金 時徳
国文学研究資料館紀要 = National Institure of Japanese Literature (ISSN:03873447)
no.35, pp.209-240, 2009-02-27

本稿は国立国会図書館所蔵『絵本武勇大功記』を翻刻し、注釈と解題を附したものである。本書刊行の背景には、浄瑠璃における天明・寛政年間の太閤記物ブームがある。毛谷村六助が加藤清正(本書では加藤正清)に仕えるまでの事情を描く本書巻上には、浄瑠璃『彦山権現誓助劔』との類似性が見られる。しかし、豊臣秀吉の朝鮮侵略のことを描く本書巻中・下の場合、その直接的な典拠は浄瑠璃ではなく、加藤清正の一代記である『清正記』・『朝鮮太平記』等の朝鮮軍記物の諸作品であることが確認される。一八世紀初期までの朝鮮軍記物の諸作品は軍記『朝鮮太平記』・『朝鮮軍記大全』に集大成され、絵本読本『絵本朝鮮軍記』・同『絵本太閤記』(第六・七篇)は一九世紀の朝鮮軍記物を代表する作品であるが、その間の一八世紀中・後期に著された朝鮮軍記物の数は少ない。本書は、朝鮮軍記物における一八世紀中・後期の空白を埋める作品として意味を持つ。At this paper, I republicated “Ehon Buyu Taikouki” (“The Picture Book on the Brave Taikou Toyotomi Hideyoshi”; possessed by National Diet Library) with annotations and bibliography. The publication of “Ehon Buyu Taikouki” was an extension of the Taikouki (works on Toyotomi Hideyoshi) Boom in Kamigata area (Kyoto and Osaka) in the Temmei and Kansei period. Especially, joruri and kabuki works on Toyotomi Hideyoshi's invasion of Korea had had a major influenced on this book. But, works on Toyotomi Hideyoshi's invasion of Korea, especially works on Katou Kiyomasa and “Ehon Buyu-Taikouki” (“theChronicle of Great Peace in Korea”), were identified as primary sources for the second and third volume of this book, where Toyotomi Hideyoshi’s invasion of Korea was described.
金澤 康 藤原 久美 井手 華子 山﨑 博之 宇都宮 一典
一般社団法人 日本糖尿病学会
糖尿病 (ISSN:0021437X)
vol.60, no.4, pp.288-294, 2017-04-30 (Released:2017-04-30)

