3 0 0 0 OA 許嫁

小山内薫 著

3 0 0 0 小山市史

小山市史編さん委員会 編
vol.史料編 近世 2 付録, 1983
世古口 悟 廣瀬 瞳 池田 佳奈美 山根 慧己 濱田 聖子 堀田 祐馬 山田 展久 磯崎 豊 長尾 泰孝 小山田 裕一 松林 宏実
一般社団法人 日本肝臓学会
肝臓 (ISSN:04514203)
vol.61, no.4, pp.184-190, 2020-04-01 (Released:2020-04-03)

針刺し事故の現状およびワクチン接種の問題点を検証する目的で,2012年1月から2019年7月までに当院で報告のあった,針刺し切創・皮膚粘膜曝露138症例の検討を行った.職種は看護師52.9%,常勤医師23.9%の順で,事務職は1.4%(2例)であった.経験年数1年未満が23.2%で,汚染に伴う感染例はなかった.曝露時のHBs抗体価が10 mIU/ml未満の割合は23.7%で,HBs抗体の自然低下41.9%,ワクチン接種終了前の曝露35.5%,ワクチン不応9.7%,ワクチン接種非対象者6.5%であった.針刺し事故は,事務職にも発生しており,全ての医療従事者を対象としたワクチン接種が必要である.また就業開始前のワクチン接種による抗体獲得および抗体価の定期的な測定を検討する必要がある.
小山 茂
島嶼研究 (ISSN:18847013)
vol.21, no.2, pp.117-127, 2020-08-31 (Released:2020-10-02)
1 1

The island area in Tokyo refers to the Izu and Ogasawara Islands, and has about 26,000 inhabitants on 11 inhabited islands. Tokyo Metropolitan Hiroo Hospital, as the main island hospital in Tokyo, has been working to respond to a wide range of medical needs on these remote islands, including emergency patients. There are no doctor-free inhabited remote islands in Tokyo, as all islands have medical institutions with doctors. The islands are roughly divided into three groups according to population size. At present, emergency patients in the island area of Tokyo are transported mainly by the Tokyo Fire Department’s helicopter, in the case of the Izu Islands, and by the Maritime Self-Defense Force aircraft and helicopters via the Iwo Island, in the case of the Ogasawara Islands. This system for emergency transport of emergency patients on islands by air was the first of its kind in Japan. Its history dates to the enforcement of the Remote Island Promotion Law in 1953. To date, only one accidental landing incident has been reported. The number of transport cases per year was 272 on average from 2009 to 2018, and has been slightly decreasing over time. The average number of hospitalizations at Hiroo Hospital was 219, accounting for 81% of the total. The number of transport cases is generally proportional to the population size. For Oshima patients, the time between the request and arrival at the hospital is over two hours, and for those in the Ogasawara Islands, nearly 10 hours. Distance and travel time are roughly proportional. Cerebrovascular, cardiovascular, and digestive diseases are the leading reasons for hospitalization, and a wide range of emergency disease cases were treated, including orthopedic trauma cases and respiratory diseases, followed by decompression sickness and otolaryngology cases. There are two major issues that need to be addressed: controlling the number of transport cases and innovating the transport system.
小山 真人
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.43, no.5, pp.349-371, 1998

Reevaluation of places, type, magnitude, and influences of the 800-802 A.D. eruption (Enryaku eruption) of Fuji Volcano, Japan, was made through tephrochronology and analyses of historical records. The Nishi Kofuji fissure on the northeastern slope is newly recognized as a crater of the 802 A.D. flank eruption. The Nishi Kofuji fissure ejected fallout scoria toward ENE and lava flows, which can be correlated with Takamarubi and Hinokimarubi 11 Lavas on the northeastern foot. The Tenjinyama-lgatonoyama fissure on the northwestern slope probably erupted during the Enryaku eruption and ejected fallout scoria and lava fiows. A series of historical documents and paintings (Miyashita documents), which are unauthorized, personal records and are regarded to be unreliable by many historians, includes many detailed descriptions of paleogeogra-phy around Fuji Volcano and of the Enryaku eruption. Although some of the descriptions were exaggerated and conflict with geological observations, some of them are concordant with geologic data. The Enryaku eruption probably gave serious damages to ancient traffic routes particularly on the northwestern-northeastern foot of Fuji Volcano. The Gotenba area, which is located on the eastern foot, was also damaged by thin ash-fall and probably by lahars. This caused a temporal, southward relocation of the offical trafiic route, which had passed through the Gotenba area.
新井 潤美 西川 克之 松本 朗 小山 太一 佐々木 徹 丹治 愛 草光 俊雄 加藤 めぐみ 前 協子 安藤 和弘

