有馬 斉
医学哲学 医学倫理 (ISSN:02896427)
vol.25, pp.71-80, 2007-10-18 (Released:2018-02-01)

In moral discourse, people often appeal to emotion as opposed to reason. This is particularly true when they discuss the moral status of the use of new biomedical technology. Sometimes we may be unable to articulate an argument against organ transplantation from a brain-dead person, host surrogacy, human embryonic stem cell research, etc; we may then only say that "these acts are disgusting." What exactly do we mean when we say that someone's act is "disgusting"? In the first half of this paper, I shall distinguish three cases: (1) a person who seeks to reach a "reflective equilibrium;" (2) a communitarianist; and (3) a moral realist, each of whom may appeal to emotions in his or her own way. The purpose of the latter half of the paper is to examine and refute the manner in which moral realists appeal to emotion. Consider, for example, incest, cannibalism, rape and murder. It may seem that these acts are objectively evil, and that they provoke a negative emotional reaction. These facts might lead one to believe a realistic idea that human beings are biologically equipped with a special kind of emotion whose function is to detect objectively existing moral evilness. In order to show a fallacy involved in this inference, I shall point to a fact that has been reported in the literature of empirical psychology.
浮田 典良
The Human Geographical Society of Japan
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.7, no.4, pp.266-283,330, 1955-10-30 (Released:2009-04-28)
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Although the cotton production in Japan rapidly fell into decay after the middle of the Meiji period under the pressure of imported raw cotton, it once flourished remarkably during the Edo era and the first half of the Meiji period as one of the most advanced fields of agriculture in Japan.The writer tried to trace back and see the geographical distribution of the cotton production in Japan in the Edo era, and further, made research for its location in the regions of dense distribution. As a result of the research, the following points were made plain:1, Raw cotton was cultivated chiefly on the sandy upland-field, especially old sand bar and reclaimed land, on the delta of big rivers.2. On the other hand, in the Kinai (Osaka, Kyoto, Nara and their neighbourhood), the district which advanced in civilization from old times, raw cotton was cultivated, as well as rice plants, in a paddy-field in alternate years.3. These are the two types of location for the cotton production in the Edo era. The latter was started from comparatively early years, but the part it played dwindled toward the closing years of the Edo era, while the former has gradually come to play a dominant part. That is to say the location for cotton production shifted from the paddy-field to the sandy upland-field. The reasons for this were (1) sandy soil of the upland-field was suitable for the cotton production, (2) no other suitable crops could not be cultivated on the sandy soil, and (3) the upland-field being a new land, taxes on it were rather low.
岸本 圭子 岸本 年郎 酒井 香 寺山 守 太田 祐司 高桑 正敏
一般社団法人 日本生態学会
保全生態学研究 (ISSN:13424327)
vol.22, no.1, pp.159-170, 2017 (Released:2018-04-01)

野村 玄
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.121, no.11, pp.1878-1900, 2012-11-20 (Released:2017-12-01)

This article examines the backdrop against which Toyotomi Hideyoshi was deified with the title of Toyokuni Daimyojin instead of Shin-Hachiman, the title he himself specified in his last will and testament. Despite the fact that who actually promoted deification has by no means been made clear, the author argues that it is necessary to keep in mind that deification was a policy implemented in the midst of the unstable political situation that characterized post-Hideyoshi Japan, and therefore any discussion over who promoted that policy should proceed from an appraisal of the actual situation at that particular time. As a result of the examination of new historical sources clarifying the meaning of the title of Daimyojin and the Toyokuni Shrine and helping to identify those who were involved in their creation within the context of the contemporary political situation, the author has reached the following four conclusions: 1) The title of Daimyojin, which conflicted with Hideyoshi's own wishes, was instituted between the 5th day of the 3rd month and the 10th day of the 4th month of the 4th year of the Keicho Era (1599) under the auspices of Emperor Goyozei, Tokugawa Ieyasu and the vassals of the Toyotomi Clan. 2) Regarding the creation of a brand new title contrary to the wishes of its recipient by emphasizing the idea of Japan as "Toyokuni" (land of prosperity), the consent of Tokugawa Ieyasu was obtained amidst the political chaos arising from the sudden death of the country's supreme commander from ill health during the expeditionary campaigns being waged in Korea and for the purpose of maintaining the centrifugal character of the Toyotomi regime and stabilizing every possible political situation. Consequently, for Ieyasu deification was intended to not only deeply honor the fallen leader, but also to make a clear political statement that Japan had never nor would ever be defeated and conquered by the likes of the Ming Dynasty. 3) In addition, there is the distinct possibility that Ieyasu initially considered between the time just before Hideyoshi's death and the 7th month of Keicho 4 (1599) changing the name Toyotomi to Minamoto. 4) Viewing the situation from Ieyasu's personal political standpoint, the deification of Hideyoshi with the title of Shin-Hachiman would have meant linking him to the genealogy of the patron deity of the Minamoto Clan; however, concluding that Hideyoshi even after his death should be recognized as a Toyotomi as he lived, Ieyasu decided to abandon the initial plan, ignore Hideyoshi's wishes and newly establish the title Toyokuni Daimyojin.
山本 圭
日本政治學會年報政治學 (ISSN:05494192)
vol.63, no.2, pp.2_267-2_287, 2012

