佐藤 孝二 永井 弘光 甲斐 蔵
Japan Poultry Science Association
日本家禽学会誌 (ISSN:00290254)
vol.23, no.2, pp.91-96, 1986-03-25 (Released:2008-11-12)
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白色プリマスロック種,高IgG系統と低IgG系統のヒナ間における血清IgGレベルの違いは,両系統の遭遇する免疫原の有無,多寡に基づくのではないかと考え,Ig産生に対する無菌飼育の影響を調べた。1.無菌ヒナは,通常ヒナに比べて,IgGレベルが著しく低下し,通常の1/5~1/10程度の値を示した。2.ゲル濾過法によりIgMを含む第1峰は,無菌ヒナでも通常ヒナと同程度かあるいは増加したが,IgGを含む第2峰は著しく減少した。3.しかしながら,無菌条件下でも,高系統は低系統よりもつねに高いIgGレベルを示した。成長に伴うIgGレベルの変動にも差があり,高系統は,5週齢まで上昇傾向を示したが,低系統は低下していった。4.粒子抗原(SRBC, Ba)に対する抗体産生は無菌ヒナも通常ヒナと同程度の反応を示したが,溶解性抗原(BSA)に対する抗体産生は低下した。無菌条件下でも,高系統は低系統よりも高い抗体産生を示した。5.免疫により,あるいは無菌ヒナの細菌汚染により,IgGレベルは急激に上昇し,通常のレベルにまで達した。6.以上の結果から,両系統におけるIgGレベルの差は,免疫的経験の差異によるのではなく,本質的な遺伝的要因の差に基づくと思われる。高系統は免疫原に対する反応性,感受性が高いと考えられ,遺伝的要因の関与について考察を加えた。7.腸内細菌叢の存在は,IgM産生からIgG産生への切り換えの要因として働くと考えられた。
牟田 和恵
法社会学 (ISSN:04376161)
vol.2016, no.82, pp.111-122, 2016 (Released:2021-05-05)

The history of sexual harassment issue in Japan poses an interesting case for examining how gender equality develops in law and the society as a whole. The concept and words “sexual harassment” suddenly became well known when the first sexual harassment case went to court in Fukuoka and the term ‘sekuhara’ was coined in 1989. The prevention of sexual harassment was legalized in 1997 as a part of Equal Employment Opportunity Act, eight years after its problematization in 1989. It was remarkably speedy if compared to other gender related legal issues in Japan. The paper argues that the prompt legalization was brought not for the sake of women’s right but for conservative moral standard. Besides, sexual harassment issue was considered peripheral, not main labor issue for companies. In spite that the sexual harassment legalization made crucial step for women’s right, such trivialization of the problem caused insufficient outcome: the public understanding of the problem remains superficial, which causes suffering for the victims even if they might win in court. Intertwined with stark and stiff labor market structure in Japan, when a woman leaves job owing to sexual harassment, she would inevitably become irregular and unstable worker and move downward in labor market. The paper explores the relationship of law and society through the development of sexual harassment.
井黒 浩輔 今村 央
北海道大学水産科学研究彙報 (ISSN:24353353)
vol.73, no.1, pp.27-32, 2023-08-04

Three specimens of the birdbeak burrfish Cyclichthys orbicularis (Bloch, 1785) and a single specimen of the pelagic porcupine fish Diodon eydouxii Brissout de Barneville, 1846, collected from Usujiri, Hakodate, Hokkaido, Japan represent the first records from Hokkaido and northernmost records of both species. Together with Chilomycterus reticulatus (Linnaeus, 1758) and Diodon holocanthus (Linnaeus, 1758), diodontid species reported from Hokkaido. A single specimen, previously reported as a young individual of Ch. reticulatus, was reidentified as Cy. orbicularis.
是枝 祐太 森下 皓文 今一 修 十河 泰弘
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 第37回 (2023) (ISSN:27587347)
pp.4Xin108, 2023 (Released:2023-07-10)

