築山 宏樹
年報政治学 (ISSN:05494192)
vol.66, no.1, pp.1_283-1_305, 2015 (Released:2018-06-10)

This study investigates the effect of legislator behaviors on electoral outcome using the panel data of 47 prefectural assembly elections in Japan from 1975 to 2007. In particular, we focus on two legislator strategies to influence public policy under the institution of the Japanese local government: party control of the local governor through electoral support and bill introduction on their own. Theoretically, legislator behaviors would affect electoral fortune, whereas electoral forecast would affect legislator strategies. To address such an endogeneity problem, we adopt the Arellano–Bond estimator for dynamic panel data. The results controlling the endogeneity indicate that parties increase their electoral margins when affiliating with the governor and that the number of bills introduced by parties has no effect on their electoral margins. Furthermore, we discuss that the difference of the effectiveness between the two legislator strategies is caused by the institutional feature of the Japanese local government, where the governor dominates the policy-making process.
林 盛 山﨑 康造 木村 俊明 権藤 智之
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.25, no.60, pp.935-940, 2019-06-20 (Released:2019-06-20)
1 5

This paper reports the design and construction process of 3D curved reinforced concrete roof in a recent project. In design process, “base model” based on NURBS was used to make consensus on the shape between designers and contractors. In construction, it was utilized for high precision construction and rationalization.
上松 一雄 森 秀隆 間瀬 正隆
公益社団法人 日本マリンエンジニアリング学会
日本舶用機関学会誌 (ISSN:03883051)
vol.31, no.11, pp.808-816, 1996-11-01 (Released:2010-12-08)

Mitsubishi Heavy Industies, Ltd. developed high-efficient, high-reliable and compact, ‘Marine Gas Turbine MFT 8’ for Goverment sponsored project ‘Techno Super Liner’ which is getting much attention as Marine Super Express. As a result we succeeded Sea Trial in '94 and real transportation test including night operation in '95 by using a experimental ship ‘TSL-A70’ which were developed by Mitsubishi and Mitsui. This paper reports these results and the future of Marine Gas Turbine.

46 0 0 0 OA 幼童手引草

杉田玄端 訳
vol.初編 巻之上, 1873
岡村 行信
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.71, pp.185-199, 2019-03-10 (Released:2019-04-09)
2 4

An active fault map of Japan Sea was compiled based mainly on bathymetric data and seismic profiles that cover shelves to slopes between 4 to 150 km from the coasts of Japan Islands. The seismic profiles using air guns as seismic sources revealed active faults that have slipped during the last 104 to 106 years. In addition, high-resolution seismic profiles using a boomer as the seismic source were obtained along seaward extensions of onshore active faults in shallow sea areas less than 150 m below sea-level, and activity of the faults during the last 104 years was identified. In northeastern Japan Sea, to the northeast of the Noto Peninsula, many reverse faults accompanying large hanging wall anticlines (>750 m uplift) are concentrated in two N-S trending fault zones along the Okushiri and Sado ridges. Earthquakes larger than M 7.5 in 1940, 1964, 1983 and 1993 occurred in these fault belts. Three NE-SW trending fault zones cross the N-S trending fault zones and disrupt the structure of the N-S fault zones. In the offshore area from the Noto Peninsula to the Tango Peninsula, active reverse faults accompanying smaller hanging anticlines (<375 m uplift) are identified in a zone trending subparallel to the coasts. In addition, NW-SE to N-S trending strike-slip and reverse faults extend from onshore to offshore. In the offshore area to the west of the Tango Peninsula, E-W and NW-SE trending active strike-slip faults are identified. The former faults developed in about 40 km wide zones sub-parallel to the coast, and the later faults are located landward of the E-W trending fault zones. Some of the later faults are extensions of onshore active faults. Unknown active faults may exist in shallow sea area along coasts where have not been thoroughly investigated. Displacements of the faults during the last 106 years are large in northeastern Japan Sea and decrease to the southwest, while slip rates of these faults during the last 104 years are inferred to have smaller differences. These faults have the potential of future earthquakes, while there is not enough data to evaluate the activities of these faults.
高草木 薫
脊髄外科 (ISSN:09146024)
vol.27, no.3, pp.208-215, 2013 (Released:2017-05-11)

