森 昌彦 住友 伸一郎 太田 貴久 式守 道夫
社団法人 日本口腔外科学会
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.58, no.6, pp.350-356, 2012-06-20 (Released:2014-11-05)

The present paper analyzed Chinese medical staff (including stomatologists, pharmacists, and nurses), comprising a total 1782 persons who visited Japan from 1987 through 2006 and were sponsored by the Sasagawa Medical Fellowship. Chinese stomatologists accounted for 88 persons among the total of 1782. Among the 88 stomatologists, 15 were from the 4th Military Medical University, 9 from Jilin University, 8 from Beijing University, and 6 from China Medical University; a total of 25 were from North East China. The departments of Japanese universities attended by Chinese stomatologists included 17 departments of in periodontology and conservative dentistry, 16 departments of oral surgery, 12 departments of prosthetics, 11 departments of orthodontics, and 8 departments of pedodontics at dental and medical schools. Stomatologists who had learned major specialties in Chinese stomatological colleges also majored in similar specialties at the Japanese universities or hospitals.Chinese administrators have been investigating Japanese health science systems, including not only medical technology and clinical medicine, but also several administrative specialties such as medical law, public health, provention of infection diseases, cancer, population research, and budgets from both research and clinical perspectives.Medical staff from central administration in the Government of China have also learned considerably from his or her experience during investigations in Japan. No administration staff of stomatologists were supported by the Sasagawa Fund.
太田 幸志 原田 和弘
理学療法学 (ISSN:02893770)
pp.12089, (Released:2021-10-01)

【目的】運動への手段的態度と感情的態度が,セルフ・エフィカシーと自己調整を媒介して,運動行動に影響しているかを検証した。【方法】事前調査において50 ~74 歳の500 名へ質問紙によるインターネット調査を実施し,うち394 名が半年後追跡調査に回答した。基本属性を考慮したうえで,手段的態度,感情的態度,セルフ・エフィカシー,自己調整,運動行動の関連性をパス解析にて検証した。【結果】横断および縦断解析ともに,感情的態度は自己調整およびセルフ・エフィカシーを介して間接的に運動行動に回帰していた。一方で,手段的態度は自己調整を媒介して間接的に運動行動に回帰していたが,セルフ・エフィカシーへの関連性は認められなかった。【結論】感情的態度はセルフ・エフィカシーと自己調整の両者に媒介して運動行動に影響することが明らかになった一方で,手段的態度が両者を媒介して運動行動に影響を与えるかは明確にならなかった。
向井原 くるみ 太田 雅規
特定非営利活動法人 日本栄養改善学会
栄養学雑誌 (ISSN:00215147)
vol.79, no.4, pp.185-195, 2021-08-01 (Released:2021-10-02)

【目的】幼少期の食べ物の好き嫌いの有無,克服経験や克服の意思の有無が,成人後のストレス対処能力に及ぼす影響を検証することを目的とした。【方法】幼少期の嫌いな食べ物の有無,嫌いな食べ物があった場合は克服経験や克服の意思の有無について,後方視的な調査を行った。質問票はネット調査会社のモニター(20~39歳)約70万人に配信し400人に達するまで回収した。現在のストレス対処能力指標として首尾一貫感覚(Sense of Coherence, SOC)13項目版を用いた。SOCは健康保持力とも呼ばれ,ストレスの多い状況であっても対処し成長の糧に変える力で,下位尺度は把握可能感,処理可能感,有意味感の3つからなる。SOC総得点と共に下位尺度についても検証を行った。【結果】有効回答は94.8%(400人中379人)で,嫌いな食べ物がなかった者は95人(25.1%)であった。嫌いな食べ物がなかった者は,あった者と比較して処理可能感が有意に高い結果であった。嫌いな食べ物の克服意思のあった者はなかった者に比べ,SOC総得点が有意に高かった。克服経験の有無と克服意思の有無を加味したSOCとの関連についての検証では,克服経験の有無とは独立して,意思のあった者はなかった者よりもSOC総得点は有意に高かった。【結論】幼少期に嫌いな食べ物がないこと,嫌いな食べ物を克服する意思を持つことが成人後のSOCを高めるために有効である可能性が示唆された。
八田 徳高 福永 真哉 太田 富雄
川崎医療福祉学会誌 = Kawasaki medical welfare journal (ISSN:09174605)
vol.27, no.2, pp.449-455, 2018

