茂渡 悠介 酒井 幹夫 水谷 慎 青木 拓也 斉藤 拓巳
混相流 (ISSN:09142843)
vol.24, no.5, pp.681-688, 2011-03-15 (Released:2011-06-15)
3 3

Numerical approaches of the solid-liquid flows were not established so far. This is because the modeling of free surface and solid phase was difficult, furthermore the calculation cost might become excessive. In the present study, a new method is developed to simulate the solid-liquid flows involving the free surface. In this method, the solid-liquid flows were computed by combining the Discrete Element Method (DEM) and the Moving Particle Semi-implicit (MPS) method. This is called the DEM-MPS method. In the present study, the validation of the DEM-MPS method was performed in a solid-liquid flow involving free surface in a rotating tank. The angle of repose and solid distribution were compared between the simulations and experiments. The simulation results were in good agreement with those obtained by the experiment.

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岡田 正人 金盛 克俊 青木 伸 大和田 勇人
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.29, no.1, pp.194-200, 2014-01-05 (Released:2014-01-07)

This paper presents a high performance virtual screening method for drug design based on machine learning. In drug discovery with computers, drug designers often use docking softwares. They decide the docking between the compound and the protein with the result of docking software, structure of the compound, and any information of the compound. Currently, the performance of docking software is not high. This paper shows the machine learning method which uses the experiential knowledge of pharmaceutical researchers. This method calculates the docking possibility of compounds with high performance based on the results of the docking software and chemical information of compounds. The experiment shows our method have high-accuracy as 98.4 % and excellent ROC curve.
山根 宏 青木 忠一
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. EE, 電子通信エネルギー技術 (ISSN:09135685)
vol.108, no.150, pp.1-6, 2008-07-17

小林 由希 湯本 幸子 青木 君代 西尾 由美子 藤沢 敏子 千葉 あかね 関 夏恵 保科 知子 阿部 かおり 高田 定男 宮澤 耕次 加藤 憲之 社浦 康三
健康医学 (ISSN:09140328)
vol.17, no.3, pp.318-321, 2002

青木 正和 片山 透 山岸 文雄 横田 総一郎 亀田 和彦 斎藤 肇 原 耕平 江崎 孝行 河合 忠 四元 秀毅 関口 進
一般社団法人 日本結核病学会
結核 (ISSN:00229776)
vol.69, no.10, pp.593-605, 1994-10-15 (Released:2011-05-24)

Recently, a new kit to detect and indentify mycobacteria in clinical specimens was developed by Japan Roche Co. Limited. The new method is based on amplification of DNA of mycobacteria in clinical specimens by PCR and hybridization of amplified DNA b. microwell plate hybridization method, which is the “AmplicorTM Mycobacteria, Roche. (AMP-M) ”. Cooperative study was organized with 15 tuberculosis hospitals and institu tions throughout Japan, and 349 clinical specimens from newly admitted tuberculosis patients and/or suspects were collected during July and August, 1993. All the specimens were examined by smear microscopy (Ziehl-Neelsen's staining), culture on Ogawa egg media, culture on variant 7H9 liquid media and by AMP-M. Excluding 25 specimens which had failed to identify the species of mycobacteria because of contamination, disability to multiply on the transplanted solid media and so on, the results of the examinations in 324 specimens consisting of 167 specimens from previously untreated cases and those of 157 specimens from previously treated cases were analysed. Main results obtained were as follows;1. Of 70 smear positive specimens from previously untreated cases, culture positive on Ogawa media and 7H9 media, and by AMP-M positive were 59 (84.3%), 61 (87.1%) and 66 (94.3%), respectively. Of 97 smear negative specimens, culture positive were 20 (20.6%), 22 (22.7%) and 27 (27.8%), respectively. The AMP-M showed the highest positive rate in both groups.2. The sensitivity and the specificity of AMP-M in previously untreated cases were calculated by assuming that positive on Ogawa and/or variant 7H9 media is “positive”. The sensitivity was 95.8% (68/71) and the specificity was 94.8% (91/96) for M. tuberculosis in previously untreated cases. The sensitivity and the specificity for M. avium and M. intracellulare were all 100%, although the numbers observed were small.3. So-called false positive of the AMP-M were observed in 5 cases out of 96 culture negatives on both Ogawa and variant 7H9 media. However, all 5 cases were positive by repeated AMP-M, 3 become culture positive later, and another 2 showed clinical findings consistent with tuberculosis. Hence, the authors considered that the false positive rate of the AMP-M method is to be very low in previously untreated cases.4. Of 86 smear positive cases with history of previous chemotherapy, the positive culture on Ogawa media, variant 7H9 media and that by AMP-M method were 64 (74.4%), 77 (89.5%) and 85 (98.8%), respectively. In the smear negative cases, culture positive was 10 out of 71 (14.1%), 13 (18.3%) and 24 (33.8%), respectively.5. The sensitivity and the specificity of the AMP-M were 98.7% (77/78) and 81.0% (64/79) for M. tuberculosis in previously treated cases calculated by the same method as in previously untreated cases. They were 77.8% (7/9) and 100% (148/148) for M. avium, and 100% (4/4) and 100% (153/153) for M. intracellulare.Based on these results, the authors concluded that the AMP-M is a very efficient and rapid method to detect and identify M. tuberculosis, M. avium and/or M. intracellulare in clinical specimens. This method will be useful to diagnose tuberculosis and diseases caused by mycobacteria other than M. tuberculosis rapidly.
臼井 英之 杉崎 由典 冨田 清司 大村 善治 三宅 洋平 青木 正樹
情報処理学会論文誌コンピューティングシステム(ACS) (ISSN:18827829)
vol.1, no.2, pp.250-260, 2008-08-21