症例は48歳男性.8年前指摘の糖尿病に対しインスリン加療されていたが,自己中断歴もあり,血糖コントロールは不良の状態であった.意識障害で家族に発見され救急搬送となった.血液検査結果から糖尿病性ケトアシドーシス(DKA)と診断した.意識レベルはGlasgow Coma Scale E1V1M1,頭部CTでは著明な脳浮腫,頭部MRIではびまん性に脳低灌流の所見を得た.併発していた肺炎の治療とともに,グリセオール投与で浮腫の改善を図りながら,補液,インスリン投与による全身管理を行った.脳浮腫は改善をみとめたものの,最終的に高度遷延性意識障害の状態に至った.DKAを含めた高血糖緊急症において,治療前に脳浮腫を来した報告は極めて少なく,貴重な症例であると考え,考察とともに報告する.
金井 年
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.33, no.3, pp.265-281, 1981-06-28 (Released:2009-04-28)
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Historical documents show us that many Jinaichos were established around 1530's and '40s. So, I'd like to call them the second stage Jinaicho as well, the former ones of them, the first stage, the later ones, the third stage Jinaicho. I intend in this paper to clarify the process how the city plan has changed during these three stages.At first, on the topographical condition of location, places where Jinaichos are located can be classified into, (1). Plateau or hill, (2). river-terrace, (3). natural levee, (4), low swamp. The third is a good place not only for Jinaicho, but also for any other settlement, however, the first and the second must have been for the protection of the town. In respect of topography, the defence of the town has become weak for ages. And, when Jinaicho was constructed, Jori system was utilized as basic lines in many cases. This rule is the most notable in the second stage.Next, I consider the inside plan of the town from the following viewpoints. a, The scale of the town and its transformation…… The scale of Jinaicho tends to center especially upon some definite sizes, among them four square scale can be regarded as the “standard” size of Jinaicho. Moreover, we must not miss that the scale of the town is not necessarily original one, but can be found to expand or reduce in some cases. b. The position. of the principal temples…… The temple which dominates the town is almost situated at southern or western side of the town. c. How many moats enclose the town? d. Are the refraetions of roads in the town remarkable or not?…… I put up these two as the indicators which show the degree of the protective function of the district. As far as these two items are concerned, those protective functions remain even in Jinaichos established in modern ages. By the way, on the Japanese castle town, the district plan is considered at the level of “form of block” (machiwari), and “plotting of residental areas” (yashikiwari) (cf. Yamori “The Study of City Plan”).Here, I'd like to approach the characteristics of Jinaicho at one more micro-scopic level, i.e, from the viewpoint of “house type”. Then we notice there are two types of Jinaicho. We find that one is where the residental district is made up of urbanstyle houses, and the other is fundamentally, the same type as farmhouses. Now, I temporarily call the former, “Urban” Jinaicho, and the latter “Rural” Jinaicho.Such difference, is, I assume, caused upon whether agricultural factors have remained in the town or not. Considering not only above-mentioned a. to d. items, but also other factors, the pattern of Jinaicho's transformation can be summarized as follows; In the first stage, Jinaicho Plan have gradually been arranged, and completed in Yamashina, In the second stage, many Jinaichos are constructed according to its arranged plan. But in third stage, we can see the collapse of the plan, however, some Jinaichos, such as the inhabitants took initiative at the establishment of the town, succeed to the same plan as in the second stage. Moreover, we must pay attention to the geographical arrangement of Jinaicho, too. That is, the first stage is in the age of searching for the suitable place for construction, in the second stage, Jinaichos are constructed in the form of encircling Ishiyama.Finally, there remains the problem to explain the relations between Jinaicho and other kinds of settlements, but I have not had my distinct idea upon this problem yet. Therefore I will take up this problem as my next theme.
金子 優子
年報政治学 (ISSN:05494192)
vol.61, no.2, pp.2_151-2_173, 2010 (Released:2016-02-24)

The percentage of women representatives m local assemblies in Japan is 10.9% at the end of 2009. Moreover, in Yamagata Prefecture, the percentage is 6.2%, the ninth lowest among all prefectures. In this article, effective strategies to increase women representatives are presented based on the analyses of the interviews at the major political party local branches and the surveys of women members.   The model of the recruitment process of Pippa Norris is utilized as an analytical framework. Based on the analyses of interviews and surveys, the following strategies are effective to increase women representatives in local assembly.   Changing the people's attitudes toward women and politics, especially women themselves are to be liberated from traditional thinking of politics being men's responsibilities./Women are to aggressively participate in community activities and to play central roles in solving community problems./Women are to recognize politics as tools for improving daily lives and to get involved in politics.   The Japanese major political parties are indifferent to increasing women candidates in local assembly elections. And women members of the local assemblies do not expect the parties to promote women's representation. Women representatives are to gradually increase but not to increase rapidly under such circumstances.
谷出 康士 沖 貞明 田坂 厚志 甲田 宗嗣 長谷川 正哉 島谷 康司 金井 秀作 小野 武也 田中 聡 大塚 彰
公益社団法人 日本理学療法士協会
vol.2008, pp.C3P1368, 2009

笠松 明男 金井 萬造 長尾 義三
Japan Society of Civil Engineers
日本土木史研究発表会論文集 (ISSN:09134107)
vol.8, pp.230-236, 1988-06-20 (Released:2010-06-15)