This paper aims to re - think the relationship between populism and democracy, and clarify that populism can hold some advantages for democratic societies. In order to do this I shall, first of all, make a survey of some arguments that have dealt with this relationship, and show that they face a difficult antinomy. I will then argue that the primary reason for this dilemma resides in "two strand theory" in the concept of modern democracy. <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;Secondly, this paper focuses on theories of "radical democracy" to indicate how and why recent democratic theories move closer to populism. After reviewing some representative theories of radical democracy, I shall pick up Ernesto Laclau's political theory on populism, as his thought provides an appropriate example of the encounter between democracy and populism. Finally, through these considerations, I will attempt to clarify "the democratic utilities of populism."
坂口 修平
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.124, no.2, pp.69-87, 2004-02-01 (Released:2004-01-28)
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Despite the remarkable progress in intensive care medicine, sepsis and shock continue to be major clinical problems in intensive care units. Septic shock may be associated with a toxic state initiated by the stimulation of monocytes by bacterial toxins such as endotoxin, which is released into the bloodstream. This study describes the role of oxidative stress in endotoxin-induced metabolic disorders. We demonstrate that endotoxin injection results in lipid peroxide formation and membrane injury in experimental animals, causing decreased levels of free radical scavengers or quenchers. Interestingly, it was also suggested that tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-induced oxidative stress occurs as a result of bacterial or endotoxin translocation under conditions of reduced reticuloendothelial system function in various disease states. In addition, we suggest that intracellular Ca2+, Zn2+, or selenium levels may participate, at least in part, in the oxidative stress during endotoxemia. On the other hand, it is also suggested that the extent of endotoxin-induced nitric oxide (NO) formation may be due, at least in part, to a change in heme metabolic regulation during endotoxemia. However, in our experimental model, NO is not crucial for lipid peroxide formation during endotoxemia. Sho-saiko-to is one of the most frequently prescribed Kampo medicines and has primarily been used to treat chronic hepatitis. We report that Sho-saiko-to decreases the rh TNF-induced lethality in galactosamine-hypersensitized mice and protects mice against oxygen toxicity and Ca2+ overload in the cytoplasm or mitochondria during endotoxemia. We further suggest that Sho-saiko-to shows a suppressive effect on NO generation in macrophages stimulated with endotoxin and that it may be useful in improving endotoxin shock symptoms.
樋口 喜昭
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.84, pp.67-88, 2014-01-31 (Released:2017-10-06)

This paper first examines how the Japan Broadcasting Corporation broadcasted in each region prior to the Pacific War, and how they regarded regional characteristics in each broadcast, based on data from journals such as The Japan Broadcasting Corporation journal from that time, in order to clarify discussion of locality in broadcasts prior to the Pacific War. From this research, it is clear that the locality of early radio broadcasts in Japan had three different aspects as follows: 1) the locality of broadcasting that existed initially, 2) the subsequent centralization of Japanese Broadcasting, and 3) the resumption of local broadcasting for wartime emergency broadcasts. The first aspect stemmed from the fact the Corporation organized entertainment centered programs and had been trying to provide programs to suit the taste of listeners in each region. The second aspect stemmed from the fact when the ratio of program leadership grew nationwide, regionalism in broadcasting was often emphasized by the Corporation through strengthening central control, and it was possible to broadcast relative to the political background of the time. The third aspect stemmed from the fact since it had become necessary to acknowledge practical issues such as increased production and promotion of the war, local broadcasts were once again emphasized. The first and third aspects prioritize local circumstances in broadcasting for different reasons. However, the second aspect deals with standardized local broadcasts, used by the Corporation, to influence the Japanese public.
小林 和夫
北海道地理 (ISSN:02852071)
vol.1988, no.62, pp.7-17, 1988-04-30 (Released:2012-08-27)
Daisuke Matsuoka Shiori Sugimoto Yujin Nakagawa Shintaro Kawahara Fumiaki Araki Yosuke Onoue Masaaki Iiyama Koji Koyamada
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
vol.15, pp.154-159, 2019 (Released:2019-07-23)

In this study, a stationary front is automatically detected from weather data using a U-Net deep convolutional neural network. The U-Net trained the transformation process from single/multiple physical quantities of weather data to detect stationary fronts using a 10-year data set. As a result of applying the trained U-Net to a 1-year untrained data set, the proposed approach succeeded in detecting the approximate shape of seasonal fronts with the exception of typhoons. In addition, the wind velocity (zonal and meridional components), wind direction, horizontal temperature gradient at 1000 hPa, relative humidity at 925 hPa, and water vapor at 850 hPa yielded high detection performance. Because the shape of the front extracted from each physical quantity is occasionally different, it is important to comprehensively analyze the results to make a final determination.