田近 正洋 田中 努 石原 誠 水野 伸匡 原 和生 肱岡 範 今岡 大 小森 康司 木村 賢哉 木下 敬史 山雄 健次 丹羽 康正
日本大腸肛門病学会雑誌 (ISSN:00471801)
vol.68, no.10, pp.900-907, 2015 (Released:2015-10-31)
3 3

山下 和人 安達 洋平 久代 季子 Mohammed Ahmed UMAR 都築 圭子 前原 誠也 瀬野 貴弘 泉澤 康晴
公益社団法人 日本獣医師会
日本獣医師会雑誌 (ISSN:04466454)
vol.57, no.11, pp.715-720, 2004-11-20 (Released:2011-06-17)
1 1

犬臨床例にプロポフォール (P) とフェンタニル (F) を併用した全静脈麻酔 (PF-TIVA) を応用した. 麻酔前投薬としてプロピオニールプロマジン0.05mg/kg, ドロペリドール0.25mg/kg, ミダゾラム0.3mg/kg, またはメデトミジン5μg/kgを静脈内投与 (IV) し, Pで麻酔導入した. Fを2μg/kgIV後に0.2μg/kg/分で持続IVし, PのIV投与速度を調節して外科麻酔を維持した. 麻酔維持に要したP投与速度はメデトミジンの麻酔前投薬で0.2~0.3mg/kg/分, その他で0.3~0.4mg/kg/分であった. PF-TIVAでは呼吸抑制が強く調節呼吸の必要性が高かったが, 循環抑制は少なく, 外科手術も円滑に進行し, 麻酔回復も穏やかであった. PF-TIVAは犬の全身麻酔法として有用と考えられた.
徳田 誠 吉朝 朗 上原 誠一郎 宮脇 律郎 門馬 綱一 杉山 和正

フェルグソン石 (Fergusonite) はメタミクト状態で産出することで代表的な鉱物の一つである。我々はメタミクト状態のフェルグソン石は加熱されることで、本来の構造に本当に回復しているのか、疑問に感じていた。宮崎県大崩山から産した軽度のメタミクト状態であるフェルグソン石を Rigaku SuperNova X線回折装置に搭載し、回折データを測定し、その構造精密化に成功した。メタミクト化によるブロードな粉末回折図形からでは T 相であると誤解しかねない単斜晶 (M 相)であると結論した。明らかに熱処理前後で回折図形は異なることが分かり、フェルグソン石は熱処理により、メタミクト化の情報が失われることが分かる。
大嶋 孝志 小池 隆司 笹野 裕介 高須 清誠 安田 誠 山口 潤一郎 菅 誠治 跡部 真人 外輪 健一郎 滝澤 忍 椴山 儀恵 矢島 知子 宮尾 知幸 小島 諒介 武田 和宏 松原 誠二郎 矢田 陽

乾 順紀 長ヶ原 誠 篠田 大輔
生涯スポーツ学研究 (ISSN:13488619)
pp.2023-8, (Released:2023-08-08)

The purpose of this study was to develop a Japanese version of the CSAPPA scale and to examine its applicability in assessing the motivation and confidence scale in Japan by analyzing the items related to exercise and sports participation. The subjects were students at an elementary school in Tokyo. The survey items consisted of frequency of exercise and sports, desire to do exercise and sports after graduation, willingness to practice the results of physical education classes, and so on. Additionally, six items from the Children's Self-Perception of Adequacy in and Predilection for Physical Activity (CSAPPA) scale were used as the motivation and confidence domain. The analyses were conducted to verify the reliability and validity of the Japanese version of CSAPPA scale, and covariance structure analysis was conducted based on a hypothetical model using the construct framework of CAPL in order to examine the relationship between CSAPPA scale and the status of exercise and sports activities and the willingness to participate in them in the future. The reliability coefficients of CSAPPA scale and the results of confirmatory factor analysis conducted on the two factors of CSAPPA subscale (Adequacy and Predilection) both met the criteria. Moderate positive correlations were found between the items related to sports activities and the total score of CSAPPA scale. The results of model validation by structural analysis of covariance indicated that all paths were significant and good fits were obtained. The multiple population analysis showed that the models were similar for both males and females. In conclusion, we were able to develop a Japanese version of CSAPPA scale and indicate the applicability of the motivation and confidence assessment scale in Japan.
植田 和利 伊東 和彦 上原 誠一郎 佐藤 博樹
一般社団法人 日本科学教育学会
科学教育研究 (ISSN:03864553)
vol.40, no.1, pp.39-45, 2016

