福島 宏器
心理学評論 (ISSN:03861058)
vol.61, no.3, pp.301-321, 2018 (Released:2020-01-18)

Adequately recognizing one’s own emotion is an important ability for a healthy emotional life and appropriate behavior. This review article features interoception—the sensation of the internal and physiological bodily state—as a crucial factor in emotional experience. This review discusses a possible mechanism of emotion recognition through interoception, arguing several conditions for a healthy or unhealthy relationship between the body and the mind. First, a brief introduction to interoception is provided. It is proposed that the concept of interoception should be organized into two levels of process. The lower level is the process of individual internal organs (e.g., heart, gut, etc.), which corresponds to the interoception in a narrow sense. The higher level is the integrative process of these individual sensations, which is the interoception in a broad sense. The second section then reviews theories on the relation between the body and emotion, suggesting that interoception directly contributes to the subjective experience of arousal level. In addition, depending on the precision of arousal recognition, interoception may also indirectly underpin the identification of emotion. The third section of this paper discusses the clinical aspects of interoception. With regard to the pros and cons of interoceptive sensitivity, it seems to benefit the regulation of emotions, but it is also associated with certain clinical conditions such as high anxiety. It is important to examine the condition of alexithymia (i.e., affective agnosia), which usually involves the phenomena of alexisomia (i.e., difficulty in recognizing one’s physical condition) and somatosensory amplification (i.e., negative hypersensitivity). By reviewing the condition of autism spectrum disorders, which frequently accompany alexithymia and anxiety, the last section discusses several factors for body-mind interaction such as the difference between the accuracy of sensation and hypersensitivity, the balance between bottom-up and top-down process, and particularly the pivotal role of the sensory integration process.

27 0 0 0 OA 群書類従

塙保己一 編
vol.第壹輯, 1902
三宅 なほみ 大島 純 益川 弘如
一般社団法人 日本科学教育学会
科学教育研究 (ISSN:03864553)
vol.38, no.2, pp.43-53, 2014 (Released:2014-09-11)

This manuscript aims to introduce a discipline called the learning sciences to readers of this journal. Naomi Miyake spent years in the graduate program at UC San Diego in 1980s, was involved in the emergence of cognitive science and has expanded her basic research toward classroom practices. Jun Oshima spent years in 1990s as a graduate student at the University of Toronto to work on how computers can support students’ knowledge building in the classroom and has continued lesson studies in Japan. The two researchers had three meetings to talk about their research field. Their conversation was structured as a story line by Hiroyuki Masukawa. First, it starts with Miyake’s talk about how the cognitive science emerged and came to be related to the learning sciences. Second, Oshima describes his experience to be in the vortex of the emergence of the learning sciences and research projects in the 90s. Third, the talk continues to discuss more deeply a disciplinary issue of how we treat human learning in the learning sciences. Finally, we wrap up our talk by summarizing the future of this discipline and how we will approach collaboration with practitioners and other stakeholders in education.
若倉 雅登 山上 明子 岩佐 真弓
神経眼科 (ISSN:02897024)
vol.34, no.4, pp.421-428, 2017-12-25 (Released:2018-01-29)

東 良和 土井 一輝 藤井 裕之 坂本 相哲
公益社団法人 日本リハビリテーション医学会
The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine (ISSN:18813526)
vol.51, no.4-5, pp.277-282, 2014 (Released:2014-05-10)
2 1

