王 瑋 坂田 桐子 清水 裕士
産業・組織心理学研究 (ISSN:09170391)
vol.29, no.2, pp.103-112, 2016 (Released:2019-08-05)

We tested the relationship between transformational leadership and stress responses by using a twodimensional stressor framework. Results of a cross-sectional questionnaire (N = 318) showed that transformational leadership had a direct negative effect on stress responses. Meanwhile, transformational leadership had a positive relationship with challenge stressors, and a negative relationship with hindrance stressors. The positive relationship with challenge stressors had a positive effect on promoting work satisfaction, and gave meaning to the work of followers, however it also had a positive relationship with stress responses, which is a point that is usually ignored.
清水 和雄 金子 和子
日本海水学会誌 (ISSN:03694550)
vol.21, no.4, pp.135-146, 1967 (Released:2013-02-19)

我々は食塩 (広義) 中に含まれる亜硝酸および硝酸含有量の実態を明らかにするためまずそれぞれの分析方法を検討した結果, 亜硝酸はRiderおよびMellonの操作によるアゾ色素の光度定量法がほとんどそのまま食塩にも適用できることを知つた. また硝酸についてはあらかじめ日本専売公社制定の方法その他を検討したが, 微量定量には適当でないと考え, 結局MullinおよびRileyの海水に対する方法を準用して, ヒドラジンー銅還元剤による亜硝酸への還元操作に対する温度, pH, 主な海洋塩類特に塩化ナトリウム濃度, マグネシワム塩類の影響ならびに食塩中に比較的多く見出される可溶性の重金属として銅, 亜鉛, 鉛およびマンガン各イオンの妨害を調べ, さらにこれら妨害イオンの除去方法などについて種々の検討を行つた. その結果分析操作として次のような改良を加えることによつて微量のこれら両塩類の光度定量が可能となつた.(1) 亜硝酸については試料の採取量を限定 (本定量操作では5.0g) すれば, 塩化ナトリワムおよび重金属イオンなどの影響はほとんどなく, 精度よく分析し得ることができた.(2) 硝酸については試料の採取量を一定量 (本定量操作では10.0g) とし, その水溶液に塩化第二鉄溶液を加えpH 8~9で金属イオンを共沈させ, その炉液の5分の1を採り, 改めて銅イオン15μgを正しく加えること. 還元操作を標準常温の20±1℃に一定させることなどを主な改良点としてMullinおよびRileyの方法を準用すれば, 食塩中の微量硝酸塩の定量が可能となることを明らかにした.以上の検討結果に基いて国内塩 (並塩および食塩), 天日塩, 岩塩などについて定量した結果次の値を得た.以上の検討結果に基いて国内塩 (並塩および食塩), 天日塩, 岩塩などについて定量した結果次の値を得た.(1) 亜硝酸は国内塩中では並塩, 食塩共に著しい変動はなく, 0~0.042ppmの範囲でその平均値は僅かに0.014ppmにすぎず, 又天日塩も0~0.064ppmでその17点の平均値は0.032ppmで, これ又同様に極めて少なかつた. しかし岩塩ではやや多いものがあり, 例えばチリー産岩塩では0.13ppmが見出された.(2) 硝酸塩は国内塩中では0~0.80ppmで平均値は0.15ppm, 天日塩でも0~0.50ppmで平均0.11ppmでいずれも亜硝酸に比較して, ほぼ一桁程度多いが, 共に例外もなく問題となる程の含有量ではなかつた. 従つてもしこれらに比較して著しく多い値が得られた場合は正常な製塩行程以外から入つた異常な原因によるものと考えてさしつかえないと思う. しかし岩塩では, イエーメン岩塩, チリー岩塩のように20ppm程度におよぶ比較的多量の硝酸塩を含むものが見出されたので岩塩を用途とする場合には, あらかじめ硝酸塩の定量を行つてその用途に適するか否かを調べる必要があると判断した.
後藤 彬文 奥野 伊展 河島 来実 清水 麻衣
2020年度 情報処理学会関西支部 支部大会 講演論文集 (ISSN:1884197X)
vol.2020, 2020-09-11

廣瀬 智也 清水 健太郎 小倉 裕司 山野 修平 大西 光雄 鍬方 安行 嶋津 岳士
外科と代謝・栄養 (ISSN:03895564)
vol.47, no.2, pp.53-61, 2013 (Released:2013-06-07)
1 1

