松岡 太志 宮崎 一臣
九州理学療法士・作業療法士合同学会誌 第32回九州理学療法士・作業療法士合同学会 (ISSN:09152032)
pp.374, 2010 (Released:2011-01-15)

【はじめに】 脊椎圧迫骨折の保存療法には,体幹ギプス固定と半硬性コルセットによる固定がある.当院でもこの2種類の治療法を行っている.体幹ギプス固定は入院後ギプスにて体幹を固定し,3週から4週間の固定の後,軟性コルセットを作成し治療を継続する.半硬性コルセットによる固定は,入院後すぐにコルセットを作製し,治療を行う.どちらの治療法も,早期に患部を固定し,後療法へ移れるために,有効な治療法であると言える. しかし,どちらの治療法がより有効であるかを示した研究は少ない.そこで本研究は,脊椎圧迫骨折患者の保存療法において,どちらがより有効な治療法であるのかを調査することとする.【目的】 体幹ギプス固定と半硬性コルセットによる固定との治療成績に差があるか否か,を調査・検討することである.【対象】 平成18年6月から平成21年6月までに当院回復期病棟に入院し退院した脊椎圧迫骨折の患者143例を対象とした.内訳は男性32例,女性111例で,平均年齢は79.8±8.3歳.在院日数は56.9±21.4日であった.治療法については,体幹ギプス固定44例,半硬性コルセットによる固定99例であった. また,今回は脊椎圧迫骨折のみによる入院患者で,受傷後すぐに来院若しくは救急病院を受診し,治療を開始できた患者を対象とし,他の骨折などの合併症を有する患者,指示入力が困難であるような重篤な認知症である患者は除外した.【評価及び方法】 評価項目として,在院日数,痛み,退院時のADL能力,受傷後8週経過時点で,骨癒合していないものを遷延治癒とし,その有無を挙げた.痛みについてはVAS,ADL能力についてはFIMにて評価した.以上の項目を評価し,体幹ギプス群と半硬性コルセット群の2群間に分け比較した.【結果】 在院日数は体幹ギプス群55.1±22.6日,半硬性コルセット群57.8±20.9日であり有意差を認めなかった.退院時のADL能力については,FIMにて体幹ギプス群117.1±7.0点,半硬性コルセット群112.0±14.4点であり,有意差を認めなかった(運動項目・認知項目共に有意差なし).痛みについても,有意差を認めなかった.遷延治癒に関しては、体幹ギプス群4例,半硬性コルセット群8例で有意差を認めなかった.【考察】 今回の結果より,体幹ギプスと半硬性コルセットの治療成績に差がないことがわかった. 体幹ギプスに関しては,強固に固定できるが,固定期間中取り外しができないため,患者のストレスが強く,ADLの中でも清拭等制限されるものが多い.一方半硬性コルセットは,取り外しができ,ADL上の制限も少なく,患者のストレスは体幹ギプスに比べると少ないのではないかと考える.治療成績に差がなければ,患者のストレスが少ないほうがより良いのではないかと考える.しかし,装着率の問題は否定できず, 今後の研究の課題となる.【まとめ】 脊椎圧迫骨折の保存療法において,体幹ギプス固定と半硬性コルセットによる固定との治療成績に差はない.
中原 大輔 宮崎 美伯
群馬県畜産試験場研究報告 = Bulletin of the Gunma Prefectural Livestock Experiment Station (ISSN:13409514)
no.21, pp.91-106, 2014-12

離乳牛舎周辺においてタヌキ等の野生動物による配合飼料の盗食被害が発生したことから、センサーカメラを用いて夜間の出没状況を調査し、その結果に基づいて防除対策を実施した。1 離乳牛舎周辺に設置したセンサーカメラ画像を解析した結果、哺乳舎を中心にタヌキとキツネが出没し、飼槽の配合飼料を盗食していることが確認された。2 離乳牛舎への侵入防止対策として、牛舎周辺に10cmマスのワイヤーメッシュを設置したところ、マス目からの侵入が確認されたため、針金で5cmマスに狭める改良を施した結果、侵入が防止された。3 箱わなによる学術捕獲に伴い、設置後の箱わな内へのタヌキの進入状況を調査したところ、設置後10日間程度は警戒心が強く、全身の進入が確認されなかったことから、対象動物が箱わなに慣れるため、設置後2週間程度は箱わなを開放状態にして餌付けを行うことが重要である。4 箱わなによるタヌキの捕獲後、タヌキとキツネの出没が減少した一方で、ネズミの出没が増加したことから、ネズミ対策を実施した。
柳川 由紀子 越後 富夫 宮崎 祐太 武村 紀子 八木 康史
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.33, no.6, pp.C-I33_1-12, 2018-11-01 (Released:2018-11-01)

