足立 悦男
島根大学教育学部紀要. 教育科学 (ISSN:0287251X)
vol.24, no.2, pp.1-14, 1990-12-25

神山 四郎
史学 (ISSN:03869334)
vol.36, no.1, pp.104-107, 1963

池上 貞子
跡見学園女子大学文学部紀要 (ISSN:13481444)
vol.42, no.2, pp.A1-A12, 2009-03-15

台灣女詩人席慕蓉是一位暢銷作家。在台灣和大陸都曾經興起過席慕蓉熱。她的詩很受年輕人歡迎。大槪因爲這個緣故,有些學者認爲她的詩太過於浪漫,不値得硏究。其實,這位既做畫家、教師、散文家,同時又是妻子、母親的女詩人非同尋常。她的祖籍在內蒙古,自認爲是成吉思汗的後代,並引以自豪。她三十年來的寫作生涯可以說是一個嚮往原鄕,追求認同的過程。她怨恨青春不再來,不只是因爲時間不能倒流,更是因爲她當時沒能盛開。 她後來終於回到原鄕,尋到了自己的根。可是她彷彿擁又有了新的感槪和追求。並將這些表現在詩歌裡。筆者有幸飜譯,編輯一部日文版的席慕蓉詩選。期盼著通過分析她的作品,考察她究竟是如何把對原鄕的思念之情融入到自己的作品之中的,從而進一步探索她目前仍在苦苦尋求著的東西。
伊藤 義教
The Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan
オリエント (ISSN:00305219)
vol.9, no.1, pp.1-21,89, 1966

In Gathica 1. <i>xšmavato</i>, the present writer has come to the conclusion that <i>xšmavato</i> should be taken as nom., voc. or acc. P1. of <i>xšmavat</i>- "Your Highness", and not as abl. -gen. sg. of <i>xšmavat</i>- "resembling you, your-like, your adherent" (adj.) as is generally accepted. See my paradigm (p. 5.) of all the pronominal stems suffixed with -<i>vant</i>-. —In Gathica 2. <i>aka</i>, rejecting all of the interpretations proposed thus far, the present writer has pointed out the fact that the Gathic <i>aka</i> has retained its primordial meaning "to show, make clear", so that it may be regarded as an infinitive (abl. -gen. sg. of <i>aka</i>-) "in order to show, for showing". It is only in yAv. that what is meant by <i>aka</i> came near to what is meant by Pahl. <i>akas</i> "clear, evident". —In Gathica 3. <i>manaroiš</i>, the writer has derived <i>manari</i>-from <i>mru</i>-/<i>mrav</i>- (Skt. <i>bru</i>-) "to speak" (<i>mru</i>->[after the pattern of <sup>3</sup><i>dar</i>-><i>dadari</i>-] <i>mamravi</i>->[with the metathesis of <i>ra</i>><i>ar</i> prior to <i>aui</i>><i>aoi</i>] <i>mamarvi</i>->[with the assimilation of <i>v</i> to <i>i</i> in <i>vi</i>><i>yi</i>]<i>mamaryi</i>-><i>mamari</i>->[with the dissimilation of <i>m</i>><i>n</i>]<i>manari</i>-). The hapax <i>manaroiš</i> (Y. 48<sub>10</sub> a) would then mean "away <i>or</i> separating from crying".<br>The translation of several passages should suffice as examples showing my interpretation.<br>Y. 44<sub>1</sub>, <i>bc</i>: "By-virtue-of-(my)veneration—such-as the veneration (in general should be)—, o Your-Highness (<i>xšmavato</i>), o Mazda-, may Thy-Highness (θ<i>wavas</i>) tell to (Thy) friend, i. e. to myhumble-self (<i>mavaite</i>)!"<br>Y. 51<sub>13</sub> <i>bc</i>: "(the <i>dregvant</i>) whose soul shall become angry at (him) at the Cinvat Bridge, in order to show (<i>aka</i>) (thus): 'With the deed of (thy) own as well as of (thy) tongue thouhast-gone-astray from the way of justice'."<br>Y. 50<sub>2</sub> <i>cd</i>: "Those-living-rightly with justice among the many keeping off the sun —in order to show them (<i>akasteng</i> i. e. <i>akas teng</i>) mayest Thou make me arrive at the gifts of givers!"<br>Y. 48<sub>10</sub> <i>a</i>: "When, o Mazda, shall the warriors attend-the-sacrifice, separating-from-(their) crying (<i>manaroiš</i>)?" that is, "The warriors are now adhering to the old cult in which cry is raised to kill the ox. When shall they separate from such a religious custom in order to attend our newly established cult?"
水嶋 雅子 横田 祥 石川 岳彦 華岡 由香里 〓野 繁雄 劔物 修
The Japanese Society of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
臨床薬理 (ISSN:03881601)
vol.20, no.4, pp.777-781, 1989

