渡邊 和洋 中園 江 中村 大輔 西谷 友寛 西村 奈月 松島 弘明 谷尾 昌彦 江原 宏
日本作物学会紀事 (ISSN:00111848)
vol.85, no.4, pp.373-384, 2016-10-05 (Released:2016-10-25)
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菱村 祐介 清水 啓成 篠原 宏 中野 光花
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.112, no.8, pp.505-510, 2019

<p>Herein, we report a case of isolated oculomotor nerve paralysis caused by a sphenoid sinus cyst. An 80-year-old man presented with right-sided ptosis, diplopia and occipital headache. He had unilateral ptosis and disturbance of the upward, downward and inward ocular movements, however, ophthalmologic examination showed neither visual impairment, nor pupillary dilatation. The symptoms were clearly caused by isolated right oculomotor nerve paralysis. Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed a lateral sphenoid sinus lesion with a smooth margin compressing the right cavernous sinus and shaving down the surface of the clivus. Based on a diagnosis of sphenoid sinus cyst, we performed endoscopic surgery under general anesthesia. The ocular movements became normal approximately 2 months after the operation and the right-sided ptosis disappeared within 6 months of the sugery. Since oculomotor nerve paralysis due to sphenoid sinus cyst is highly amenable to cure by endoscopic surgery, operation should be aggressively pursued for its treatment.</p>
石原 宏
イタリア学会誌 (ISSN:03872947)
vol.40, pp.118-144, 1990-10-20 (Released:2017-04-05)

Come e noto, il pellicano che nutre i suoi piccoli con lo stesso sangue puntando il becco sul petto, e simbolo del Cristo crocifisso in atto di redimere l'umanita. L'iconografia del "Pellicano sulla Croce" si riferisce a questo pellicano simbolico rapprsentato in cima alla croce del Cristo crocifisso delle crocifissioni, dei crocifissi e nelle illustrazioni del "Lignum Vitae" di San Bonaventura. Nonostante che nei crosifissi croce dipinta) e nelle crocifissioni del trecento italiano questo simbolo fosse stato raffigurato spesso, non se ne ritrova riscontro prima di quest'epoca, come sostiene anche E. Sandberg-Vavala. In altri paesi oltramontani, il pellicano sulla croce lo troviamo gia alla fine del duecento. Il pellicano allegorico di Gesu Cristo ha una lunga storia nell'occidente cristiano. In "Physiologus", scritto probabilmente nella seconda meta del II sec. ad Alessandria, si parla per la prima volta della somiglianza fra il pellicano e il Cristo. II "Physiologus" godeva di vasta popolarita e fu utilizzato per molto tempo da vari "Bestiari" medioevali. In quasi tutti i "Bestiari" questo uccello simboleggiava il Cristo che si e sacrificato sulla croce. Dunque nell'arte figurativa, il nostro pellicano e stato rappresentato come simbolo del Cristo da solo oppure accompagnato ad altre figure simboliche della Passione e della Risurrezione. Questi pellicani avevano il nido sull'albero della vita, cioe sul "Lignum Vitae". Questo opuscolo ascetico di San Bonaventura, fu scritto forse a Parigi fra il 1257 e la sua morte (1274). Il "Lignum Vitae" di Darmsttadt (ca. 1290), e la "Crocifissione" della biblioteca Morgan a New York (ca. 1275) seguno il testo di San Bonaventura, in ambedue sulla cima della croce compare il pellicano. Tant'e vero che anche in Italia il piu antico pellicano sulla croce e stato dipinto nella raffigurazione del "Lignuma Vitae" nel 1301 (biblioteca Augusta a Perugia), anche se il pellicano non viene nominato nel testo in cui si parla della "colomba che fa il nido". Perche la colomba fu sostituita con il pelicano? Questo passaggio e spiegabile in quanto esisteva gia una lunga traduzione, come vediamo nel "Physiologus" e nel "Bestiario", nella quale si paragonava il pellicano al Cristo. Il pellicano nel "Lignum Vitae" sarebbe apparso prima in Francia perche il testo fu scritto in Francia e da li si sarebbe poi diffuso in Europa. Secondo me il pellicano sarebbe passato in Italia attrverso l'arte gotica oltremontana. Infatti nel transetto nord della Basilica di San Francesco in Assisi, lavorava una maestranza oltremontana ed e probabile che tra le varie novita del linguaggio figurativo abbia introdotto anche questa. R. Longhi aveva gia intuito l'importanza della cultura gotica di Luigi IX di Francia ad Assisi, istituendo un rapporto tra gli affreschi oltremontani del suddetto transetto e minature come il "Salterio di Isabella" nel Fitzwilliam Museum di Cambridge. San Bonaventura, francescano e Generale di quell' ordine, scrisse "Leggenda Major", una vita di San Francesco, in cui sottolinea la somiglianza di San Francesco con il Cristo. San Francesco, tramite le stigmate, simbolo della passione del Cristo, si avvicina al simbologismo del pellicano che rappresenta esso stesso il Cristo immolato per l'umanita. Inoltre Bonaventura definisce San Francesco "il povero nel deserto". In un salmo di Davide troviamo questa profezia che poi verra riferita al Cristo : "Similis factus sum pellicano in solitudinis". Ecco perche nell'albero della croce di Pacino di Bonaguida e di Taddeo Gaddi troviamo rappresentati insieme il pellicano e San Francesco. Il primo in alto il secondo ai piedi. Nell'arte italiana, il pellicano sulla croce(View PDF for the rest of the abstract.)
鎌倉 夏来 松原 宏
経済地理学年報 (ISSN:00045683)
vol.58, no.2, pp.118-137, 2012-06-30 (Released:2017-05-19)