太田 匡彦 大園 誠一郎 池田 朋博 中農 勇 平尾 佳彦 渡辺 秀次 高島 健次 平尾 和也
日本泌尿器科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.95, no.5, pp.705-710, 2004-07-20

(背景) 最近, 健康ブームで, スポーツ人口が増加しているが, 一部に運動後血尿を認める場合があり, 運動性血尿として注目されている. そこで, 最も一般的な運動であるランニングと血尿の検討を夏季において行った.<br>(対象と方法) 泌尿器科的疾患のないヘルシーボランティア109名に運動前安静時尿採取後, 5kmランニングを行い, 運動後尿を採取した. 評価可能例は90名で運動前後尿につき, 検尿, 尿沈査, フローサイトメトリーにより赤血球数, 赤血球形態について比較した.<br>(結果) 運動後の尿中赤血球数増加例が83名であり, 運動後顕微鏡的血尿例 (赤血球数3個/hpf以上) は32名であった. そのうち赤血球形態学的検討で dysmorphic pattern が23名と最多であった.<br>(結論) ランニングにより血尿が誘起され, 糸球体性血尿が中心と考えられた.
太田 好信
国立民族学博物館研究報告 (ISSN:0385180X)
vol.18, no.3, pp.p453-494, 1993

This paper is an examination of implications that postcolonialcriticism adumbrates for anthropological theories. Although recent advancesin critical theories in literature seem, prima facie, to have very littlein common with anthropological theories, they now constitute astrong critique of many assumptions inherent in anthropological theoriesand practices. Among these critical theories the most relevant for anthropologistsis exemplified in the text of Edward Said's Orientalism[1978]. Said points out that Orientalism, a discourse on the Orient byWestern scholars, systematically reduces the multiplicity of the Orient toa stereotypic image, often sexualized, and essentializes the Orient as theresidual category of the Occident. Moreover, he interprets Orientalismas a form of power which disempowers the people of the Orient by claimingthe objectivity of scientific methodology. Now, is anthropology akind of Orientalism as defined by Said?The fact that for anthropologists Orientalism may have remainedfor a while an enigmatic text suggests a quite complex answer to thatquestion. This is because Orientalism seems to criticize the interpretivestance of hermeneutically oriented anthropological thinking, asrepresented by Clifford Geertz's; while at the same time it explicitly exoneratesanthropology by distinguishing it from other forms of Orientalism--Said lauded the very Geertz as a typical anthropologist in thissense.It is James Clifford who has first recognized two positions Said hadassumed toward anthropology. One position, critical of realistepistemology, is based on the philosophy of Foucault, who has analyzedthe discursive nature of academic disciplines in the human sciences. Theother is that of the humanist in search of authentic encounters with theOther. These two mutually contradictory positions from which Said haslaunched his critique of Orientalism may have been a source of theenigma mentioned above, and, as a consequence, the virtual neglect ofthis text in anthropological circle until 1987, when at the annual meetingsof American Anthropological Association Said was invited to deliver apaper entitled "Representing the Colonized: Anthropology's Interlocutors."In this presentation Said is no longer generous with hispraises for anthropology; he attacks the fact that many anthropologistshave still remained oblivious to those world-historical conditions thatenabled Western scholars to study non-Western cultures: that is,hegemony of the West over the rest of the world.Thus, it has become obvious that anthropologists cannot ignoreSaid's postcolonial critique of the disciplinary foundation. But, such are-evaluation of Said's work has occurred rather recently; Clifford'sreview of Orientalism has been a sole exception. In his reading of OrientalismClifford [1988] has formulated many questions directly relevantfor the future of anthropology: for example, "Can one ultimately escapeprocedures of dichotomizing, restructuring, and textualizing in the makingof interpretive statements about foreign cultures and traditions?"My assessment of Clifford's reading of Orientalism is that he has producedan epistemological reading of it, as opposed to a political one, the latterbeing the reading clearly more in line with Said's own representation.A political reading of the text positions a reader in actual social settings;therefore, it allows the reader to evaluate the epistemologicalreadings as abstract; consequently, the epistemological reading privilegesthose already in power, while disempowering the marginalized in thename of objectivity. Thus, after exposing those contradictory positionsin the text—discursive and humanist-realist perspectives—this papercalls for an oppositional, political, rather than a merely epistemological,reading of Orientalism.A political reading of the text points to the more socially situatedunderstanding of anthropological theorizing. For example, what does itmean to suggest that the aim of anthropology is to understand theOther? Who is the Other? Does the Other mean the same thing for anthropologistsin the United States, Japan, Indonesia, of African countries?What is the purpose