安斎 勇樹 青木 翔子
日本教育工学会論文誌 (ISSN:13498290)
vol.42, no.3, pp.231-242, 2019-01-20 (Released:2019-02-02)

青木 栄一
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.42, no.6, pp.349-362, 1969-06-01 (Released:2008-12-24)

日本の私鉄はおおむね局地鉄道としての性格をもち,沿線地域の産業活動が鉄道の貨物輸送に直接反映する可能性が高い.このことから私鉄の貨物輸送の実態を全国的,総括的に把握するため,貨物運輸密度(1日1キロ当り貨物平均通過トン数)および輸送貨物の品目構成から明らかにしようと試みた. 考察の結果,日本の私鉄の大部分は貨物品目構成の上で,農産品または林産品,あるいはその両者の発送・および肥料の到着が大きい比率を占める1型(第1次産業基盤の私鉄),鉱産関係品の発着,あるいはセメントの発送が大きい比率を占めるm:型(第2次産業基盤の私鉄),およびI・III型の中間型であるII型の3者に分類することができた.I・II・III各型に属する線区数は調査私鉄113線区 (1955~56年現在,総数の83%に相当)中,それぞれ43 (38%), 17 (15%), 38 (34%)であった.また一般に貨物運輸密度の高い線区では第2次産業生産物およびその関連貨物の比率が高く,皿型に属し9第1次産業生産物およびその関連貨物の比率が高い線区では貨物運輸密度が低い.
佐川 敦子 笹原 由雅 鎌形 潤一 青木 仁史 大橋 きょう子
日本調理科学会大会研究発表要旨集 2019年度大会(一社)日本調理科学
pp.96, 2019 (Released:2019-08-26)

【目的】減塩につながる調味方法としては,食品内部に塩味を拡散させず,食べる直前に食品表面に塩味をつける方法がある。これまでに,うま味や酸味を添加することで塩味強度が強まるという報告はあるが,油を添加した場合の塩味の感じ方についての報告は見当たらない。そこで,油添加に着目し,調製時における塩および油添加タイミングの違いによる塩味の感じ方について検討した。【方法】塩および油添加タイミングを変えた飯表面に塩味をつけた試料(塩味表面試料)と,塩水で炊飯した試料(塩味均一試料)の塩むすびモデル系試料を調製した。塩添加量は米重量の1.15 w/w%(飯の0.5w/w%),油添加量は米重量の2.0 w/w%とした。試料の形状測定(マイクロスコープVHX-6000),物性測定(レオナーRE2-33005C)を行った。また,官能評価により,同一塩分濃度下における塩味の感じ方について,呈味強度(塩味,甘味,うま味)および味の好ましさを5段階評点法により評価した。【結果および考察】1. 形状測定:米飯対角幅,周囲長,面積において,塩味表面試料は,塩味均一試料よりも高値を示した。2. 物性測定:硬さにおいて,塩味表面試料は,塩味均一試料よりも有意に低値を示した。3. 官能評価:塩味表面試料は,塩味均一試料に比べ塩味強度は有意に高かった。また,炊飯前油添加試料は,炊飯後油添加試料よりも塩味強度は有意に高かった。炊飯前に油を添加し炊飯後に飯表面に塩味を付与すると,塩味の感じ方は強くなることが示唆された。官能評価の塩味強度と物性測定の凝集性および付着性で負の相関が認められた。結果,米飯の凝集性,付着性が小さいほど,塩味強度は高くなることが示唆された。
青木 健
東洋史研究 (ISSN:03869059)
vol.65, no.3, pp.614-583, 2006-12