小杉 智 上原 宏 神成 淳司
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
電子情報通信学会論文誌 B (ISSN:13444697)
vol.J103-B, no.1, pp.1-10, 2020-01-01

本論文では,土壌,農地,気象など農業関連のデータをクラウドデータベースに集約した農業データプラットホーム'農業データ連携基盤(WAGRI)'のサービス,及びアーキテクチャを述べる.耕作放棄地の増大,担い手不足に直面する日本の農業では,農家の経験を代替するデータ農業への期待が高まっているが,始まって間もないこれらの取組みにおいて,サービス要件は極めて流動的である.こうした背景から農業データ連携基盤では,今後発生する様々なデータサービス要件に対して,ソフトウェアの追加開発を極力抑えてサービス実装できるアーキテクチャ'Dynamic API'を考案した.Dynamic APIによれば,ユーザ自身が新たなサービスを実装することも可能である.本論文では,Dynamic APIアーキテクチャによって実現した各種のデータサービスを述べるとともに,このアーキテクチャが新たに発生するサービス要件に対してプログラム開発を伴わずにサービスを提供する仕組みについて,事例を交えて述べる.
佐藤 運海 竹ノ内 敏一 原 宏 山崎 隆夫 若林 信一
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.71, no.710, pp.3074-3080, 2005-10-25 (Released:2011-03-04)
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This paper describes development of end milling of carbon steel by electrolyzed reduced water of dilute sodium chloride solution, instead of conventional cutting with cutting fluid which is not environmentally consciousness. First, experimental equipments were built with a machining center, cutting fluid supply system made from the bath pump, temperature sensor and temperature recorder etc., and end milling processing of carbon steel was performed using electrolyzed reduced water of dilute sodium chloride solution and conventional cutting fluid respectively. Next, measured surface roughness, evaluated surface deterioration layer, temperature change of work piece and wear state of end milling. As the results of all evaluations above-mentioned, there is no difference between the end milling process using electrolyzed reduced water and that of conventional using cutting fluid. It is supposed electrolyzed reduced water instead of cutting fluid is environmentally consciousness process.
菅原 宏祐
公益財団法人 腸内細菌学会
腸内細菌学雑誌 (ISSN:13430882)
vol.31, no.4, pp.179-185, 2017 (Released:2017-11-03)