Tracking precisely of abnormalities in the gastrointestinal tract is useful for preparing sample image sequences on educational training for medical diagnose on endoscopy. While the gastrointestinal wall deforms continuously in an unpredictable manner, however, abnormalities without distinctive features make it difficult to track over continuous frames. To address this problem, the proposed method employs Convolutional neural networks (CNN) for tracking lesion area. Conventionally, CNN for tracking requires a large amount of sample data for preliminary learning. The state-of-arts tracking methods using CNN are premised on preliminary learning on data similar to target images given a large number of correct answer labels. On the other hand, the proposed method are not required preliminary learning using similar data. The image components in the marked region at the starting frame is similar to components at the only same position, but different between them depending on the degree of overlapped area. Furthermore, in the successive frame, the components in the previous region is similar to them in the identified area. Therefore, similarity can be learned in the previous frame, called it as an intra-frame training. This paper describes the method for tracking an abnormal region by using CNN based on training overlap rates between the abnormal region and local scanning one with the same size on the starting intra-frame. Furthermore, network parameters are transformed from training the similar regions on the continuous frame additionally. We demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed approach using eight common types of gastrointestinal abnormality.
中村 和則 城村 綾子 織田 実 猪 好孝 内山 浩之 大谷 尚也 宮崎 裕行 来海 正輝 秋澤 有四郎 岡 俊範
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.115, no.3, pp.201-212, 1995-03-25 (Released:2008-05-30)
3 7

Inhibitory activities of FUT-187 on trypsin-like serine proteases were compared using camostat mesilate (camostat), and 4-(4-guanidino benzoyloxy)-phenyl acetic acid methanesulfonate (GBPA) known as an active metabolite of camostat in the blood. Ki values of FUT-187 on the competitive inhibition mechanism were 0.097 μM for trypsin, 0.029 μM for pancreatic kallikrein, 0.61 μM for plasma kallikrein, 0.57 μM for plasmin, 2.5 μM for thrombin, 20.4 μM for factor Xa and 6.4 μM for Clr. However, FUT-187 acted as a noncompetitive inhibitor for factor XIIa and an uncompetitive inhibitor for Cls, and Ki values for these proteases were 0.021 and 0.18 μM, respectively. Ki values of camostat for these proteases were in the range of 0.037 to 96.4 μM, and those of GBPA for the above proteases except trypsin and plasma kallikrein were higher than those of FUT-187. The inhibitory activity of FUT-187 on trypsin was not reduced by the addition of the serum at 10%, whereas, that of GBPA was reduced (4.3 fold) in terms of IC50 values. The concentration of FUT-187 required to double APTT (activated partial thromboplastin time) was 1.09 μM, while GBPA, by concentrations up to 1 mM failed to double APTT. The kinin formation by glandular kallikrein in the rat plasma was inhibited by FUT-187 with IC50 value of 0.024 μM, while camostat revealed no inhibition by concentrations up to 1 μM. The complement-mediated hemolyses in the classical and alternative pathways were also inhibited by FUT-187 with IC50 values of 0.17 and 3.5 μM, respectively, the corresponding values for camostat being 350 and 150 μM, respectively. It is concluded that FUT-187 is a potent and selective inhibitor of trypsin-like serine proteases, and its inhibitory activities are stronger than those of camostat on glandular kallikrein, factor XIIa and Cls in complement pathway.
森下 裕之 宮崎 猛
農林業問題研究 (ISSN:03888525)
vol.44, no.1, pp.256-261, 2008-06-25

松井 知之 森原 徹 平本 真知子 東 善一 瀬尾 和弥 宮崎 哲哉 来田 宣幸 山田 陽介 木田 圭重 池田 巧 堀井 基行 久保 俊一
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.63, no.5, pp.463-468, 2014-10-01 (Released:2014-10-02)
1 1