This study begins with a reexamination of the research of S. Wikander that was conducted 60 years ago on the geographical transition of the iconography of the imperial ideology of the Sassanian kingdom. The study also incorporates the achievements of research on Zoroastrianism, from Wikander to the present day, and then hypotheses that the reason that the Sassanid kings moved their place of pilgrimage to Azerbaijan after the 5th century was associated with the sacred fire, Adur Gusnasp, in Siz and the imperial throne, Takht-i Taqdis. The author has drawn upon evidence from archaeological and written material (in Pahlavi, Arabic, and early-modern Persian) and art historical hypotheses, to create a compilation of fact, legend, and theories on both. As a result, I was able to come up with a chronology based on the weight of the facts. In addition, I sought the reasons for the changes seen in the chronology in light of advances in the study of Zoroastrianism since the time Wikander. As a result the following prospect on the holy fire and the sacred throne were attained. Firstly, the author conjectures that as regards the holy fire, Adur Gusnasp, there was a relationship in which "changes in Zoroastrian thought" resulted in the "modification in imperial ideology of the Sassanid kingdom." In short, there was a chain of influence during the 5th century, from the "linking of the legend of the founder to of Azerbaijan" to "royal pilgrimage to Azerbaijan after the king's enthronement" to the "iconoclastic movement" and finally to the "destruction of stone relief of Xwarnah, symbolizing the right to rule" and the "increase in the importance of the sacred fire of Adur Gusnasp." As regards Takht-i Taqdis on the other hand, it appears to have been a temporary phenomenon based on the initiative of Khosrow II, and I am unable to posit any influence of Zoroastrian thought. The imperial throne can be thought of as an artifact of the attempt by Khosrow II, who held a firm grasp on imperial legitimacy inherited from his grandfather Khusrow I to construct his own imperial ideology free from Zoroastrian thought by highlighting the glory of his military exploits. However, due to a lack of detailed records, it was impossible to specify just what the nature of ideology that might have been.
飯田 真琴 青木 諒 望月 龍輝 奥村 天翔
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020

Ⅰ 研究概要<目的> 伊豆半島には柱状節理が多く存在する。貴重な地質遺産である柱状節理を統計的に解析することで柱状節理の成因、形成状況を解析するために本研究を行った。<既存成果>昨年は、比較的厚い溶岩やマグマ中にできた柱状節理を対象に研究を行い、柱状節理の角数が、冷却速度の均一さと相関があると結論付けた。Ⅱ 実験、結果及び考察1 浮島柱状節理〈方法〉 伊豆半島にある浮島海岸の柱状節理に対して、ドローンを用いて空中写真を撮影、ソフトを用いて3Dデータ、オルソ画像を作成した。そこからQGISを用いてオルソ画像の判読を行い、232個の柱状節理のポリゴンデータを手作業で作成し、角数と面積データを収集した。縦軸を全体に対する個数の割合、横軸を角数としてグラフ化し、昨年度の柱状節理のデータと比較した。〈結果〉グラフを分析した結果から、昨年度調査した柱状節理は6角形が一番多いが浮島海岸の柱状節理は5角形が一番多いことが分かった。〈考察〉浮島海岸の柱状節理は薄い岩脈で形成されており冷却環境が悪いことが角数分布のばらつきに由来するのではないかと考えられた。2 海外の柱状節理データの収集、解析〈概要〉 海外の文献から世界の様々な柱状節理の角数分布に関するデータを収集し、グラフにまとめ、国内の柱状節理との相関を調べた。〈結果〉文献からBurntisland dykeが薄い岩脈にできた柱状節理で、その他は厚い岩体にできた柱状節理であることが判明した。また、国内・海外の柱状節理の角数分布をグラフにまとめ分析した結果、比較的厚みのある岩体にできた柱状節理は6角形が一番多く、岩脈の薄いBurntisland dykeや浮島海岸は角数にばらつきがあることが分かった。〈考察〉Burntisland dykeと浮島海岸の角数のばらつきは、薄い岩脈でできており冷却環境が悪かったことに由来するのではないかと考えた。3 片栗粉実験〈方法〉 粉体と流体の混合物が乾燥し収縮するとき、溶岩が冷却され体積が収縮するときと同様に、核が形成され柱状節理となる。そこで、以下の手順で実験を行った。水と片栗粉の混合物をプラスチック製容器に入れ乾燥させ人工的な柱状節理を作成。今回は片栗粉水溶液を乾燥させる段階で白熱電球を使用し、温度勾配をつけるために白熱電球を置く位置を三つのケースに分けて実験した。電球を容器の端に置いた場合電球を容器の中央に置いた場合インキュベータで均一に加熱した場合サーモグラフィーカメラを用いて温度勾配ができていることを確認形成される片栗粉柱状節理を手作業でボロノイ分割によってデータ化面積、角数、熱源からの距離などのデータを収集しグラフにまとめ分析〈結果〉データと作成したグラフを分析した結果、どの条件下でも全体の割合として6角形の度数が大きいと分かった。一方、温度勾配の大きい場所に着目すると、不均一に加熱した試料は熱源に近いところほど面積が大きくなり、ある一定のところまで離れると熱の影響が少なくなり、均一に加熱した柱状節理と同じようになることが分かった。角数においては、均一に加熱した場合は6角形が突出した傾向があるが、温度勾配を付けた場合では、均一に加熱した場合と比べて5角形と6角形の分布に差がなく、角数のばらつきが大きくなったことが分かった。〈考察〉加熱が均一でなかったことが柱状節理の角数の分布に関係しているのではないかと考えられる。Ⅲ 全体を通しての考察昨年度調査した柱状節理、浮島海岸、海外の柱状節理の統計から、岩体が厚い柱状節理ほど、角数分布にばらつきがなかったため、冷却速度が均一であることが、6角形が多く分布する条件であると考えられた。また、片栗粉実験で、加熱温度に不均一さを持たせた柱状節理には角数にばらつきが生まれたので、上記の考察を再現できることが分かった。さらに、加熱温度に不均一さを持たせることで、面積にばらつきができることも分かった。Ⅳ 結論 柱状節理は厚い岩体ほど6角形が多く分布し、薄い岩脈では6角形の分布が少なくなり、全体的に角数のばらつきが大きくなる。また、岩体や岩脈の厚さによって冷却温度が不均一になり、面積にもばらつきが生じる。Ⅴ 参考文献・1、水口 毅、地形現象のモデリング海底から地球外天体まで 第9章 柱状節理 —— 火成岩の亀裂とそのモデル実験、名古屋大学出版会,2017 ・2、Paul Budkewitsch and Pierre-Yves Robin、Modelling the evolution of columnar joints、Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal ResearchVolume 59, Issue 3, January 1994, Pages 219-239・3、鈴木淑夫,岩石学辞書,朝倉書店,2005
小林 淳 青木 かおり 村田 昌則 西澤 文勝 鈴木 毅彦
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.65, no.2, pp.21-40, 2020-06-30 (Released:2020-07-06)