目的:高齢者大腿骨近位部骨折の術後リハビリテーション(以下,リハ)施行時間(単位数)とADL機能,医療費について比較検討し,適正リハ時間について検証する.方法:2010 年6 月1 日から2013 年6 月27 日の間に当院で手術,術後リハを施行した222 名に対してCONSORT 2010ガイドラインに基づいた無作為化比較試験(RCT)を6 単位(120 分)と1日2 単位(40 分)施行群間で行い,術後12 週までのADL機能,歩行と医療費について比較検討した.結果:最終的にRCTが完遂できた受傷前独歩患者は,6 単位群29 症例,2 単位群29 症例であった.FIM, Barthel Index,EQ-5D,歩行に関しては両群間で統計学的有意差はなかったが,医療費に関しては,6 単位群で約20 万円高額となった.結論:早期リハを行うことにより,術後2 単位リハで十分な機能回復が獲得でき,医療費の有効利用ができた.
一階 千絵
Japan Society of Sport Anthropology
スポーツ人類學研究 (ISSN:13454358)
vol.2002, no.4, pp.17-40, 2003-03-31 (Released:2011-08-16)

Women's Sumo wrestling was performed as a show from the middle of the 17th century (the middle of the Edo period) to 1950's in Japan. These women's Sumo show have been regarded as an obscene show.The purpose of this study is considering the cultural characters of the women's Sumo show of the Edo period by examining literature of those days.The factors that materialize women's Sumo wrestling as show are as follows. 1. Sumo wrestling has appeals as show. These are the outstanding physical strength and techniques which wrestlers have.2. Female wrestlers might be extraordinary beings by wearing the symbol of the gender of the opposite sex (Sumo wrestling) on her body.3. That female wrestlers expose her naked body and wrestle with a blind man attracted a spectator's sexual interest. The obscenity appears also in “Shiko-Na”.4. Since there was a sense of values that likes an active woman in Edo, it is thought that female wrestler's Sumo wrestling might exist as a show.So, the women's Sumo show of the Edo period was not a mere obscene or “erotic and grotesque” show.
中村 潤二
Japanese Society for Electrophysical Agents in Physical Therapy
物理療法科学 (ISSN:21889805)
pp.2023-013, (Released:2023-06-12)

近年の医療技術の発達とともに新たな物理療法モダリティの開発やエビデンスの確立が進んでいる.新たなモダリティとして,体外衝撃波療法(Extracorporeal shock wave therapy: ESWT)や迷走神経刺激(Vagus nerve stimulation: VNS)の報告が増加している.ESWTは,発生させた衝撃波や圧力波を経皮的に照射する方法であるが,ESWTは整形外科疾患の鎮痛や身体機能の改善に影響する.また近年では,脳卒中などの中枢神経疾患の痙縮に対して副作用の少ない方法として報告されており,さらなる発展が期待される領域の一つである.VNSは,侵襲的または経皮的に迷走神経に電気刺激を行い自律神経系に影響を与えることで,関節リウマチや脳卒中後の上肢運動障害,パーキンソン病の運動障害やすくみ足など,広範な領域においてその効果が調査されている.本総説論文では,物理療法全般の最前線というテーマで,ESWTやVNSといった最新の物理療法モダリティを中心にレビューし,物理療法の可能性について示したい.
松本 正和 矢ケ崎 琢磨 平田 雅典
一般社団法人 日本物理学会
日本物理学会誌 (ISSN:00290181)
vol.75, no.7, pp.410-415, 2020-07-05 (Released:2020-11-01)

