新谷 肇一 青木 正夫 高須 芳史 景山 正浩 篠原 宏年
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.390, pp.60-76, 1988-08-30 (Released:2017-12-25)

After World War I, the University Act was issued in 1918. By the Act, Medical colleges became Medical Universities and private Medical Universities were constructed, so the facilities of education and study were very prepared. The system of doctor's offices was established by the University Degree Act in 1920. The layout and floor planning of the hospitals affiliated with medical department developed. For instance, the outpatient functions were independent as Tokyo Imperial University and many other Universities. For another example, each clinic was completely independent as Kyoto Imperial University and Kyushu Imperial University and Chiba University where educatinal, researches, treatment, outpatients and hospitalization functions were gathered under the lecture systems. Regarding the treatment facilities, X-ray rooms and physical therapy rooms developed in each independent clinic. These independence of the outpatient functions and centralization of some treatment facilities mean that clinics were partly failed in their independence. Concerning the hospitalization facilities, central corridor type and large open patient room with simple partition increased as the types of wards. And patient's living functions were improved. For example, they were recreation room, dining room and so
田中 里尚 中村 仁 梅原 宏治 工藤 雅人 古賀 令子
vol.2011, pp.11-20, 2012-03-30

It is intended for our joint research to collect the documents indicating the relationship of Japanese fashion and pop culture after World War Ⅱ. The genre that I collected is divided into six, and, as for the "the postwar times", "theory", "administration" are documents to study the background of the relationship of Japanese fashion and pop culture and, as for the "pop-music" "visual culture" "animation /comics/video-game" are mutual documents to show with the fashion concerned. According to the collection document, firstly, the pop culture has a strong spread power to youth people. Secondly, the pop culture has power to operate the impression of fashion. Thirdly, the pop culture becomes the database of various styles..
伏島 あゆみ 内山 伊知郎 原井 宏明 大矢 幸弘 漆原 宏次 坂上 貴之 村井 佳比子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
日本心理学会大会発表論文集 日本心理学会第85回大会 (ISSN:24337609)
pp.SS-001, 2021 (Released:2022-03-30)

古典的条件づけの発見が学習理論と行動療法に与えた影響の大きさは繰り返すまでもない。一方,古典に過ぎず,その影響は認知心理学などの新たな発見に置き換えられたと思っている人がいるかもしれない。そうではない。不安や強迫,アレルギーのようにありふれた病気の治療においても条件づけの概念は新しい示唆を与えてくれている。このシンポジウムではアレルギー疾患の専門家,不安や強迫の専門家,学習理論の専門家を招き,行動科学学会のミッションである基礎と臨床をつなぐことを目指す。アレルギーの予防や克服にはアレルゲンを回避するのではなく,早くからエクスポージャー(食べること)を通じて免疫寛容を誘導した方が良い(潜在制止)や,強迫に対するエクスポージャーと儀式妨害(ERP)において一般的な不安階層表に従った段階的な刺激ではなく,期待違反効果を狙った予想外の刺激を使う方が効果が高いことなどを示す。パブロフが残した影響は条件づけだけではない。ドグマに毒されず,事実だけを重視することを若手に説き続け,科学者をスターリンから守ろうとした。科学することはどういうことなのか? もこのシンポジウムの中で取り上げれれば幸いである。
岡野 仁庸 佐原 宏典
公益社団法人 日本設計工学会
設計工学 (ISSN:09192948)
vol.57, no.5, pp.237-250, 2022 (Released:2022-05-05)

Satellites are utilized in a wide range of fields, such as scientific research, remote sensing, communication, and defense. Unlike ground-based systems, a satellite system has certain special features in terms of system design, usage environment, and life cycle. Therefore, it is difficult for engineers to pass on the system design documents and experiences of the satellite to the next generation. Engineers often design, develop, and validate satellite systems according to their individual competence. In general, if the experience and competence of the engineer are insufficient, regressions and design defects can occur in the later stages of development. In the past, satellites have been affected by problems such as unexpected resource inputs and in-orbit failures, which have reduced quality, cost, and delivery (QCD). We consider that the large gap between the highest standards for satellite design and the actual standards met by the engineers is the most significant factor that causes the QCD to deteriorate. To address this issue, we aim to develop a systems-engineering method that can serve as a guideline for satellite development. Herein, we present the results of our study, along with an evaluation of one of the research themes that we are focusing on to address the aforementioned issue, that is, “Establishing a quantitative systems engineering (SE)-evaluation method by modeling the SE approach.” This is a method for quantitatively visualizing the SE approach and evaluating the validity of satellite development guidelines as a systems-engineering method. This method was validated based on the results of an actual project, i.e., the CanSat project, which involves developing a microsatellite as small as a canned drink.
中野 光花 篠原 宏 清水 啓成 松田 帆 池園 哲郎
一般社団法人 日本耳科学会
Otology Japan (ISSN:09172025)
vol.31, no.4, pp.465-471, 2021 (Released:2022-06-25)