【はじめに】慢性肝不全に対しては分枝鎖アミノ酸(BCAA)などのアミノ酸が通常使用されるが,急性肝不全症例にその使用は推奨されていない.一方,急性肝不全時のアミノ酸値の変化を詳細に検討した報告は少ない.【目的】急性肝不全時の血中アミノ酸値を検討すること.【対象と方法】2004 年から2007 年に当センターに入院した急性肝不全症例において,血中アミノ酸値と臨床経過を後ろ向きに解析した.【結果】対象は8 例で,全例劇症肝炎の定義を満たしていた.年齢は中央値38.0 歳(IQR34.5-40.8),性別は男5 人,女3 人.入院時の血中総アミノ酸量は中央値10305.0 nmol/ml と極めて高値であった.血漿交換,透析などの治療過程において総アミノ酸値は低下し,BCAA 値は正常もしくは低値を示す症例が見られた.【結語】劇症肝炎時は,血中アミノ酸値は全体に高値をとり,治療過程において低下する.アミノ酸の投与時期や投与方法に関しては今後の検討課題である.
鈴木 一郎 清水 弘之 高橋 宏 石島 武一
一般社団法人 日本脳卒中の外科学会
脳卒中の外科 (ISSN:09145508)
vol.19, no.2, pp.295-300, 1991-07-15 (Released:2012-10-29)
8 5

We have originated cisternal irrigation combined with head shaking in order to remove subarachnoid clots rapidly and extensively. Eighteen patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) due to ruptured intracranial aneurysms of the anterior part of the circle of Willis were studied. The degree of SAH as shown by CT was Group 3 on the Fisher's grading scale. Clipping was performed within 72 hours after the last bleeding. Continuous ventriculo-cisternal irrigation was carried out from 12 hours after the surgery, using solution with or without urokinase. The head was intermittently shaken (amplitude 4 cm, frequency 1.0-2.0 c/s) by a head-shaking device of our own making. The effect of head shaking on clot removal was evaluated by neurological examination, CT, and the volume of sedimentary clots in the draining fluid. Postoperative angiography was usually performed about 10 days after SAH.Although the number of patients was small for statistical analysis, the effect of head shaking on clot removal as shown by CT was remarkable. The subarachnoid clots with CT attenuation values of more than 60 in the basal and sylvian cisterns were usually washed out to the range (10-15) of normal cerebrospinal fluid within 48 hours. No delayed ischemic neurological deficits (DIND) occurred, and no low-density areas due to vasospasm were observed on computed tomography. Angiographic vasospasms were observed in only 2 cases, in which the diameter of the artery was less than 75% of that in the acute phase. But these vasospasms were limited to the area adjacent to the ruptured aneurysm.
清水 千秋 福原 忠信
長崎大学水産学部研究報告 (ISSN:05471427)
vol.10, pp.25-37, 1961-01-31

The quantitative compositions of fatty scids in the blubber oils and head oils of Tursiops sp. (Hando Iruka), Pseudorca sp. (Okigondo Kuzira) and Grampus sp. (Hanagondo Kuzira) were determined (Table 7a, 7b and 7c). In this analysis, fatty acids were previously fractionated to the liquid and solid acids by the Urea adduct-MeOH method1) before fractional distillations (Table 2a, 2b and 2c). After the fractional distillations, the number of double bond of the methyl ester of unsaturated fatty acids were estimated by the paper chromatography of their mercuric compounds²). On the fatty acids of their blubber oils, the saturated and unsaturated acids were about 20% and 80% respectively, and about 80% of them are C₁₆, C₁₈ and C₂₀ acids. On the Pseudorca sp. and Grampus sp,, the fatty acids of C₁₆ dominate (about 40%), and on Tursiops sp. the fatty acids of C₁₈ are main part (about 34%). The saturated fatty acids of their head oils are about 75% of Tursiops sp. and Pseudorca sp., but are 52% of Grampus sp., and the unsaturated fatty acids of one double bond are about 20% of the former and about 50% of the latter. The saturated fatty alcohols are about 92% of the unsaponifiable matter and 85% of them is hexadecanol in the head oil of Pseudorca sp. (Table 9).
清水 勝嘉
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.42, no.2, pp.72-86, 1976 (Released:2011-02-25)