マクロな単成分系では,温度,圧力が指定されれば,熱力学的に最も安定な相が一意に定まり,その構造は分子(の相互作用)のみに依存する.つまり,結晶構造は分子そのものにエンコードされていると言える.では,我々は分子を見ただけで,「ああ,この分子は結晶の種類が多いな」「この分子の相図は単純にちがいない」と判断できるだろうか? この質問に答えるためには,さまざまな物質で相図をくまなく描き,分子間相互作用と相図の複雑さの一般的な関係を導く必要があるが,現状ではこの問題はほとんど手つかずと言ってもさしつかえないだろう.水に関していえば,分子はもうこれ以上ないほど単純であるにもかかわらず,これまでに実験で17種類もの結晶形が見つかっている.しかも,おそらく最も研究されてきた物質なのに,今も次々に新たな結晶形が発見されているのである.近年の傾向として,計算機シミュレーションが実験に先立って氷の結晶構造とその物性を予測するようになったことが挙げられる.計算機を使えば,極端な熱力学条件を扱いやすいし,安定相だけでなく,競合する準安定相の安定性を見積もることもできる.2014年に合成された第16番目の氷結晶形(氷XVI)は,2001年にはその物性や安定条件が理論的に予測されていた.次に合成される結晶形も,シミュレーションですでに予測されているかもしれない.水は分子が極めて単純なので,最もシミュレーションしやすい物質のひとつである.水分子は原子3つが共有結合でつながった小分子で,ごく単純化されたモデルを使って近似計算すれば,さまざまな熱力学的な物性を短時間で再現できる.そのため,極めて早い時期(1970年代初頭)には分子動力学シミュレーションが実施され,以来計算機の発展とともに大規模なシミュレーションが行われ,相互作用モデルも精密化されてきた.では,計算機を使えば,冒頭に書いたように,分子間相互作用の知識だけから氷の相図を描けるのか.これまでにさまざまな結晶予測手法が提案されているものの,決定打と言うべき方法はまだ見つかっていない.分子間相互作用が弱く,精密な相互作用計算が必要であること,氷の単位胞が大きく,探索すべき構造の多様性が膨大であることがこの問題を難しくしている.我々は,はじめから新しい氷を探しだすことを狙っていたわけではなく,また,結晶構造を探索する革新的な手法を見つけたわけでもない.既知のさまざまな氷の結晶形の相転移過程(融解・凍結)を計算機シミュレーションで再現したい,という目的で計算をはじめたが,その過程で期せずして新奇な氷の形成に次々に遭遇し,結晶構造探索の奥深さと困難さを思い知ることになった.一方で,水素結合ネットワークが形作る結晶構造の面白さと可能性を知ることができた.分子が多数集まることではじめて生じる面白い現象を,水分子を先鋒として探っていこう,そこでの発見や経験がゆくゆくはもっと複雑な分子で起こる現象,ひいては新しい物理の発見にもつながるだろう,というのが我々の研究の目指す方向である.
大滝 世津子
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.79, pp.105-125, 2006-12-10 (Released:2011-03-18)
2 1

The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between the formation of groups in kindergarten and the process of gender identification by children through their kindergarten life.In the field of sociology of education in Japan, there have been some studies on the process of gender identification. However, they have focused on the intensification process of gender categories, but tended to ignore the trigger that leads children to recognize their own “correct” gender, and how they do so. The author observed this process at a private kindergarten in Kanagawa, Japan, from April to October 2005. The author observed 31 children, aged from three to four years old, in two classes.The author carried out a pseudo-experiment in this kindergarten. In this experiment, the criteria of gender identification was conceptualized by using the discussion of “appel”(roll call) following the theory of Althusser. In other words, the observer counted the number of children who responded when the kindergarten teachers called out to them using the category of onnanoko (girls) or otokonoko (boys), and recorded the results periodically.It was found that once a homogeneous sexual group was formed in a class, the children's gender identification process was accelerated. In addition, the time of gender identification influenced by the peer group differed between the two classes. The latter finding shows that the process of gender identification is not only dependent on the child's own development process, or the home environment, but is also dependent on the kindergarten's peer group activities.
大日方 純夫
ジェンダー史学 (ISSN:18804357)
vol.2, pp.21-33, 2006 (Released:2011-10-11)