近年の研究からヒトの腸内には固有の腸内細菌種が生息しており,腸内菌叢として様々な疾病と関連することが示されている.Bifidobacterium属細菌は,ヒト腸内菌叢の主要構成菌属であり,有益な生理機能が多数報告されている.一方,Bifidobacterium属細菌には多くの菌種が知られており,ヒト常在性ビフィズス菌(Human-Residential Bifidobacteria, HRB)とそれ以外のビフィズス菌(non-HRB)に分けることができる.筆者らは HRBの特徴とその生理機能の機序解析に焦点を当てた研究を行った.HRBとnon-HRBの本質的な差異として葉酸産生能を比較した結果,HRBはnon-HRBと比較して葉酸産生能が高いことを見出した.さらに,HRBに属するBifidobacterium longum subsp. longum BB536における生理機能の分子機構をメタボローム, メタトランスクリプトーム,メタゲノム解析からなるマルチオミクス解析を用いて解析した.その結果,B. longum BB536は腸内細菌との相互作用により腸内代謝産物へ影響を及ぼすことが示された.これらの結果から,ヒト常在性ビフィズス菌は直接的に代謝産物を産生するだけではなく,腸内細菌種の構成および活性に作用することで腸内環境を変化させ,宿主の健康状態に影響を与える可能性が考えられた.
原 宏紀 副島 林造 松島 敏春
結核 (ISSN:00229776)
vol.65, no.11, pp.711-717, 1990-11-15 (Released:2011-05-24)

A study to obtain information on the relation between tuberculosis and carcinoma ofthe lung was carried out in 24 hospitals in Chugoku and Shikoku areas during the period from January 1979 to December 1988 using a questionnaire.As a result of. this survey, 142 cases of coexisting active pulmonary tuberculosis and bronchogenic carcinoma were reported during the period.The incidence of coexisting caseswas 2.32% of patients with pulmonary tublrculosis and 2.22% of patients with bronchogeniccarcinoma.The foci of tuberculosis and carcinoma were found more often in the same lobe than indifferent lobes.The proportions of histological types of bronchogenic carcinoma were asfollows; squamous cell carcinoma 43.9%, adenocarcinoma 36.0%, small cell carcinoma 16.5% and large cell carcinoma 3.6%.These findings were not singnificantly different from thosein the general population. No significant difference in the proportions of histologicaltypes was found by coexisting lobe.Some cases indicated that coexisting tuberculosis gave a favorable influence to theprognosis of lung cancer.
福岡 健吾 佐藤 中 長瀬 勇人 菅原 宏文 成田 知宏 水野 豊
臨床雑誌外科 (ISSN:0016593X)
vol.81, no.8, pp.876-879, 2019-07-01

籔谷 祐介 中原 宏 椎野 亜紀夫
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.84, no.761, pp.1613-1623, 2019 (Released:2019-07-30)

Community action groups are expected as new groups to support the life of the community instead of territorial groups. In recent years, “Community design” that the expert support to forming community action groups to solve regional problems is getting a lot of attention. In our preceding paper, we classified members in community action groups into 3 types of participation motivation: “type of using spare time”, “type of desire for recognition from others” and “type of self-actualization needs”. The aim of this study is to clarify the relationship between the roles of members and the motivations to participate community action groups. First, We prepared 12-items of roles of members in community action groups(Table2). We performed the questionnaire survey by the mutual vote method by using the 12-items targeting 106 members in 8 groups. By factor analysis using answers to the questionnaire, it was clarified that the construction of roles of members in community action groups was composed of 3 factors: “Diplomatic and intellectual role” factor, “Leadership role” factor and “Behind the scenes role” factor. (Table4) Second, The role types of members in 8 groups were classified by cluster analysis as follows: “type of all-around leader”, “type of supporter” and “type of follower”(Fig. 5). The members of “type of all-around leader” showed strong leadership and play a lot of roles in the groups, especially to provide and gather the information, to bring their cooperators and to consider about their activities. The members of “type of supporter” were situation to support and always cooperative with activities of groups. The members of “type of follower” played the leading role in comparison to the other types. Third, we investigated the relationship between the roles of members and the motivations to participate community action groups. The result was that there were tendencies to be a lot of members of “type of desire for recognition from others” and a few members of “type of using spare time” in members of “type of all-around leader”, and a lot of members of “type of self-actualization needs” and a few members of “type of desire for recognition from others” in members of “type of supporter”. On the other hand, there were tendencies to be a few members of “type of self-actualization needs”. (Table6) Finally, we investigated how did the action type of groups have an effect on the roles of members. The result was that there were tendencies to be a lot of members of “type of supporter” and a few members of “type of follower” in “action type of player”. On the other hand, there were tendencies to be a lot of members of “type of follower” and a few members of “type of supporter” in “action type of area manager” (Table7). And the participation motivation of members had an effect on both of the action type of groups and the roles of members, in other words, the action type of groups made complex the relationship between the roles of members and the motivations to participate community action groups (Fig9, 10, 11).
廣野 哲朗 横山 友暉 金木 俊也 小笠原 宏 矢部 康男 松崎 琢也 山本 裕二 徳山 英一 Tullis C. Onstott Martin Ziegler Durrheim Ray Esterhuizen van Heerden Bennie Liebenberg The ICDP DSeis team

