北川 道成
一般社団法人 情報科学技術協会
情報の科学と技術 (ISSN:09133801)
vol.65, no.7, pp.296-301, 2015-07-01 (Released:2017-04-13)

北川 嘉野 武藤 崇 キタガワ カノ ムトウ タカシ Kitagawa Kano Muto Takashi
心理臨床科学 = Doshisha Clinical Psychology : therapy and research (ISSN:21864934)
vol.3, no.1, pp.41-51, 2013-12-15

浅香 卓哉 坂田 健一郎 竹川 英輝 羽藤 裕之 鎌口 真由美 大賀 則孝 佐藤 淳 山崎 裕 北川 善政
社団法人 日本口腔外科学会
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.65, no.8, pp.500-506, 2019-08-20 (Released:2019-10-21)

Glossodynia is defined as a burning sensation on the tongue without any systemic or local cause. Although its pathophysiology remains unclear, it has been associated with neuropathic, nociceptive, and psychogenic pains. In Japan, difficulties are encountered in the treatment of glossodynia as prescribed medications are not covered by health insurance. Recently, a traditional Chinese medicine treatment (kampo), rikko-san (TJ-110), has been suggested to be useful for glossodynia. The objective of this retrospective study was to evaluate the efficacy of rikko-san gargling in patients with glossodynia. In total, 221 patients with glossodynia who were treated by rikko-san gargling between 2012 and 2018 were examined. Of these, 90 patients (seven men, 83 women; mean age, 67 years) who were treated by gargling with rikko-san dissolved in water for >1 month and no other medications were included. Tongue pain was assessed using a visual analog scale (VAS). Improvement was defined as at least a 50% reduction in the VAS score after treatment compared with that before treatment. The associations between the efficacy of rikko-san gargling and factors such as age, disease duration, pain area, and psychiatric disorders were evaluated. Improvement was noted in 60% of the patients (54/90) ; the mean administration period to the end of treatment in the improvement group was approximately 5 months. There was no significant correlation between the aforementioned factors and the efficacy of rikko-san gargling. Treatment in 41 patients was completed with rikko-san gargling alone, whereas 40 patients required additional treatment such as another kampo medicine or ethyl loflazepate. No side effect was observed in any patient, although stomatitis was noted in one excluded case. The mechanism underlying rikko-san’s delivery pathway is distinct from that of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, benzodiazepines, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. We speculated that saishin (Asiasarum root), one of the major components of rikko-san, may reduce peripheral stimulation to the tongue surface through its anesthetic effect. In addition, the transmucosal actions of other components in rikko-san may influence various receptor-related neuropathic pains. In conclusion, rikko-san gargling is efficacious and safe for the treatment of glossodynia.
佐藤 裕二 北川 昇 七田 俊晴 畑中 幸子 内田 淑喜
一般社団法人 日本老年歯科医学会
老年歯科医学 (ISSN:09143866)
vol.35, no.3, pp.230-232, 2020-12-31 (Released:2021-01-28)

目的:2020年6月に,2019年6月(医療保険導入後1年2カ月)の社会医療診療行為別統計が公表されたので,これを前報の2018年6月の実施状況と比較することで,最新の口腔機能低下症の検査・管理の実態を明らかにすることを目的とした。 対象と方法:2019年6月および2020年6月に発表された社会医療診療行為別統計により,2018年6月(医療保険導入後2カ月)および2019年6月(医療保険導入後1年2カ月)の口腔機能低下症の検査・管理の実施状況を調査した。 結果:医療保険導入1年2カ月後には,咀嚼能力検査は前年の統計に比較して約5倍,舌圧検査は約2倍,口腔機能管理加算は約4倍となったが,咬合圧検査はほとんど変化がなかった。 考察:普及したとはいえ,初診患者の1%以下の検査実施率であり,これは,まだまだ普及の途上であるといえる。 結論:検査・管理は普及してきているものの,さらに普及させる必要性が示唆された。
木村 広希 川島 英之 日下 博幸 北川 博之
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
地理学評論 Series A (ISSN:18834388)
vol.82, no.4, pp.323-331, 2009-07-01 (Released:2011-08-25)
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北川 誠一