This study established tephrostratigraphy and clarified the eruption history of Niijima volcano (Izu Islands, Japan) after the Miyatsukayama event (12.8-8.5calka) through geological survey around the central and northern parts of Niijima island, and Shikinejima and Jinaijima islands. Detailed explanation is summarized below. The Miyatsukayama eruptive event started at the north of Akazakinomine lava dome (central part of Niijima island) at 12.8calka. The series of eruptions formed Miyatsukayama lava dome, and produced Nj-MtG tephra (12.8-8.5calka) and K tephra (ca. 8.5calka). In particular, the first pyroclastic density current covered the Akazakinomine lava dome thickly, accompanying fallout deposits (Nj-Mt tephra) which were widely distributed in the northern part of Izu Islands. Subsequently, the Shikinejima event ejecting Nj-Sk tephra occurred at ca. 8calka. At ca. 7.5calka, H(s) tephra was produced by the eruption near Shikinejima island, and H(n) tephra was produced by the Niijimayama event. During the Miyatsukayama-nanbu event (ca. 5.5calka) producing Nj-Mt(s) tephra, pyroclastic density currents erupted from the southern part of Miyatsukayama lava dome, buried depressions on the Miyatsukayakma lava dome and formed horizontal and flat surface. The erupted pyroclastic material covered the Akazakinomine lava dome widely and formed pyroclastic cones and lava domes near the source. After that, the Wakago event (Ni-Wg tephra), the D tephra event and the Kudamaki-Atchiyama event (Nj-KdAt) erupted basaltic magma at ca. 3.6calka, ca. 1.6calka and AD 856-857, respectively. Several decades after the Kudamaki-Atchiyama event, the Mukaiyama event (Nj-My) occurred at the southern part of Niijima island in AD 886-887. The Mukaiyama event is the largest eruption during the last 12.8 kys. At Niijima Volcano, eruptions with the magnitude equivalent to the Mukaiyama event (>0.1DREkm3) have occurred every thousand years since the Miyatsukayama event, and the large area of the island was covered with pyroclastic density currents at each eruption.
葛谷 健 青木 伸 一色 玄 奥山 牧夫 柿崎 正栄 門脇 孝 陣内 冨男 日比 逸郎 堀野 正治 松田 文子 宮村 敬
一般社団法人 日本糖尿病学会
糖尿病 (ISSN:0021437X)
vol.30, no.11, pp.1047-1063, 1987-11-30 (Released:2011-08-10)

