奈良 雅之
Health and Behavior Sciences (ISSN:13480898)
vol.9, no.2, pp.183-187, 2011 (Released:2020-05-21)

This study described the development of the scale for measuring felt shoulder stiffness (SMFS). The questionnaire was 28 items selected from previous studies.  The factor analysis was conducted on responses from 506 students, and three factors were extracted and were identified: I) Numbness and a prickle; II) Dull pain of a deep part; III) Sense of congestion. All these factors had high degrees of internal consistency.  The scores of the “Numbness and a prickle” were significantly correlated with the Hostility action scores (r = 0.17). On the other hand, the scores of the “Dull pain of a deep part” were non-significantly correlated with the Hostility action scores, but were significantly correlated with the Depression scores (r = 0.27), and Anxiety scores (r = 0.27). The scores of the “Sense of congestion” were significantly correlated with the Hostility action scores (r = 0.24), the Depression scores (r = 0.23), and Anxiety scores (r = 0.16).  These results suggest that SFMS may be a reliable instrument for assessing shoulder stiffness in Japanese.
Tomoki Iwashita Yasuhiro Tanaka Hideyuki Tamaki Yasuko Yoneda Ayaka Makino Yuka Tateno Yan Li Tadashi Toyama Yoichi Kamagata Kazuhiro Mori
Japanese Society of Microbial Ecology / Japanese Society of Soil Microbiology / Taiwan Society of Microbial Ecology / Japanese Society of Plant Microbe Interactions / Japanese Society for Extremophiles
Microbes and Environments (ISSN:13426311)
vol.35, no.3, pp.ME20081, 2020 (Released:2020-07-17)

The microbial communities inhabiting the fronds of duckweeds have not been investigated in as much detail as those on the roots. We herein examined the microbial communities in three duckweed species using 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing and compared them to those on the roots. The microbial compositions of the fronds were distinct from those of the roots in the three species. Various types of taxonomic bacteria, including rarely cultivated phyla, Acidobacteria, Armatimonadetes, and Verrucomicrobia, were also isolated from the fronds, but at a slightly lower abundance than those from the roots. These results suggest that duckweed fronds are an alternative source for isolating rare and novel microbes, which may otherwise be recalcitrant to cultivation using conventional strategies.
青木 弘行 久保 光徳 鈴木 邁 稲村 栄一郎
一般社団法人 日本デザイン学会
デザイン学研究 (ISSN:09108173)
vol.1990, no.82, pp.65-72, 1990-11-30 (Released:2017-07-25)

石田 優 小山 明
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.81, no.724, pp.1393-1401, 2016 (Released:2016-06-30)

The philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein designed Stonborough Villa with the collaboration of Paul Engelmann. Stonborough Villa is a “Mathematically configured” building very rare in modern architecture. The aspects that distinguish the Villa can be observed in many calculated details such as the boundaries of the walls, which vary in thickness from room to room creating a wall projection, the height of the ceiling and the Double Doors. This research is focused on the doors on the main floor. The placement and the role the doors play in connecting the rooms is an important factor in this particular architecture. The dimensions and positions of the doors are determined by the internal logic of the Hall with strict precision. The main floor is centered around the Hall where the doors connect to every room in the house in a counterclockwise arrangement: The Breakfast room (Frühstückszimmer), Living room (Wohnzimmer), Salon (Saal) and Dining room (Speisezimmer), each having a maximum amount of openings with a respective sequence of 1-2-3-4. The spacing and symmetry when viewed from the room as a whole or as the wall surface the location of the doors in each room and the arrangement, they have their own independent logic. The doors on all five rooms, including the Hall, are Double Doors; some consist of Single Double Doors and Pairs of Double Doors. This paper looks to classify the types of door arrangements in the five rooms of the Stonborough Villa's main floor. Based on the patterns that emerged a Door Schedule was produced. In order to produce the Door Schedule for this research it was necessary to make a comparative study because of the lack of information regarding the subject. This also included and on-field investigation in October of 2013 using a laser distance measuring instrument with which new data was compilated. Through the comparison of the doors that at first sight look as if they had the same shape and dimensions, it was found that there are minute differences in the dimensions. This is most notable in the room connections where there are Pairs of Double Doors, in which, the front door and rear door have different sizes. The arrangement and logical systems mentioned previously can be applied in the Dining room as follows: The four doors are arranged symmetrically while at the same time consist of two types of opening and closing mechanisms. From the Dining room on the far left the Pair of Double Doors lead to the Hall, one opening into the Dining room while the other into the Hall. The remaining three doors open into the Dining room. After surveying the current dimensions of the doors, the Pair of Double Doors which lies between the Hall and the Dining room we can establish that the Double Door which opens into the Hall and the Double Door opening into the Dining room in spite of having the same shape the size is in fact different. These differences also exist in the Pair of Double Doors connecting the Living room and the Salon. For these reasons, we can say that in Stonborough Villa the proportions of the Pairs of Double Doors are adjusted to suit the internal dimensions of the rooms into which they open. The Pairs of Double Doors in Stonborough Villa have a relatively wide spacing in between, this generates a different dynamic whether the doors are opened or closed. With the completed analysis of Stonborough Villa's doors it is clear to see the crucial purpose they possess in the spatial configuration of the House.
西川 隼人 宮島 昌克
公益社団法人 土木学会
土木学会論文集A (ISSN:18806023)
vol.65, no.3, pp.784-796, 2009 (Released:2009-08-20)
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本論文では計測震度と最大加速度のみ収集している自治体観測点を想定して,これらの地震動指標から地震動の周期特性を把握するために,実効加速度と最大加速度の比(最大加速度比)と地震動の卓越周期の関係を調べた.まず,最大加速度比と地震動スペクトルの関係を調べ,スペクトル形状と最大加速度比が関連していることを明らかにした. 続いて,地震観測記録からフーリエスペクトルと速度応答スペクトルのピーク周期を求め,最大加速度比との対応を調べたところ,最大加速度比の変化が震度フィルターの形状と概ね対応していることが分かった.最後に最大加速度比と実効加速度をパラメータとする周期1~2秒の速度応答スペクトル評価式を提案し,単一の地震動指標の場合に比べて高い精度で応答スペクトルを評価できることを明らかにした.
小枝 達也 関 あゆみ 田中 大介 内山 仁志
一般社団法人 日本小児神経学会
脳と発達 (ISSN:00290831)
vol.46, no.4, pp.270-274, 2014 (Released:2014-12-25)

【目的】Response to intervention (RTI) の導入による特異的読字障害の早期発見と早期介入の可能性を検証する. 【方法】小学校1年生 (77名 ; 男児36名) を対象として, RTIを導入して特異的読字障害の早期発見と介入を行い, 3年生での予後を調査する. 【結果】1年生時に4名の音読困難のある児童が発見された. その4名に音読指導 (解読指導と語彙指導) を実施した結果, 3名は音読困難が軽快したが, 1名は特異的読字障害であると診断された. 3年生時には1年生時に発見された1名が特異的読字障害であり, 新たに診断に該当する児童はいなかった. 【結論】1年生時にRTIを導入することで, 特異的読字障害の早期発見と早期介入が可能になると考えられる.
Toshiro Kitagawa Takayuki Hidaka Makiko Naka Susumu Nakayama Kanako Yuge Mitsuaki Isobe Yasuki Kihara for the REAL-HF Investigators
The Japanese Circulation Society
Circulation Reports (ISSN:24340790)
pp.CR-20-0011, (Released:2020-03-14)
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Background:We investigated the current medical and social conditions and outcomes of heart failure (HF) patients in Hiroshima Prefecture, a local district in Japan.Methods and Results:From March 2017 to February 2018 we enrolled all adult patients with hospitalized HF in 8 regional core hospitals that provided an interprofessional team approach for HF patients. We collected patients’ clinical characteristics and information regarding living circumstances, cognitive function, quality of life, and interprofessional team approach. For patients discharged home, we followed up the primary endpoint (all-cause death and all-cause unscheduled readmission), conditions of outpatient cardiac rehabilitation, and home nursing-care services over a 1-year period after discharge. Of the registered patients (n=1,218), 39.2% were super-elderly (≥85 years old); more than half of these patients had preserved ejection fraction (≥50%). In the follow-up cohort (n=632), 140 patients (22.2%) were readmitted with HF exacerbation as the primary endpoint, and almost half (n=295, 46.7%) experienced any primary endpoint. The multivariate analysis adjusted for medical and social factors showed that completion of outpatient cardiac rehabilitation (5-month program) remained a strong negative predictor of the primary endpoint (hazard ratio: 0.15; 95% confidence interval: 0.05–0.48; P=0.0013).Conclusions:Our cohort study highlighted the super-aging of current HF patients in Japan. Cardiac rehabilitation through continuous team approach appears to be associated with favorable overall outcomes in this population.
渡辺 席子
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.10, no.2, pp.77-86, 1995-01-31 (Released:2016-12-03)