プログラムコードの再利用はソフトウェア開発における基本的な生産性向上方法であるが,コードレポジトリの説明文 (readme) は整備コストが高く,しばしばreadmeが整備されないことがコードの再利用を妨げている.近年報告された研究は関数・クラスなど数十行のコードに具体性の高いコメントを付与するが, readmeの生成においては数万から数百万行のコードを抽象的に要約して生成を行う必要があるため,コメント生成技術をreadme生成の問題にそのまま適用することはできない.本研究では,レポジトリが実施することの概要を示す代表的なコード断片 (代表コード) をヒューリスティクスと弱教師付き学習により抽出することで,大規模言語モデルでreadmeを生成できることを示した.主観評価と自動評価により,提案手法の有効性を確認した.
Kenji Suetsugu Tian-Chuan Hsu
The Japanese Society for Plant Systematics
Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica (ISSN:13467565)
vol.74, no.3, pp.177-182, 2023-10-31 (Released:2023-11-04)

This is the first report of Taeniophyllum complanatum from Yakushima Island, Amami-Oshima Island, and Okinawa Island, Ryukyu Islands, Japan. The species is rare and was previously considered to be endemic to Taiwan. It is distinguishable from T. aphyllum by its strongly flattened roots, minutely papillate inflorescences and the shape of the fully developed fruit.
星 博幸 山口 尚之 吉田 武義
一般社団法人 日本地質学会
地質学雑誌 (ISSN:00167630)
vol.129, no.1, pp.551-566, 2023-11-03 (Released:2023-11-03)

One of the tectonic features that characterizes the Miocene geology of Northeast Japan is crustal block rotation during and after the opening of the back-arc Sea of Japan. However, the spatial and temporal characteristics of this block rotation are not well understood. A better understanding of this block rotation would shed light on the Miocene tectonic evolution of Northeast Japan. We carried out geological mapping and geochronological and paleomagnetic analyses to determine the timing of block rotation on the southern margin of the Asahi Mountains, on the back-arc side of Northeast Japan. We present a geological map and chronostratigraphic model of the lower-middle Miocene strata and redefine two lower Miocene formations. K-Ar dates show that andesite dikes and sills were intruded at ~15 Ma. The crust beneath the study area was rotated counterclockwise relative to the Asian continent, although it was broken into blocks with varying degrees of rotation. In the eastern part of the study area, counterclockwise rotation of ~40°-50° relative to the continent occurred between 17.5 and 15 Ma. Rotation probably did not occur during the earlier development of intra-arc rift basins. The timing of the rotation overlaps with that of the formation of the Myozawa Syncline, which is a growth fold that formed during the deposition of shallow marine sediments during the latest early Miocene. Complex block rotation in a possible dextral transtensional regime in the Asahi Mountains was likely confined to a period of 2 Myr between 17 and 15 Ma. This block rotation probably occurred during the late stage of the opening of the back-arc Sea of Japan.
長谷川 健 菊池 文太 柴田 翔平 井村 匠 伴 雅雄 常松 佳恵 山本 裕二 大場 司 鈴木 和馬 戸丸 淳晴 楠 稚枝 岡田 誠
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.68, no.3, pp.189-196, 2023-09-30 (Released:2023-11-02)

