高橋 ひとみ/衞藤 隆 衞藤 隆
人間文化研究 (ISSN:21889031)
no.2, pp.193-210, 2015-03-23

It is proposed that near-vision acuity tests be conducted in kindergartens and nurseries throughout the country and that infant medical checkups should also be carried out. This will allow early detection of and timely treatment for children with amblyopia. The younger the age at which these tests are carried out, the more effective they will be. If amblyopia is detected and treated by the age of 3, most children will be able to complete their treatment before reaching school age. This will enable them to begin their school life without being burdened by poor eyesight, and contribute to a society in which all children have equal access to compulsory education. To bring about that end, the introduction of "reliable" visual acuity tests over a short time is necessary. I considered the best form of visual acuity test from the standpoint of both the infant to be tested and that of the teacher carrying out the test. In order to ensure "reliability", it is necessary to use the Landolt Ring eye-mark, which meets definitions of eyesight. In addition, a picture-based eye-mark is recommended, as it is more likely to gain the understanding of the infant being tested. Avisual acuity test will be more effective if infants have already grown accustomed to the Landolt Ring during play. This picture book was devised with that aim in mind.
南 保輔
コミュニケーション紀要 (ISSN:02887843)
vol.20, pp.1-76, 2008-03

Tetsuko Kuroyanagi has been a hostess of a TV talk show, Tetsuko's Room, for more than thirty years. In order to provide a demonstrative description of Tetsuko's skills as a talk show hostess, a comparison is made between this program and another one broadcast by NHK, Hello from Studio Park. Three shows from the two programs are compared, each pair of shows having the same guest. For each of the three paired shows, the portions dealing with the "same" topic are chosen and transcribed for analysis. When a singer and actor, Tetsuya Takeda, was a guest, he replayed interchanges which mark some moments of his career as an entertainer. While at Hello, Tetsuya replayed these interchanges without prompting from the hosts, however, at Room, Tetsuko made focused attempts to solicit a specific exchange that included the words of encouragement of Tetsuya's wife who worked to keep their spirits high while they were struggling economically. Tetsuko's personal knowledge and memory about the guest seem critical to eliciting this exchange. When a speed skater and Olympic bronze medalist, Tomomi Okazaki, was a guest, the size of her thighs was one of major topics. In both shows, the hostess touched her thigh. While the hostess of Hello just rubbed, Tetsuko slapped Okazaki's thigh twentyeight times. She made slapping sounds that could be heard by the audience so as to show how "good" Okazaki's muscles are. Tetsuko even slapped her own thighs to make a contrast. Although Tetsuko's superior skills usually work well and make the talk interesting and enjoyable, she remained silent while Mami Yamase changed styles of the clothes of her designing from skirts to pants. Pauses of few seconds long were heard while watching Yamase change styles. Because the audience was distracted during the time Yamase was changing styles, the length of the pauses was not as noticeable as it might have been otherwise. Still, the fact that Tetsuko did not talk for that long stood out. Comparisons of the same guests talking about the "same" topics have provided several important findings. First, Tetsuko Kuroyanagi has superior skills of eliciting interesting stories from her guests. Second, however, even Tetsuko is sometimes forced to remain silent while the talk show guest engages in preparatory activities. Third, therefore, "chattiness" should not be attributed to a person but should be considered an attribute of the situation.
中川 祐志
一般社団法人 日本人間関係学会
人間関係学研究 (ISSN:13408186)
vol.18, no.1, pp.21-32, 2012

In recent years, attention has been focused on support for persons with Asperger's Syndrome (AS). This report discusses materials prepared from studies of the culture of Comic Market (Comiket) which is one of the Otaku culture to help in preparing special support education environments for AS persons who have lost their sense of presence. Document research has shown that the system of the Comiket that is one of the Otaku culture may function as a place that AS sufferers who have problems related to theory of mind can easily rely on. In addition, it is thought that a series of circle activities may provide hints on how AS sufferers can regain a sense of presence. The author thinks that AS research into Otaku culture is very significant towards each individual AS sufferer regaining a sense of presence, participating in society and building human relations.
兼児 敏浩 石橋 美紀 日比 美由紀
Japan Society for Health Care Management
日本医療マネジメント学会雑誌 (ISSN:18812503)
vol.10, no.2, pp.399-403, 2009