京都市の伏見地域は、豊臣秀吉の伏見城築城による城下町がその起源であったが、江戸時代以後は伏見奉行所の管轄下において、西国大名の参勤交代や京大坂間の河川水運の重要な中継地であり人口約3万人を数える一大港湾都市として栄えた。その保有舟数は700隻を数え、河川港湾でありながら東・西廻り航路のどの港町よりも大きな港湾であった。伏見港の発展をもたらした要因は、第一に豊臣秀吉の伏見城築城及び淀川 (宇治川) の改修と巨椋池の切り離し、角倉了以・了一父子による高瀬川運河開削というわが国の歴史的にも重要な土木工事の成果である。第二に、江戸時代中期頃の商品経済の発展に伴う、東海道 (大津~三条) の陸運物資が飽和状態となったため、琵琶湖水運が衰退し、代わって西廻り航路が発達したという、経済的要因に着目できる。しかし、鳥羽・伏見の戦いによる戦火と鉄道敷設という陸上交通の一大革命により、伏見港や淀川水運も他の河川水運と同様、一旦、衰退の兆しをみせるが、琵琶湖疏水 (明治23年) 及び鴨川運河 (明治27年) の開削により、再度脚光を浴びることになる。このような、伏見水運も鉄道と道路輸送の本格的な発展と淀川治水事業の進展により衰退し、昭和34年には、最後の舟溜まりの埋立が決定し、昭和40年伏見港はその歴史的な意義を閉じた。
釜付 弘志 金倉 洋一 野村 裕久 永田 文隆 石川 順子 新里 康尚 山口 陽子 丹羽 邦明 森川 重敏 高橋 正明 米谷 国男 徳永 泰基 石川 洋 伊藤 誠
The Japan Society for Oriental Medicine
日本東洋医学雑誌 (ISSN:02874857)
vol.45, no.4, pp.849-858, 1995-04-20 (Released:2010-03-12)

従来, 切迫早産の治療は安静療法が主で, その補助療法として薬物療法がある。しかしその副作用や投与限界量等により, 有効な治療効果が達成できないことがある。今回我々はこのような症例に対して灸療法と, その原理から電気的に考案されたマイクロ波発振装置による刺激療法を行い, 良好な結果を得たのでここに報告する。妊娠24週以降の切迫早産患者に対して至陰, 湧泉, 三陰交の穴に灸療法を行った。その結果, 灸療法により作用時間は短かったが子宮緊張が緩和され, 胎動が増加し, 臍帯動脈, 子宮動脈の血管抵抗が低下することがわかった。また, マイクロ波刺激を頻回に行うことにより同様の効果を長時間持続でき, しかも副作用は認められなかった。その結果, 薬物療法に灸療法を併用すると薬物の使用量を減らすことができ, それによって副作用の発現頻度を抑えることができた。灸療法は切迫早産の新しい治療法として有効かつ安全であると考えられた。
金藤 栄孝 二木 厚吉
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:03875806)
vol.45, no.3, pp.770-784, 2004-03-15

Dijkstraのgoto文有言説とそれに引き続く構造的プログラミングの提唱以降,goto文の使用に関する問題は長く議論されてきたが,coto文の使用法に関しての理論的裏付けを持つ研究としては,逐次的プログラムの制御フローは3基本構造(順次接続,条件分岐,反復)のみで表現可能であるからgoto文を用いたプログラムは3基本構造のみによる等価なプログラムに書き換えられる,という結果に基づいたMillsらのgoto文排斥論以外は皆無であり,Dijkstra本来のプログラムの正しさを示す手段としてのプログラムの構造化という観点でのgoto文の使用の是非は,プログラム検証論の立場から考察されなかった.本論文では,プログラムの正しさを示すという検証手段としてのHoare論理に基づきgoto文の使用を再検討する.特に,多重ループの打ち切りの場合,goto文を用いて脱出するプログラミングスタイルの方が,Mills流のBoolean型変数を追加してループを打ち切るスタイルよりも,Hoare論理での証明アウトラインが簡単に構成でき,したがって,前者のgoto文を用いたプログラミングスタイルの方が,そのようなプログラムに対するHoare論理による検証上からは望ましいことを示す. : There have been a vast amount of debates on the issue on usages of goto statements initiated by the famous Dijkstra's Letter to the Editor of CACM and his proposal of "Structured Programming". Except for the goto-less programming style by Mills based on the fact that any control nows of sequential programs can be expressed by the sequential composition, the conditional (if-then-else) and the indefinite loop (while), there have not been, however, any scientific accounts on this issue from the Dijkstra's own viewpoint of verifiability of programs. In this work, we reconsider this issue from the viewpoint of Hoare Logic, the most standard framework for proving the correctness of programs, and we see that usages of goto's in escaping from nested loops can be justified from the Hoare Logic viewpoint by showing the fact that constructing the proof-outline of a program using a goto for this purpose is gasier than constructing the proof-outline of a Mills-style program without goto by introducing a new Boolean variable.
新井 達 小中 理会 脇田 加恵 勝岡 憲生 金森 晃
公益社団法人 日本皮膚科学会
日本皮膚科学会雑誌 (ISSN:0021499X)
vol.119, no.12, pp.2359-2364, 2009-11-20 (Released:2014-11-28)