This study investigates the roles that two types of information-prototype and exemplar-play in the formation of "blood type stereotypes." The result of a questionnaire study (with 112 college students) confirmed hypotheses concerning the role played by these two types of information. A substantial discrepancy was found between the subjects' beliefs about the blood type-relevant personality traits and the commonly and publicly assumed blood type traits. There also found a substantial variation in subjects' beliefs in this respect. It was found that the exemplar information played an important role, at least among some respondents, in the formation of the "blood type stereotype," such that subjects generalized their personality traits as the traits typical to people with the blood type of their own. The other respondents, on the other hand, seemed to have formed the "blood type stereotype" by adopting the prototypical personality traits commonly believed to characterize people of their blood type.
桑原 牧子
日本文化人類学会研究大会発表要旨集 日本文化人類学会第43回研究大会 (ISSN:21897964)
pp.82, 2009 (Released:2009-05-28)

後藤田 章人 山口 泰彦 岡田 和樹 松樹 隆光
日本顎口腔機能学会雑誌 (ISSN:13409085)
vol.13, no.2, pp.93-102, 2007-02-28 (Released:2010-10-13)
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本研究の目的は, 咀嚼筋活動や顎位など管楽器演奏時の顎機能の特徴を明らかにし, 管楽器演奏により顎関節や咀嚼筋へかかる負荷を検討することである, 被験者として金管楽器奏者18名, 木管楽器奏者12名を対象に管楽器演奏時の咬筋, 側頭筋, 口輪筋, 顎二腹筋の筋電図測定, および下顎切歯点の移動距離の測定を行い, 以下の結果を得た.1.口輪筋, 顎二腹筋の筋活動量は比較的大きかったが, 咬筋, 側頭筋の活動量は最大咬みしめ時に比較すると極めて小さかった.2.音量の大小で各筋の活動量に明らかな変化はなかった.3.金管群と木管群の楽器群間では咬筋, 側頭筋, 顎二腹筋の筋活動量に明らかな差はなかったが, 金管群の方が咬筋活動量の個人間のばらつきが大きかった,4.下顎切歯点については, 木管群の方が下方への移動量が大きかったが, 移動方向の個人間のばらつきは金管群の方が大きかった.以上より, 一般的な楽器演奏では閉口筋の緊張は僅かであり, 顎関節への圧縮方向の力の負荷は少ない可能性が示唆されたが, 個人差の影響についての今後の検討が必要と考えられた.
鈴木 啓介 佐久間 俊
公益社団法人 日本船舶海洋工学会
日本船舶海洋工学会論文集 (ISSN:18803717)
vol.11, pp.51-59, 2010 (Released:2011-01-28)

When a high speed vessel is designed, it is important how we make her sectional area curve effectively on purpose to minimize the hull resistance. But on a sectional area curve, there are, in general, some constraints caused by the requirement of ship arrangement and we cannot reject them simply because we must build not only a small resistance ship but also an easily operable ship. A sectional area curve under these constraints is usually made from the experience of designers by referring one of a type ship, but we don't think we can get a true optimal curve easily only by the experience.In this report, we introduce the linear wave-making resistance theory into the optimal problem and Series 64 model 4793 is chosen as the object for analysis. The sectional area curve of Series 64 model 4793 is expanded into Mathieu function series and the performance is evaluated from the viewpoint of the wave-making resistance. Then we make the optimal curve for the improved hull form theoretically using calculus of variation under some constraints which are established artificially by us.Finally, we carry out resistance experiment of the improved hull form to evaluate our optimal method and it shows good result that the residual resistance of improved hull form becomes around the half of that of the original hull form.
藤野 正隆
The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers
日本造船学会論文集 (ISSN:05148499)
vol.1968, no.124, pp.51-72, 1968-12-20 (Released:2010-01-22)
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前節で述べたように実験周波数には上限と下限があるが, さらに各状態での実験結果を比較するには特定のω'についての結果を用いることにした。そのためマリナー型船についてはω'=0.22~0.26, 東京丸についてはω'=0.17~0.20の結果を選んで以下の解析に使用した。