湯原 麻子 熊谷 良雄
地域安全学会論文集 = Journal of social safety science (ISSN:13452088)
vol.3, pp.141-146, 2001-11-01

When a strong earthquake hits an urban area in the daytime, the traffic system would be paralyzed and massive commuter will be left in their work places. According to some studies, many commuters would face difficulties to go home. Although many countermeasures are required for both public and private sectors having offices in the CBD: Central Business District, current level of their program is not enough. To seek a clue to solve this "unavoidable remaining in CBD" issue, we focus on commuters who could be allowed to leave their offices during an earthquake disaster. This paper analyses and discusses factors behind their way of decision-making in countermeasures for the "unavoidable remaining in CBD".
古木 隆寛 竹内 日登美 原田 哲夫
一般社団法人 日本科学教育学会
vol.33, no.5, pp.39-42, 2019

大久保 桂子
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.94, no.12, pp.1882-1910,1992-, 1985

The Glorious Revolution of 1688-89 has long been considered an epoch-making event by which Parliament finally overcame the monarchy of the Stuarts. However, this too easily accepted view makes it impossible to see any serious meaning in the rather negative attitude of the Jacobites towards the Revolution. But since an assurance of the 'Revolution Settlement' was above all guaranteed by maintaining through parliamentary laws a new monarch against his lifelong rival, Louis XIV, and since only a minority of Englishmen accepted the Revolution without hesitation, Jacobitism should be regarded as more reality than nightmare. To begin with, this paper questions whether the Act of Settlement of 1701 could actually 'settle' the succession of the Crown and do away with all hopes of Jacobitism. And if not, as the author believes, it must be asked how subsequent attempts were made to secure that settlement and what circumstances necessitated such measures. One of the most important events of 1702 occured when Louis XIV, despite his former recognition of William III as the lawful King of England in the Treaty of Ryswick of 1697, proclaimed James II's son 'King James III'. This single action was enough for England to declare war on France, although the Spanish succession has been a sounding issue among the major sovereigns of Europe since 1701. Just before the War of Spanish Succession broke out, the English Parliament decided at last to take positive steps to reject any implications of Jacobitism as illegal : first, dealing with foreign allies by proposing a Commons' Resolution requiring an additional clause in some treatises of alliance ; and next, dealing with the English people themselves with two resolute pieces of legislation -the Bill of Attainder for the Old Pretender and the Abjuration Oath demanding that they 'renounce, refuse and abjure any allegiance or obedience to him'. These events make clear that Jacobitism was regarded in much the same way as Louis XIV's intervention in determining the English throne and therefore in the Revolution Settlement itself, and explain why Jacobitism posed a serious threat in that critical year of 1702. The fact that admittedly not all M.P.s were ready to abjure allegiance to the Pretender is another testimony concerning the extent to which the Revolution Settlement was established, or was expected to be established, during the thirteen years of William III's reign.
須藤 敬
日本文学 (ISSN:03869903)
vol.43, no.9, pp.12-21, 1994

近藤 和彦
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.97, no.3, pp.321-357,423-42, 1988

Manchester in the eighteenth century has been associated with the coming of the industrial revolution. Certainly it would become one of the leading centres of the capitalist world economy in the nineteenth century, but it was still 'one of the greatest mere villages in England', famous for its textile trade, with a population of some twenty thousand, in the age of Defoe and Walpole. More significantly for the purpose of this paper the parish of Manchester was in the diocese of Chester, a part of the country notorious for party strife and as 'disaffected'. The collegiate parish church was a stronghold of high church clergymen, while the parish contained a sizeable cluster of dissenters (mainly presbyterians) which amounted to 422 families out of 3201, i.e. more than 13% of the whole and more than twice the national average of 6.2%. My analysis in this paper is focused first on the clerical quarrels within the collegiate church of Manchester from 1718 to 1728. Samuel Peploe (1668-1752), who had proved his spirit against the Jacobites in 1715 as vicar of Preston, was promoted by the whig government warden of Manchester in 1718 (and then bishop of Chester in 1726). He would have to face hard years in dealing with the high churchmen and non-jurors in the church and the parish. Secondly the workhouse project and the opposition in the town are analysed from 1729 to 1731. John Byrom (1692-1763), a high churchman of letters and stenographer, was one of the most active opponents of the scheme. His correspondence, diaries and poems, together with parliamentary and other sources, reveal a good deal of the hitherto hidden social alignments of the Mancunians and clarify other often misrepresented circumstances. Factious rivalry infected the town, and such public projects as an incorporated workhouse were doomed to failure by the opposition of high churchmen (tories), who feared that the alliance of low churchmen and dissenters (whigs) might dominate not only the incorporated trust, but also the administration and finance of the town. The intended bill for the workhouse became an issue of party politics in Parliament, and was defeated in April 1731 by an alliance of tories and whig opposition members. Byrom's return to Manchester on 10 June (the Pretender's birthday) was welcomed at the collegiate church, where Peploe remained beset as warden. The sources I rest upon are both local and central, unpublished and published, v. notes. I have edited the most relevant documents relating to the workhouse issue in the Bulletin of the Faculty of Letters, Nagoya University, vol.33 (1987). The article containing the selected documents is abbreviated as WH, and referred to on page 45 (note 4).
俵 那至 大矢 仁史 矢次 知明 平林 欣也 小田 晃輔
一般社団法人 環境資源工学会
環境資源工学 (ISSN:13486012)
vol.66, no.4, pp.128-132, 2020 (Released:2020-09-30)

“Art Clay Silver (Silver Clay)”, developed as a silver recycled product, is a mixture of fine powdered silver and binder for easily making silver accessories after sintering at 650°C. In this study, in order to find the optimum binder amount to maximize the strength of the sintered product, the filling structure of sintered Silver Clay was analyzed at various binder amounts under three particle size fractions (fine, coarse, and their equal weight mixture) on the basis of the measurements of porosity, shrinkage rate, strength, and pore size distribution together with SEM observation. As a result, we found that the filling structure was controlled by changing the particle size and the binder amount, and that the binder addition of 5–8% to fine particle fraction yielded the minimum porosity and maximum strength.
樋口 有未 松本 麻子 森口 喜成 三嶋 賢太郎 田中 功二 矢田 豊 高田 克彦 渡辺 敦史 平尾 知士 津村 義彦
日本森林学会誌 (ISSN:13498509)
vol.94, no.5, pp.247-251, 2012-10-01 (Released:2012-11-22)
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ヒバの天然林集団と選抜集団の遺伝的多様性および集団間の遺伝構造を明らかにするため, 北海道, 青森県, 岩手県, 新潟県, 石川県のヒバ天然林集団 (1道4県7集団) と育種が盛んな青森県, 新潟県, 石川県の3県の選抜集団を対象に, 5座の核のマイクロサテライトマーカーを用いた解析を行った。青森県, 新潟県, 石川県の3県の天然林集団と選抜集団の遺伝的多様性は同程度であった。STRUCTURE解析およびNJ系統樹の結果, 新潟県と石川県の天然林集団と選抜集団がその他の集団と遺伝的に異なることが示された。NJ系統樹の結果は各集団の地理的な位置関係を反映しており, 3県の選抜集団がそれぞれの天然林集団から選抜されたことが支持された。検出されたヒバ天然林集団間の遺伝構造は, 天然林の分布変遷や選抜集団の由来に起因していると考えられた。

1 0 0 0 OA 守貞謾稿

喜田川季荘 編