① 1981年の『炎のランナー』以降、サッチャー政権下のイギリスは、のちにヘリテージ映画と呼ばれることになる多数の映画を生み出していく。代表的なヘリテージ映画を解釈しながら、それらの映画がどのような主題的、映像的、イデオロギー的特徴を共有しているのかを具体的に議論した。② その一方で、ヘリテージ映画にかんする代表的な批評論文(とくにアンドリュー・ヒグソンのもの)を読み、自分たちが進めてきた個々の映画の作品論に照らして、その一般的な定義を批判的に検証し、それがもつ問題点をあぶり出すとともに、ヘリテージ映画にかんする新たな定義にむけて議論を重ねた。
小山 薫 作山 正美 高橋 一男
岩手医科大学教養部研究年報 (ISSN:03854132)
vol.41, pp.77-81, 2006-12-31

小山 虎
科学哲学 (ISSN:02893428)
vol.36, no.2, pp.165-177, 2003-12-30 (Released:2009-05-29)

D. Lewis said that there are three solutions for the problem of temporary intrinsics, namely, relationalism, presentism, and four-dimensionalism. Lewis also argued that the only tenable one is four-dimensionalism. But advocates of the other solutions reject it. Although objection is possible, it seems that Lewis' argument is not enough to show that four-dimensionalism is the best. However, it doesn't mean that four-dimensionalism is not worth considering. For relationalism and presentism are inconsistent. Moreover, relationalism must deny.ordinary talk and presentism doesn't contradict with four-dimensionalism. So it is concluded that four-dimensionalist doesn't have to throw away his position.
宮下 浩二 播木 孝 谷 祐輔 太田 憲一郎 小山 太郎
理学療法科学 (ISSN:13411667)
vol.34, no.5, pp.707-711, 2019 (Released:2019-10-28)

〔目的〕投球障害肩の要因となる肩内旋制限(硬さ)と肩後方動揺性(緩さ)は一見相反する現象だが,投手の肩で併存するか明確でない.本研究は両者の関係性を明らかにすることを目的とした.〔対象と方法〕社会人投手47名を対象とした.両側の内旋・外旋可動域と後方動揺性を測定した.左右の肩内旋可動域の差が20°以上をGIRD群(24名),20°未満を健常群(23名)とした.両群間の可動域の差,後方動揺性の陽性割合の差を検定した.〔結果〕内旋可動域はGIRD群26.0 ± 12.6°,健常群50.0 ± 14.3°で有意差があった.後方動揺性は両群間で割合に有意差はなかった.〔結語〕投手の肩は内旋可動域制限がある一方,同時に後方動揺性も併存する場合があることが示された.
小山 善之 熊取 敏之 澁谷 敏三 新谷 和夫 福田 龍三 今村 幸雄 佐野 一郎 鴫谷 亮一 古屋 曉一 河野 實 日野 佳弘 渡邊 孝 武正 勇造 中村 なをゑ 小澤 義光 林 康之 平島 信子 早船 喬一 濱口 榮祐 木村 信良 神田 清 岡本 十二郎 濱田 政彦 大橋 成一 橋本 敬祐 小酒 井望 石井 暢 天木 一太 深澤 義明 貴船 トミ子 松村 義寛 中野 巖 種田 強一郎 林 義次 村田 貢
Japanese Society of National Medical Services
医療 (ISSN:00211699)
vol.9, no.1, pp.5-45, 1955