プラズマ粒子シミュレーションで電磁界成分を更新する際には電流値が必要であり,そのために,個々の粒子の運動量を各空間格子点に集める必要がある.しかし,粒子が空間的にランダムに分布しているため,電流計算の並列演算による高速化は容易ではなく工夫を要する.本論文では,粒子の位置情報を利用して各スレッドに粒子を明示的に割り当てるスレッド並列化アルゴリズムを新しく提案し,OpenMPを用いた実装によりその有効性を検証した.動作検証により,提案手法のCPU台数効果はシミュレーション内の空間格子数の影響を受け,粒子数密度の影響はないことが分かった.特に,各スレッドに割り当てられた空間格子配列がキャッシュに収まりきる程度に細分化される場合,並列台数効果を得やすいことを明らかにした.特に並列台数10前後の場合,その台数効果はスーパリニアとなり,自動並列化コンパイラを用いた電流ルーチン実装に比べて高速になることを明らかにした.また,本提案手法は,各スレッドで全粒子を走査する冗長的な並列化方法であるため,従来アルゴリズムで用いられていた作業領域用配列は不要となり,シミュレーションに必要なメモリ容量を大幅に節約できることを示した.In Particle-In-Cell (PIC) plasma simulations, we calculate the current density to advance the electromagnetic fields. One of the ways to obtain the current density is to gather the velocity moment of each particle to the adjacent grid points. The current calculation is not basically parallelized because the particle positions, which are random in the simulation space, are independent of the array number of current density. In the present paper, we propose a new parallelization method which explicitly associates particles to threads by using OpenMP and evaluate the performance of the proposed method. We clarified that the scalability performance is affected by the number of spatial grid points and is independent of the number of particle per grid. In the proposed method, each thread is in charge of a part of the array of current density divided with the number of thread. When the memory size of the array allocated to each thread becomes small and close to the data cache size of CPU, we found that the scalability performance shows super-linear characteristics and the execution needs less time than the case of using the automatic parallelization compiler. In addition, each thread redundantly scans the particle array to obtain the information of the particle positions for assigning the corresponding particles in charge. Because of this redundant parallelization, we do not have to use work arrays and can save the memory consumed for simulations.
青木 栄一
交通権 (ISSN:09125744)
no.6, pp.2-16, 1987-12-20
鈴木 荘一 松村 幸司 永井 友二郎 藍澤 茂雄 青木 照明 橋本 信也
Japan Society for Medical Education
医学教育 (ISSN:03869644)
vol.27, no.4, pp.253-257, 1996

昭和61年3月, 阿部正和東京慈恵会医科大学学長 (当時) と実地医家のための会・永井友二郎 (会創設者) とが相談し, 同大4年または5年生に, エレクティブに春と夏の年2回家庭医実習の教育プログラムをスタートさせた. 学生に実地医家の医療を訪問見学させ, 将来の進路選択の中に, 家庭医機能の重要性を学ぶ機会を与えることが目的であった. 第1~20回までの実習学生は延121人 (1回平均6人) で, 最高11人, 最低3人であった。また, 本事業に参加した指導医は計37人で, 1人あたりの参加回数は1~18回 (平均3.3回) であった. 本実習は指導医にとっても, 教えることは学ぶことであり, 学生とともに有用性が高かった.
青木 利晃 佐藤 信 谷 充弘 矢竹 健朗
vol.2012, pp.178-187, 2012-10-10

車載ソフトウェアの安全性や信頼性に関する問題は,社会において非常に大きな関心となりつつある.最近では,車載システムに特化された機能安全の世界標準も策定されており,実社会では,トヨタ車の電子スロットル制御システムの検証が NASA により実施されたという事案も生じている.このような問題を背景に,我々は,車載オペレーティングシステムの検証手法の研究と実践を行っている.我々が対象としている OS は, OSEK/VDX に準拠するものである.本論文では,モデル検査とテスト手法を組み合わせて,設計検証から実装のテストまでシームレスに検証を行う手法,および,実際の製品への適用について紹介する.
青木 孝義 マッゾン ニコラ ヴァルッツィ マリア ローザ カザリン フィッリポ モデナ クラウディオ
構造工学論文集. B (ISSN:09108033)
vol.56, pp.99-105, 2010-03-27

Dynamic test and analysis are very important to obtain reliable information relating to actual structural properties of existing multi-leaf stone masonry buildings. For this purpose a series of the shaking table tests of the two-story multi-leaf stone masonry buildings is carried out. This paper consists of two parts. The first part deals with dynamic identification of the two-story multi-leaf stone masonry building and the second part covers its damage detection by numerical model updating.
中村 昌彦 百留 忠洋 吉田 弘 青木 太郎
社団法人 日本船舶海洋工学会
日本船舶海洋工学会論文集 (ISSN:18803717)
vol.9, pp.139-153, 2009 (Released:2009-10-08)

A small AUV "MR-X1" was developed in 2000 for detailed investigation of the seafloor and marine organisms at JAMSTEC (Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology). In order to assure high maneuverability under low-speed cruising and good hovering performance, the motion of the vehicle is controlled by five thrusters. When the vehicle was built, PID control was implemented, but in order to improve control performance, renovation of the vehicle operating system has been ongoing since 2007, and a model based control (LQI control) is due to be adopted when this is complete.The paper summarizes the mathematical model of the vehicle and the design method of the motion and path controller, and shows successful numerical simulated results.