Drilling into seismogenic zones of M2.0-M5.5 earthquakes in deep South Africa gold mines (DSeis Project) was undertaken in 2017–2018 near Orkney, South Africa, to understand principal mechanism of earthquakes nucleate and propagate. Drilling at two main holes, Hole A (817 m) and Hole B (700 m), was completed at the Moab Khotsong mine, and the latter hole penetrated the fault zone that slipped at the 2014 M5.5 earthquake. Fault-related material and its surrounding host rocks were successfully recovered from the hole, and the samples were analyzed in the Center for Advanced Marine Core Research, Kochi University, Japan. The main damaged zone is characterized by highly fragmented fault breccia with high amount of talc and amorphous material, which is likely to related to recent earthquake event. Nondestructive continuous measurements of physical properties (X-ray CT image, density, magnetic susceptibility, and natural gamma ray) are in progress. We will show the preliminary results about the characteristics of the M5.5 fault zone and its implication for generation of the M5.5 earthquake.
高原 宏平
no.2, pp.1-21, 1953-12-10
足立 哲夫 原 宏和 平野 和行
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.27, no.4, pp.386-391, 2001-08-10 (Released:2011-03-04)
2 2

All students in the 4 th year at our university, perform 4 -week training in pharmaceutical health care practice (practical training in hospital pharmacy and community prescription pharmacy). We carried out a consciousness survey of 149 students who received training at a community prescription pharmacy. A questionnaire on the interest in community prescription pharmacy work revealed the reply, “the training arouse my interest” in 58% of the students who wish to work in hospital after graduation and in 60% of those who wish to work in pharmacies but only in 49% of those who wish to work at pharmaceutical companies and in 40% of those who wish to go graduate schools. Among the types of work of community prescription pharmacy, those that particularly arouse student interest were “home medical care”, “patient compliance instructions” and “patient reception”. Interest in patient compliance instruction was frequently observed in students who wish to work in hospitals, home medical care and the sale of OTC drugs in those who wish to work in pharmacies, and DI work in those who wish to go to graduate schools.Concerning the questions about the image of community prescription pharmacies (or the work performance), students who felt a strong attitude of pharmacists toward their work showed more interest in training in community prescription pharmacies. To enhance the students' consciousness of practical training in community prescription pharmacy, the contents of training should be improved by evaluating the training items students wish to learn and adjusting by classifying the pharmacies requested to accept students for training.
柁原 宏 高久 元 藤田 喜久 角井 敬知
タクサ:日本動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:13422367)
vol.46, pp.1-2, 2019-02-28 (Released:2019-03-23)