The Adhoc Committee on Diabetic Twins was organized in the Japan Diabetes Society in 1984 to collect data on diabetic twins in Japan. During past 3 years, the Committee collected data on 87 pairs of twins, one or both of whom had diabetes mellitus or glucose intolerance. Among them, 63 were monozygotic and 24 were dizygotic twins. Probands, who are defined as those who developed diabetes or glucose intolerance earlier, included 21 patients with IDDM, 56 with NIDDM, one case with diabetes of unknown type, and 9 with borderline glucose intolerance. Physicians in charge of diabetic twins were asked to fill out a form for detailed informations and some additional examinations when necessary. These data were gathered and analyzed by the Committee. The Committee ended the term in 1987 after 3 year's activity, and reports on main results obtained so far.(1) Concordance rate for diabetes in monozygotic twins was 45%(5/11) in IDDM and 83%(38/46) in NIDDM cases. In dizygotic twins, concordance rate was 0%(0/10) in IDDM and 40 %(4/10) in NIDDM cases. It was significantly higher in NIDDM than in IDDM, and in monozygotic than in dizygotic twins.(2) Concordance rate was higher in patients with the onset of diabetes above the age of 20 years than in those whose age of onset was below 20 years.(3) The period of diacordance was not shorter in discordant pairs than in concordant pairs.(4) In IDDM cases, about 90% lived together at the onset of diabetes, while more than 80% of twins lived separately in NIDDM pairs at the time of onset. This was independent of zygosity and whether they are concordant or discordant for diabetes. It is probably due to the difference of the age of onset of IDDM and NIDDM.(5) The frequency of positive family history and the prevalence of diabetes in parents and siblings other than co-twins were higher in NIDDM than in IDDM cases, irrespective of whether they were concordant or discordant.(6) The presence or absence of various complications agreed in 68-97% of concordant diabetic pairs. There were a few pairs discordant for the severity of retinopathy. In these pairs the difference in the duration of diabetes or in the degree of hyperglycemia would explain the difference in severity of retinopathy.(7) Glucose tolerance test in 6 co-twins of discordant pairs of IDDM revealed that 4 had normal glucose tolerance and 4 had normal insulin response. In 8 co-twins of discordant pairs of NIDDM, normal glucose tolerance was found in only 2 cases and normal insulin response also in only 2 cases.(8) The thyroid autoantibodies were more frequently positive in IDDM than in NIDDM patients, and the positive and negative tests agreed well between monozygotic twin pairs irrespective of concordance for diabetes. Data on islet cell antibody and HLA antigens were obtained in too few twin pairs to draw any substantial conclusions. All of IDDM patients who were tested for HLA antigens had HLA DR 4.
猪又 明日香 青木 順子 木村 有紀 昆 美也子 紫竹 美和子
獣医疫学雑誌 (ISSN:13432583)
vol.23, no.2, pp.104-110, 2019-12-20 (Released:2020-07-01)

This study aimed to investigate the recent prevalence of intestinal parasites and enteric bacterial pathogen (diarrheagenic Escherichia coli, Salmonella sp., Yersinia sp., Campylobacter sp.) in companion animals in Niigata Prefecture, Japan. From May to December each of 2015 and 2016, fecal samples were collected from 136 dogs and 176 cats in Niigata public animal shelters and were examined parasitologically and bacteriologically in Niigata prefectural institute of public health and environmental sciences. Overall, the prevalence of intestinal parasites in dogs and cats were 3.7% and 42.0%, and of diarrheagenic Escherichia coli were 19.1% and 15.3%, respectively. In dogs, Spirometra erinaceieuropaei (2.9%), Pharyngostomum cordatum (0.7%), and Cytoisospora canis (0.7%) were detected of intestinal parasites. Eae positive E.coli (10.3%), astA positive E.coli (8.1%), Campylobacter sp. (1.5%), eae-astA positive E.coli (0.7%), and eae-astA-bfpA positive E.coli (0.7%) were detected of enteric bacterial pathogen. However, in cats, Toxocara cati was the most prevalent parasite species (31.3%), followed by S.erinaceieuropaei (10.2%), C.felis (6.3%), and Ancylostoma tubaeforme (5.7%). Eae positive E.coli (11.4%), astA positive E.coli (4.5%), eae-bfpA positive E.coli (1.1%), and eae-astA positive E.coli (0.6%) were detected of bacteria. Epidemiologically, it is suggested that parasitic infection is related to the condition of animals, such as captured, bred outdoors, and bred in large-scale. Although some Escherichia coli strains with virulence gene were isolated, these strains were possibly indigenous bacterium in dogs and cats. These data will be useful resources for the dissemination and awareness raising of public health about keeping animals. This study also suggests that research about zoonotic pathogens in shelter animals, sharing the role between shelters and laboratory, as for the former, specimen collection, the latter are examination, will be a useful model for surveillance of zoonotic diseases.
青木 茂男 Sigeo Aoki
茨城キリスト教大学紀要. II, 社会・自然科学 = Journal of Ibaraki Christian College. I, Humanities, II, Social and natural sciences (ISSN:13426370)
vol.47, pp.143-151, 2013

