力丸 宗弘 高橋 大希 小松 恵 石塚 条次 清原 玲子 山口 進 高橋 秀彰
no.25, pp.75-83, 2011 (Released:2013-10-08)

高橋 直樹 柴田 健一郎 平田 大二 新井田 秀一
一般社団法人 日本地質学会
地質学雑誌 (ISSN:00167630)
vol.122, no.8, pp.375-395, 2016-08-15 (Released:2016-09-02)

稲葉 通将 大畠 菜央実 高橋 健一 鳥海 不二夫
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.57, no.11, pp.2392-2402, 2016-11-15

浅田 和雄 高橋 浩昭 高橋 尚志
公益社団法人 日本材料学会
材料 (ISSN:05145163)
vol.41, no.468, pp.1396-1402, 1992-09-15 (Released:2009-06-03)

When a projectile with high velocity impacts onto a target, several fracture modes (such as spall fracture, plug fracture, penetration fracture and so forth) appear in the target. Therefore, in order to identify an impact fracture strength of materials, a particular type of impact experiments should be undertaken. For example, an impact experiment for flying plate is suitable to determine the spall fracture strength. Different impact conditions, however, may bring in different fracture strength even for the same target material. For the purpose of clarifying perforation dynamics (mechanism) by means of computer code, it is necessary to provide a unified fracture condition which enables to explain all modes of spall fracture, plug fracture and penetration fracture. Under this fracture condition, fracture takes place when the strain has attained its critical value, which may be affected by pressure and temperature.In the present study, the unified fracture condition was examined through comparison between the back surface velocity of flying plate impact experiment and the velocity calculated from computer code by using Ni-Cr-Mo steel (SNCM-630 steel). The computer code used here was that of one-dimensional large deformation stress wave propagation by finite-difference-method. The experimental results and computer code results were well in accord with each other, confirming the applicability of the unified fracture condition to perforation dynamics.
林 俊春 内海 文枝 高橋 令治 藤原 公策
日本獸醫學雜誌(The Japanese Journal of Veterinary Science) (ISSN:00215295)
vol.42, no.2, pp.197-210, 1980
1 13

臨床および病理学的に非滲出型の伝染性腹膜炎(FIP)と診断されたネコ7例について病理組織学的に検索した. 病理組織学的変化は滲出型と同じで, 主として腎, 肝, 腸間膜リンパ節, 肺, 脳, 眼に見られる血管炎および壊死をともなう肉芽腫性炎であった. 非惨出型自然例のうち1例の腎由来の材料を接種された12例の仔ネコには, 滲出型(10例), 非滲出型(2例)の両型が発現した. 自然例および伝達例の観察から, 壊死病変に先行して初期には大単核細胞におけるウイルス増殖が注目された.
高橋 京子
Japan Society of Sport Anthropology
スポーツ人類學研究 (ISSN:13454358)
vol.2004, no.6, pp.1-26, 2005-03-31 (Released:2011-06-08)

Sickness can be diagnosed and treated in two contexts-medical and socio-cultural. This paper looks at the latter. One socio-cultural method for relieving pain and discomfort are therapeutic ceremonies-prayers to gods, spirits, and the souls of ancestors, and therapeutic trances. Kagura (sacred Shinto music and dance) is an example of such socio-cultural therapy. This type of therapeutic performance is one of the roots of Japanese folk dance. To my knowledge, no research of folk dance in Japan has been carried out from this perspective. Medical science has progressed, while socio-cultural therapy has been continuously practiced, but ignored by research. This paper aims to address the need for more research into the therapeutic functions of Japanese folk dance.The object of this research is hoso-odori (“smallpox dance”), a prayer dance for the cure of smallpox practiced by women in Kagoshima Prefecture. In my previous research, I had only identified the movements unique to hoso-odori. The goal of this research was to clarify the meanings of those characteristic movements. Motion analysis was used to reveal the characteristics, with special attention given to the arm movements.The research methods were : (1) interviews(2) fieldwork(3) motion analysis from images(a) of the dance structure(b) of the arm movementsIn (1), the objects of research were hoso-odori in 25 areas of Kagoshima Prefecture. In (2) and (3), I focused on the forms of the dance found in six areas- Tsuruta-cho, Satsuma-cho and Iriki-cho in the north, and Hiyoshi-cho, Oura-cho Sakaki, and Mishimamura Iojima in the south.Hoso-odori appeared in response to an epidemic of smallpox at the end of the Edo period. It originated as a form of worship to the god of hoso (smallpox). Pilgrimages to Ise shrine were popular, and hoso-odori was also practiced out of devotion to the god of Ise.A survey of spatial structures (in each of the six areas) showed that hoso-odori are held at festivities or religious ceremonies. Costumes and ornaments were also surveyed, and each showed distinct characteristics. Survey of lyrics revealed as content common to all six areas devotion to the gods of hoso and Ise. In (3), I analyzed the dance movements in on the basis of these results.In (3a), the analysis of the dance structure, I first illustrated with diagrams the movements (especially of the arms) of the dance forms from the six areas. Next, I identified the phrases. I defined “phrase” as a set of movements in a given time. Also considered as elements of a phrase were direction (which way the dancer faces) and formation (how many dancers in what configuration). As a result, I found that the characteristic arm movements manekite (“beckoning”) and gassho (“prayer”) that I had previously identified appeared frequently. I also identified, for the first time, another characteristic arm movement, harai (“expel”).In (3b) analysis of the arm movements, I measured the frequency of the three arm movements manekite, gassho and harai.Conclusion : From the analyses of space structure, costumes and ornaments, lyrics, and movements, and this analysis revealed that hoso-odori has two essential characteristics : a prayer structure, and prayer content, which differed between north and south. In terms of structure, the women use manekite to invite the god of Ise to bring happiness to the area Then they also beckon (maneku) the god of hoso. The power of Ise and their harai movements serve to repel the god of hoso and hoso.In the North, manekite movements to beckon the god of Ise appear more frequently. In the south, harai movements to repel the god of hoso appeared more frequently. This difference may be attributed to the fact that the god of Ise is thought to come from north of
末森 明夫 高橋 和夫
人文 (ISSN:18817920)
no.14, pp.137-148, 2015