Volcanic bomb is one of the most common eruption products around their source craters. Although paleomagnetic studies on volcanic bombs have a potential to provide high-resolution chronology of volcanic activity, particularly when compared with the known geomagnetic secular variation records, there are only a few such studies. In this contribution, we made an attempt to determine paleomagnetic directions from large (>1 m in diameter) volcanic bombs around “Tsubakuroswa craters”, located in Azuma volcano, for evaluating the potential use of volcanic bombs for paleomagnetic dating. Six oriented mini-cores were drilled from the central part of each large volcanic bomb, five in total, located on a gentle slope a few hundred meters south from the craters. All of the mini-cores were subjected to thermal demagnetization analysis, giving a well-determined characteristic remanent magnetization (ChRM) direction for each bomb as follows: site mean declination (Dm) of 350.6‒358.0º and inclination (Im) of 48.9‒50.8º with a 95 percent confidence limit (α95) smaller than 2.4º. The ChRM directions were consistent among the bombs, supporting the availability of volcanic bombs for further paleomagnetic dating research. Referring the geomagnetic secular variation record in this area, an all-site mean ChRM direction from the five bombs (Dec=355.5º, Inc=50.1º, α95=1.9º) most likely accounts for the derivation of the volcanic bombs by the Meiji Era (1893 CE) eruption. Historic pictures and descriptions are consistent with and support this interpretation. Previous reports suggested that the Meiji Era eruption did not eject magmatic materials and that the last magmatic eruption of this volcano was probably in 1331 CE. However, our results suggest that magmatic eruptions might have occurred here only ca. 130 years ago and may be largely affecting the current activity of this crater area. Our study suggests that volcanic bombs are potentially useful materials for paleomagnetic studies such as dating and establishing geomagnetic secular variation records.
及川 輝樹 池上 郁彦 渡部 将太
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.68, no.3, pp.171-187, 2023-09-30 (Released:2023-11-02)

Submarine volcanic eruptions produce a large amount of drifting pumice around the globe at a frequency of once every several to ten years. However, there is little knowledge about what kind of eruptions produce them. Document records of large amounts of pumice washed ashore in the Nansei Islands in southwest Japan are summarized in this article, along with an assessment of their source volcanoes and eruption frequency and style. A large amount of drifting pumice has washed ashore on the Nansei Islands eight times (1778 or 1779, 1905, 1914, 1915, 1924, 1934, 1986, 2021) since the 18th century, seven of which were after the 20th century, at a frequency of several times every 100 years. This frequency is not remarkably low compared to other natural hazard events. The eruptions that provided the source of these drifting pumice were the Fukutoku-Oka-no-Ba 1904‒1905 and 1914 eruptions, the Myojin-Shou 1915 eruption, Submarine Volcano NNE of Iriomotejima 1924 eruption, the Showa Iwo-jima 1934 eruption and the Fukutoku-Oka-no-Ba 1986 and 2021 eruptions. In the 8 recorded volcanic eruptions, including the uncertain ones, 6 were due to submarine volcanic eruptions in the southern part of the Izu-Bonin Arc. It took 2 to 6 months (mostly 2 to 4 months) for drifting pumice to reach the shores of the Nansei Islands from the Izu-Bonin Arc. The eruption styles that generated a large amount of drifting pumice can be divided into three cases. (1) An eruption that ejects a large amount of pumice from the seafloor to the sea surface and causes a steam-based volcanic plume to rise at the center of the eruption. They often occur from vents with seafloor depths of several hundred meters (Submarine Volcano NNE of Iriomotejima 1924 and Showa Iwo-jima 1934), but they also occur in shallower waters (Myojin-Shou 1915). (2) An eruption that occurs in shallow water (<50 m), with repetitive Surtseyan eruption activity that forms islands composed of large amounts of pyroclastic material, while at the same time producing large amounts of drifting pumice (Fukutoku-Oka-no-Ba 1904‒1905, 1914 and 1986). (3) An eruption that occurs in shallow water (<50 m) and produces a volcanic plume reaching the stratosphere. This style of eruption forms an island and generates a large amount of pyroclastic material, including drifting pumice (Fukutoku-Oka-no-Ba 2021).
大橋 秀雄
Japanese Society for Engineering Education
工学教育 (ISSN:13412167)
vol.56, no.4, pp.4_10-4_14, 2008 (Released:2008-08-08)
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Questionnaire to ask “mention three names of scientists you know” and “three names of engineers you know” was conducted and the answers from 140 adults were analyzed. The results indicated that the image of scientists is represented by Nobel laureates and that of engineers by great inventors like Thomas Edison and industry founders like Soichiro Honda. In order to reveal the image of engineers among young generation, questionnaire was conducted for pupils in middle and high schools. Answers from 1,230 pupils were analyzed and 226 names mentioned as engineers were classified. White votes reached 60%. Engineers who are neither big inventors nor company founders collected less than 1% of named votes. Engineers are astonishingly invisible from young generation. Countermeasures are proposed.
山口 哲生 家敷 拓弥 森田 健敬 澤江 義則
一般社団法人 日本物理学会
日本物理学会誌 (ISSN:00290181)
vol.77, no.7, pp.464-468, 2022-07-05 (Released:2022-07-05)

