高橋 弥生 筒井 健太 藤山 由紀子 清水 公也
日本視能訓練士協会誌 (ISSN:03875172)
vol.35, pp.159-163, 2006-08-31 (Released:2009-10-29)

竹原 卓真 井上 捺稀 山本 ルナ 清水 美沙
日本感性工学会論文誌 (ISSN:18845258)
vol.20, no.2, pp.121-128, 2021 (Released:2021-04-30)

Faces with larger eyes and double eyelids are perceived as more attractive than those devoid of these features. Moreover, eye bag makeup has become fashionable among nonprofessional lay young females to enhance the perceived size of their eyes. The majority of research on the influence of the upper eyelids on facial attractiveness has been conducted using artificially generated faces; however, research on facial attractiveness forming eye bag makeup remains unexplored. This study investigated the physical and mental attractiveness of real female faces with single/double eyelids and with/without eye bag makeup. The results indicated that faces with double eyelids were rated as more attractive than those with single eyelids. Faces with eye bag makeup were generally perceived as less attractive than those without them. While this was the case regardless of the type of eyelids for mental attractiveness, eye bag makeup only impacted the faces with double eyelids for physical attractiveness.
清水 誠治
pp.814-815, 2012-05-24

消化管に好酸球浸潤を来す疾患は“eosinophilic gastrointestinal disorder”と総称されており,その内原発性で,消化管のみに病変がみられるものが好酸球性胃腸炎である.病変部位によって好酸球性食道炎,好酸球性胃炎,好酸球性小腸炎,好酸球性大腸炎とも呼ばれる.好発部位は胃,小腸とされているが,従来まれと言われていた食道や大腸病変の報告も最近増加している.気管支喘息,アレルギー性鼻炎,アトピー性皮膚炎などのアレルギー性疾患が約半数に合併する. 診断基準としてはTallyら1)のものが一般的であり,(1) 消化管症状の存在,(2) 消化管の1か所以上に生検で好酸球浸潤が証明されるか,または末梢血好酸球増多と特徴的なX線所見がみられる,(3) 寄生虫など好酸球増多を示す他疾患を除外できる,の3項目を満たすことで診断されるが,病変部位によって臨床像が異なっており,均質な疾患群とは考えにくい.生検診断においては強拡大視野で20個以上の好酸球が存在することが一応の基準であるが,部位により浸潤程度に差があるため多数点での生検が必要である.
清水 純子
慶応義塾大学日吉紀要 英語英米文学 (ISSN:09117180)
no.53, pp.75-108[含 英語文要旨], 2008

A touch of the poet is one of the striking tragicomedies of Eugene O'Neill. Through A touch of the poet, O'Neill proves that he can not only write good tragedy but also excellent drama, which comically tasteful.The setting of A touch of the poet is from the morning till midnight of 27 July, 1828, in a forlorn tavern in the suburbs of Boston. Middle-aged Cornelius Melody is an immigrant from Ireland where he believes to have been a "gentleman". Although Melody is now degraded to a drunken owner of the dirty, cheap tavern, and actually supported by his hardworking wife and daughter, he refuses to realize his true self and narcissistically praises his manly, handsome self-image refl ected in the mirror. However, Melody's illusion of "being a gentleman" is shattered by the severe antagonism of the rich Harfords, of which his beautiful daughter, Sara, is going to be a member. Sara falls in love with Simon Harford, who is an heir to the rich Harford family."The uncanny" in Melody is "the repetition of the same thing", his recurrent illusion or self-deception of being a "gentleman". "Being a gentleman" is not uncanny, but what is uncanny is the difference between his present state as a shabby drunkard and his illusory past as a glorious, gallant gentleman. What is uncanny is elody's obsession with the past and his present state of being obsessed by the illusion of "being a gentleman".When the symbol of Melody's glorious past and male vanity, the beautiful English military uniform, is torn by Harford's subordinate men, Melody ultimately realizes that he was possessed of the past glory, void pride and illusion. Melody painfully learns that even in the U.S.A., a man without money or social status is not respected as a "gentleman". Deprived of all his pride, Melody is forced to recognize his poor social and financial status; however, instead of abandoning his aristocratic bravado, Melody is freed from the affectation of aristocracy and heroism and reveals his true self, that is, his easy bum nature. Despite Melody's sudden transformation incharacter, his faithful wife, Nora, proudly says, "I'll play any game he likes and give him love in it. Haven't I always? (She smiles.) Sure, I have no pride at all—except that". Eugene O'Neill depicts the foolishly old-fashioned dreamer, Cornelius Melody, with irony, humor and pathos.
清水 和裕
オリエント (ISSN:00305219)
vol.38, no.2, pp.55-72, 1995