Effects of pre-operative administration of ranitidine on pH and volume of gastric juicewere evaluated in 54 children (mean age: 5.4±1.0 yr) who underwent elective surgeryunder general anesthesia. Simultaneously, bromazepam suppository was evaluated as a premedicationagent for pediatric patients. Patients were randomly divided into four groups, and premedication agents were given 2 hr prior to induction of anesthesia. Patients ingroup A received diazepam syrup (0.5 mg/kg P. o.) ahd those in group B received bromazepamsuppository (3 mg). Patients in groups C and D received ranitidine (1 mg or2 mg/kg i. m.) together with bromazepam suppository (3 mg). Following induction ofanesthesia, a gastric tube (10 Fr. or 12 Fr.) was passed and stomach contents were collectedand analyzed for volume and pH, which was repeated every hr until the end ofthe operation. The gastric pH at the induction of anesthesia was observed to be 2.5 orless in 70% of the patients of groups A and B, 13% of group C, and O% of group D.The volume of gastric contents was less than 0.4 ml/kg in 87% of ranitidine-treatedpatiehts (groups C and D), in 29% of group A, ahd in 60% of group B. It was thenconcluded that pre-operative administration of ranitidine caused a significant reduction ofboth acidity and volume of gastric contents, which will contribute to preventing or reducingaspiration pneumonitis during general anesthesia. Plasma ranitidine concentrationsmeasured by high-performance liquid chromatography revealed 228±32 ng/ml in group Cand 487±59 ng/ml in group D at the induction.of anesthesia. Sedation at the inductionof anesthesia was evaluated utilizing our original pediatric premedication score, whichconsists of 3 check points: quietness (very good, 3 ; good, 2 ; fair, 1 ; bad, 0); crying (no, 2 ; a little, 1 ; yes, 0); and i. v. root (under local anesthesia, 1 ; following induction ofanesthesia, 0). The averaged scores were 4.5±0.4 in group A, 4.2±1.9 in group B, 4.1±0.6 in group C, and 4.8±0.5 in group D, respectively. There was no significantdifference in the score in 4 groups. A plasma bromazepam level was 414±49 ng/ml at theinduction of anesthesia. Our results showed that bromazepam suppository is as effectiveas diazepam syrup for premedication in children.
藤原 豊司
The European Union Studies Association-Japan
日本EU学会年報 (ISSN:18843123)
vol.2003, no.23, pp.121-139,299, 2003

