上田 裕文 町田 佳世子 河村 奈美子 小関 信行
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.76, no.5, pp.533-538, 2013 (Released:2014-05-08)
2 4

Beneficial effects of forest walking have been reported by previous basic researches. However, practical data about existing health tourisms still remain insufficient. This study aimed at clarifying how the participants' moods change in the course of the forest walking in Kaminoyama. Kaminoyama in Yamagata prefecture is promoting a health tourism connecting the hot spring and forest walking. The questionnaire about mood alteration was conducted three times during rest breaks as well as before and after the walking program. The Questionnaire included a mood scale of 12 items concerning ‘Active mood’, ‘Relaxed mood’ and ‘Negative mood’. To point out the factors of mood changing, the respondents were also asked about their impressive points in the walking program. The results showed that participants' ‘Active mood’ and ‘Relaxed mood’ enhanced and ‘Negative mood’ was mitigated gradually in the course of the walking program. Even on a rainy day ‘Negative mood’ was reduced. It was suggested that participants' moods change is interactively affected not only by natural environments but also by physical characteristics of the trail, information from guides and communication with other participants.
谷村 勇輔 田中 良夫 横川 三津夫 関口 智嗣
情報処理学会研究報告計算機アーキテクチャ(ARC) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2006, no.20, pp.115-120, 2006-02-27

実大三次元振動実験により生成される貴重,かつ膨大なデータを格納するためのデータリポジトリシステム「EDgrid Central」を設計した.EDgrid Central はバックエンドに大容量のストレージと振動実験データの格納用に考案されたデータモデルを実装し,フロントエンドではメタデータによる実験データの検索やデータファイルの一括ダウンロード機能をWeb インタフェースとして提供する.これは米国のNEES プロジェクトで開発されたNEEScentral ソフトウェアをもとに,振動実験のデータを扱うユーザの意見を踏まえて必要な機能の追加・拡張,EDgrid スタイルのデザインへの置き換えを行ったものである.EDgrid Central を運用することで,振動実験データを格納するための半恒久的なリポジトリを確保するとともに,地震工学の研究者がお互いの実験や解析結果を日常的に交換,共有利用する環境を提供することができる.A data repository system, that is called EDgrid Central, is designed for storing huge amount of experiment data by using a 3-D full-scale earthquake testing facility. The EDgrid Central prepares large storage capacity and implements a data modeling for the shake test in the backend. The frontend is a portal for users to retrieve the stored data by meta-data search and bulk download. This system uses the NEEScentral developed by the NEES project in the United States by enhancing search and download functionalities, according to the EDgrid users' requirements. The EDgrid Central allows facility sites to have a permanent repository of the shaking table experiment and it also enables civil engineering researchers to share their data and reports in their daily activities.
瀬戸 寿一 関本 義秀
公益社団法人 日本都市計画学会
都市計画論文集 (ISSN:09160647)
vol.53, no.3, pp.1515-1522, 2018-10-25 (Released:2018-10-25)

村田 希吉 関谷 宏祐 大友 康裕 齋藤 大蔵
日本腹部救急医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13402242)
vol.36, no.6, pp.1023-1026, 2016-09-30 (Released:2017-01-18)

Damage Control Surgery(以下,DCS)の適応基準については多くの議論がある。今回,われわれは日本外傷データバンク(以下,JTDB)から開腹手術を受けた外傷患者4,447例を抽出し,DCSを受けた532例と通常の開腹手術を受けた3,915例を分析した。DCS群は来院時のバイタルサインが悪く,FAST陽性率,輸血率,死亡率いずれも高かった。ロジスティック回帰分析では脈拍,体温,意識レベル,受傷機転が独立したDCS予測因子であった。この予測因子をカテゴリー化し,重み付けをしてDamage Control Indication Detecting Score(DECIDE score)を作成したところ,死亡率との相関を認め,体温,意識レベル,受傷機転の3つの情報でDCSの適応判断が可能であった。Cut off値5点での死亡率は30.8%,感度64.8%,特異度70.0%であった。本スコアはプレホスピタルで判断可能であり,術前から外傷チーム内での意識共有が可能である。
伊藤 宏一 社団法人自動車技術会関東支部学生自動車研究会
研究紀要 (ISSN:03871355)
vol.38, pp.153-159, 2001-10