We produced a pure Si substance directly from a SiO<sub>2</sub>-Mg system using the solar furnace in the air. After the reagent of SiO<sub>2</sub>-Mg system was melting for 2–3 minutes under the solar furnace, Si grains (~1–3 mm) surrounded by forsterite (Mg<sub>2</sub>SiO<sub>4</sub>) were produced as the reaction product. From the phase diagram of MgO-SiO<sub>2</sub> system, it is considered that the reaction, 2 SiO<sub>2</sub> + 2 Mg → Si + Mg<sub>2</sub>SiO<sub>4</sub>, occurred. In this reaction, the existence of Mg<sub>2</sub>SiO<sub>4</sub> melt might have protected Si reduced from SiO<sub>2</sub> against O<sub>2</sub> in the air, and might have made Si grain grow larger in the melt. In the reduction of SiO<sub>2</sub> by Mg, we could have obtained Si grains visible to the naked eye within a few minutes under the solar furnace. Being a simple and short experiment this experiment is suitable for science students.
真崎 克彦 上原 誠一郎
一般社団法人 日本鉱物科学会
鉱物学雜誌 (ISSN:04541146)
vol.20, no.1-2, pp.33-42, 1991-05-01 (Released:2009-08-11)
1 1

Weathering products in a brown soil (sample S3) and in a partially weathered antigorite in yellowish brown color (sample A59b) were collected from the serpentinite zone in Sasaguri area, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan. The products were studied by X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, analytical electron microscopy, infrared absorption spectrumand differential thermal analysis. Mineralogical composition of the brown soil are 14Å intergrade, halloysite, goethite and ferrihydrite associated with Si, and hematite. Si-containing goethite, Si-containing ferrihydrite, hematite and hisingerite were found in the weathered antigorite. The results suggest that leaching of Mg and Si from the serpentine minerals occurred at initial weathering stages. Precipitation of hydrous iron oxides and hydrous iron silicates may occur after the leaching of Mg and Si. Poorly crystallized iron minerals showed aggregate of microcrystalline materials (<100Å). The result suggests that the 14Å intergrade and halloysite were produced from weathered chlorite and/or mica minerals in the crystalline schist, or weathered chlorite in the vein at the serpentinite zone, or 2 : 1 layer silicates in eolian dust.
吉田 修武 石原 誠 原田 智弘 ラック ターウォンマット
vol.2017, no.1, pp.465-466, 2017-03-16

本研究では,格闘ゲームの一種であるFightingICEを用いて,綱引きモデル(Tag-Of-War; TOW)を適用したAIの性能を評価する.この綱引きモデルは2010年に青野氏らが考案したもので,アメーバが光刺激を避ける行動や生物の探索と活用を数理モデル化したものであり,多腕バンディット問題において優れた性能を示している.現在FightingICEのAIに用いられている手法で,優れた性能を示しているモンテカルロ木探索も,この問題において優れた性能を示しているため,TOWも同等以上の性能が期待できる.性能評価の結果,モンテカルロ木探索と同等以上の性能を示した.
松﨑 淳 長ヶ原 誠
生涯スポーツ学研究 (ISSN:13488619)
vol.19, no.1, pp.13-25, 2022 (Released:2022-12-07)

