- 著者
伊藤 郷平
- 出版者
- The Human Geographical Society of Japan
- 雑誌
- 人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
- 巻号頁・発行日
- vol.6, no.5, pp.325-343,405, 1954-12-30 (Released:2009-04-28)
- 参考文献数
- 35
The author pointed the next following out in this essay.(1) The agriculture in Japan is consisted of family farm, and obtained 95% for family labour, 5% rest of it for employees. This 5% farm labour work concentrately about only 20 days in a year.According to the census in 1950, there were 17, 000 regular employees, 3, 336, 000 seasonal migrants as a number of day's work, 61, 624, 000 day's work for dayman and 17, 212, 000 as a number of day's work for heler. Then farmers who own much land show to have many employees than poors. The busy farming season is filled by the seasonal migrants who remove revolutionaly.(2) The demanded area for seasonal migrants is doted in Western Kanto, Tokai, Setouchi, Northern Kyushu and Hokkaido district. Then it is in civilized or modernized district for agriculture.The supply area of migrants labour is in Tohoku, Hokuriku and Tosan district in Eastern Japan, and then Shikoku, Southern Kyushu in Western Japan is the same to that part of it, too.Both of them is belong to un-civilized district and economicaly poor.(3) Five types of supply and demanded area of farm labourers.i) A type of the most largest area.This type is contained with semi-colonial and large scale farm. (as Hokkaido), The quantity is largest and period of employment is longest, from April to November. As area of supply, it demands them to far distance (1000K.M)ii) A type of the large area.This type is contained with commercialized agriculture, as Shizuoka, Gumma, Okayama Prefecture.Both it's quantity and period (1-3 months) is of the great. It demands, as area of supply, them to far distant place. The distance of migration is 100-700K.Miii) A type of middle area.This type is contained with suburban farm as Northern Kyushu.It demands much quantity of employees, that is regular, seasonal and dayman.And yet for the shortness for local labourers it demands them to for distant place. That is about 250K.Miv) A type of small area.This type is in area of paddy field in alluvial plains which is the most ordinal type in Japan.The quantity of employees are innumerable but the period is short only within a week.They are composed of almost of girls or women that is called “Saotome”The scope of supply is very small (10-20K.M) and the way of contract have had only by old manners to be accustomed like private connection. And the custom of “Yui” still remain.v) A type of the most smallest area.This type has a character of the feudal remnant. Employees engaged in all the year round is called “Wakaze” “Kerekko” and extra employees “Yatoi” or “Sukenin”.It remains un-modernized district in Tohoku and Southern Kyushu.Supply and demanded area is very small that is limited only in the same community.