三宅 正起 金子 真紀子
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.28, no.1, pp.41-46, 2016 (Released:2017-08-02)

Naringin and limonin are some of major bitter principles in grapefruit (Citrus paradisi). In order to clarify the distribution of naringin and limonin in grapefruit, their concentrations in each part of the grapefruit were measured. Fruits imported from the USA and South Africa were used. Domestic fruits were also used for comparison. The fruits were separated into four parts and each part was analyzed by HPLC. The distribution of naringin and limonin in the four grapefruit was not very different among all the fruits. Naringin was significantly contained in the albedo, and limonin was significantly contained in the segment membrane. The juice vesicles contained both naringin and limonin, at an average of 178mg/100g and 9.05mg/1,000g, respectively. This showed that naringin and limonin were the primary cause of the bitterness in grapefruit and its juice. Also, in the juice vesicles, the naringin concentration in the solution was very low. This suggested that naringin was significantly present in the membranes of the juice vesicles. Furthermore, it was determined that the limonin concentration of the fresh grapefruit juice using a household mixer was significantly increased within a few hours after juicing.
金田 浩由紀
関西医科大学雑誌 (ISSN:00228400)
vol.72, pp.1-10, 2021 (Released:2021-07-20)

久野 譜也 村上 晴香 馬場 紫乃 金 俊東 上岡 方士
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.52, no.Supplement, pp.17-29, 2003-08-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
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The ability to walk is just as important for the elderly as it is for young people. In fact, in the elderly, decreased mobility limits function in daily life and can lead to more serious situations (e.g., becoming bedridden) . The elderly population has increased over the last decade, and many researchers have studied the mobility of the elderly. However, the focus of most studies has been to facilitate recovery of bedridden individuals and prevent the elderly from becoming bedridden, and particularly to prevent fall-induced fractures, which often cause the elderly to become bedridden. However, about 70-80% of the elderly population do not require care, and it is necessary to conduct research on the maintenance of activities of daily living to make it possible for the elderly to work or volunteer. From this perspective, mobility is an important physical factor. Mobility is dependent on muscle activity and it has long been known that aging reduces muscle mass. Therefore, it is feasible to assume that reduced muscle mass leads to decreased ability to walk, and we have proven that there is a close correlation between the two. When presenting the idea of strength training to the elderly, it is appropriate to focus on the maintenance and improvement of mobility, not on the training itself. The results of our research can be summarized as follows:Muscle mass decreases with age, with the legs being affected to a greater degree than the arms. Moreover, muscle atrophy is dependent on weakening of muscle fibers, especially fast-twitch (Type II) fibers. Reduced lower limb muscle mass increases the risk of falling and can decrease walking ability to a degree that can affect daily living activities.In order to improve reduced muscle mass in aging, it is important to use an exercise program that is designed to strengthen fast-twitch fibers, which can be followed even by the elderly. Since walking therapy mostly mobilizes slow twitch fibers, it is not effective in preventing and improving muscle atrophy. It is important to have an exercise program that is designed to mobilize fast-twitch fibers.