In AH352/AD963, Mu'izz al-Dawla, a Buwayhid ruler of Baghdad, introduced two official observances: the public lamentations for the martyrdom of al-Husayn at the Day of 'Ashura, and the festival of Ghadir al-Khumm. From that time on, the religious strife between Sunni inhabitants of Baghdad and Shi'is became more serious. And in this situation, Sunni people invented two counter-celebrations to the Shi'i's: the visits to the Grave of Mus'ab b. al-Zubayr, and the festival of the Cave. Each observation of Sunni's and Shi'i's worked as a place for sectarianism. Then, we must ask the historical meanings of the visit to the Grave of Mus'ab, and why Sunnis chose Mus'ab as a counterpart to al-Husayn.<br>Mus'ab was appointed as a governor of Basra by his brother, Ibn al-Zubayr, the anti-Caliph of the Umayyad Caliphate in the Second Civil War. After he suppressed the Shi'i movement of al-Mukhtar, he waged several wars against the Umayyads and was killed by 'Abd al-Malik. Many historical stories depict him as a generous and brave man, but without piousness.<br>We can point out at least three factors that led to the invention of visits to the Grave of Mus'ab, as a counter-celebration of that of al-Husayn. First, he massacred al-Mukhtar and his followers, who held up a slogan: Revenge for al-Husayn. Secondly, the tragic story of his death bears a structural resemblance to that of al-Husayn. And thirdly, these two graves are placed symmetrically with respect to the city of Baghdad. All these factors show that the visit to the Grave of Mus'ab bore a social significance only as a contrast to that of al-Husayn.<br>In the Buwayhid Dynasty, we can see some religious symbols and symbolical acts of Shi'i's such as: (1) visits to the graves of Shi'i Imams, (2) Shi'i calls for prayer, (3) slogans written to the gates and paths of their quarters, (4) public insults for Sahabas, (5) Catapults which they brought with to the graves. These symbols promoted their internal cohesiveness and invoked their sectarianism more openly, while Sunnis, who had been offended by Shi'i usage of these symbols, began to seek their own.<br>They then found a symbol, which corresponded to one of the most important Shi'i Symbols of &ldquo;the Death of al-Husayn&rdquo;, in a historical account of &ldquo;the Death of Mus'ab&rdquo;. That is to say, under the social situation of the aggravated religious strifes, they found a new meaning in the death of a governor who lived in the Second Civil war and symbolized it as a counterpart to &ldquo;the Death of al-Husayn&rdquo;, which led them to the visit of his grave.<br>We can point out that the sectarian symbols of both parties became more open and complicated, which it brought more serious confrontations in the later rule of the Buwayhids, and must be considered as a significant feature of the religious strife during this period.
平澤 マキ 志村 晃一 清水 章子 村 清司 徳江 千代子 荒井 綜一
Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology
日本食品科学工学会誌 : Nippon shokuhin kagaku kogaku kaishi = Journal of the Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology (ISSN:1341027X)
vol.55, no.3, pp.95-101, 2008-03-15