ROA and ROE of Japanese companies are lower when compared to those in England, France,Germany and the US. When ROA is analyzed separately by operating profit/sales and sales/total assets, the latter is at a similar level of companies in these countries, however, the former is lower. It is due to both the low sales price and high products cost in Japan. Low priced merchandises are led by the wide availability of similar products among various competitors and little product differentiation among them. Low productivity leades to the high product cost, and it is partially due to the delayed application of ICT. The root cause is, however, considered to be the the company culture of Japan that accepts the low profitability even with the marginal profit,and due to lack of pressure for the management by the institutional investors.
半田 幸子 堀内 邦雄 青木 和夫
Japan Ergonomics Society
人間工学 (ISSN:05494974)
vol.40, no.3, pp.139-147, 2004-06-15 (Released:2010-03-15)
30 15

足趾および足底が立位や歩行に果たす役割は重要である. 本研究は足趾把握筋力の測定器を作製し, 足趾把握筋力の加齢による変化と, 立位の平衡調整能力および歩行時間との関係について検討することを目的とした. 測定器は Smedley 式握力計を改良して試作した. 足関節を保持する支柱の位置は被験者の足長に応じて調整可能にした. 測定値の再現性はR=0.953で良好であることを確認した. 被験者は各年代層を含む男女97名 (20~84歳) とした. 測定項目は足趾把握筋力, 握力, 重心動揺, 片足立位保持時間, 上肢前方到達距離および, 10m歩行時間とした. その結果以下のことが明らかになった. (1) 足趾把握筋力は加齢により低下し, 低下率は握力よりも大きい傾向を示した. (2) 足趾把握筋力と握力, 開眼片足立位保持時間, 上肢前方到達距離および, 10m歩行時間の間には有意な相関が認められた. (3) 重心動揺とは相関が認められなかった. これらのことを検討した結果, 足趾把握筋力は立位の保持や前傾への耐性などの平衡調整に影響を与えると考えられ, 高齢者の転倒事故対策などに応用可能であると思われる.
青木 智史 小島 和人 金原 正明
奈良教育大学紀要. 自然科学 (ISSN:05472407)
vol.62, no.2, pp.1-7, 2013-11-30

In the present paper, the authors report the results of thermoluminescence (TL) dating of the bricks from a modern structure, and discuss the validity of this method. TL method is a typical and well-used tool for estimating the age of heated relics. In this research, TL dating method applied to the bricks of the brickwork foundation of an officer' s mess hall which were excavated at the site of the 53th Infantry Regiment on the campus of Nara University of Education. In 1909, the 53 Infantry Regiment was located in the site, where the campus of Nara University of Education is now located. The Infantry Regiment site was first discovered in 2008. This site was excavated continuously between 2008 and 2011. And, the samples were collected at the Infantry Regiment site in 2011. The samples were measured according to the protocol of multiple aliquot additive dose. The TL age averaged for all samples is 96±10 years before present. Thus the results of the present work indicate that the bricks were burnt in the period around the early 20th century. The results are consistent with the ages shown from the archaeological aspects of view. The TL dating method was successfully applied to the modern burnt bricks. And the above result suggest that TL dating method is a valid technique for the research on the history of modern times.
中山 泰喜 青木 克巳 沖 真
社団法人 可視化情報学会
可視化情報学会誌 (ISSN:09164731)
vol.25, no.Supplement2, pp.339-342, 2005-10-01 (Released:2009-07-31)

It is said that the Jomon Age began about12, 000 years ago and continued till about 2, 500 years ago. The potteries of that age are known as Jomon pottery. Among them, a pottery discovered from the Umataka ruin in Niigata Prefecture in 1931 has an excellent shape. It is said that this pottery was made about 4, 500 years ago. Jomon potteries of similar artistic styles have been discovered in various parts of Japan. These potteries have very nice shapes, but the pottery discovered from the Umataka ruin excels other potteries by its excellent proportion. From the shape of lip, it was named "Kaen pottery" meaning " flame pottery" . However, from the patterns of its lip and side wall, it is more appropriate to consider that they are related to water flow. In this report, this hypothesis by a visualization method using the pollen of cedar and pine trees, and computer simulation.
青木 和人 Miya M 三皷 由希子
デジタルアーカイブ学会誌 (ISSN:24329762)
vol.3, no.2, pp.187-190, 2019-03-15 (Released:2019-06-01)

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