This paper is an intermediate report of the clinical observations and various investigations made upon the 16 patients of the radiation sickness caused by BIKINI ashes on. 1st March 1934. The patients were admitted to the First Tokyo National Hospital on March 28th, and this report shall be for the period of the 5 months from March 28th to the end of August, 1964. Later, a thorough and complete report will be given, in which some amendments may be added to the present paper.<br>INTRODUCTION: At 3.50 a. m. on 1st March 1954, the 5th Lucky Dragon, a fishing boat, with a crew of twenty three on board, was located at about 100 miles east of BIKINI. The boat was under grey-white ash-fall for more than 5 hours. The crew was exposed to the ash-fall for 1.5 to 5 hours. The evening of that day they suffered from headache, anorexia, conjunctivitis and later nausea, vomiting, exhaustion and diarrehea, Several days later they suffered from itching, pain, rash, and erosion on the exposed skin areas. One week later two of the crew had hemorrhage of gingiva and some of the crew suffered from depilation. On March 19th, the boat returned to its base at Yaizu. On March 16th, the crew was admitted to the Kyoritsu Yaizu Hospital and on March 28th, 16 patients out of 23 were transfered to our hospital (the First Tokyo National Hospital).<br>On March 26th, Prof. Kimura's laboratory of Tokyo University made the analysis of the ashes taken from the 5th Lucky Dragon and found the following radioactive substances: Sr-89, Sr-90, Y-90, Y-91, Zr-96, Nb-95m, Nb-95, Ru-103, Ru-106, Te-129m, Te-129, Te-132, I-131, I-132, Ba-140, La-140, Ce-141, Ce-144, Pr-143, Pr-194, Nd-147, Pm-147, S-35, Ca-45, U-237, and Pu-239. The remaining radiation of the boat was investigated by Dr. Kakei et al. of March 17th and found it to be around 100mr/hr. Upon this data the total radiation was estimated at a count of 270 to 440γ. on the crew. In addition to the external exposure of such radiation, internal exposure, such as respiration of contaminated air, drinking of contaminated water and taking of contaminated food, shall be taken into consideration in the present cases. Radioactivity was found in the bile and urine taken from the patients.<br>GENERAL REMARKS: The 16 cases were strong young men but their body weight began to decrease from the middle of May and high or slight fever, anorexia, feeling of exhaustion, diarrhea and headache continued.<br>Skin and Hair: Irregular depilation, depigmentation, pigmentation with rain and itching, and erosion was observed. Some cases had folliculitis with pustules in April, while others recovered from erosions and at the end of May, regeneration of hair began. In July, hair condition was almost normal.<br>Blood and Bone-marrow: At the middle of April, the lowest peripheral leucocyte count was less than 2, 000. Two cases who had lower leucocyte count recovered earlier, i. e., their leucocytes increased to around 5, 000 at the middle of May. Meanu hile, the other cases had from 3, 033 to 4.000 count during the entire period. The former cases had also moderate anemia while the latter had only slight anemia. Blood platelet count of the former cases was less than 20, 000 and the recovery was slower than that of the leucocyte count. Reticulocyte count kept pace with that of leucocyte. In the former cases, myelocyte and other immature blood cells appeared temporarily in the circulated blood and eosinophile cells increased. The count of bone-marrow cells decreased remarkably (8, 000), i. e. panmyelophthisis, which later recovered slowly. In the latter cases, peripheral leucocyte findings and myelogram had almost no changes from the beginning of our observation and count of bone marrow cells was remarkably different by the sites of bone-marrow puncture. Vacuole and toxic granula appeared in the neutrophile cells in the circulated blood and vacuoles also appeared in lymphocyte and monocyte.
安部 朋世 神谷 昇 小山 義徳 西垣 知佳子
千葉大学教育学部研究紀要 (ISSN:13482084)
vol.66, no.2, pp.59-64, 2018-03

[要約] 本研究グループでは,英語の語彙・文法指導のひとつの方法として,「データ駆動型学習 (Data-Driven Learning:DDL)」の有効性について,継続して調査・研究を行っている。本稿は,DDL教材・指導法開発のための基礎的データを収集するために,学校英文法と学校国文法が既修である大学生に対して,英語と国語それぞれの品詞に関する理解度調査を行った結果を報告し,学校英文法と国語科文法学習の双方の影響と連携の可能性について検討する。具体的には,大学1年生を対象に調査を行い,その結果から,[ 1 ] 日本語文法と英文法の知識をどの程度正しく身に付けているか,[ 2 ] 日本語と英語の品詞によって理解の程度に差はあるか,[ 3 ] 日本語文法の知識から英語文法の知識に,どのような転移が見られるか,[ 4 ]英語文法の知識から日本語文法の知識に,どのような転移が見られるか,について実態を明らかにする。