Previous research has illustrated the need for event organizers to take proactive measures to deal with anticipated accidents of risk concerning the organization of sports events. However, the risk management method adopted by the event organizer at the planning stage of the events, when they are required to decide on whether to hold the events under uncertain circumstances brought about by external risk incidents, remains unclear. The purpose of this study was to examine the judgement process in hosting international lifelong-sport events under uncertainty. We collected archival materials and studied the World Masters Games 2021, its organizing committee, and its stakeholders. We identified 13 elements of uncertainty that were significant of stakeholders’ hosting events in uncertainty. These include: reachability of event value, possibility of duplication of event schedule, opaqueness in financing, difficulty in securing staff, difficulty in securing equipment, difficulty in securing event venue, feasibility of pre-event, difficulties in securing participants and ensuring safety, difficulty in securing volunteer-staff, difficulties in developing a cooperation system, transport/accommodation coordination risks, opaqueness of comprehension/agreement of host, and feasibility of holding the ceremony. In order to cope with the uncertainty, the Organizing Committee (1) interviewed relevant organizations, (2) referred to the Tokyo 2020 Olympics and Paralympics Games, (3) conducted a survey on stakeholders of the Games, and (4) collected statistical evidence related to infectious diseases. Based on these measures, the decision to postpone the event to 2022 was made after controlling the uncertainty related to the decision on whether to host the Games or not. Insight into the key uncertainty dimensions of event planning phase in international lifelong-sports events that judgement criteria of postpone is given, and several practical recommendations are suggested for event organizer and event stakeholder.
芦原 誠 大森 琢也 西村 忠郎 酒井 正雄 永津 郁子
Japanese Society of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and neck surgery
日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報 (ISSN:00306622)
vol.95, no.6, pp.851-859, 1992-06-20 (Released:2008-03-19)
1 1

Taurine (2-aminoethane sulfonic acid) and carnosine (β-alanyl-L-histidine) are found in large quantities in the olfactory epithelium and bulb. Taurine is a structurally simple amino acid, and has been reported to have several putative roles, such as neurotransmitter, neuromodulator, neurogrowth factor and to function in membrane stabilization. Carnosine, on the other hand, has been suggested as a putative neurotransmitter in the olfactory system. We have succeeded in visualizing taurine-and carnosine-like immunoreactivities (LI) in the human olfactory mucosa, and also carnosine-LI in the human olfactory bulb. For this investigation, we collected specimens of the human olfactory bulb by autopsy and from the olfactory mucosa by biopsy, and compared localization of taurine-and carnosine-LI in several cases. By means of biopsy using Nakano's forceps, samples of olfactory mucosa were obtained from 5 cases: a 17 year old female, 23 year old male, 46 year old male, 47 year old male, and a 57 year old male. The olfactory bulb of a 1 month old male was collected at autopsy. These specimens were processed for immunohistochemical study according to the peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) method. In the olfactory epithelium, taurine-LI was demonstrated in some primary olfactory neurons, and in basal cells. Carnosine-LI was observed only in primary olfactory neurons, i.e, dendrites, vesicles and axonal bundles of olfactory receptor cells, but not in basal cells. In the olfactory bulb, the olfactory nerve layer and the glomelular layer showed carnosine-LI positive reactions. Therefore, taurine and carnosine may possibly coexist in some olfactory neurons. Olfactory receptor cells are classified as sensory neurons. Considerable evidence indicates that they are continually replaced throughout adult life by proliferative basal cells. Taurine in the basal cells and the olfactory receptor cells may play certain roles in cell growth and differentiation. Nerve growth functions of taurine have already been reported in certain portions of the central nervous system. The existence of carnosine in the nerve terminals of the olfactory bulb supports the concept that this peptide is a putative neurotransmitter in olfactory neurons. The pattern of taurine staining demonstrated in our study is highly compatible with this theory.
田原 誠 鈴木 智 野波 健蔵
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集C編 (ISSN:18848354)
vol.77, no.781, pp.3386-3397, 2011 (Released:2011-09-25)

The attitude sensor mounted on unmanned systems is required high accuracy attitude under the dynamic acceleration environment for the autonomous attitude control. In order to estimate attitude by using a quaternion based on extended Kalman filter (EKF) , the attitude sensor detects a direction of the gravity by using a tri-axis accelerometer. However, accelerometers are usually sensitive to both the gravity and dynamic accelerations. In this paper, the dynamic accelerations are dealt with explicitly, and two types of algorithms are proposed. In the first approach, measured accelerations are filtered, and divided into the gravity and dynamic accelerations. Using only the gravity, EKF estimates high accuracy of attitude. This algorithm can be realized with relatively small amount of computation, and have a good effect under the short dynamic acceleration environment. The second approach demonstrates adequate performance with EKF which includes the dynamical model of accelerations. This paper shows a critical comparison of attitude estimation algorithms under the dynamic acceleration environment for the autonomous control of unmanned systems.
石川 智治 宮原 誠
芸術科学会論文誌 (ISSN:13472267)
vol.2, no.3, pp.91-93, 2003 (Released:2008-07-30)

