池内 了 杉山 直 海部 宣男 土居 守 福島 登志夫 長谷川 哲夫

米田 和夫 長谷川 円 青木 健司 渡部 一夫
Japanese Society of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Engineers and Scientists
生物環境調節 (ISSN:05824087)
vol.39, no.3, pp.211-216, 2001-09-30 (Released:2010-06-22)

Three cultivars of Odontoglossum Intergeneric hybrid orchid, Velano (Odontioda Marie Noel‘Velano’), Polka (Odontonia Moliere‘Polka’) and Rubis (Odontioda Picasso‘Rubis’) were studied to ameliorate the development of leaf burn occurred after transplanting. The symptom, started at the tip of a leaf and spread to the petiole, began to appear 4-6 weeks after they were potted from the flasks in which they had been cultured. The leaf eventually abscised. The leaf burn did not occur in new leaves in Velano and Polka, but it did occur in Rubis. The severity of symptom differed among cultivars and it reduced significantly in the case where the plants were kept in high humidity for 80 d after they were potted from the flasks, but the high humidity did not retard the growth of plants. The leaves with leaf burn tended to contain higher Ca than those without leaf burn. There was, however, no significant difference in the concentrations of N, P, K and Mg between normal leaves and those with the leaf burn. The tip-burn in a high humidity environment can be avoided by using suitable cultivars.
近藤 悟 長谷川 光司 湯山 一郎
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.51, no.2, pp.149-156, 2013-04-10 (Released:2013-09-10)

The frictional force between a fingertip and a flat surface of an object is not stable and changes each time. We measured the frictional force through rubbing on the surface of acryl plate by fingertip of forefinger of three men and eight women in life environment and reconfirmed that the frictional forces were not stable. Ten of eleven subjects succeeded to evaluate the difficulty to move the finger rubbing on the surface of the plate using a subjective rating scale method in five degrees. A subjective score revealed that the perceived interference was correlated to the magnitude of the frictional force between the finger and the surface. We recognized the sweat on the fingertip according to correlated value of the maximum coefficient of friction in the ten subjects though the sweat on the fingertip was not confirmed visually.
高橋 健夫 長谷川 悦示 刈谷 三郎
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.39, no.1, pp.29-37, 1994-05-10 (Released:2017-09-27)
12 10

The present study is on a method of the evaluation of physical education classes by students. Some efficient instruments for the summative evaluation have already been developed. However, the reliable instrument for the formative evaluation seems to be missing. Therefore, we intended to develop a convenient and effective instrument for formative evaluation of physical education class which can be used in each teaching unit. The subjects were 1428 pupils from 42 classes in 6 elementary schools. They were asked to answer a questionnaire which contained 28 items on the instructional objectives and the ways of learning after each physical education class in the middle part of the teaching units. Four factors were extracted by means of factor analysis. Those were 1) motivation, 2) outcome, 3) ways of learning, and 4) cooperation. These factors were almost consistent with the standards of evaluation in the guidelines issued by the Japanese Ministry of Education and also with those of the instrument for summative evaluation developed in our previous research. Four factor scores showed significant and positive relationships with those of the comprehensive evaluation items concerning good or effective instruction. Thus, the factors were interpreted as effective standards for formative evaluation. A simplified questionnaire which consisted of 12 items from the 4 factors was constructed as a practical instrument of formative evaluation in elementary school physical education classes.
木暮 槇太 中島 誠 高橋 幸吉 稲神 馨 須藤 芳三 待田 行雄 林 禎二郎 平尾 常男 五十嵐 三郎 仲野 良男 竹林 克明 吉田 徳太郎 宮内 潔 江口 正治 林 幸之 佐々木 周郁 渡辺 忠雄 近藤 義和 渋谷 勲 須貝 悦治 田中 茂光 小山 長雄 田中 一行 竹田 寛 竹鼻 孝夫 室賀 明義 蒲生 俊興 高橋 保雄 西村 浩 長谷川 金作 森 幸之 永友 雄 梅谷 与七郎 中村 晃三 松本 介 宮沢 正明 加藤 康雄 土橋 俊人 高木 直温 柳沼 泰衛 小野 四郎 村山 隆之 近森 俊哉 辻 辰四郎 小川 敬之 小松 四郎 大岡 忠三 妹尾 計一 森本 宏 梶浦 みち子 萩原 清治 瓶子 まち子 中条 紀三 高木 春郎 飯島 荘資 横内 和多良 清水 滋 堀内 彬明 堀内 ちよし 原田 忠次 木村 敬助 青木 秀夫 後藤 四男 小林 恵之助 皆川 基 皆川 豊作 岡村 源一 小河原 貞二 村山 穰助
社団法人 日本蚕糸学会
日本蚕糸学雑誌 (ISSN:00372455)
vol.25, no.3, pp.244-255, 1956-06-28 (Released:2010-11-29)