In this papes, administrative orpanization for public health, tuberculosis control and prevention of venereal disease, which had been involved in the problems of public health in the early years of the Showa Era, were discribed. 1. In those days, public health administration had been centrlized to the Health Bureau and Social Bureau of the Ministry of Home Affairs, and they gave their instructions to the Public Health Section of the Prefectural Police Department. Countermeasures for the chronic infectious diseases were the most imoprtant problems at that time. 2. The mortality from tuberculosis in Japan was two or three times higher than that of Western countris, and there were poor and insufficient preventive facilites in all over the country. It was epock making in 1932 that the Health Guidance Clinic were established in every prefectures in order to prevent against tuberculosis by the subsides offered from NHK (Nihon Hoso Kyokai), but not by the national budget. 3. Licenced and unlicened prostitute, geisha, waitress and barmaid had been the major contagion source of venreal disease. Legal inspection system for the syphilis was forcibly applied only to the licenced prostitutes, but the others took the medical check only when they were arrested. Since 1928, when the original Venereal Disease Prevention Law enforced, all prostitures, streetwalkers, geishas, barmaids and waitresses have forcibly taken medical check for the venereal disease.
清水 宏祐
東洋学報 = The Toyo Gakuho (ISSN:03869067)
vol.76, no.1・2, pp.193-222, 1994-10

In the 11-12th centuries, there were many amīrs in the era of the Great Saljūqs who ruled Iraq and Iran. They were military-commanders, iqṭāʻ holders,and sometimes served in the court of the rulers.Gauhar Ā’īn (meaning Jewel Mirror in Persian)was a mamlūk amīr who served seven rulers. Among them, one was a woman, and four were the Saljuqid rulers. He went to the battle field six times. It was a great success for him that one of his ghulām soldiers captured the Emperor of Byzantine Empire in the battle of Malāzgird.Gauhar Ā’īn was appointed shaḥna, the military governor of Baghdād three times. His mission was to maintain order of the big city. He exercised his power cruelly to oppress riots. The most important duty for him is to negotiate with the ‘Abbāsid Caliph. Whenever he came to Baghdād as shaḥna of Sulṭān, he interfered in the affairs of the Caliph about the dismissal of his wazīrs. He represented the Sulṭān in the diplomatic intercourses, and continued to threaten the Caliph by unusual performances. Gauhar Ā’īn died at the age of over 70 years in the battle of Sefīd-rūd, the battle between Saljuqid rulers in 1100. His body was returned to Baghdād, and buried in the eastern section of the city.In Gauhar Ā’īn life-history, we can see the typical career of a mamlūk amīr of those days. He was trusted by Sulṭāns, acted as a faithful slave commander. He even executed a member of the royal family, and also attended on Alp Arslān when he was killed.FoIlowing up the life of each amīr, we can clarify the characteristics of the Saljuqid ruling system.

2 0 0 0 OA 黄菌毛の1例

船井 龍彦 青木 敏之 西田 健樹 清水 洋子 遠藤 秀彦
Meeting of Osaka Dermatological Association
皮膚 (ISSN:00181390)
vol.27, no.5, pp.1028-1033, 1985 (Released:2010-06-04)

17才, 男子学生の腋毛に認められた毛円柱に対して, 細菌学的検索, 走査電顕, 透過電顕を行った。血液寒天培地での培養の結果, 淡黄色のクリーム状の小集落形成が認められた。それらはグラム陽性桿菌で生化学的検査によりコリネバクテリアと同定された。走査電顕では, 無数と思える菌体の集簇した団塊物が毛表面にびっしりと付着し, また毛上皮が破壊され毛皮質表面が露出しているのが認められた。透過電顕では, 団塊の表層には多数の菌体が増殖し, それと連続した深層部には毛皮質の変性した部位が見られ, この部位あるいは更に深層のほぼ正常毛皮質内へも菌体の浸襲を認めた。
清水 和裕
一般社団法人 日本オリエント学会
オリエント (ISSN:00305219)
vol.38, no.2, pp.55-72, 1995 (Released:2010-03-12)