これまでの予備的研究から,人間は,生命を直接的に支配する脳幹等,言い換えれば,情動や感動を司る部位(扁桃体等)が,ある種の刺激を受けた時に,意識が生じる以前に生体(本能)が反応して“深い感動”を得ると考えられる.我々はこれまでに,この“深い感動”の喚起に重要な情報の伝達に関する研究を進めてきた結果,(A)暗・静環境,(B)深い感動を喚起させる情報を含む入力画像・音コンテンツ,(C)その入力映像,音楽を高忠実に伝達するために開発したシステム:Extra HI System M の3 者が必要不可欠であることがわかってきた.しかしながら,一般的な家の居間などのリビング環境において,上記の3 つの条件を実現することは困難である.そこで本論文では,リビング環境において“深い感動の喚起”を提供できる場(=環境+人)の実現方法の検討とそれに基づく種々の実験を行い,リビング環境においても“深い感動”を喚起させる「場」の,ひとつの実現方法を提案する.
小山 雅紀 篠原 誠 金 貞我 池 受玲 崔 大徹
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
電子情報通信学会論文誌 C (ISSN:13452827)
vol.J105-C, no.9, pp.263-269, 2022-09-01

実装基板配線の多層化と微細化が進む中で,その不良解析技術は非破壊・高精度・高速解析が求められている.配線不良の位置特定技術には,電気-光サンプリング技術を用いた高分解能TDR(Time Domain Reflectometry)法がある.この手法は,立ち上がり時間の短い電気パルス波を不良配線に伝搬させ,不良箇所からの反射波形を高精度で測定する非破壊解析技術である.本実験では,この手法を用いて更に精度の高い位置特定解析を実現させるため,不良配線を構成するビアと複数の異なる層配線の波形伝搬速度を個別に導出した.導出した各部位ごとの伝搬速度と,不良箇所からの反射波の時間を解析することで,数十μmレンジでの非破壊不良箇所特定が可能となった.
乾 順紀 長ヶ原 誠 彦次 佳 谷 めぐみ 薗田 大地 松村 雄樹 青山 将己 松﨑 淳 三浦 敬太 山下 耕平
生涯スポーツ学研究 (ISSN:13488619)
pp.2022-2, (Released:2022-08-24)

The purpose of this study is to examine how the experience of belonging to athletic clubs during adolescence affects an individual's involvement status in sports later in life, and whether the influence differs depending on an individual's age group. Web surveys were given to those over the age of 18 living in the Kansai area. The survey remained open for participants to respond until the total number of responses reached 10,000, and the survey occurred between December 6–10, 2018. First, we treated the experience of belonging to athletic clubs in junior high school and high school as one of two values, either "belonged" or "did not belong." Then, they were divided into four groups as career patterns. In order to examine the relationship between sports career patterns of belonging to athletic clubs and an individual's current sports involvement status, we performed a one-way analysis of variance test. Next, in order to examine the relationship between the effect of the sports career patterns in youth and age, we performed a two-way ANOVA using career patterns and age groups as independent variables and the number of sports participated in and watched over the past year as dependent variables. The results of the ANOVA show significant differences in all items, such as exercise frequency and sports watching and volunteering habits. As the results of the two-way ANOVA show, the effect of the career patterns was significant in all items, and the effect of age groups was also significant in most items. Having experience in athletic club activities in adolescence may significantly contribute to the expansion of an individual's range of exercise and sports involvement after entering adulthood.
甘 青 小谷 一孔 宮原 誠
一般社団法人 映像情報メディア学会
テレビジョン学会技術報告 (ISSN:03864227)
vol.14, no.29, pp.1-6, 1990-05-29 (Released:2017-10-06)

The research on interleaving informations further into the micro-aperture of NTSC spectrum space is held out presently. The goal of this paper is to give the quantitative analysis about this aperture while the image moves. We show one important result. The S/N of the signal interpolated in the aperture is over 20dB when the vertical and horizontal speed is within 0.41 ine/frame and 0.6 pixel/frame respectaly: very low speed of about 10' /sec with 4H viewing distance. The obtained result is applicable to the disscussion of Y/C separation based on frame memory comb-filter, and shows us the importance of the intrafield Y/C separation.