吉田 浩陽 鈴木 真一
日本法科学技術学会誌 (ISSN:18801323)
vol.16, no.1, pp.49-55, 2011 (Released:2011-03-05)

In Japan, regular gasoline and premium gasoline are used as fuel for motor vehicles. Sometimes an accident will occur in which regular gasoline was filled by mistake instead of premium gasoline and discrimination between regular and premium gasoline is required in the investigation process. According to the standards, regular and premium gasolines are different only in octane value. Since measuring octane value requires a special device, an alternative method for determining a gasoline sample as a regular or premium one is desired. In this paper a new method for discriminating between regular and premium gasoline utilizing gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) is proposed. Analyzation of regular and premium gasoline collected in December 2007, March, June and September 2008 from gas stations of 15 different brands in northwestern Chiba and eastern Saitama prefecture revealed that, compared to regular gasoline, premium gasoline was rich in alkylate while smaller in 2- and 3-methylhexane concentration. All 120 gasoline samples were correctly classified as either regular or premium gasoline by measuring the ratio of alkylate to methylhexane fractions.
日高 薫 荒川 正明 山崎 剛 澤田 和人 坂本 満 櫻庭 美咲 吉田 雅子

ジャポニスム(19 世紀末)以前の西洋における日本文化受容を、漆器・磁器・染織品などの交易品を中心にとらえるとともに、西洋において「シノワズリ」と呼ばれる東洋趣味を総合的に把握し、その中における日本の役割について考察した。従来、分野ごとに個別におこなわれてきた日本コレクションの調査を合同で実施することにより、当地における研究に寄与することができた。また、漆の間・磁器の間の実地調査を通じて、オランダに始まった東洋趣味の室内装飾の伝統が、王族の姻戚関係を通じてドイツとイギリスに伝わったのちに、その他の国へ広まっていく経緯を確認することができた。
貝原 俊樹 北村 健 北條 林太郎 青山 祐也 小宮山 浩大 手島 保 西﨑 光弘 櫻田 春水 平岡 昌和 深水 誠二 吉田 精孝 河村 岩成 中田 晃裕 荒井 研 森山 優一 宮澤 聡 麻喜 幹博
公益財団法人 日本心臓財団
心臓 (ISSN:05864488)
vol.47, no.1, pp.S1_50-S1_54, 2015

<p> 高血圧症, 骨粗鬆症の既往がある83歳女性. 入院10日程前から食思不振があった. 入院4日前から食思不振が増悪し, ふらつきや1分程続く胸部圧迫感が出現した. 入院当日から動悸が出現したため, 当院を受診した. 心電図は洞調律で多形性心室性期外収縮が頻発し, 580msと著明なQT延長を認めた. 胸部レントゲンでは軽度心拡大を認めた. 採血では低カリウム血症 (2.3mEq/L), 低マグネシウム血症 (1.6mg/dL) を認めた. 検査終了後に突然強直性痙攣が出現し, 心肺停止となった. 無脈性多形性心室頻拍が確認され, 除細動150J 1回で洞調律に復帰した. 入院後は電解質を補正し, QT延長はやや遷延したものの, 心室性不整脈は著減した. また, 経過中たこつぼ様の壁運動を伴ったが, 第4病日で意識はほぼ清明にまで改善した. しかし第13病日に頭蓋内出血を発症し, 急変, 死亡退院となった. QT延長, 多形性心室頻拍に低カリウム血症, 低マグネシウム血症を伴った症例の報告は少ない. 本症例に関して, 低マグネシウム血症と心室性不整脈の観点から文献的考察を混じえ, 考察する.</p>
吉田 智美 河村 美穂
埼玉大学紀要 教育学部 (ISSN:18815146)
vol.58, no.2, pp.123-134, 2009

The aim of this study is to explain the historical change of indoor shoes and their role in school life.Three points were used in researching about indoor shoes, because there have been no previous studies.(1) Explaining how the use of indoor shoes was influenced by the architecture of the school buildings from the Meiji era to the present, paying special attention to the school entrance.(2) Researching the use of indoor shoes using pictures of Saitama womens' teacher's school.(3) Taking a questionnaire for people above 50 about indoor shoes in their schooldays and explaining the role of the shoes.Japanese students have been removing their shoes at the school entrance for 130 years, from when the educational system started to the present.The custom of removing shoes at the school entrance, putting them into boxes, and changing into indoor shoes first appeared during the Taisho era. This custom originates from everyday life in Japan and was used as a teaching tool.
吉田 香澄
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.65, no.533, pp.221-227, 2000
1 2

