楠 恒輝 加藤 純 佐藤 充
vol.2022, pp.56-62, 2022-11-28

近年,大規模計算の需要の高まりとともに,HPC(High Performance Computing)とクラウドが融合した HPC クラウドが注目されている.HPC クラウドでは,通常のクラウドのインフラとは別に HPC クラウド専用のインフラを構築・運用しているのが現状であり,通常のクラウドのインフラで HPC アプリケーションを実行できれば,インフラのTCO(Total Cost of Ownership)を最適化できる.本稿では,インフラの共有化を目指して,HPC に特有である OS がアプリケーションの性能低下を引き起こす OS ノイズの影響を定量評価する.OS ノイズのうち,クラウド環境に特有である仮想化と HPC アプリケーションで頻繁に使用され他テナントに影響を与えやすい通信処理・ファイル I/O による Write back 処理の 3 点に着目して評価する.HPC クラウドでよく使われるアプリケーションを用いた評価で,Kubernetes 環境の仮想化により 1% 未満,他テナントの Write back 処理,通信処理によりそれぞれ最大 7%,22% 性能が低下することを示した.これにより,HPC クラウドの基盤として Kubernetes が利用可能であることと,通信処理と Write back 処理による OS ノイズが我々の目指すインフラ共有化の課題であることを示した.
信岡 沙希重 樋口 貴俊 中田 大貴 小川 哲也 加藤 孝基 中川 剣人 土江 寛裕 礒 繁雄 彼末 一之
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.60, no.2, pp.497-510, 2015 (Released:2015-12-18)
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The aim of this study was to clarify the relationship between maximal running speed, step frequency, step frequency index, step length, step length index, foot contact time, and aerial time during sprinting in elementary school children. The participants were 335 girls and 352 boys (age: 6 to 12 years) who ran a 50-m sprint race as part of their school fitness test in 2013. Their maximal running speed, step frequency, and step length were calculated from images captured by video cameras (60 frames/second) located at the sides of the lanes. Contact time and aerial time over the distance from 20 m to 30 m were calculated from images captured by high-speed video cameras (300 frames/second) located at the side of the 25-m mark for the lanes. Two-way ANOVA with the Games-Howell procedure was used to test differences among all grades. Two-way ANCOVA was used to test interaction and the main effect of gender and grade on maximal running speed. The Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient (r) and partial correlation coefficient (pr) were calculated to analyze the relationship between maximal running speed, step frequency, stride length, foot contact time, and aerial time. Step length (which was strongly correlated with maximal running speed) showed a strong partial correlation (controlled for age) with maximal running speed. Therefore, it is suggested that step length contributes to not only the increase in running speed with growth, but also individual differences in running speed among the children at the same age. There were slight tendencies for step frequency and foot contact time to increase with growth. However, these factors showed a significant partial correlation (controlled for age) with running speed. Therefore, it was suggested that these factors contribute to individual differences in running speed. The absence of a negative impact of a shorter foot contact time on stride length suggests that the running performance of school children could be improved by decreasing their foot contact time. In order to establish effective methods for augmenting the development of running ability in children, it will be necessary to consider foot contact time and aerial time in addition to step frequency and step length.
加藤 裕久 広瀬 瑞夫 山口 昌之 吉沢 催章 福田 宏志 小田 積一 永山 徳郎
The Japanese Circulation Society
vol.31, no.12, pp.1857-1863, 1968-01-15 (Released:2008-04-14)