of this understanding in the light ofeconomic and political inequalities pervading throughout the world?Answers for these questions are not easily forthcoming; however, for anthropologists,the political circumstances of the world have been soquickly changing that anthropologists are now faced with challengesfrom "native peoples" all over the world: the era of anthropological innocenceis gone.In the days of Malinowski, "native" people questioned neither theright (nor a lack thereof) of anthropologists in conducting field researches,nor the authority of anthropologists' scholarship. But, now, bothright and authority are called into question. In Oceania, for instance, adiscourse on "the invention of culture," a discourse anthropologists havesuccessfully constructed with purely academic interest alone, has beenunder attack from leaders of native cultural movements, for it disempowersthe local people of Oceania to define what is rightfully their owntradition. No anthropologists could remain immune to this kind ofpolitical development in which a discourse on culture is constantly contestedby local political leaders of cultural movements.In Japan, an Ainu women has raised a voice of protest against an anthropologistwho used her photo without her permission in the book shedoes not approve of. In a close reading of the published court proceeding,I suggest that what has been debated is not so much an issue ofindividual right (to be photographed) as the nature of anthropologicaldiscourse, which is, to borrow a phrase from Clifford [1988], purely "entropic":the Ainu culture has disappeared already. An entropic narrativeof culture displaces the Ainu people to the past, denies their currentstruggles in gaining socially recognizable positions in Japanese society,and disempowers their existence in the guise of objective research.Then, is nativism an answer to this kind political predicament?Are the peoples of Oceania the only peoples to have a claim to adiscourse on their own culture? Should (and will) and Ainu people excludethe "Japanese" (wajin) scholars from studying their culture? AsSaid's answer to Orientalism is not Occidentalism, nativism is not myrecommendation for dealing with this political predicament.As one of Japanese anthropologists with interest in studies on ourown culture as well as other cultures of the world, how can I re-imagineanthropology in these complex political conditions of the late twentiethcentury? How do anthropologists situate themselves in relation to anthropologiesof metropolitan centers in Europe and the United States?Is it possible to envision anthropology as a discourse on the Otherwithout entailing domination of the Other?Certainly these questions cannot be answered easily. Nevertheless,following a suggestion from Mitsuru Hamamoto, I propose, first, thatethnographic authority be abandoned in favor of a mode which allowsconstant re-writing and re-editing not only by anthropologists alone butalso by whoever has access to it, as is already happening in electronicallymediated communications. What is needed, with assistance from newlydeveloped communicational technology, is doing away with ethnographicauthority for a more anarchical presence of voice carefully articulatedto subvert the authorial intention; my suggestion here differs fromClifford's: his is representing textually (in ethnography) the polyvocalquality of ethnographic encounters.Second, I recommend a form of anthropological practice that doesnot circumvent political contests, taking the side of the politically oppressedand always critical of hegemonic history; and I also recommenda form of "narrative" that acknowleges the emergence of new culturaldifferences. Such an entanglement in political contests does not alwayscall for every anthropologist to become a political activist; however, itcertainly calls for an explicit awareness of the political nature of every anthropologicaldiscourse and a clear recognition of the anthropologist'srelationship to the local people. A relation between fans and the performinggroup (such as a rock group) may serve as a possible analogy in reimaginingthe future relationship between anthropologists and the peoplethey study or work with.Although a constant questioning of ethnographic authority has beenjudged to be counter-productive in conducting fieldwork and writing anethnography, these two activities many no longer be the characteristicsdefining anthropology. What is anthropology, then? Waning ofauthority to speak on someone else's culture will bring this question tothe center of attention among anthropologists. Lost innocence is notthe end of anthropology; it is only the beginning of re-imagining anthropologyfor the future.
太田 博樹 SCHMIDT Ryan SCHMIDT Ryan William