「高宗諒陰三年不言」論争は服喪説と非服喪説が主流を占めてきたものの、非服喪説においても疾病説は等閑に付されてきた。本稿では障害学的視座に立脚し、疾病説(言語障害・聴覚障害)の再検証をおこなうと共に、文献に見られる「作書」という文脈に意志疎通手段における障害学的見解を照射し、「三年不言」という文脈の解釈における外延を図った。本稿の眼目は疾病説の妥当性の主張にはなく、疾病説が論争の傍流に甘んじてきた背景を障害学的視座に立脚して再検証し、論争の主流を占めてきた訓詁学と疾病説の派生的連続性を前景化し、古代中国文献学や古代中国福祉体系の探求に資することにある。 There has been controversy about the word "ryôin (諒陰)" and the sentence "Kôsô did not speak for three years( 高宗三年不言)" in a Chinese historical passage, as many hold the opinion that Kôsô had been mourning or deliberating apolitically; however, another opinion has been neglected, namely, that Kôsô was only temporarily mute. We therefore re-examined thise controversial issue from the viewpoints of speech impairment and/or hearing impairment based on disability studies, suggesting the derivative continuity between the opinions based on disability studies and exegetics of the passage, and contributing studies on welfare in ancient Chinese society.
梅田 孝 高橋 一平 檀上 和真 松坂 方士 中路 重之
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.66, no.3, pp.533-542, 2011 (Released:2011-06-24)
2 4

The aim of this review is to provide a summary of the known effects of exercise on neutrophil immune functions of athletes. We measured three neutrophil immune functions (i.e., phagocytic activity (PA), reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, and serum opsonic activity (SOA)) in various types of exercise. The following is our recent findings. (1) A regular exercise increases ROS production and decreases PA. We call this change a normal pattern, and an abnormal pattern except this change. (2) A prolonged, strenuous activity (e.g., rugby match and marathon) decreases both ROS production and PA. This is one of the abnormal pattern. (3) The exercise loading performed after a camp training decreases ROS production whereas PA does not change. This is another abnormal pattern. (4) When judoists who had stopped judo training for 6 months restarted their training, the exercise loading at the beginning of their training decreases PA whereas ROS production does not change. This is another abnormal pattern. (5) A regular exercise 2 months after the beginning of their training increases ROS production and decreases PA. This change is a normal pattern. SOA showed a similar pattern of changes to ROS under all conditions. The changes in neutrophil immune functions after performing various exercises might result from the balance between external factors (intensity and style of exercise) and internal factors (e.g., fatigue and physical pain). Therefore, the changes in three neutrophil immune functions after exercise might be an index of athletes’ condition.
高橋 道子
vol.6, pp.113-134, 2008-03-21

Nowadays civil society in Japan is in the midst of a great transformation at a time when 'publicness', which used to belong to the authorities, should now involve those whom are concerned with administrative and fiscal reforms. Consequently, people in local communities have growing commitments to participate in policymaking directly, in a so-called 'partnership'. Furthermore, there is a growing interest in how the authorities should reform their environmental, welfare, and urban development policies at the regional level. It is certain that decision-making should depend on how well the residents of the local district facilitate consensus-building efforts among themselves. Prior to accomplishing agreement, mutual understanding is called for by means of communication in the local community. This is the reason why I discuss the theoretical possibilities of the Chonaikai (neighborhood association) within the framework of civil public sphere (Harbermas 1973), that is described as a communication space in order to present an ideal model of the Chonaikai. I argue that the ideal model should be considered as a voluntary association, in which the people establish agendas relevant to self-evident 'living', some of which might result in the raising of political issues in civil society by means of intersubjective communication.
大西 浩次 齋藤 泉 安藤 享平 大川 拓也 小野 智子 篠原 秀雄 高橋 淳 松尾 厚 奥野 勉
長野工業高等専門学校紀要 = Memoirs of Nagano National College of Technology (ISSN:02861909)
vol.48, pp.1-10, 2014-06-30