Pitching motion is made up by three-dimensional whole body movement. Pelvic and trunk rotation movement is important for the prevention of throwing injuries. Throwing is not a simple rotation movement. Evaluation should reflect muscle strength, coordination, and pitching motion characteristics. We have devised throwing rotational assessment (TRA) similar to throwing as the new evaluation of total rotation angle required for throwing. The purpose of this study was to introduce the new method and to examine the characteristics of players with throwing disorders. The subjects were 76 high school baseball pitchers who participated in the medical check. Pain-induced tests were elbow hyperextension test and intra-articular shoulder impingement test. Pitchers who felt pain in either test were classified as disorder group. TRA evaluation was performed as follows. In the positions similar to the foot contact phase, rotation angles of the pelvis and trunk were measured. In the position similar to follow through phase, the distance between the middle finger and the second toe was measured. All tests were performed in the throwing and opposite direction. Twenty five pitchers were classified as disorder group. All TRA tests in healthy group were significantly higher in the throwing direction than in the opposite direction, but there was no significant difference in the disorder group. Disorder group had significantly lower average rotation angles of the pelvis and trunk in the throwing direction and rotation angle of trunk in the opposite direction than the healthy group. Restrictions on TRA reflecting the complex whole body rotation movement may be related to the throwing disorder. This evaluation is a simple method. It would be useful early detection of throwing disorder and systematic evaluation in medical check, as well as self-check in the sports field.
鈴木 誠 宮崎 崇
一般社団法人 日本生物物理学会
生物物理 (ISSN:05824052)
vol.47, no.5, pp.295-301, 2007 (Released:2007-09-28)

A precision microwave dielectric spectroscopic technique has been developed. This technique enables us to analyze hydration properties of ions, proteins, and other biomolecules. φ-scan method gives an image of the information of spatial distribution of dielectric property of water surrounding protein molecules. Fixed φ analysis gives a direct comparison of hydration properties of different proteins. With this technique we analyzed the state change of F-actin hydration upon binding with myosin, and found that hyper-mobile water (HMW) is induced around F-actin and increased upon binding with myosin S1. Thus, we may obtain further information of collective properties of water surrounding proteins and biomolecules.
善如寺 路子 佐藤 則之 宮崎 誠 梅枝 愛郎 森 昌朋
炎症 (ISSN:03894290)
vol.16, no.6, pp.419-423, 1996-11-30 (Released:2010-04-12)

The chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a condition of unknown etiology, characterized by an extreme fatigue that is exacerbated by minimal physical activity. Immunological abonormality is prevalent in patients with CFS (e. g. abnormal functions of natural killer cell, macrophage, and lymphocyte) . However, in our knowledge, no study has been reported about neutrophil function, so that we have investigated a neutrophil bactericidal function, luminol-dependent chemiluminescence (L-DCL), in a 24-years old female with CFS. L-DCL under whole blood condition was apparently increased, while L-DCL from separated neutrophils was in normal range. A combination therapy with vitamin C, vitamin E, and eicosapentanoic acid, those are known to be antioxidant drugs and to inhibit a generation of oxygen derived free radicals from neutrophils, apparently improved her symptoms and L-DCL under whole blood condition. These data suggest that symptoms of CFS may be partially caused by inflammatory mediators such as oxygen derived free radicals and the combination therapy may be useful to improve the symptoms of CFS. It may be possible that the measurement of neutrophil bactericidal function is available to evaluate the condition of CFS.
宮崎 尚子
Comparatio (ISSN:13474286)
vol.5, pp.149-155, 2001

Namichidori was written as a continuation of "Senbadzuru" but is unfinished. However, "Harunome" and "Tsumanoomohi" should also be read in addition to "Namichidori", as a series of works. Since the works' titles are of great relevance to their contents, this essay primarily considers the meaning of the title "Namichidori" in relation to the relationship between Kikuji and Yukiko. Consequently, it is possible to define Namichidori as being on opportunity which opens a perspective on the past, once in a while. It overlaps with Yukiko. She heals Kikuji with her warmth but in that way she simultaneously makes Kikuji remember the past, which is why Kikuji can not enter a sexual relationship with her. In "Senbadzuru" Kikuji was described as being absorbed in his sexual desire. By contrast, his delicate sensibility is developed in "Namichidori".
中野 三敏 花田 富二夫 松原 孝俊 大庭 卓也 宮崎 修多 飯倉 洋一 亀井 森 川平 敏文 久保田 啓一