【研究の目的】本研究のテーマ「縄文人と弥生人の混血を検証」は埴原和郎が1991年に提唱した『日本人形成の二重構造モデル』の主要部分を占める。約1万2千年前、日本列島全体には狩猟採集民・縄文人が住んでいた、一方、2千数百年前に現れた弥生人は水田稲作民で、東アジア大陸からの移住者(=渡来民)と考えられている。そして弥生~古墳時代、在地系縄文人と渡来系弥生人の混血が進行したとされる。本研究で検証すべきは渡来系弥生人の遺伝的貢献がどの程度であったかである。埴原は遺跡数から推定される人口増加を説明するために、非常に多くの渡来民が日本列島へやってきたと考えた。しかし、水田農耕の技術力を背景に渡来民の人口増加率が急速であった可能性もある。渡来系弥生人の遺伝的貢献度を定量的に分析するには、古墳時代人の人骨のDNAを調べるのが最も有効だ。そこでライアン・シュミットは古人骨DNA分析に着手した。【研究実施計画】古い人骨からのDNA抽出は技術的困難が伴うため、まず最初に1つの細胞あたりの分子量が多いミトコンドリア・ゲノム(mtDNA)の分析に取り組んだ。茨城県ひたちなか市・十五郎穴横穴群遺跡から出土した人骨7検体(8~9世紀)および群馬県渋川市・金井東裏遺跡から出土した人骨2検体(6世紀初頭)を分析対象とした。これらを物理的に粉砕した上、DNAの抽出・精製をし、mtDNA D-loop 領域119bp断片を増幅するプライマーをもちいてPCRを行った。その結果、全ての試料で増幅に成功した。続いて、この増幅断片にオーバーラップする別のプライマーセットをもちいてさらなるPCR増幅を行った。その結果、D-loop領域のほぼ全体をカバーすることに成功した。これらのうち残存DNA量が十分なものについて次世代シークエンサーで分析を行うためのライブラリーを作成した。
浦口 健介 小桜 謙一 前田 幸英 太田 剛史 土井 彰 假谷 伸
一般社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科頭頸部外科学会
日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報 (ISSN:00306622)
vol.124, no.7, pp.1005-1012, 2021-07-20 (Released:2021-08-04)

めまいは救急受診の原因で頻度の高い主訴であるが, めまいの中には致死的な疾患や重篤な後遺症を残す疾患が存在し初期対応には注意を要する. 今回, 当院で救急救命科へ搬送され入院した急性期めまい症例について検討した. また, その集計結果を用いて初期研修医に急性期めまい診療についてのフィードバックを行い, 急性期めまい診療について質問紙調査を行った. 救急搬送された急性期めまい症例224例を対象とした. 入院症例については患者背景・随伴症状・診断名について検討した. これらの集計結果を初期研修医に提示するとともに, 初期研修医への急性期めまい診療講義を行い, その前後に質問紙調査を行った. めまい搬送症例は224例であり, 93例 (41.5%) が入院を要した. 入院症例のうち末梢性めまいが38例, 中枢性めまいが29例, 15例がそのほかの全身疾患, 原因不明が11例だった. 中枢性めまいのうち脳血管障害は18例あり, 15例が椎骨脳底動脈系血管障害 (小脳梗塞8例, 脳幹梗塞4例, 小脳出血3例) であった. 42人の初期研修医への質問紙調査では, 急性期めまい診療に興味はあるが十分な理解ができていないことが示された. めまい診療においては鑑別疾患や診断方法などが重要と考え, 本検討内容を救急救命医や初期研修医へフィードバックをすることで, 今後の急性期めまい診療についての情報共有を行うことができた.
太田 信介
社団法人 農業農村工学会
農業土木学会誌 (ISSN:03695123)
vol.56, no.3, pp.215-220,a1, 1988

農村総合整備事業の中で農業集落排水施設の整備が行われるようになって15年が経過した。この間に, 農業用水の水質汚濁の原因に占める生活雑排水の割合は年々増加し, 昭和60年には全体の8割を占めるに至っている。これに対応して, 農業集落排水事業に対する実施要望も年々高まってきている。<BR>ここでは, 農業集落排水事業の概要, 特質, 実施状況, 今後の整備の方向等について行政的な観点から論じた。
太田 登
山辺道 (ISSN:05134625)
no.34, pp.p41-59, 1990-03