This review discusses neuronal mechanisms controlling posture and locomotion. Volitional gait behaviors are composed of “automatic control of posture and rhythmic limb movements” that operate in conjunction with “intentional control of precise movements of the trunk, limbs, and feet.” The automatic control of posture and rhythmic limb movements is mediated by the ventromedial descending motor system from structures of the brainstem. Descending signals in this system activate spinal interneuronal circuits, which are termed central pattern generators (CPGs), to automatically generate a locomotor rhythm and pattern in cooperation with sensory afferents from muscles, joints, and skin. However, when moving, the subject requires intentional gait modification, which in turn critically involves an activation of the dorsolateral descending motor system, or the lateral corticospinal tract, arising from the motor cortical areas. An intentional gait control is always preceded by appropriate postural adjustments, which are themselves achieved by the motor programs in motor cortical areas including the supplementary motor area and premotor area. To generate and develop the motor programs, information of bodily function such as body schema, which is always updated at the temporoparietal cortex on the basis of proprioceptive, visual, vestibular and auditory sensations, can be critically required. The postural control program is propagated to the brainstem, via the cortico-reticular projection, so that anticipatory postural adjustment is performed by the activation of the ventromedial systems immediately before the onset of the intentional gait modification. Conversely, programs of intentional gait control are transmitted to the primary motor cortex so that precise limb trajectories can be generated and accurate foot placement is achieved by the activation of the corticospinal tract. Signals from the basal ganglia and the cerebellum regulate “automatic processes” by acting on the brainstem and “intentional processes” by acting on the cerebral cortex. Operation of the basal ganglia is largely affected by dopamine, and cerebellar function depends on feed-forward and feedback signals acting on the cerebellum. Dysfunction of either mechanism of the above processes may result in postural disturbance and/or gait failure. (328 words)

11 0 0 0 OA 幼童手引草

杉田玄端 訳
vol.初編巻之上, 1874
常石 史子
デジタルアーカイブ学会誌 (ISSN:24329762)
vol.3, no.2, pp.175-178, 2019-03-15 (Released:2019-06-01)

森山 修治 長谷見 雄二 小川 純子 佐野 友紀 神 忠久 蛇石 貴宏
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.74, no.637, pp.233-240, 2009-03-30 (Released:2009-11-24)
4 5

In view of the rapid large scale development of underground in the central big cities, especially around terminal stations, evacuation experiments have been conducted with 79 subjects using an underground shopping mall near Tokyo Station actually in service after business hours. Four groups of 20 subjects started from different locations and time to “escape” from any of emergency exits was measured for each subject. 12 out of the 79 subjects wore elderly simulator to compare evacuation behavior of elderly and that of younger people. The evacuation behavior was also monitored by video cameras and escape route of each subject was reproduced afterwards. Five experiments were conducted using the lighting conditions and layout of emergency exits as parameters. The starting point was changed from experiment to experiment, not making any subject repeat similar selection of escape route. The shopping mall is composed of grid of passages, and is installed with escape route sign lights on every passage according to Fire Service Law. In every experiment, it was observed that considerable portion of subjects did not select right passage toward nearest exit at intersection nor passed over right exits. These are not compliant with widely accepted assumption for deterministic modeling of evacuation in mall-like facility. Factors dictating the probability to select right passage at intersections and that to recognize emergency exit are analyzed from the experimental data.
福田 治久 佐藤 大介 白岩 健 福田 敬
保健医療科学 (ISSN:13476459)
vol.68, no.2, pp.158-167, 2019-05-01 (Released:2019-06-13)

目的:2011年度より第三者提供が開始されたレセプト情報・特定健診等情報データベース(NDB)の研究利用が不十分な状況にある.学術研究を加速化させ,エビデンスに基づいた医療政策を推進するためには,NDBの活用可能性を高めていく必要がある.本研究の目的は,臨床疫学研究および医療経済研究を行うのに有用性が高く,かつ,データ容量の効率性が高いNDB解析用データセットを構築することである.方法:2009年 4 月から2016年12月の間の医科入院レセプトおよびDPCレセプトにおいて 1 度でも出現したことのある解析用患者IDを全データから無作為に25%分を抽出し,当該解析用患者IDの全期間における全診療行為情報を含む全レセプトデータを格納したNDBを用いた.臨床疫学研究および医療経済研究を行うのに有用性の高い解析用データセットテーブルに必要な変数について検討した.また,医科レセプトにおいては退院年月日情報が含まれていないことから,レセプトデータを用いた補完的な退院年月日を付加する方法について検討した.本検討では,退院年月日情報が含まれるDPCレセプトを用いて,入院年月日と診療実日数を用いる場合と,診療行為発生日を用いる場合のそれぞれの方法で退院年月日を算出し,実際のDPCレセプトに記載されている退院年月日との一致状況について検証した.結果:NDBに含まれるレコード識別情報を有機的に連結させた解析用データセットテーブルとして,以下の11テーブルを開発した:患者(KAN),レセプト(REC),傷病名(SYO),診療行為(SIN),薬剤(IYA),特定器材(TOK),調剤(TYO),調剤加算料等(TKA),DPC診断群分類(BUD),医療機関(IRK),入院(ADM).医療機関(IRK)を除く各テーブルは解析用患者IDによって相互に突合することができる.また,医科レセプトにおける補完退院年月日は,診療行為(SI),医薬品(IY),特定器材(TO),コーディングデータ(CD)の各レコードにおける診療行為年月日の最終日情報を用いることで,99.83%の入院症例において正しい退院年月日を付加することができた.結論:本研究において開発した解析用データセットテーブルを用いることで,NDBを用いた臨床疫学研究および医療経済研究を即座に実施可能な環境をもたらすことができる.
家永 遵嗣 水野 圭士 林 哲民 タトヤン ディミトリ 小口 康仁 野里 顕士郎 熊谷 すずみ 安達 悠奈
人文 (ISSN:18817920)
no.17, pp.157-189, 2019-03