In AH352/AD963, Mu'izz al-Dawla, a Buwayhid ruler of Baghdad, introduced two official observances: the public lamentations for the martyrdom of al-Husayn at the Day of 'Ashura, and the festival of Ghadir al-Khumm. From that time on, the religious strife between Sunni inhabitants of Baghdad and Shi'is became more serious. And in this situation, Sunni people invented two counter-celebrations to the Shi'i's: the visits to the Grave of Mus'ab b. al-Zubayr, and the festival of the Cave. Each observation of Sunni's and Shi'i's worked as a place for sectarianism. Then, we must ask the historical meanings of the visit to the Grave of Mus'ab, and why Sunnis chose Mus'ab as a counterpart to al-Husayn.Mus'ab was appointed as a governor of Basra by his brother, Ibn al-Zubayr, the anti-Caliph of the Umayyad Caliphate in the Second Civil War. After he suppressed the Shi'i movement of al-Mukhtar, he waged several wars against the Umayyads and was killed by 'Abd al-Malik. Many historical stories depict him as a generous and brave man, but without piousness.We can point out at least three factors that led to the invention of visits to the Grave of Mus'ab, as a counter-celebration of that of al-Husayn. First, he massacred al-Mukhtar and his followers, who held up a slogan: Revenge for al-Husayn. Secondly, the tragic story of his death bears a structural resemblance to that of al-Husayn. And thirdly, these two graves are placed symmetrically with respect to the city of Baghdad. All these factors show that the visit to the Grave of Mus'ab bore a social significance only as a contrast to that of al-Husayn.In the Buwayhid Dynasty, we can see some religious symbols and symbolical acts of Shi'i's such as: (1) visits to the graves of Shi'i Imams, (2) Shi'i calls for prayer, (3) slogans written to the gates and paths of their quarters, (4) public insults for Sahabas, (5) Catapults which they brought with to the graves. These symbols promoted their internal cohesiveness and invoked their sectarianism more openly, while Sunnis, who had been offended by Shi'i usage of these symbols, began to seek their own.They then found a symbol, which corresponded to one of the most important Shi'i Symbols of “the Death of al-Husayn”, in a historical account of “the Death of Mus'ab”. That is to say, under the social situation of the aggravated religious strifes, they found a new meaning in the death of a governor who lived in the Second Civil war and symbolized it as a counterpart to “the Death of al-Husayn”, which led them to the visit of his grave.We can point out that the sectarian symbols of both parties became more open and complicated, which it brought more serious confrontations in the later rule of the Buwayhids, and must be considered as a significant feature of the religious strife during this period.
清水 剛
経営史学 (ISSN:03869113)
vol.34, no.2, pp.1-21, 1999-09-25 (Released:2009-11-06)

This paper explores the “longevity” of firms, particularly of big businesses in postwar Japan, and investigates some features of Japanese firms from this aspect.Organizational growth and decline process have been studied in organization theory and business history, though the quantitative aspect of this process has not been examined. I therefore studied this aspect by investigating the longevity of firms, based on studies of organizational ecology and related research. Consideration of longevity presents a new perspective from which to study the activities and organization of firms.From an analysis of the average number of years in which firms are ranked by total capital, and an event history analysis of the duration of listing in the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, I will show that big businesses in the postwar period have especially long lifetimes, and there is no “liability of newness” or “liability of aging” about them; that is, there is no relation between the duration of listing and the rate of elimination from the first section of TSE. Therefore, these big businesses can be regarded as stable entities. It seems reasonable to believe that this stability is related to the Japanese longterm employment system.I will also show that their longevity increased gradually in the postwar period, but not without fluctuation; it decreased in the first half of the 1960s. This seems to reflect the magnitude of economic change during this period, sometimes referred to as the “transformation period.”
須賀 京子 渡邉 順子 岩瀬 敏 西村 直記 清水 祐樹 岩瀬 千尋
日本看護技術学会誌 (ISSN:13495429)
vol.14, no.2, pp.137-145, 2015-08-20 (Released:2016-04-26)

本研究の目的は,女性高齢者が継続的に実施するフェイスケア (化粧水と乳液を用いるスキンケア, 以下FC) がもたらす生体への影響について, 前頭前野における組織酸素レベルと自律神経反応から明らかにすることである. 65歳以上の健康な女性高齢者18名 (平均年齢68±4歳) が,3週間のFCを継続して実施し,その初日と最終日に近赤外分光法 (NIRS) による前頭前野の脳組織酸素レベルと皮膚血流量, 心拍変動, 皮膚コンダクタンスを用いた自律神経活動を測定した.初日は安静時と比較してFC時に前頭前野における⊿deoxyHbの上昇が認められたが,血液量に変化はなかった.しかし,最終日には安静時と比較して血液量が低下した.また,初日と最終日でともに安静時と比較してFCでは心拍変動のHFの上昇を認め,副交感神経活動の亢進が示された.健康な女性高齢者自身が行うFCは,前頭前野の活動を抑制し,副交感神経活動を亢進させることが示唆された.
平松 洋一 清水 栄司
pp.1159-1165, 2019-10-15