アボカドの食物繊維やポリフェノールの機能性を明らかにするために,その構成成分と特性を解析した.使用したアボカドは水溶性食物繊維5.23±0.53g,不溶性食物繊維11.3±0.71g(可食部100g当たり/無水物)を含んでいた.不溶性食物繊維はペクチン画分 : ヘミセルロース画分 : セルロース画分はそれぞれ20.6% : 43% : 36.4%であり,不溶性食物繊維は膨潤性が大きく,色素吸着能はローズベンガルにおいて高い値を示した.水溶性食物繊維は鉄吸着能も高く,WSPは優れた鉄保持能力をもつことが示唆された.<BR>また,アボカドの抗酸化性は果皮が最も強く,次いで種子,果肉の順であった.果皮にはポリフェノールが多く存在し,種子,果肉は少ないことが認められた.ポリフェノールの組成をGC-MSで測定したところ,カテキン,エピカテキン,クロロゲン酸類が同定され,これらが抗酸化性に寄与していると考えられる.果皮は未利用資源として新たな食品機能性素材に利用されることが期待される.
清水 英範 布施 孝志
Japan Society of Civil Engineers
土木計画学研究・論文集 (ISSN:09134034)
vol.27, pp.1-18, 2010 (Released:2017-11-29)

大和 浩 加藤 尊秋 姜 英 清水 大地 朝長 諒 藤本 俊樹 山本 希望
The University of Occupational and Environmental Health, Japan
Journal of UOEH (ISSN:0387821X)
vol.42, no.4, pp.335-338, 2020-12-01 (Released:2020-12-01)

Secondhand smoke (SHS) caused by smoking on apartment verandas is a severe social problem in Japan. If someone smokes on a veranda, SHS drifts into other residents’ rooms through their windows. Most non-smoking residents are annoyed by this, but they do not confront the person responsible. To study this situation, we burned cigarettes and measured the spread of SHS in terms of fine particle (PM2.5) concentrations. Cigarette smoke generated on a lower veranda spread to upper and horizontal neighboring verandas and into rooms through windows, reaching a maximum concentration of 139 μg/m3. The Health Promotion Act that was revised in 2018 and enacted in 2019–2020 requires all smokers to avoid producing SHS, even outdoors and at home. It is expected that combining the measurement of SHS from verandas to other verandas and rooms with the revised Health Promotion Act could create a national consensus on “no smoking on apartment verandas.”
後藤 淳 岩田 英信 清水 俊行 高橋 督 白形 昌人 佐藤 充則
一般社団法人 日本透析医学会
日本透析医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13403451)
vol.41, no.7, pp.415-420, 2008-07-28 (Released:2008-12-16)

安藤 皓章 清水 英佑 高橋 善一 福本 正勝 小此木 英男 門倉 真人
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.48, no.3, pp.692-697, 1993-08-15 (Released:2009-02-17)
1 1

Criminal cases involving stimulant abuse have increased since 1970 but have now leveled off. Some of the offenders claimed to have used the Vicks Inhaler containing a stimulant (1-methamphetamine) which is used for the treatment of nasal obstruction.The aim of this experiment was to measure the amount of 1-methamphetamine contained in the Vicks Inhaler by stimulating the human respiratory system. The results are as follows:1) The data from the stimulation experiment showed that the inhalation level of 1-methamphetamine was estimated to be 320.4ng. From this value, the level of 1-methamphetamine absorbed per one respiration was calculated to be 21ng.2) The data from quantitative and qualitative analysis by gaschromatography showed that menthol interfered with the methamphetamine.3) A qualitative test for the stimulant in urine was negative when the subject inhaled the Vicks Inhaler only once. However, this test turned positive when the subject inhaled it more than 17 times.
鈴木 亨 園田 茂 才藤 栄一 村田 元徳 清水 康裕 三沢 佳代
社団法人 日本リハビリテーション医学会
リハビリテーション医学 (ISSN:0034351X)
vol.43, no.3, pp.180-185, 2006 (Released:2006-05-01)
8 5