標題の史料を翻刻・提示し、主な問題点三点について解説した。 第一に、清原良賢が足利将軍家に奉仕するようになる契機が、持明院統の皇位継承争いのなかで、義満が良賢を後円融上皇・後小松天皇の支持者として固定しようとしたことにあったこと。第二に、標題の史料から、永徳元年に義満が編成した家政機関の政所別当一五名・侍所別当一〇名を特定でき、弁官系諸家を糾合することで崇光上皇の院政を阻止する布石であったとみられること。第三に、成立期の「室町殿」に「障子上」「侍所」が設けられていたことから、室町殿における公卿の家礼と殿上人の家司との意思疎通と連繫が窺い知れること。以上、標題の史料の重要性について解説した。|These three documents are related to Ashikaga Yoshimitsu’s “Ninnkai Daikyou,” a celebration banquet for taking up the third ministe “NaiDaijinn,” in Eitoku 1(A.D. 1381). From these three documents, we can know about Ashikaga Yoshimitsu’s “Kugeka,” becoming a ruler over the royal court. In those days, the “Hokucho” royal court was struggling for the royal throne. One was a descendant from Gokougonn Tennou, the other was Sukou Jyoukou, the elder brother of Gokougonn Tennou, and his son Yoshihito. Ashikaga Yoshimitsu was a nephew of Gokougonn Tennou. Therefore, Ashikaga Yoshimitsu supported Goennyuu Tennou, the son of Gokougonn Tennou, in cooperation with Nijyou Yoshimoto, a man of power in the “Hokucho” royal court. In preparing the “Ninnkai Daikyou” banquet, Yoshimitsu took talented court nobles as his manservants, such as Kiyohara Yoshikata, the original author of “Shoninndaikyouki”. Therefore, Sukou Jyoukou lost his power in the royal court. Then Gokomatsu Tennou, son of Goennyuu Tennou, was able to take the throne in Eitoku 2(A.D. 1382). These three documents reveal 25 people who bacame Yoshimitsu’s manservants. A transcriptor commented on each person’s kinship and the relationship between each person and his masters. And these three Documents reveal the location of the “Shoujinoue” and “Samuraidokoro,” the offices of the manservants, in “Muromachidono,” the palace of Ashikaga Yoshimitsu. They suggest the way in which Yoshimitsu came to understandings with his retainers.
堀田 典裕
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.60, no.478, pp.169-177, 1995-12-30 (Released:2017-01-27)

This paper is an attempt to analyze the evoluting process and the spatial characteristics of Dohtoku residential quarter in Nagaoya. Rice fields reclaimed in the Edo era were developed by Nagoya-sanbashi-soko Inc. in the early Showa era as the residential quarter for the workers of the factories around Nagoya Port. Although a licensed area was included in the preliminary plan, it was changed into the waterfront amusement park by the direction of the Town Planning Committee of Aichi Prefecture. Around this big park and five small parks, the streets were arranged in a partially radiating pattern.
成松 宏美 杉山 弘晃 菊井 玄一郎 平 博順 的場 成紀 東中 竜一郎
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 第33回全国大会(2019)
pp.3C4J901, 2019 (Released:2019-06-01)

浪川 健治
北海道大学総合博物館研究報告 (ISSN:1348169X)
vol.4, pp.133-138, 2008-03-31

No historical documentation recording or implying the existence of the Iomante ceremony by the Ainu people who were living in the northern most part of Honshu Island (Tohoku district) has even been found. The only source which contains rich descriptions about the Honshu Ainu people, especially the Tsugaru Ainu, is the Hirosaki Domain Chronicles (1661–1868). However, although these chronicles are filled with records of Ainu rules and organizations, it lacks the necessary descriptions of production and daily living of the Ainu, recording only unusual incidences such as accidents and rescues. It is clear, though, through analysis of the Hirosaki Domain Chronicles, that bear cub rearing which was indispensable for the Iomante Ceremony was common among the Hoshu Ainu. Furthermore, the hunting culture of the Tsugaru Ainu during the first half of the 18th century was very similar to that of the Hokkaido Ezo Ainu during the last half of 18th century. This proves that the Ainu on either side of the Tsugaru Strait shared common hunting, ethic, and religious cultures. For further investigation on what the cultures were like and how they paralleled with the Ezo cultures, it will be necessary to do traditional research of various travel diaries and also to analyze historic documents from retroactive and folkloristic points of view, incorporating the results in the research of material culture.
古田 和久
一般社団法人 日本教育学会
教育学研究 (ISSN:03873161)
vol.83, no.1, pp.13-25, 2016 (Released:2016-06-27)