課題番号:15310163/平成15年度一平成17年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(B))研究成果報告書/<目次>/1 ロシアのイスラーム社会/1)北川誠一「二つの戦争の間のロシア・ムスリム」『中東欧とロシア」東北大学、2003年、39-59頁/2)Magomedov,Arbakhan,Rpssija i musul'manskij vopros:ispytanie islamofobiej(vtoroevvedenie)/2 ウラル浴ヴォルガのイスラームと政治/3)Mukharjamov,Nail'. Islam v Povolzh'e:politizatsija nesosoto jabshajasja ili otlozhennaja?/4)Galljamov,Rushan.Islamskoe vozrozhdenie v Uralo-Povolzhskom makroregione Rosii:sravnitel'nyj analiz modelej Bashkortostana i Tatarstana./5)Magomedov,Arbakhan.Islam i politika na polumusul'manskom evrazijskom pogranich'e:osobennosti lolal'noj transformatsii v Astrakhankoj i Ul'janovskoj oblastjakh./3ダゲスタンとチェチェンのイスラームと政治/6)Matsuzato Kimitaka, Magomed-Rasul lbragimov. lslamic Politics at the Subregional Level, Europe-Asia Studies, 2005, pp.753-780/7)Makarov,Dmitri. Dagestan's Approach to the lslamoc Mega-Area? The Potentials and Limits of Jihadism,Emerging Meso-Area in the Former Socialist Countries, Hokkaido University, 2005, pp.195-220/8)Matsuzato Kimitaka.Magomed-Rasul Ibragimov.Alien but Loyal:Reasons for the Instability of Daghestan,An Outpost of Slavic Eurasia,Emerging Meso-Area in the Former Socialist Countries, Hokkaido University,2005,pp.221-247/9)Matsuzato,Kimitaka.Islam w naturciu od Daghestanudo,Arcana(Krakovo),Vol.66,Nos.6,2005,pp.77-91/10)北川誠一「野戦軍司令官からジヤマーアト・アミールヘ」『東北大学歴史資源アーカイヴの構築と社会メディア』、東北大学、2005年、52-69頁/3 南コーカサスのイスラームと政治/11)Kitagawa,Seiichi.The Nationalization of Islamic Organization in the South Caucasus, The Construction and the Deconstruction of National HIstories in S1avic Eurasia,2003,pp.291-310/12)北川誠一「グルジア・パンキスィ渓谷問題の種族・信仰的背景」『国際政治」第138号、2004年、142-156頁/4中央アジアの政治的イスラーム/13)北川誠一『ウズベキスタンとタジキスタンの政治的イスラーム』東北大学、2004年3月、1-20頁/付記/ 調査記録としては、松里公孝「ダゲスタンのイスラム(前編)『スラブ研究センターニュース」95(2003年秋)号、「ダゲスタンのイスラム(後編)」スラブ研究センターニュース」97(2004年春)号があるが技術的理由とスラブ研究センター・ホームページからの閲覧が用意なので、ここには採録しなかった。アドレスは、http://src-h.slav.hokudai.ac.jp/jp/news/95/essay-matsuzato.htmlおよび、http://src-h.slav.hokudai.ac.jp/jp/news/97/essay-97-essay3.htmlである。/ ヴラデイミル・クシニレンコ氏の口頭発表原稿(2004年12月11日、スラブ研究センター、若手研究者国際ワークショップ)「北コーカサス西部中央部諸共和国の政治過程におけるイスラームの要素」は、ここに収録しなかった。
長元 法喜 水田 博志 坂本 憲史 坂田 浩章 久保田 健治 甲斐 功一 北川 敏夫 井上 誠一 沼田 亨 大島 隆志
West-Japanese Society of Orthopedics & Traumatology
整形外科と災害外科 (ISSN:00371033)
vol.36, no.4, pp.1213-1216, 1988-04-25 (Released:2010-02-25)