Although the 2018 symposium of the Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology, entitled ‘Recent progress and future potential in faunal studies of the submarine caves in the Ryukyu Islands’ was scheduled to be held on the occasion of the 89th annual meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan in Hokkaido, it was unfortunately canceled due to the earthquake ‘2018 Hokkaido Eastern Iburi Earthquake’. However, the five interesting articles were given by the special invited authors: 1) Yoshihisa Fujita ‘The fauna of decapod crustaceans in submarine caves of the Ryukyu Islands, with special reference to environmental factors in the caves’, 2) Yuji Ise ‘Preliminary report of submarine cave sponges in Shimoji Island, Miyako Islands, Okinawa’, 3) Mitchitaka Shimomura ‘Review of recent taxonomic studies of peracarid crustaceans in submarine and anchialine caves of the Ryukyu Islands’, 4) Masanori Okanishi and Yoshihisa Fujita ‘Ophiuroids from submarine caves of the Ryukyu Islands, Japan’, and 5) Akira Iguchi, Masaru Mizuyama, Takefumi Yorisue and Yoshihisa Fujita ‘Current situation and future issues of DNA studies of submarine caves of the Ryukyu Islands’. In this paper, we introduce the purpose and the contents of this special issue.
笠原 勉 原 宏江
Journal of Advanced Marine Science and Technology Society = 海洋理工学会誌 (ISSN:13412752)
vol.15, no.1, pp.67-72, 2009-11-07

The Fishery Agency conducted the investigations and researches on the restoration of tropical sea grass beds, which serves as feeding sites for dugongs. from FY 2001 to FY 2008. as a part of its project aiming at the coexistence of dugongs and the fishery. In addition to the results of the project, such as seedling production and transplanting techniques, the existing knowledge and information on the sea grass beds were collected and complied in a booklet. The former part of the booklet " A review for the restoration of tropical sea grass beds" summarizes existing knowledge and information on 1) the component species, functions and roles. 2) habitats and environmental conditions. 3) the distribution area and standing stock and 4) dugongs' biology and the relationship with tropical sea grass beds, while the latter part explains 1) restoration techniques of sea grass beds using hand grass planting. 2) seedling production techniques using Thalassia hemprichii, 3) transplanting techniques of artificially produced Thalassia hemprichii and 4) monitoring of created or restored tropical sea grass beds.
藤原 宏志
情報処理学会論文誌コンピューティングシステム(ACS) (ISSN:18827829)
vol.48, no.8, pp.22-30, 2007-05-15

偏微分方程式の高精度かつ大規模数値計算に適する高速な多倍長数値計算環境exflibの設計と実装を行った.本計算環境はFORTRAN90またはC++ 言語から利用可能であり,ポリモルフィックなインタフェースを提供している.本論文では,大規模数値計算で多く利用されるFORTRAN90への対応とアセンブリ言語でのライブラリの設計について論じる.さらに,典型的な逆問題の数値計算において,FORTRAN用の多倍長計算環境と比較して本計算環境の高速性とメモリ利用について示す.また,数値的に不安定なスキームに対して多倍長数値計算を利用することで,計算誤差の急激な増大に対する多倍長計算の有効性と数値解析理論への応用例を示す.We design and implement a fast multiple-precision arithmetic package 'exflib' for the purpose of large scale numerical computations of partial differential equations. The package are works with FORTRAN90 or the programming language C++ and main arithmetics are written in an assembly language. We give a remark on compatibility of programs implemented in an assembly language and FORTRAN90 compilers. Numerical results for a typical inverse problem are given to compare the proposed library with a FORTRAN multiple-precision arithmetic package. We also show an important application to numerically unstable problems and numerical nalysis.
樫原 宏 末宗 洋 常広 菜穂美 酒井 浄
Chemical & pharmaceutical bulletin (ISSN:00092363)
vol.38, no.9, pp.2581-2582, 1990-09-25

The enones (II), which were obtained from dimethyl 4,5-isopropylidenedioxy-2-oxopentylphosphonate (Ia) and various aldehydes, were easily converted to 2-alkenylfurans (III) by treatment with p-TsOH in MeOH. In a similar manner, the furfuryl phosphonate (IVa) and the 3-methylfurfuryl phosphonate (IVb) were obtained from Ia and its 3-methylated analogue (Ib), respectively.