Early in its establishment, the modern Japanese state introduced draft and schooling systems and made it obligatory for all of its subjects to get military training and to become educated. When incorporating a gender perspective, the difference between the two is obvious. While schooling was for both men and women, the army was only for men. Discussion of the "myth of the National Army" or the "disciplining the subjects" without recognizing this crucial difference might mistakenly reproduce another "myth."This article attempts to clarify the structure of masculinity by focusing on the Japanese army after the Russo-Japanese War. Masculinity was constructed in daily life in military barracks. This masculinity was "shown" and "tested" in actual battlefields. At the same time, the soldiers were expected to realize the "men's duty." In the Sino-Japanese and the Russo-Japanese Wars, the soldiers' masculinity was scrutinized, converging on "Yamato Damashii (the Japanese Spirit)" and "Bushido." The new "Bushido" that emerged after the Sino-Japanese War was incorporated in the Japanese military as its spiritual core. The masculinity that was constructed and emphasized in this way contributed to the emergence of extreme irrationality and spiritualism in the "Imperial Army."The "Imperial Army" depended on the extreme spiritualism to compensate for the scarcity of materials with which to pursue the war, placing too much burden on the concept of masculinity. The spiritualism nurtured "Yamato Damashii" and "Bushido" in the military. At the same time, a kind of familism was introduced into the Japanese army after the Russo-Japanese War. That is, barracks were likened to the family and the military discipline and spirit were fostered through "domestic education." Further, the military strengthened its interference into the national school system after the Russo- Japanese War and watched over the thorough infiltration of militaristic patriotism ("Chukun Aikoku") among students. The concept of masculinity was instilled into the minds of both men and women through ordinary education. Men should become soldiers and discard their lives for "royalty and courage." Such masculinity was highly praised and "Bushido" was utilized to encourage the spirit.
工藤 与志文
一般社団法人 日本教育心理学会
教育心理学研究 (ISSN:00215015)
vol.45, no.1, pp.41-50, 1997-03-30 (Released:2013-02-19)

College students numbering 206 were examined on their beliefs of the movement of sunflowers, and 112 students who had the false belief participated also in the experiment. The subjects were asked to read the science text which explained the facts that contradicted their beliefs in the following three conditions: (a) the photosynthetic rule was instructed, and the contradictory facts were referred to as examples of the rule; (b) the photosynthetic rule was instructed, but the facts were referred independently from the rule; and (c) only the facts were presented. The subjects were then put to some reading comprehension tests. The frequencies in the occurrence of belief-dependent misreading (BDM) on the tests were analysed. The following results were obtained: (1) there were less BDMs in the condition of the rule and example than in the other two conditions; (2) there were no less BDMs in the condition of the rule and facts than in the condition of the facts only. There findings suggested that the instruction in the relation of the rule and example was useful in order to avoid BDM.
岩井 譲
公益社団法人 日本農芸化学会
化学と生物 (ISSN:0453073X)
vol.54, no.1, pp.7-9, 2015-12-20 (Released:2016-12-20)

私が28歳のとき北里研究所(北研)で出会ってから今日までご指導をいただいている大村 智北里大学特別栄誉教授との思い出を含め,エバーメクチンの発見と開発について書かせていただく.
Tadahisa Numakura Koji Murakami Tsutomu Tamada Chiaki Yamaguchi Chihiro Inoue Shinya Ohkouchi Naoki Tode Hirohito Sano Hiroyuki Aizawa Kei Sato Ayumi Mitsune Hajime Kurosawa Toru Nakazawa Hisatoshi Sugiura
The Japanese Society of Internal Medicine
Internal Medicine (ISSN:09182918)
pp.0104-22, (Released:2022-08-10)

BNT162b2 (Pfizer/BioNTech) is a coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccine containing nucleoside-modified messenger RNA encoding the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 spike glycoprotein. Recently, ocular complications of mRNA vaccines have been reported increasingly frequently. However, immunological adverse events due to mRNA vaccines in real-world settings are not fully known. We herein report the novel development of sarcoidosis manifested as uveitis, bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy, angiotensin-converting enzyme elevation, and epithelioid and giant cell granuloma formation in the lung soon after the first BNT162b2 injection and review the current literature, including three reported cases of sarcoid-like reaction following COVID-19 vaccination.
Daisuke Hori Tsukasa Takahashi Yudai Kaneda Akihiko Ozaki Takahiro Tabuchi
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine (ISSN:1342078X)
vol.28, pp.10, 2023 (Released:2023-02-02)