Fifteen cases with ruptures of musculotendinous juncture of the medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle which occurred during sports activities were studied. Of these cases, 7 were males and 8 were females. The mean age was 36 years and 6 months with ages ranging from 15 to 56.Six of these cases were involved in track-and-field events, three in volleyball, two in softball, two in badminton, one in judo and one in recreational game. Prodromic symptoms such as dull aching of the affected leg were seen in 8 cases. All cases were injured in a position of the ankle joint in dorsiflexion with the knee joint in extension.Conservative treatments resulted in a satisfactory recovery of their activities of daily living in all cases.The results indicated that prophylactic stretching is of value for preventing this injury, especially in middle-aged players.
秋田 純一 谷越 大峰 北川 章夫
一般社団法人 映像情報メディア学会
映像情報メディア学会誌 (ISSN:13426907)
vol.60, no.7, pp.1068-1071, 2006-07-01 (Released:2008-03-07)
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Conventional image display devices and image acquisition devices consist of regularly located pixels. The pixels are located in a matrix for ease of implementation. Matrix placement of pixels intrinsically has directional singularity in the representation of images. The clarity of represented images is significantly dependent on the directions that objects in the image, such as lines, are facing. For example, horizontal lines are perfectly represented by matrix pixels, while the slanted lines have the jagged edges.We developed a pseudorandom pixel placement architecture that has no directional singularity in the representation of images, and we evaluated its characteristics and layout implementation.
北川 恵
一般社団法人 日本発達心理学会
発達心理学研究 (ISSN:09159029)
vol.24, no.4, pp.439-448, 2013 (Released:2015-12-20)

北川 香 岡本 真
東南アジア -歴史と文化- (ISSN:03869040)
vol.2015, no.44, pp.120-141, 2015 (Released:2017-06-01)

This paper treats the letters which Cambodian court exchanged with the Edo-Shogunate in the early 17th century. Copies of six letters in Khmer and twelve letters in Chinese from Cambodia, and fourteen letters in Chinese from Japan, including the replies to the former, are contained in the compilations of diplomatic documents named“Gaikoku-Kankei-Shokan 外国関係書簡,” “Gaiban-Shokan 外蕃書翰” and “Gaiban-Tsusho 外蕃通書,” which were edited by Kondo Juzo 近藤重蔵 by the beginning of the 19th century, and in “Tsuko-Ichiran 通航一覧” which were edited by order of the Shogunate around 1853. Among the thirty-two letters, five in Khmer and twenty-three in Chinese are of the early 17th century, and the others are of the early 18th century. Unfortunately, the locations of their originals are unidentified. The Chinese letters are thought to have been hand-copied with considerable accuracy, but as for Khmer, the characters are corrupted remarkably and hard to make out. The only exception is a letter of 1742, written in beautiful Aksor Mul (round characters of Khmer) which Kondo Juzo sedulously hand-copied by himself from the original which a family of To-Tsuji 唐通事 (interpreter of Chinese language) had reserved in Nagasaki. In the Khmer letters, Cambodia is called Krong Kamvuchéa Thipadei and Japan is called Ñipon Kakacho (possibly Koku-Shu 国主). Expressions as Preah Reach Sar Pi Ñipon (royal letter from Japan) suggest that Cambodian court recognized Japanese Shogunate as something similar to the kingship of Cambodia. They assume an attitude of Metrei (friendship) between kings on even ground, in contrast to the Chinese letters which adopt humble expressions. The authors of the Khmer letters might be experts called Smien (clerk), because some marks of handsome script of Aksor Mul are recognized among deformed characters of the reproductions. As for the Chinese letters, probably some Chinese merchants were the authors and significant differences are recognized in the skill of rhetoric. Their contents are gratitude for presents, order of commodities, request of the limitation of the number of commercial ships, complaints about Japanese who committed robbery around Cambodia, and so on. The notable thing is that Cambodian court regarded the Chinese and Japanese merchants who carried the letters as their subjects, and required Japan to let them return to Cambodia as soon as the mission would be finished.