山本 宏 木村 真一 永井 康史 鈴木 健治 橋本 英一 高橋 伸宏 加藤 松明 高山 慎一郎 河原 宏昭
一般社団法人 日本航空宇宙学会
宇宙技術 (ISSN:13473832)
vol.5, pp.19-26, 2006 (Released:2006-09-27)

小笠原 宏 川方 裕則 石井 紘 中谷 正生 矢部 康男 飯尾 能久 南アフリカ金鉱山における半制御地震発生実験国際共同研究グループ
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.61, no.Supplement, pp.563-573, 2009-07-31 (Released:2013-11-21)
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Experimental sites with potential earthquakes up to M ∼ 3 in coming few years are known beforehand from mining schedule at 2-3 km depths in South African gold mines, which allows us to deploy various borehole instruments including Ishii strainmeters, geophones, accelerometers and AE sensors. Deployment of these wide-dynamic-range and high-resolution observations in the past 15 years has led to many findings about the earthquake rupture and its preparation stage. High-sampling seismograms obtained at close proximity of M > 1 earthquakes have demonstrated similarities of these earthquakes to natural, greater earthquakes in many aspects, including stress drop, energy efficiency, and complexity of rupture propagation. Some of larger mine earthquakes are preceded by perceivable abnormal seismicity. However, no immediate precursors for earthquakes with M ∼ 2 were observed by our high-resolution strain and AE sensors installed within the dimension of mainshock rupture. In contrast, aseismic strain-step events that we had recently discovered were sometimes preceded by further slower forerunners. Ongoing projects bring in novel technologies such as field-scale AE monitoring and fast-response strainmeters, and novel targets including mines being flooded for closing operation.
久米原 宏之 丸山 一男 津田 米雄 児玉 正博
公益社団法人 精密工学会
精密機械 (ISSN:03743543)
vol.45, no.540, pp.1492-1496, 1979-12-05 (Released:2009-06-30)

In order to clarify the self-loosening mechanism of threaded joints which are subjected to ultrasonic vibration in the axial direction, the separating phenomena between the bearing surfaces are investigated experimentally and theoretically. The obtained conclusions are as follows : (1) The theoretical values of the amplitude on the assumption that the bearing surface may begin to separate when the amplitude of vibrational stress on the surfaces reaches the mean compressive stress by tightening force approximately agree with the experimental ones. Then the above-mentioned value, which is called “Critical Amplitude at the Separation between Bearing Surfaces”, is proposed as a criterion of self-loosening of threaded joints. (2) The separation between bearing surfaces is affected by lubricating condition. The critical amplitude with silicone grease is larger than that with machine oil or without lubricant in the range of this experimental conditions.
二宮 嘉行 栁原 宏和 吉本 敦
FORMATH (ISSN:21885729)
vol.6, pp.43-56, 2007 (Released:2020-06-05)

林分内の間伐効果・競合効果・成長パターンの異質性などを検知する問題では, 非正則モデルに基づく分析が必要となるが, それらの分析手法には通常の統計理論を適用することはできない. 状況や検証したい仮説により使用する非正則モデルは異なり, 今までの非正則モデルに基づく分析では, それらのモデルごとに性質が議論されてきた. しかしながら, 近年それらを統一的に扱う理論が発展されつつある. 本論文では, 非正則モデルの主である局所錘モデルにおける検定問題に注目し,通常の検定とどう異なるかを説明し, 林分成長分析におけるその必要性について検討する.
萩原 宏
vol.5, no.1, 1964-01-15
北川 隆洋 風早 竜之介 谷口 無我 篠原 宏志 福岡管区気象台 大分地方気象台
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.67, no.1, pp.113-123, 2022-03-31 (Released:2022-04-26)

Volcanic gas composition provides us a crucial clue to investigate magma plumbing and geothermal systems. Sensor-based instruments named Multi-GAS have been used for monitoring the volcanic gas compositions at volcanoes. A sensitivity of sensors changes with time caused by deterioration, masking volcanic signals especially during long-term monitoring. Frequent calibration of the sensors is desirable for precise monitoring; however, that is pragmatically not easy because a location of a targeted volcano is remote and rural in general. Sophisticated evaluation of the long-term changes in the sensor sensitivity has not been made yet. In this study, we examined the sensitivity change of the chemical sensors within the Multi-GAS during long-term observations by comparing with other methods such as gas detector tubes and gas sampling. The volcanic gas compositions were monitored using Multi-GAS at Kusatsu-Shirane volcano and Kuju volcano, Japan. Intermittent gas composition measurements using gas detector tubes and gas sampling were conducted at fumaroles around where the Multi-GAS stations are installed. Some disagreements of the CO2/H2S ratios are observed between those measured using the Multi-GAS from those measured using other methods. In such cases, large decreases of the H2S sensor sensitivity were found by the sensor calibration after the monitoring. We found a roughly linear behavior of the H2S sensor sensitivity changes with time based on a long-term sensor sensitivity monitoring in a laboratory and propose a simple linear sensitivity correction of the H2S sensors using the calibration results obtained before and after the monitoring. The corrected Multi-GAS results agree well with the results of other methods. Our results open up a possibility for extraction of volcanic signals from the long-term volcanic gas data streams monitored using the Multi-GAS that are masked by the changes in the sensitivity of the sensors.
松原 宏
中央大学経済研究所年報 (ISSN:02859718)
no.43, pp.737-756, 2012

