高井 昌吏
桃山学院大学社会学論集 (ISSN:02876647)
vol.51, no.1, pp.31-71, 2017-10

In the late 1960 s, Hiroshi Kawaguchi, the former movie actor and TVpersonality, felt challenged by the documentary film "A Dog's Life" (originaltitle: Mondo Cane) produced by Italian film director Gualtiero Jacopetti.While pursuing the 'authenticity' of documentary, Kawaguchi alsoperformed as an actor and was involved in the production of a televisionprogram. The program of Hiroshi Kawaguchi was different from JunichiUshiyama's television documentary "Wonderful World Travel", as theformer tried to represent the 'authenticity' of documentary whileemphasizing the impact of the image, whereas the latter pursued'education' and academics through his program. This is, in a sense, a resultof focusing on creating a program from the perspective of the 'masses'instead of from the perspective of 'modern citizens'. Their directions weredifferent, yet their educational background, parents' occupations andcultural capital were related to each other. In the mid-1980 s, however,"Kawaguchi Hiroshi Adventurer Series" directed by the former actor whoplaced great emphasis on 'authenticity' became viewed as a parody ofadventure and exploration by the audience amid a rumor that the programwas 'staged'. In other words, although Hiroshi Kawaguchi's documentaryprogram began as a pursuit of 'authenticity', it was ironically criticized interms of its 'authenticity' and ridiculed. This was due to changes in theattitudes of TV viewers, especially of the audience of documentary shows.In the meanwhile, Junichi Ushiyama also entered the academic world, suchas the "Visual anthropology", and as a result, his television documentarybecame accepted as an 'educational program'.
椎橋 章夫 大橋 克弘 山名 基晴 森 欣司
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.48, no.2, pp.791-801, 2007-02-15

鉄道の自動出改札システム(AFC: Automatic Fare Collection system)は,高密度輸送におけるピーク時の乗降客に対応するための高速性と金券である乗車券を処理するため高信頼性が不可欠である.しかし,無線通信方式のIC カード乗車券は旅客の使用方法に依存するため,データの読み取りの不確実,不完全が発生する(これを「データ抜け」と呼ぶ).東日本旅客鉄道株式会社のSuicaシステムでは「データ抜け」が発生してもシステムを止めることなく,データの信頼性を確保できるように「自律分散整合化技術」を導入していたが,その有効性を評価する手法を持たなかった.そこで,東京工業大学森研究室との連携のもと,自律分散整合化技術の有効性を評価する手法として,機能信頼性評価法を研究し,その評価技術を確立した.この結果,得られた最適パラメータをSuica システムに導入し,その有効性を実証した.The Automatic Fare Collection system (AFC) requires both high performance and high reliability; high performance is necessary to handle the congested passengers during the peak time and high reliability cannot be neglected because the tickets are as valuable as cash. However, the IC card ticket system with wireless communications depends on the way of passengers' behavior, which causes serious problems called "data lacks." In order to assure the reliability of the data in case of "data lacks" without stopping the system, the Autonomous Decentralized Data Consistency Technology has been installed to the Suica system in East Japan Railway Company. However, the evaluation method had not been prepared. This paper, in cooperation with Mori Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology, evaluates the effectiveness of the Autonomous Decentralized Data Consistency Technology by Functional Reliability and optimizes it. This optimization has been installed to the Suica system and performs very well.
山本 順一
桃山学院大学経済経営論集 (ISSN:02869721)
vol.55, no.1, pp.23-64, 2013-10-31

This paper's content is generally based on the speech held at the 2012 annual conference of the Japan Society of Library and Information Science(JSLIS). Its intent is to let the colleagues studying and teaching library and information science be aware that they have to understand the real and correct relations among a variety of library operations and copyright system. Two recent incidents happened closely around the author urged to write this paper. The one is related the dealing of some photos taken around 1900 in the United States, when a young scholar's writing a textbook. The other is concerned with video theater carried out at public libraries in this country. The author would like to point out misunderstandings widely spread among lots of Japanese librarians and library teachers. At the very end of this paper, a nasty anonymous letter sent in February 2013 to the JSLIS and the author is showed.
二村 太郎 荒又 美陽 成瀬 厚 杉山 和明
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
E-journal GEO
vol.7, no.2, pp.225-249, 2012

清水 一彦
出版研究 (ISSN:03853659)
vol.48, pp.1-21, 2017

樋浦 郷子
日本の教育史学 (ISSN:03868982)
vol.57, pp.84-96, 2014

To date, there is only a limited amount of scholarship on the study of Imperial Portraits in Imperial Japan's colonies. In addition, extant research on the subject is predominantly based on the assumption that Imperial Portraits were distributed throughout colonial schools as they were in Japan proper due to 'assimilation' policy. As a result, their conclusions at times fall short of the realities of colonial school life. In other words, it is important to abstain from such an assumption when considering the realities of colonial school life. First, this paper reveals that the distribution of Imperial Portraits to Korean schools was first planned by Governor General Minami Jiro. This project was actually related more to the introduction of the 1938 Korean Voluntary Military Service Law than the third revision of the Korean Education Law of the same year. Second, this paper carefully examines how Imperial Portraits were actually distributed as well as how principals, teachers' associations and schools responded to them. Third, this paper shows that it was almost impossible for Chosun Government General to distribute the portraits to elementary schools for Japanese residents in Korea, let alone to all Korean elementary schools because of the distrust of Korean-Japanese mutual antagonism, and the excessive anxiety held by the Japanese residing in Korean local communities. In conclusion, this paper hypothesizes why Governor General Minami persisted in the unprecedented distribution of Imperial Portraits to Korean schools.
舞田 敏彦
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.82, pp.165-184[含 英語文要旨], 2008

Children's academic achievements differ by social class. Today, many researchers investigate schools that effectively reduce these differences. They have pointed out that in schools that are successful in this endeavor, there are many practices aimed at raising the academic achievements of children from lower classes. In this paper, I attempt to clarify the effects of these practices from the viewpoint of added value. This study aims to compare the actual achievement levels of children of each region with those estimated based on their socio-economic conditions and to clarify the educational conditions in the regions in which the actual levels are higher than expectations. For my method, I analyzed the data of academic achievement tests. I clarified children's achievement levels in 49 cities and wards in the Tokyo metropolitan area and in school districts in Adachi Ward (73 primary school districts, 38 junior high school districts). I examined the relations between the achievement levels and the socio-economic conditions of each region. Using this data, I estimated achievement levels using regression analysis. Regions were then divided into types by comparing the expected levels and actual ones. I named regions whose achievement levels were higher than expected "Effort types." The opposites are named, "Problem types." I then investigated the differences of educational conditions between these two types. It was found that in Effort types, the numbers of children per school, class and teacher are relatively small. School size, class size and teacher's burden are small in these regions. In Problem types, they are relatively large. These differences are significant in the data from school districts in Adachi Ward. Based on the findings, I concluded as follows: 1. The influence of social background on children's academic achievement can be reduced by the improvement of educational conditions such as reducing class size, which is the task of educational administrations. 2. The improvement of educational conditions is less effective for raising the absolute level of academic achievement. It is effective for the reduction of the social determinants of children's academic abilities. 3. Evaluations of schools from the viewpoint of added value are needed.
荒船 次郎 梶田 隆章
日本物理學會誌 (ISSN:00290181)
vol.67, no.12, pp.860-865, 2012-12-05
