンガン炭化物については足掛りが出来た程度でなお深い研究を要する。これ等のことについての今迄の研究者はT.Yagi・hashi,K.Asada らで,COガスを使いマンガン鉱の還元挙動を解析している。著者らも昭和15年に,マンガン鉱石が各種の形のものがあることを示し,その製練法に言及している。
近藤 信一 池田 大四郎
The Society of Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan
有機合成化学協会誌 (ISSN:00379980)
vol.40, no.10, pp.902-911, 1982 (Released:2010-01-22)
2 2

Several 1, 4-diaminocyclitol-containing aminoglycoside antibiotics have been discovered by four Japanese research groups during the past five years. Fortimicin A, C, D and KG3 produced by Micromonospora, sporaricin A and C by Saccharopolyspora, istamycin A, B, C and A2, 2″- N-form-imidoylistamycin A and B by Streptomyces, and dactimicin by Dactylosporangium inhibit strongly the growth of Grampositive and -negative bacteria including most aminoglycosides-resistant strains. These antibiotics are pseudodisaccharides consisting of a diaminosugar and a 1, 4-diaminocyclitol acylated with glycine at the 4-methylamino group. Fortimicin A and some derivatives of this group antibiotics have been evaluated their clinical usefulness. In this review, chemical studies and structure-activty relationships of the 1, 4-diaminocyclitol-aminoglycoside antibiotics are discussed.
池田 廣司
日本文学 (ISSN:03869903)
vol.16, no.11, pp.764-772, 1967-11-01
松村 博志 早川 眞 蜂巣 浩生 池田 耕一
vol.21, no.3, pp.2267-2270, 2009-08-18

A tall complex building including office, hotel and conference room where international conference will be held has been scarcely built. And cold heat source consumption rates in each facility, especially in conference rooms in like thus complex building are not easily available. The authors have collected and analyzed operational data through BEMS (Building Energy Management System) for 2 years after completion. As the results, comparing the ratio of floor areas of facilities, cold heat source consumption rate at office is small. The conference area consumption of cold heat source unit floor area is so large.