The mechanism of the anoxic spells in the patient with tetralogy of Fallot is still uncertain, but beta adrenergic stimulation has been shown to accentuate cyanosis and occasionally to precipitate an anoxic spell. The purpose of the present study is to investigate the hemodynamic responses to isoproterenol (adrenergic beta stimulant) and propranolol (adrenergic beta blockade). Materials and Methods: Eleven children ranging in age from 3 to 14 years have been studied at cardiac catheterization (tetralogy of Fallot 7 cases, pulmonary stenosis with intact ventricular septum 2 cases, ventricular septal defect 1 case, patent ductus arteriosus 1 cases). All patients were sedated with hydroxyzine hydrochloride, secobarbital and pethidine HCl. The pressure pulses of pulmonary artery, right ventricle and femoral artery were obtained by the Siemens electro manometer. Determinations of oxygen satura-tions were obtained with the gas analyser (In-strumentation Laboratory) on arterial, pulmo- nary and mixed venous blood. Oxygen consumptions were measured by Fukuda Irika's respirometer. The phonocardiogram and the first derivative of right ventricular pressure pulse (dp/dt) were simultaneously recorded. Isoproterenol (0.1mg/20cc in 5% dextrose in water)was infused intravenously until the heart rate increased by 50 per cent. Then blood samples were obtained and pressure pulses were recorded. Thereafter, while the action of isoproterenol persisted, the infusion of propranolol in a dose of 5γ/kg (2mg/20cc in 5% dextrose in water) was administered, and the parameters were restudied. The angiocardiogram was obtained in one case before and after isoproterenol infusion. Results and Discussion: In tetralogy of Fallot the isoproterenol in-fusion resulted in an increase of right ventricular systolic pressure and a decrease of pulmonary systolic pressure. Pulmonary blood flow was decreased and systemic blood flow and right to left shunt were increased, so arterial oxygen saturation was markedly decreased. In angio-cardiogram the marked narrowing of the right ventricular outflow tract was demonstrated after isoproterenol infusion. In simultaneously recorded phonocardiogram the ejective systolic murmur due to pulmonary stenosis was decreased by isoproterenol infusion. In pulmonary stenosis with intact ventricular septum the pressure gradient of pulmonary artery and right ventricle was markedly increased, but arterial oxygen saturation was unchanged after isoproterenol infusion. Thereafter, while the action of isoproterenol persisted, a infusion of propranolol was administered. In tetralogy of Fallot the propranolol infusion resulted in an increase of arterial oxygen saturation. And the systolic pressure gradient of pulmonary artery and right ventricle was decreased. Pulmonary blood flow was increased and systemic blood flow and right to left shunt were decreased. So the patients were recovered from anoxic state. The mechanism of the anoxic spells in tetralogy of Fallot is still uncertain, but our study suggests that the increase of the contraction in the outflow tract of right ventricle makes the hypoxic condition. Relaxation of the outflow tract of right ventricle is seen after propranolol, and the patient is recovered from anoxic condition. In one case with tetralogy of Fallot in age of 9 months who had frequent cyanotic at-tacks we used propranolol orally 5 mg a day. After propranolol there has been no anoxic spell in this patient. So it may have been some practical usefulness in prevention and treatment of anoxic spells in tetralogy of Fallot.
十時 忠秀 森本 正敏 谷口 良雄 平川 奈緒美 谷口 妙子 峯田 洋子 加藤 民哉 原野 清
Japan Society of Pain Clinicians
日本ペインクリニック学会誌 (ISSN:13404903)
vol.1, no.1, pp.3-11, 1994-04-25 (Released:2009-12-21)

(1) 遺体で星状神経節の位置を肉眼解剖学的に検討したところ, 大部分の例で, 第1胸椎の高さで肋骨頸部に位置していた.(2) 星状神経節節前線維の起始細胞は第1胸髄から第10胸髄まで認められた.(3) 星状神経節の節後線維が分布する皮膚領域は, C3~T12で, 最も多く分布している領域はC6~T5であった.(4) 心臓における交感神経支配は, 両側性で, 中頸神経節の関与が最も多く, 星状神経節の遠心性線維は, 主に洞房結節, 心房に終止していた.洞房結節に至る遠心性線維は, 右の中頸神経節および星状神経節からの方が多く, 右の星状神経節ブロックの方が, 左のブロックよりも心拍数, 心リズムに与える影響が多いと思われた.(5) 内頸および外頸動脈には, 星状神経節の節後線維は分布しておらず, 主に, 上頸神経節の節後線維が分布していた.(6) 上腕骨の骨髄には, 星状神経節の節後線維が多数分布していることがわかった.(7) 星状神経節には感覚神経が投射していることがわかった.(8) 上頸神経節, 中頸神経節, 星状神経節には, 相互投射があることがわかった.(9) C6-SGBは, 上頸, 中頸神経節ブロックが適応となる顔面, 頭部の疾患に, C7-SGBは, 上肢の交感神経遮断が必要な疾患に行った方がよいと考えた.
青野 史規 五艘 隆志 西田 功児 加藤 聡
公益社団法人 土木学会
土木学会論文集 (ISSN:24366021)
vol.79, no.1, pp.22-00080, 2023 (Released:2023-01-23)