This paper is a study on materials that were used for elements of polychromatic religious architecture in Tuscany in the late medieval period. This study concentrates on distinguishing types of colors used for polychromy and examining the relationship with the distribution of quarry areas. Since materials used for polychromatic architecture were from neighboring quarry areas, the selection of materials was limited and color in polychromy was determined according to this selection. Serpentine was an exception because it was not taken from neighboring quarry areas but used because of its necessity.
吉田 雅夫 京谷 英寿 安野 正純
育種学雑誌 (ISSN:05363683)
vol.25, no.1, pp.p17-23, 1975-02

1969年より農林省果樹試験場(平塚市)において,Prunus属果樹の類縁関係を調べるとともに品種および台木の育種に役立つ基礎資料を得るため,スモモ亜属を中心に種間交雑を行い交配親和性を調査した。 1) ウメとアンズは植物学的にきわめて近縁であり,一般にいずれを母樹に選んでも相互によく交雑した。しかし,ヨーロッパ系アンズとウメは交配親和性が低かった。 2)スモモにウメあるいはアンズの花粉を交配した場合,かなり高い結実割合が得られた。スモモはウメおよびアンズとかなり近縁であると考えられる。 3) スモモにモモの花粉を交配した場合,スモモ亜属の花粉よりは劣ったが,ある程度結実することが認められた。スモモに中国オウトウとソメイヨシノを交配した場合はほとんど結実せず,交配親和性は認められなかった。 4)得られた結果は雑種個体の育成に役立つばかりでなく,核果類品種の結実安定をはかるための受粉の問題にも示唆を与える。
片山(高原) 優美子 山口 創生 種田 綾乃 吉田 光爾
一般社団法人 日本社会福祉学会
社会福祉学 (ISSN:09110232)
vol.54, no.1, pp.28-41, 2013-05-31 (Released:2018-07-20)

本研究は,精神障害者の就労支援に有効とされる援助付き雇用と個別職業紹介とサポート(Individual Placement and Support ; 以下,IPS)の長期的な追跡調査についてのシステマティック・レビューを行い,その効果を明らかにすることを目的とした.本研究は7つのデータベースを用いて,関連する研究を模索した.検索の結果,3研究(N=103)が導入基準に合致し,追跡期間は4〜12年,すべて対照群をもたない長期介入研究であった.追跡率やアウトカムの評価方法に課題があるものの,介入としてIPSを利用した精神障害者の40〜70%が研究期間中に少なくとも一度は就労を経験していることが明らかになった(累積就業率).調査結果から,重度の精神障害者であっても,IPSモデルによる個人の希望や能力に応じたきめ細やかな支援により,長期的な視点からも当事者の競争的雇用への就労において効果を示しうることが示唆された.
蔡 義民 藤田 泰仁 村井 勝 小川 増弘 吉田 宣夫 北村 亨 三浦 俊治
日本草地学会誌 (ISSN:04475933)
vol.49, no.5, pp.477-485, 2003-12-15

飼料イネサイレージ調製用乳酸菌をスクリーニングするため, ホモ発酵型で耐酸性が強く, 発酵過程において旺盛に増殖できる乳酸菌「畜草1号」菌株を選抜した。 16S rRNA遺伝子の解析やDNA-DNA相同性試験に基づいて畜草1号菌株はLactobacillusplantarumと同定した。畜草1号菌株を添加したはまさりとクサホナミの飼料イネロールベールサイレージでは無添加サイレージに比べ, サイレージのpH値, 酪酸およびアンモニア態窒素含量が低下し, 乳酸含量が高まった。また, 1年間の長期貯蔵を行っても, 糸状菌の増殖がなく, その品質が良質に保持された。
小田 桂吾 吉田 和歌子 藤沼 絢子 児玉 真知子 鈴木 恒 吉田 怜 成田 崇矢 馬見塚 尚孝 金森 章浩 宮川 俊平 平野 篤
公益社団法人 日本理学療法士協会
理学療法学Supplement Vol.36 Suppl. No.2 (第44回日本理学療法学術大会 抄録集)
pp.C3P3435, 2009 (Released:2009-04-25)