Background: Before the COVID-19 vaccine became available, many Japanese people were undecided about whether or not to receive them. Their decisions were keys to achieving herd immunity. The impact of the type of information source on the COVID-19 vaccine uptake decision-making process remains unclear. We aimed to investigate the association between information source usage on COVID-19 and subsequent vaccine uptake status among those who have yet to decide whether to receive vaccines from non-prioritized people for vaccination.Methods: Prospective cohort online self-administered surveys were conducted in February 2021 (T1), before the start of the mass vaccination program, and September–October 2021 (T2), when the vaccines were available to all citizens. The survey’s target population was registered monitors of an Internet research company. Participants who answered “I want to get vaccinated after waiting to see how it goes.” at T1 were eligible for analysis. The outcome variable was the COVID-19 vaccine uptake status in T2, and the predictors were 20 types of information sources, categorized based on people (family members, etc.), institutions (governments, etc.), or media (TV news, etc.). Adjusted odds ratio and 95% confidence intervals were estimated using logistic regression adjusted for possible confounders.Results: The 5,139 respondents, mean age and standard deviation was 42.8 ± 12.5, 55.7% female, were eligible for analysis. 85.7% completed vaccination (including reserved/intended people) in T2. In the multivariate logistic analysis, odds ratios (95% confidence interval) for vaccine uptake were 1.49 (1.18–1.89) for workplaces/schools, 1.81 (1.33–2.47) for LINE, 0.69 (0.55–0.86) for Internet news and 0.62 (0.48–0.82) for video sharing sites.Conclusions: The type of information source usage played an important role in the decision to vaccinate against COVID-19. Although caution is needed in interpreting the results, obtaining information from workplaces/schools and LINE was influential in promoting immunization.
会田 大輔
東洋学報 = The Toyo Gakuho (ISSN:03869067)
vol.91, no.2, pp.193-224, 2009-09

During the Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties periods, inspectors (cishi 刺史) of regional administrative districts (zhou州) were given the title, jiangjun 将軍 (generalissimo) before being dispatched to the districts they were to inspect. Serving under them were local officials, zhou zuo 州佐, whose duty it was to serve not only the cishi but also regional administrators (fu zuo 府佐) whom manned the jiangjun’s government. Little research has been conducted to date on the raison d’être of this bureaucracy, called zhoufu liaozuo 州府僚佐, through the Northern Wei and Sui periods, despite the fact that understanding how the zhoufu liaozuo system was organized and continued from dynasty to dynasty would 1) shed light on the characteristics of the local administrative systems of each dynasty and 2) allow us to reconsider the impact of the local administrative reform implemented by the Sui Dynasty.Unfortunately few sources remain explaining how the zhoufu liaozuo system operated during the latter half of the Northern Wei period, leaving its specifics unknown, despite its role as the origin of the Northern Dynasties and Sui Dynasty administrative systems. There is one extant source, however, a stone epitaph recently discovered in Ning 寧 Prefecture, Gansu 甘粛 Province that could help shed more light on how the system actually worked during the latter half of the Northern Wei period. The so called “Shangongsi-bei" 山公寺碑 was erected during the first year of the Zhengshi 正始 era by Shan Lei 山累, the cishi of Binzhou 豳州. The front and the back of the epitaph contain lists of the names of as many as 210 members of the zhoufu liaozuo bureaucracy and other local officials at the xian 県 level, more names than provided by any other source related to the period.This article attempts to unveil more details about the zhoufu liaozuo system through an analysis of Shangong-si epitaph, which indicates both specific titles and the hierarchical characteristics of the system. The source also provides evidence that many bureaucrats without aristocratic titles (liuwai-guan 流外官) were members of the zhoufu liaozuo governance mechanism. The epitaph also reveals that there were many non-Han Chinese inhabiting Binzhou at that time, some of whom held positions of power and rank ranging from the zhou to the xian level. Consequently, the author concludes that in Binzhou, efforts were made to incorporate influential non-Han Chinese local leaders into the dynastic order by installing them as zhouzuo or the liuwai bureaucrats at the regional government level.