May 21, 2012, solar eclipse was observed in Japan. This time, annular eclipse occurred over a wide range; i.e. the southern part of Kyushu, the southern part of Shikoku, the southern part of the Kinki, the southern part of the Chubu, such as the Kanto. Other regions became a partial solar eclipse. Approximately 83 million people are living in the path of annular phase, we were expected many people to observe the eclipse. Eclipse is a valuable opportunity to increase interest in science. On the other hand, when observing the sun, it runs a strong risk that leads to trouble in the eyes of people due to the strong sunlight. For example, in the case of the eclipse in Germany in 1912, solar eclipse retinopathy patients of 3,500 has occurred. We conducted our activities for many people to observe the eclipse safe. One of them is the spread of safe solar eclipse observation method, another is a research study of the safety of the solar eclipse glasses.In this paper, we report the transmittance measured in the various filters; solar viewing glass on the market, and their substitutes. These are valuable archival material related to solar observation glass for the solar eclipse in the future.
岡田 忠司 杉下 朋子 村上 太郎 村井 弘道 三枝 貴代 堀野 俊郎 小野田 明彦 梶本 修身 高橋 励 高橋 丈夫
公益社団法人 日本食品科学工学会
日本食品科学工学会誌 (ISSN:1341027X)
vol.47, no.8, pp.596-603, 2000-08-15 (Released:2009-02-19)
33 194

高橋 愛
一般財団法人 日本英文学会
英文学研究 支部統合号 (ISSN:18837115)
vol.7, pp.229-236, 2015

Moby-Dick has been considered to be the most masculine of Herman Melville's novels. However, few studies have extensively considered the masculinity of those on board the Pequod despite the possibility that Melville had worked hard to express masculinities that deviated from the norms of American society in the nineteenth century. This paper discusses Queequeg, a harpooner from the South Seas, as a character onto whom Melville projected a facet of his multiple ideas of masculinity, by examining his body and his behaviors. First, Queequeg's race and ethnicity are ambiguous, though he is introduced as a Pacific Islander. His tattooed body characterizes him as non-white, but at the same time he transgresses the color line with his phrenologically excellent skull. His tattoos do not reveal any ethic characteristics, though it is said that he is based on a real Maori chief. Additionally, Queequeg's sexuality and gender are also ambiguous. He has a cordial friendship with Ishmale, a common sailor and the narrator of the novel. However, their friendship often seems too sensual to presume that they are just friends: Queequeg caresses his friend many times and his actions anticipate the homoerotic ecstasy that Ishmael experiences later. There also seems to be indications that Queequeg is transgender: for instance, his affectionate huging of Ishmael and his rescue of Tashtego, another harpooner. Given these points, Queequeg seems to be portrayed as an amorphous man who transgresses the boundaries of race, ethnicity, sexuality, and gender. It is possible that his amorphous self is a projected image of what Melville regards as masculine.
木村 五郎 赤木 博文 岡田 千春 平野 淳 天野 佳美 大村 悦子 中重 歓人 砂田 洋介 藤井 祐介 中村 昇二 宗田 良 高橋 清
一般社団法人 日本アレルギー学会
アレルギー (ISSN:00214884)
vol.61, no.5, pp.628-641, 2012

【背景・目的】Lactobacillus acidophilus L-55 (L-55株)には,マウスアレルギーモデルに対する症状緩和効果が認められている.そこでL-55株含有ヨーグルト飲用による,スギ花粉症臨床指標への影響について検討した.【方法】スギ花粉症患者にL-55株含有ヨーグルト(L-55ヨーグルト群, n=26)あるいは非含有ヨーグルト(対照ヨーグルト群, n=26)を花粉飛散時期を含む13週間飲用してもらい,症状スコア,症状薬物スコア,IgE抗体について検討した.【結果】L-55ヨーグルト群の総症状スコアと症状薬物スコアは,対照ヨーグルト群より低い傾向が認められた.特に治療薬併用例(n=23)では, L-55ヨーグルト群の花粉飛散後第5週の総症状スコア,第4週の咽喉頭症状スコアおよび第1週の総IgEの変化比が有意に低値であった.【結語】L-55株はスギ花粉症に対する緩和効果を有し,治療薬の併用により効果的に症状を軽減,あるいは使用薬剤を減量することが期待された.