吉田 拓矢 松島 一司 林 陵平 図子 あまね 苅山 靖
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.17129, (Released:2018-08-06)

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the multistep drop jump (DJ) test in elite jumpers according to changes in test performance, ground reaction force, and lower limb joint kinetics with changes in drop height. Male jumpers (n=10) performed a DJ from 4 drop heights (0.3, 0.6, 0.9, and 1.2 m). The DJ-index was calculated by dividing the jump height by the contact time. The rate of change of the DJ-index (a/b) was the slope/intercept of the regression line (Y = aX+ b) derived from 4 values of the DJ-index for each subject. Jump motions in the sagittal plane and ground reaction force data were recorded using a high-speed camera and force platform, respectively. The DJ-index was lower at 1.2 m than at other drop heights. The contact time increased along with the drop height. There was no significant difference in jump height between the drop heights. The amount of negative work by 3 lower extremity joints increased with increasing drop height. The jump events performance (IAAF Score) and DJ-index at each drop height only showed a significant correlation at 1.2 m. The correlation between IAAF score and a/b was significant between these variables. According to individual characteristics, increased drop heights were associated with different patterns of change in the DJ index. Therefore, subjects were grouped according to characteristics using a/b as an index. Sub.A, who had the highest jump-event performance in the study, had participated in international meetings, and had won a medal at the World Junior Championships. The DJ-index for this subject at 0.3 m was close to the mean value, but at 1.2 m was highest among all the subjects. In contrast, the DJ-index for Sub.C at 0.3 m was highest among the subjects. However, the DJ-index decreased greatly with an increase from 0.3 m to 1.2 m. Therefore, to evaluate the performance of jumpers, it is important to use a varied range of heights, including a higher drop height (approximately 1.2 m), focusing on the rate of change with increasing drop height.
渡辺 公三 玉井 和哉 吉田 耕志郎
Japan Shoulder Society
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.16, no.1, pp.47-49, 1992

We set up Isometric exercises for patients with a glenohumeral joint contracture to do. The series of exercises consists of an abduction and an external rotation every 5 seconds, and internal rotation movements with a 5-second-rest interposed between each movement.<BR>The patients were ordered to keep their shoulders in the neut r al position while doing these exercises. We demanded that they do these exercises for about 10 minutes, twice a day at least.<BR>No patients had any local analgesics injected into their subacromial bursanor glenohumeral joint during this 4-week-isometric contraction exercise period.<BR>Loxoprofen sodium was prescribed as a painkiller when the patients wanted it.4 weeks later, we investigated the effects of these exercises in the relief of pain and recovery of motion.3 levels of pain were used in this study: better, no change, worse, compared with the pain the patients had when they started these exercises. The range of motion was indicated in total degrees of flexion, abduction and external rotation.<BR>Considering a margin of error, a 20-degree-increase or even from the beginning was considered as an -Improvement- and a 20-degree-decrease or even was considered as an -Aggravation-.<BR>We investigated 29 patients' 30 shoulders aged 56.9 years old on average. A relief of pain was observed in 64% of the patients and a recovery of motion in 67%.
馬渕 良太 吉田 充史 三宝 雅子 杉山 寿美
県立広島大学人間文化学部紀要 (ISSN:21865590)
no.10, pp.1-7, 2015

Cabbage is a main ingredient in okonomiyaki (Japanese pancake), and while its sweetness determines the preference characteristics, the levels of vitamin C (VC) and other vitamins determine the nutritional qualities. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of the cabbage used in making okonomiyaki on food (nutrient) composition. Variability in degrees Brix (°Bx) and the VC level of cabbage used in making Hiroshima-style okonomiyaki was examined. In Hiroshima-style okonomiyaki, the °Bx of cabbage is elevated and sweetness shows an increasing trend. In addition, the method of placing steamed cabbage on top of noodles and then applying pressure allows for a high rate of residual VC. These results indicate that the Hiroshima-stylemethod of making okonomiyaki utilizes the preference characteristics and nutritional qualities of cabbage.