すべり摩擦は,二つの物体が互いに接触し,すべることによって生じる力学現象である.我々の生活のほぼすべてに関係しているといっても過言ではないくらい,身のまわりのさまざまなところに現れる.ダヴィンチ(L. da Vinci)以降,500年以上にわたって膨大な量の実験結果が蓄積され,エンジニアリングでの活用がなされてきた.すべり摩擦に関する学問分野は,トライボロジーと呼ばれる.トライボロジーでは,機械システムにおける金属間の摩擦や摩耗,潤滑に関する研究を中心に,さまざまな取り組みが行われている.また,物理学や高分子科学,地球科学などにおいても,金属,セラミクス,炭素材料,プラスチック,岩石などの幅広い物質群に対して,摩擦の素過程から定常的挙動,過渡的ふるまいに至るまで,実験,理論,数値解析を用いた研究が進められている.とりわけ,摩擦係数のすべり速度依存性は,多くの物質において,古典的な摩擦法則であるクーロン–アモントン(Coulomb–Amontons)則からの逸脱が明らかになってきた.素過程を色濃く反映し,かつシステムのダイナミクスを左右する重要な特性であるため,近年,多くの研究が行われている.しかしながら,我々が知る限り,すべての実験はすべり速度が小さい低速条件でのみ行われており,高速条件における理解が不足していた.ここで,低速,高速とは,一体何に対してであろうか? 今回着目するのは,摩擦が起こる材料(固体)の弾性波速度である.空気中の音波(縦波)とは異なり,固体には,S波(横波),P波(縦波),レイリー(Rayleigh)波(表面波)など複数の弾性波が存在し,それぞれが異なる伝播速度をもつ.それらよりも速くすべらせる“超音速”では,どういった現象が見られるのであろうか?しかしながら,超音速条件におけるすべり摩擦の実験は,典型的な摩擦材料である金属では容易ではない.なぜなら,金属の弾性波速度は,その中で最も小さなレイリー波速度ですら10 km/s程度と極めて大きく,同程度あるいはそれ以上のすべり速度を実現するのが困難であるからである.それでは,一体どうすれば超音速すべり摩擦を実行できるのか? そこで登場するのが,ソフトマターの一つであり,金属のそれと比べて圧倒的に小さな弾性波速度をもつゲルである.本研究では,弾性波速度のうちレイリー波速度とS波速度が小さく,かつ壊れにくいシリコーンゲル(以下ゲル)を用いることで,“音速の壁”を突破することに成功した.そのうえで,摩擦係数のすべり速度依存性を調べたところ,S波速度を超えるとともに摩擦係数が急激に上昇することが分かった.また,ゲル表面の変形形状や内部応力分布が,S波速度以上で質的に変化した.さらに,動弾性理論をもとに定常状態における解析解の導出を試みたところ,摩擦を採り入れた形で解析解を求めることができ,その解析解によって実験結果をある程度説明することができた.思い付きで始めた研究であったが,超音速すべり摩擦という新しい分野を切り拓くことができた.しかしながら,慣性の効果を考慮した弾性流体潤滑理論の構築や,境界による弾性波の反射を採り入れた解析,定常状態の安定性に関する議論など,実験結果を説明するための理論的アプローチがまだまだ不足している.現象の解明を目指した,さらなる研究が必要である.
石黒 圭 佐野 彩子 吉 甜
社会言語科学 (ISSN:13443909)
vol.26, no.1, pp.5-20, 2023-09-30 (Released:2023-10-31)