清水 真木
広島大学総合科学部紀要. III, 人間文化研究 (ISSN:09187782)
vol.11, pp.65-94, 2002-12-25

Die von Derrida 1972 vorgelegte Frage nach dem Sinn von einem ratselhaften Fragment 'ich habe raeinen Regenschirm vergessen', das Nietzsche im Herbst 1881 in ein seiner Notizbiicher eingeschrieben hat, ist zugleich die nach dem Grundcharakter des gesamten Diskurses von Nietzsche. Nietzsche halt (gleich wie Freud) das Vergessen als etwas Positives, dessen primare Bedeutung aber im 'Uberwinden' oder im 'Fertigwerden' liegt; und was der gesunde Mensch vergiBt, ist nichts anderes als das, was Nietzsche als (ebenso intellektuelle wie leibliche) 'Krankheit' bezeichnet, dessen Zeichen der von Nietzsche (wohl in Genua) vergessene Regenschirm sein muB. Dass der Regenschirm fur Nietzsche ein Zeichen der Krankheit ist, womit er fertig wurde oder wenigstens fertig zu werden wunschte, kann man es in bezug nicht nur auf seine Kondition, sondern auch auf sein Denken rnit dem Biographischen parallel bestatigen. In jenem Sommer hatte er zum erstenmal den Begriff der 'ewigen Wiederkunft des Gleichen' fur sich explizit dargestellt, eine experimentalphilosophische Hypothese und Probierstein, womit man gesundste und stiirkste Menschen aussieben soil: wenn fur Nietzsche 'seinen Regesnschirm vergessen' 'mit seiner Krankheit fertig werden' heisst, wiirde doch seine Kondition es ihm nicht erlauben; und das Fragment (und sein gesamter Diskurs) konnte man als ein Ausdruck der freudigen Hoffnung auf die zu kommende leibliche 'Genseung' verstehen.
鳥山 成一 山崎 敬久 近藤 隆之 水畑 剛 奥村 秀一 水上 昭弘 神保 高之 木戸 瑞佳 日吉 真一郎 溝口 俊明 杉本 伸夫 松井 一郎 清水 厚
Japan Society for Environmental Chemistry
環境化学 : journal of environmental chemistry (ISSN:09172408)
vol.15, no.2, pp.269-285, 2005-06-24
5 4

2004年2月1日から6月14日まで, ライダーの観測データと, 標高別観測地点におけるSPM, オキシダント等の大気汚染物質観測データを用いて, 黄砂やオキシダントの高濃度の事例に関して総合的に解析したところ, 次のような結果が得られた。<BR>黄砂の規模は地上~2, 000m, 3, 000~6, 000m, 地上~4, 000m等, 種々の気塊で飛来していることが観察された。標高別3地点 (立山室堂, 立山局, 小杉局) のSPM濃度は, ライダーの画像と良く一致した。<BR>富山平野上空に出来た「黄色い帯」は, 珍しく解消されないで残っていた逆転層に大気境界層上空の薄い黄砂層が自然降下し, 形成されたものである。<BR>黄砂飛来と同時にオキシダントを含むと考えられる大気汚染物質で出来た二次粒子等からなる球形粒子がライダーで観測された。バックトラジェクトリーによって, 黄砂飛来と同時にオゾン等の大気汚染物質を含む気塊が, 日本の関西・北九州地方, 中国大陸方面から流入していると考えられた。<BR>2004年6月5日にオキシダント注意報の大規模な発令があった。ライダー画像はオキシダントも含む大気汚染物質で出来た球形粒子の存在を示唆した。バックトラジェクトリーでは, 関東方面の気塊の流入である可能性が高いと考えられた。このような黄砂とは無関係な高濃度のオキシダントは関東, 中京, ないしは関西方面からの気塊で運ばれてくるものと推察された。