抄録 小児期逆境体験(ACEs)とは,小児期に体験した虐待やその他の家庭内の機能不全であり,さまざまな難治性の精神疾患の背景要因として注目されてきた。うつ病とACEsとの関連性は多くの研究で言及されている。たとえば,ACEsを経験していることでうつ病のリスクが増加すること,自殺行動と関連性が強いことなどが示されている。一方で,うつ病の患者にみられる,現在の気分に一致してネガティブな記憶を想起しやすい「気分一致効果」の観点から,うつ病とACEsとの関連性に関する研究に疑問が呈されることもあるが,抑うつ症状の悪化,改善によらずACEsの評価に時間的な一貫性があるという研究もある。治療において,ACEsを背景に持つうつ病の場合は,薬物療法の効果が低下し,難治化する一方で,認知行動療法の有効性が示されている。認知行動療法の進歩の中で,特にコンパッション(compassion:慈悲,思いやり)に焦点を当てた治療技法は,ACEsを持つ難治性うつ病を改善することが期待される。また,ACEsへ直接働きかけ得る認知行動療法の技法として,抑うつ気分に伴うネガティブな視覚イメージや記憶を同定し,その内容を見直す「イメージ書き直し(imagery rescripting)」技法が欧米で実践されており,我々も,うつ病患者を対象にした本邦初のイメージ書き直しの臨床研究において,ACEsの記憶と抑うつ気分の関連性をみている。
清水 典史 井上 寛 松延 千春 椿 友梨 白谷 智宣
一般社団法人 日本薬学教育学会
薬学教育 (ISSN:24324124)
vol.3, pp.2018-037, 2019 (Released:2019-05-24)

清水 謙
一般財団法人 日本国際政治学会
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.2013, no.172, pp.172_87-172_99, 2013-02-25 (Released:2015-03-05)

The impact of 9/11 was strong enough to change the Swedish security doctrine of neutrality that had existed since the Cold War. The Swedish Prime Minister Göran Persson and Foreign Minister Anna Lindh stated that the security policy of 1992, that is “Military non-alliance making it possible to remain neutral in the event of conflicts in the vicinity”, had served well. This means that Sweden has practically abandoned its neutrality, confronting international terrorism. Swedish society, generally known as ‘an open society’, has many internal “security holes” and the terrorist incident in central Stockholm on December 11th 2010 exposed such kind of vulnerability. That incident was “home-grown” and the generous migration policy was challenged again. This article investigates ‘the securitization of migration’ in Sweden using the analytical framework of ‘securitization’ the Copenhagen School provided. The Copenhagen School insists that ‘speech act’ by securitizing actor(s) and ‘acceptance of the audience’ are required in the process of securitization and that ‘extraordinary measures’ beyond the state’s standard political procedure will be legitimated. The first two steps mentioned above are well discussed in Sweden in earlier research (e.g. by Abiri), while the third one is still controversial. Therefore, my aim in this article is to present a crucial example of an extraordinary measure. Indeed, the securitization of migration started to occur already in the 1990s or earlier, but a conclusive extraordinary measure was not implemented until December 2001, namely the case of repatriation of two Egyptians (Egyptenavvisningarna). In 2005 the Parliamentary Ombudsmen (Justitieombudsmännen) and the Committee on the Constitution (Konstitutionsutskottet) investigated this deviant case and declared that the governmental action was too optimistic and that the method of the repatriation was inappropriate. The repatriation itself has been treated as an accomplished fact in the Parliament even though the decision was adopted in irregular procedure. Therefore, this result leads us to the conclusion that the process of the securitization of migration has been fulfilled. The Securitization of migration in Sweden is still idling and there are no signs of ‘desecuritization’ after the terrorist incident in Stockholm. Furthermore, the sequential terrorist attacks in Norway in July 2011 are thought-provoking and indicate that the Nordic societies have to cope with migrational issues.