有吉 友和 加藤 直三 鈴木 博善 安藤 義人 鈴森 康一 神田 岳文 遠藤 聡
公益社団法人 日本船舶海洋工学会
日本船舶海洋工学会論文集 (ISSN:18803717)
vol.5, pp.15-25, 2007 (Released:2007-09-11)
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This paper describes the developments of new pectoral fins made of elastic materials with the functions of flexibility and multifunctionality for biomimetic underwater vehicles to use as not only a propulsive device, but also other applications such as grippers, avoiding damages to environment by rigid fins. We developed two types of elastic pectoral fins, an actively controlled pneumatic fin and a passively controlled flexible fin in this study. We carried out the verification tests for generating the propulsive forces and FEM analyses of the behaviors of two elastic pectoral fins.
庄林 愛 小倉 有子 神田 雅子 加藤 奈々 秦 沙知 伊賀 大八 井上 好文
一般社団法人 日本食育学会
日本食育学会誌 (ISSN:18824773)
vol.13, no.2, pp.113-122, 2019-04-25 (Released:2019-08-02)

We analyzed factors affecting nutrition literacy using the awareness and the expected nutritional effects of gluten-free food as evaluation indices among 1,624 female university students. Data analyses were performed using SPSS software (IBM). We applied recognition of the term ‘gluten-free food’ as an index of functional nutritional literacy, experience of seeing actual goods and eating experience as indices of interactive nutritional literacy, and expected nutritional effects as an index of critical nutritional literacy. Their department at university (p<0.001), information sources concerning weight loss, beauty, and health, such as social networking service (SNS) (p=0,014), websites (p=0.002), and magazines (p<0.001), and interest in weight loss (p<0.001) were significantly positively associated with functional literacy. Regarding the expected nutritional effects of gluten-free food, their department at university (p=0.013), and their friends and acquaintances as information sources concerning weight loss, beauty, and health (p=0.042) were significantly positively associated, whereas, websites (p=0.027) and magazines (p=0.001) as information sources were significantly negatively associated. Participants may have had a lower critical literacy than functional literacy because of their low percentages of correct answers about the expected nutritional effects of gluten-free food. This study suggested that university departments, information sources concerning weight loss, beauty, and health, and interest in weight loss influence nutritional literacy.
衞藤 光明 加藤 博史 佐々木 次雄 佐々木 裕子 徳永 英博 岩崎 浩子 須田 郁夫
Journal of Toxicologic Pathology (ISSN:09149198)
vol.6, no.2, pp.233-240, 1993-09-30 (Released:2009-01-22)

Thimerosal (ethylmercuric thiosalicylic acid, sodium salt) in an organic mercury compound which has been used as a preservative in some vaccines and human immunoglobulin products for intramuscular use. This study was designed to examine the safety of thimerosal for mice. Thimerosal solutions of 0.2 ml at 0.01% (the concentration used in vaccines) or at 0.1% were injected twice a week into the intraperitoneal (IP) cavity or subcutaneous (SC) tissue of BALB/c mice. Clinical signs and symptoms such as crossing hind legs were observed in animals injected more than 17 times with the 0.1% thimerosal solution (total thimerosal dose; 70μg Hg/g body weight) into the IP cavity. But the IP administrations of 0.01% thimerosal did not effect the animals even after 35 injections, nor the SC administrations at any dose. At autopsy, nervous system, kidney, liver, heart, lung, spleen, intestine, and skin were examined under light-microscopy with hematoxylin and eosin stain and mercury-histochemistry by photoemulsion method. Peritonitis was observed in all animals that received IP injections with 0.1% thimerosal. Mercury granules were present in the kidney and spleen of the animals receiving IP injections of 7μg Hg/g body weight. Histochemically, mildly positive reaction to mercury was detected in the brain and the liver in the same group of mice. No peritonitis was found in this group of mice. The positive results observed in this series of experiments were obtained only with multiple injections of the high dose thimerosal solution. No toxic effects were found with the 0.01% dosis, which is the same concentration used in commercial vaccines. Thimerosal administered in mice was biotransformed into inorganic mercury, and it was readily degradated into inorganic mercury by four well-known reactive oxygen-producing systems, and the amounts of inorganic mercury produced from thimerosal were the same as those from ethyl mercury and were higher than those from methyl mercury.
安彦 智史 加藤 諒 北川 悦司
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.61, no.3, pp.535-543, 2020-03-15