都市部道路の交通容量の改善は,早急には実現困難であり,即効性のある改善策が求められている。通勤時間帯の渋滞の列を眺めていると,ドライバーだけの5人乗りの自動車が延々と連なっているが,もっと小さな自動車でも事足りるケースが多いと思われる。日本における10番目の自動車メーカーである株式会社光岡自動車のMC-1は,原動機付き自転車と同じ排気量49ccのエンジンを,全長が2mにも満たない小さな車体に搭載した省スペース・省燃費な自動車,まさにマイクロカーである。マイクロカーは,自動車に伴う環境問題やエネルギ問題に対する一つの解決策として,もっと普及しても良い筈であるが,今ひとつ普及していない。この原因として,その存在そのものが一般に知られていないこと及び,その動力性能,経済性,安全性などが紹介されていないことがある。そこで,シティ・コミューターとして極めてユニークな存在と言えるMITSUOKA MC-1を取り上げ,日産ディーゼル工業株式会社の茂木テストコースを用いて実車試験を実施し,定量的にその性能を明らかにすることにした。
関口 博子
音楽教育学 (ISSN:02896907)
vol.36, no.2, pp.12-22, 2006 (Released:2017-08-08)

本稿は, 19世紀前期ドイツ語圏スイスの音楽教育・音楽文化において顕著なペスタロッチ主義による学校音楽教育の改革と合唱運動という2つの視点から, H. G. ネーゲリ (1773-1836) の音楽教育思想とその活動の歴史的意義を再評価することを課題とする。ネーゲリは, 従来の音楽教育史研究においてはもっぱらペスタロッチ主義の方法論者としてのみ評価されてきた。しかし彼は, それだけにとどまらず, 人間形成をその目的として学校音楽教育を出発点に, そこから民衆レベルの芸術運動まで展望し, ポリフォニーの合唱作品による人間としての「自立」と他者との「共立」という, スイスの近代民衆像を構想した。そして, そこまで一貫した理論を構築して実践し, さらにその実践を協会運動として構想・展開しており, それがネーゲリの音楽教育と合唱運動の近代性を際立たせている。つまりネーゲリの音楽教育の改革は, 広義の民衆文化の改革と創造の運動であったと言うことができる。
関戸 恒昭
太成学院大学紀要 (ISSN:13490966)
vol.9, pp.239-250, 2007-03-31

牧田 光雄 関根 活郎 山田 雅人
一般社団法人 日本輸血・細胞治療学会
日本輸血学会雑誌 (ISSN:05461448)
vol.5, no.4, pp.145-146, 1958 (Released:2010-03-12)

The classification of the mouse blood types was described and the following results were obtained.1. Applying human anti-A and anti-B sera as agglutinins, the blood cells of the mouse were divided into four groups:a) agglutinated by human anti-A sera (17.4per cent)b) agglutinated by human anti-B sera (13.9per cent)c) agglutinated by human anti-A and anti-B sera (48.2per cent)d) neither agglutinated by human anti-A nor anti-B sera (20.5per cent)2. The blood cells of some mice were agglutinated by human AB blood type sera (69.6per cent). This result indicated that human AB blood type sera included certain agglutinins against mouse blood cells.3. Based on the antigenic analysis of blood types of the mouse by means of anti M I and M II sera of immunized rabbits, the blood cells of mouse were divided into four groups:a) M I type (13.3per cent)b) M II type (40.9per cent)c) M I, M II type (43.8per cent)d) X (non-agglutinated) type (2.0per cent)
尾県 貢 生田 香明 猪熊 真 関岡 康雄 大山 良徳 近藤 潤
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.33, no.1, pp.69-78, 1988-06-01 (Released:2017-09-27)