蚕卵発育中に於けるPhasphataseの組織化学的所見2雄核の接合に関する細胞学的観察カイコガのモザイク複眼の構造とできかた家蚕蛹の頭部が産卵に及ぼす影響家蚕の血組織に関する生理学的研究 (II) 蛹の発育に伴う囲心細胞及び周気管細胞中の遊離アミノ酸の消長家蚕その他数種絹糸虫における誘引物質の共通性と類縁関係に関する研究蚕種の冷蔵障害と水銀塩による沈澱物前胸腺移植後の結紮と絹糸腺の成長家蚕のフラビン化合物に関する研究 (V) 蛹の器官特に中腸におけるフラビン化合物について (予報)家蚕の計量的形質と脳-食道下神経節連合体の機能追加7.白殫病菌の蚕卵への接種試験繭・繊維の部熱風乾燥に関する研究 (II)繭解じよの向上についての研究 (IV) 病蚕成立繭特に硬化病, 軟化病, 膿繭蚕繭の性状繭及び生糸の繊度変異に関する研究 (9) 定粒生糸と定繊度生糸の性能比較について生糸の摩擦係数に関する研究 (7) 精練度と摩擦係数について糸条斑と繰糸管理について生糸の練減率測定に関する2, 3の知見絹の膨潤現象から見た中心層発現の-所見チオ尿素樹脂の還元性について繭層セリシン溶液の粘度吐糸営繭に伴なう繭形の変化 (続)営繭条件と分離細繊維との関係フイブロインの糸条形成について (VIII) フイブロインの溶液中における分散状態について絹糸構造の研究 (I)酵素製糸の研究 (II)酵素精練の研究 (II)追加8. 落緒に関する研究 (II) 落緒形態の出現率とその分布
坂田 金正 高田 靖司 植松 康 酒井 英一 立石 隆 長谷川 雅美 蔭山 麻里子 浅川 満彦
日本生物地理学会会報 (ISSN:00678716)
vol.61, pp.135-139, 2006-12-30

To study the biogeography on the Japanese insular helminth fauna of Apodemus speciosus (Muridae, Rodentia), thoses from the Izu Islands in Japan were investigated in the present survey. A total 525 individuals of the large Japanese field mice were collected between March, 1984 and June, 1998. From the field mice collected on five islands in the of Izu Island Chain, including Ohshima Island (abbreviated to o), Nii-jima Island (n), Shikine jima Island (s), Kozu-shima Island (k) and Miyake-jima Island (m), 10 parasitic nematode species, namely, Heligmonoides speciosus [o, n, s, k, m; showing the abbreviations of the localities], Rhabditis strongyloides [o, k], Syphacia frederici [o, n, k, m], Heterakis spumosa [o, n, s, k], Subulura suzuldi [k], Rictularia cristata [s, k, m], Physaloptera sp. [o, k, m], Mastophorus muris [n, k], Eucoleus sp. [k], and Trichunis sp. [s], were detected through the present examination. This is the first report of the parasitic nematodes obtained from A. speciosus in the Izu Islands. The nematodes obtained except for Physalopera sp. have been reported already from A. speciosus occurring on the main islands and several offshore islands of Japan. The distribution pattern of homogenic development nematode genera, Heligmonoides and Heligmosomoides, was "Heligmonoides speciosus present, Helib nosomoides kurilensis absent"-type.
高橋 尚志 礒田 誠 大浦 みゆき 西原 浩 高木 由美子 佐々木 信行 藤原 佳代子 高橋 智香 金子 之史 末廣 喜代一 松本 一範 稗田 美嘉 森 征洋 松村 雅文 寺尾 徹 川勝 博 北林 雅洋 笠 潤平 福家 弘康 西川 健男 高橋 正人 久利 知光 林 雄二 東条 直樹 横川 勝正 上村 和則 武藤 成継 石川 恭広 長谷川 忍
香川大学教育実践総合研究 (ISSN:1345708X)
vol.16, pp.35-43, 2008

長谷川 端
日本文學誌要 (ISSN:02877872)
vol.57, pp.106-107, 1998-03-24
澤村 良二 櫻井 映子 山本 美枝子 立川 真理子 長谷川 明
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
衛生化学 (ISSN:0013273X)
vol.28, no.5, pp.267-273, 1982-10-30 (Released:2008-05-30)
2 3

In the reaction of hypochlorite with amino acids, chloramine is formed at the first stage, and then decarboxylation and oxidation occur. Thus, either corresponding aldehyde and ammonia or corresponding nitrile is formed from amino acids. In the present studies, the products in the reaction mixture of glycine with hypochlorite at neutral condition are determined quantitatively. When the molar ratio of hypochlorite to glycine was less than 1, the residual chlorine and glycine were stable in the reaction mixture ; thus no ammonia and no aldehyde were formed. At the molar ratio ranging from 1 to 3, cyanide and cyanogen chloride were produced. Maximum formation of cyanide was observed at the ratio of about 2, but its yield was only 20% of glycine. When hypochlorite reacted on glycine at the molar ratio of 3, cyanogen chloride was produced in a quantitative yield. Cyanogen chloride was degraded by subsequent addition of excess hypochlorite. From these results, it is concluded that the nitrile formation is a main reaction of glycine with hypochlorite.
櫻井 謙三 田中 成明 柳澤 俊之 森 華奈子 堀内 正浩 長谷川 泰弘
臨床神経学 (ISSN:0009918X)
vol.55, no.8, pp.555-560, 2015 (Released:2015-08-21)

経鼻胃管挿入中に両側声帯麻痺をきたした脳梗塞2例,Parkinson病2例を報告する.症例はいずれも著明なるいそうを呈する高齢者であり,低栄養状態であった.経鼻胃管挿入後平均17.8日で両側声帯麻痺をきたし,3例は気管切開術を施行,全例で救命しえた.両側声帯麻痺の原因は多岐にわたり,臨床現場で厳密にnasogastric tube syndrome(NGTS)と診断することは困難だが,本症の可能性を念頭におき,適切に対処することが肝要である.自験例では低栄養状態や低免疫状態がNGTSの危険因子となりうる可能性を指摘したが,今後,危険因子や誘発因子,対処法について症例を重ね検討する必要がある.