患者ハラスメントを 「医療提供者に対する患者や患者家族による不当な要求や暴言、暴力 (セクシャルハラスメントも含む)」 と定義し、全国16の医療施設に協力を求め、実態調査を行った。116事例について把握できたが、想定よりも事例数が少なかった原因は患者ハラスメントに対する認識不足や収集システムの不備にあると推測された。患者ハラスメントはすべての部署・時間帯に発生しており、40代の男性が加害者となることが多かった。患者ハラスメントはまったくの言いがかりである場合は半分以下で患者の病状や些細な医療上のミスが誘引となる事例などが多く、半分以上が医療特有の原因に起因していると考えられた。被害者は女性看護師をはじめとして多くの職種に渡り、恐怖心や不快感のみならず厭世的な気分になることも多く、早急な対策が必要であると考えられた。
浜井 浩一
犯罪社会学研究 (ISSN:0386460X)
vol.29, pp.10-26, 2004

田中 裕
神戸山手短期大学紀要 (ISSN:13496808)
no.49, pp.67-77, 2006

平田 圭 増田 利隆 松本 義信 長尾 光城 長尾 憲樹 松枝 秀二 守田 哲朗
川崎医療福祉学会誌 (ISSN:09174605)
vol.10, no.2, pp.341-345, 2000

運動を行う時間帯の違いが脂肪燃焼に与える影響について明らかにすることを目的として検討を行った.1.静脈血および指頭血の血中遊離脂肪酸(FFA)濃度の関係について被験者は, 健康な一般成人女性20名(平均年齢21.7±0.9歳)とした.早朝空腹時, 座位安静状態において静脈血, 指頭血の順に採血を行い, 血中FFA濃度を測定した.全被験者の静脈血FFAおよび指頭血FFAの間に有意な正の相関(r=0.813,p<0.001)が認められ, 血中FFA濃度の定量が指頭から採取した血液で可能であることが明らかとなった.2.空腹時および朝食・昼食摂取2時間後の運動中の呼吸商(RQ)および血液性状の変化被験者は, 健康な一般成人女性5名とした.運動は自転車エルゴメータを用い, 60%VO_<2max>の運動強度で30分間行った.運動実施時刻は, 空腹時9 : 00a.m.(空腹時運動群), 朝食摂取2時間後(朝食後運動群), および昼食摂取2時間後(昼食後運動群)の3回とした.運動中の酸素摂取量(V0_2), 呼吸商(RQ)を測定した.採血は安静時(0分), 運動開始20分後, 25分後, 30分後の計4回行い, 血糖値, 乳酸値, 血中FFA濃度を測定した.空腹時運動群のRQは運動開始20分値, 25分値がそれぞれo.83±0.13,0.84±0.12であり3詳聞で最も低値を示した.しかし, 運動開始30分後では昼食後運動群が空腹時運動群と同じ値となった.空腹時運動群の血中FFA濃度は運動中に増加傾向を示した.昼食後運動群の血中FFA濃度は安静時(0分)において朝食後運動群より低値であったが, 運動開始後増加し, 30分後には朝食後運動群より高値となった.以上の結果から, 空腹時, 朝食摂取2時間後, 昼食摂取2時間後の3条件において30分間運動を実施する場合, 昼食摂取2時間後における運動開始30分後に空腹時と同様に脂肪燃焼が亢進することが明らかとなった.
岡部 千鶴
久留米信愛女学院短期大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13487310)
vol.27, pp.57-66, 2004

Last year, the Nishitetsu Railroad Company in Fukuoka, started a new service-a railway carriage reserved for women only, and this was welcomed by most women. According to our research, one in four women reported she had suffered from molestation in a train in the past year. Now a lot of women get on this particular carriage. Others who don't use this service say it is inconvenient for them when changing trains or when in a rush to the exit, because the last carriage is arranged for this reserved service. What suffers women more is that they could do nothing during or after the harassment. Society must recognize that the molester harassment is a crime. We should develop more guidance in schools, companies and other public forums to help resolve this issue. The "Women-Only Carriage Service" can help raise our awareness to prevent discrimination against women in Japanese society. And we must look at other solutions to cope with this situation.
藤井 利江 山口 裕幸
九州大学心理学研究 (ISSN:13453904)
vol.4, pp.135-148, 2003-03-31

The purpose of this study was to grasp the actuality of undergraduates question behaviors in classes, and to examine factors affecting them. In study 1, observation of undergraduates' question behaviors was conducted. As a result, the question behaviors were classified into four styles: 1.voluntary style, 2.not-voluntary style, 3.after-class style, 4.no-question. In study 2, the questionnaire about the usual question behavior, the reason why they don't ask voluntary in classes, and factors that seemed to affect question behaviors was conducted. Subjects were 292 undergraduates. Results were as follows: (a) the tendency that students didn't ask question voluntary in classes, but ask question actively after classes was founded, (b) not only the individual characteristics, but also the class situation affected the undergraduates' question behaviors. Result of this study suggested that the undergraduates' question behaviors were affected by the existence of other students and the mood of class strongly. so that students didn't ask questions voluntary in classes.