日本のクラスター政策としては、 経済産業省による産業クラスター計画と文部科学省による知的クラスター創成事業が、21世紀初頭から始動してきたが、「事業仕分け」等により頓挫した状況にある。クラスター政策の再構築にあたって、政策の空間構造の検討が重要と考え、本稿では、東北・仙台地域と九州・福岡地域を事例に、政策展開の歴史的経緯や政策評価にかかわる空間構造特性について検討することを試みた。産業クラスター計画では、各地方経済産業局の管轄区域内での産業立地の状況や重点地域の選定が重要な要素を構成する一方で、知的クラスター創成事業では、地域内の研究開発基盤の歴史的蓄積や海外も含めた地域外との主体間関係の進展、中核機関の経路依存性や大学を中心とした知識フローの空間特性などが、地域イノベーションの成果にかかわっていることが明らかになった。
籔谷 祐介 中原 宏
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.82, no.740, pp.2661-2671, 2017 (Released:2017-10-30)
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Community action groups are expected as new groups to support the life of the community instead of territorial groups. In recent years, “Community design” that the expert support to forming community action groups to solve regional problems is getting a lot of attention. It is important for community designer to select the action type of the groups taking the motivations of members to participate into consideration. The aim of this study is to clarify the relationship between the motivations of members to participate community action groups and action types of the groups through the comparison between “action type of player” and “action type of area manager”. “Action type of player” is an action type of the group to act oneself as a player to creative a new social action, and “action type of area manager” is an action type of the group to make a place, system and opportunity for player to act to change the area. First, We made 32-items scale of motivations of members to participate community action groups in reference to scale of motivations to participate volunteer activities (Table2). We performed the questionnaire survey by using the scale targeting 153 members in 10 groups. By factor analysis using answers to the questionnaire, it was clarified that the motivations to participate community action groups is composed of the following 8 factors: “self-growth needs” factor, “desire for social contribution” factor, “belongingness and interaction needs” factor, “having spare time” factor, “desire to return for kindness ” factor, “desire to help family” factor, “desire to get evaluation in the society” factor and “desire for recognition from others” factor (Table3). Second, the motivations of members in 10 groups were classified as follows: “type of using spare time”, “type of desire for recognition from others” and “type of self-actualization needs”(Fig. 2). In “type of using spare time”, there were tendencies to be a lot of members in their 20's or younger, 60's or older, and without occupation. They had motivations to want to get evaluation in the society and to do what was useful for family. In “type of desire for recognition from others”, there were tendencies to be a lot of members in their 40's, self-employed workers and public servants. They had motivations to want to return for kindness of others and to be needed by them. In “type of self-actualization needs”, there were tendencies to be a lot of professional members. They had intrinsic motivations to want to make better community by using professional skill, to grow and to enjoy acting with other members. Third, we investigated the relationship between the motivations to participate the groups and their action types. The result was that there were tendencies to be a lot of members of “type of using spare time” and “type of desire for recognition from others” in the groups of “action type of player” and to be a lot of members of “type of self-actualization needs” in the groups of “action type of area manager”(Fig. 4). In other words, it was clarified that most of members in the groups of “action type of player” had extrinsic motivations, but on the other hand most of members in the groups of “action type of area manager” had intrinsic motivations.
森本 弘一 島原 宏文 谷 純子 辻 靖子
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.46, no.1, pp.91-102, 1997-11-10

Recently, there is a problem that insurance companies reject applications of genetic disease carriers in the USA. It is said that the educational content in a primary school should contain genetic content as there is a genetic teaching material in the USA. It is "You, Me, & Others' In the future, we predict that these situations will happen in Japan. So, we have developed genetic teaching material as worksheets for elementary schools. In order to examine the potency, of developed worksheets, we taught the students in an elementary school attached to Nara University of Education using these worksheets. The titles of the worksheets used in this practice are "Similarity and Difference between us" and "Continuity of Life". The response of children was good. From this result, we confirm that these worksheets are useful for elementary school eduation. We hope that many elementary schools will use the genetic teaching material which we developed.