The skipping is the movement modeled after sprint running. The purpose of this study was to examine effects of skipping training on physical fitness, sprint ability and sprinting form. Nine non-athlete male university students participated in the training consisted of skipping exercises three days per week for eight weeks. The experiment was performed before and after the training period. The experiment was composed of measuring physical fitness and filming 100 m dash. Variables of analysis were: 1) back strength, vertical jump, stepping effeciency while sitting on a chair, 2) maximum anaerobic power, 3) isokinetic peak torque and isokinetic endurance of knee extension and flexion, and hip flexion, 4) 100m sprint record, and sprint record in each 20m sections, 5) running velocity, step frequency and step length, 6) thigh angle and angular velocity, and knee angle and angular velocity, 7) time for one step, support time and nonsupport time, 8) locus of ankle around trochanter major. Results were as follows: 1. Factors of physical fitness such as back strength, maximum anaerobic power and isokinetic peak torque were significantly improved after training. 2. 100m sprint record was significantly shortened, due to the increase of step frequency. 3. After training, the maximum running velocity was kept up for a longer period, and running velocity in 80 m to 100 m became remarkably faster. 4. After training, time for one step and nonsupport time were significantly shortened. 5. The knee lift during recovery phase became significantly higher. 6. The angular velocity of thigh of recovery leg became significantly faster. It is concluded that the skipping training for eight weeks improves sprint ability, sprinting form and physical fitness related to sprint running.
尾縣 貢 安井 年文 大山〓 圭悟 山崎 一彦 苅部 俊二 高本 恵美 伊藤 穣 森田 正利 関岡 康雄
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.45, no.3, pp.422-432, 2000-05-10 (Released:2017-09-27)

A study was conducted to examine the relationship between the physical characteristics and race patterns of 400-m running in three elite 400-m runners.The experiments were composed of a physical fitness test and an analysis of 400-m race patterns.Maximal O_2 intake, maximal anaerobic power, isokinetic muscular endurance and isokinetic maximum muscular power were evaluated in a laboratory.Final 400-m races in the Japan Championship and the National Sports Festival were filmed using video cameras, and analyzed to calculate the changes in running speed during the 400-m distance.In accordance with the race analysis results, the three 400-m runners were divided into two types.One was the "even pace"type, which showed a tendency to maintain a higher running speed until the finish of the race.The other was the "first half"type, which showed the highest speed from the start until the 190-m point.The even pace type had a higher maximal O_2 intake and isokinetic muscular endurance of the lower limbs.The first half type was a good record holder over 100-m and 200-m distances.These results indicate that physical characteristics influence the race pattern of 400-m running.
関矢 静男 辻 和郎 山中 実
Japan Oil Chemists' Society
油化学 (ISSN:18842003)
vol.28, no.7, pp.497-500, 1979-07-20 (Released:2009-11-10)

A rapid method is described for the separation and determination of nonionic substances in detergents by use of a centrifugal chromatograph. The sample was placed on the center of a circular alumina disk and eluted with 300 ml of a mixed solvent, ethyl acetate/methanol (1 : 1, vol/vol), rotating the disk at 400 rpm. By this method nonionic substances such as alkyl poly (oxyethylene) ether and N, N-bis (2-hydroxyethyl) alkanamide in commercial detergents and shampoos were separated quantitatively within 10 min without the interference from coexisting anionic surfactants. The analytical results agreed with those obtained by the column chromatography on alumina.
関 千代
美術研究 = The bijutsu kenkiu : the journal of art studies
no.311, pp.29-34, 1979-10-30

A letter of Hōgai KANO (1828–1888) addressed to Toshisada TAWARA, his father-in-law who was a doctor, is owned by Hōgai's great-grandson, Mr. Hiroshi KANO. The letter has the date of November 6 and, judging from the content, it is recognized as being of the fourth year of Ansei Era (1857). It has an illustration drawn by Hōgai himself representing Townsend HARRIS, the first American Consul General to Japan who arrived at his post in 1856, a Japanese escort and a translator in the audience of the Shōgun. At the head of the letter, Hōgai states that Teppei, a son of Toshisada and a brother of Hōgai's wife Yoshi, should study medicine for continuity in the family occupation. A large part of the letter is on the visit of HARRIS to the Edo Castle which was big news to the people of the time. HARRIS, who sailed into the port of Shimoda in July 1856 and opened a consulate there, proceeded to Edo by land and visited the Shōgun in the Edo Castle to present the letter from the President. The letter was presented on October 21, 1857. Hōgai wrote for the people in his home town the news of HARRIS's overland trip and the audience in the castle to which he added an illustration. The illustration is vividly drawn and has a note saying “The sketchy drawing of the teacher is like this”, suggesting that the illustration was based on a sketchy drawing of Shōsen-in Tadanobu KANŌ who was his teacher. This leeter thus clarified that Hōgai was in Edo in this fall, but not in his home town Chōfu as is presumed by some people. At the same time, it indicates that he was already married then because his wife's name is mentioned without an honorific word in the letter.
関 千代
美術研究 (ISSN:00219088)
no.311, pp.p29-34,図1p, 1979-10