近年のインターネット社会では,SNS(Social Networking Service)の利用による薬物売買や児童ポルノ,自殺幇助といった様々なサイバー犯罪が問題視されている.特に薬物売買は,インターネットの匿名性を利用した売買手法について潜在化や巧妙化が進行しており,平成29年では薬物利用による検挙人員の約半数は青少年であった.そのため,厚生労働省では,警察庁と連携し,有害情報をフィルタリングするシステムの導入を促進しているが,検挙人員の低下にはつながっていない.さらに公開型のSNSを中心に,薬物売買を示唆するアカウントが頻繁に作成されているため,個別に対応するだけでは根本的な解決につなげることは難しいという課題がある.そこで,本研究では,特に重要度が高いとされるマイクロブログを対象に,機械学習を用いて薬物売買を行うユーザの自動抽出を試みる.さらに,ユーザ間の関係から,薬物売買に興味があるコミュニティを包括的に把握可能なシステムを開発する.実証実験の結果,薬物売買に関連するユーザを高精度に抽出し,ユーザの有害判定やネットワークの可視化を実現できることを証明した.
加藤 暁子
十文字学園女子大学紀要 = Bulletin of Jumonji University (ISSN:24240591)
vol.49, pp.149-161, 2019-02-28

鈴木 諒平 吉村 久志 山本 昌美 加藤 卓也 名切 幸枝 石井 奈穂美 落合 和彦 近江 俊徳 羽山 伸一 中西 せつ子 今野 文治 川本 芳
霊長類研究 Supplement 第33回日本霊長類学会大会
pp.37-38, 2017 (Released:2017-10-12)

2011年3月11日,東日本大震災の地震・津波による東京電力福島第一原子力発電所の爆発によって,周辺に生息する野生ニホンザル(Macaca fuscata)が放射線被曝(以下,被曝)を受けた。今後,既存文献から甲状腺の癌化などの増殖性変化が起こる事が予想される。本研究の目的は福島県福島市に生息するニホンザルの甲状腺濾胞密度を定量化により,組織形態学的変化の有無を明らかにすることである。材料として,被曝を受けた福島県福島市のニホンザル(以下,福島サル)95検体,被曝を受けていない青森県下北半島のニホンザル(下北サル)30検体の甲状腺のHE標本を用いた。これらを光学顕微鏡下で200倍にて観察し,CCDカメラを用いて画像を取り込み,cell Sensモニターにて1視野のうち500μm×500μmあたりの濾胞数をカウントした。左右甲状腺から無作為に選出した5視野ずつ,計10視野についてカウントを行い,この平均を各検体の濾胞密度とした。これらの結果を福島サル,下北サル各々において,年齢(幼獣,亜成獣,成獣),季節(4~9月,10~3月),性別(雌,雄)に関して比較を行ったところ,年齢差のみ有意差が得られた。さらに福島サルと下北サルの各年齢区分どうしを比較したところ,どの年齢区分においても有意差は認められなかった。つまり現段階では,被曝した福島サルと被曝していない下北サルの甲状腺濾胞密度に関しては有意な差は認められないという結果になった。
加藤 誠一

中谷内 一也 野波 寛 加藤 潤三
実験社会心理学研究 (ISSN:03877973)
vol.49, no.2, pp.205-216, 2010 (Released:2010-02-20)
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松田 昇一 加藤 純郎 秋葉 貴光
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
年次大会 2020 (ISSN:24242667)
pp.S05406, 2020 (Released:2021-03-25)

Impingement jets are often used for cooling and heating of a surface or a body because a high heat transfer coefficient is obtained near the stagnation point of an impingement surface. For example, they are used for drying paper and fabrics, cooling gas turbine blades and electronic components(1). Recently, the usage of impingement jets can be predicted to be used in comparatively small spaces due to the miniaturization of devices. In these cases, the nozzle diameter, the flow rate, and the distance between the nozzle and the impingement plate are inevitably small.The purpose of this study is to clarify the flow and heat transfer characteristics when an impingement jet is applied in a narrow space. And now, when the heat transfer coefficients are measured by using the thin heated surface, a heat loss (qe) occurs in the in-plane direction of the heated surface due to heat conduction. Generally, this heat loss is often ignored at high Reynolds number (Re) and large diameter, because it is very small compared to the heat taken by the impingement jet. However, it may not be negligible in the case of a low Reynolds number and small diameter, because the heat taken by the impingement jet become relatively small.In this research, heat transfer characteristics using a circular impinging jet, which impinge on the heated plate, were investigated experimentally. The jet holes with the diameters D of 1, 3 and 5 mm were used. The values of H/D were from 2 to 6, where H is the distance between the nozzle exit and the impingement plate. The experiments were performed with the relatively low Reynolds number range of 250 ~ 2500. The surface temperature of the impingement plate was measured using an infrared camera, from which a heat loss (qe) in the in-plane direction and heat transfer coefficients were obtained. And the flow behavior of the jet was visualized by using a Laser Light Sheet(LLS)method. From the experiments, it was found that a heat loss (qe) needs to be considered in the case of a low Reynolds number and a small diameter.