The EU is on the verge of revising, or at least making flexible the guiding principle of its unified currency. They are making, I'm afraid, a fatal error of judgement. The remarkable success, so far, of the euro was entirely due to the shift of macro-economic principles, from demand management to monetary targeting.<br>The guiding principle of the single currency, of which the most important is to contain budget deficit within 3% of the GDP, was certainly a kind of straight-jacket to many of the participating countries to the euro. The majority of the 12 participants, including such laggards as Ireland and Greece, managed to endure inflationary and other pressures, inflicted by the "one-size-fits-for-all" measures demanded by the stability and growth pact.<br>Ironically, it is Germany, France and Italy, the 3 largest and central countries of the euro zone, that are now crying for help. It is especially paradoxical that Germany, which has been demanding the strict application of the SGP principles, has now excessive budgetary deficit and is calling for flexibility in their applications.<br>As of the beginning of March, 2003, it is not decided yet whether the SGP should be revised or not, but judging from the report the Commission presented to the Ecofin Council, they are sure to make "flexible interpretations", if not revisions to the SGP. Are they right? I thnk not.<br>Ms. Kathleen McNamara, Assistant Professor at Princeton, produed a remarkable book on the euro, called "The Currency of Ideas" (1998). Based on the analysis of the world monetary history after the war, including the Bretton Woods system, she concluded that European monetary systems made a great success, because their guiding principles were shifted from Keynesian to Neoliberal theories. In European context, this meant that all the euro participants had virtually abandoned Keynesian demand management policies and converted to the monetarist approach, which the German Bundesbank had pursued since the end of the World War II.<br>World monetary authorities are now facing unprecedented pressures of world-wide deflation. It is understandable that European financial authorities are demanding flexibility in applying the SGP. But we must remind ourselves that in the colossalised economies, demand stimulus rarely works, as is shown by Japanese policies. Euro financial ministers should be patient.<br>Fortunately for the majority of euro-participants, the March Ecofin Council only produced a very short statement on the SPG that it "provides a robust and flexible framework within which any additional strains on public finances will be addressed". It was reported that Gordon Brown, British Chancellor of Exchequer, had tried to present a plan to make a flexible interpretation to the SGP, but Belgium, Spain, Italy and other small countries prevented the proposal, made in collaboration with France and Germany. The EU might have to endure some period of uncertainty over the euro. But it may turn out to be beneficial to the single currency after all.
東洋学報 / The Toyo Gakuho
vol.75, no.1, pp.125-137, 1993-10
伊藤 克美
素粒子論グループ 素粒子研究編集部
素粒子論研究 (ISSN:03711838)
vol.95, no.1, pp.A103-A104, 1997-04-20

山形新潟合宿ではOptimal Velocity Modelsの一般的論と、最近求まった解析的に解ける模型について議論した。ここで、当日の話の詳細について議論する十分なスペースがない。幸い、我々の最近の結果を中西さんが報告なさっているので、興味のある方はそちらを見て頂きたい。
宮腰 晃
no.19, pp.5-13, 1989-04-28
日経コミュニケ-ション (ISSN:09107215)
no.348, pp.172-177, 2001-08-20

セシールの「Cecile on Network」は衣料品などを中心とする直販サイト。投資コストを抑えながら,月商7億円を稼ぎ出す。その裏には,メールの配信日を分けたり,Webページのコンテンツを作り替えるなど,運用の工夫がある。一日100万ページビューのアクセスをさばいて,二度の障害も基本的には運用で乗り切った。
堀 幸雄 西本 佳代 葛城 浩一 山本 珠美 今井 慈郎
研究報告エンタテインメントコンピューティング(EC) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2010, no.16, pp.1-4, 2010-08-16

本研究は近年、注目を集めているご当地検定といわれる地域独自の文化や歴史などの知識を測る試験を大学紹介に応用した香川大学検定について述べる.香川大学検定は,学生が主体的に学習を進めるとともに,問題作成に関わることで学生同士が協調して検定問題を作成し,大学の文化や歴史を楽しみながら知ることのできるものである.本稿では香川大学検定の特徴を説明し,その効果について報告する.In recent years, a local quiz much attention as one of guide book in Japan. In this paper, we report a quiz system for kagawa university guide. We have conducted this system which can create quizzes collaboratively by students. We also describe the characteristic of this system and the effectiveness of this system as university guide.
足立 圭司
別府大学短期大学部紀要 (ISSN:02864991)
no.36, pp.77-84, 2017-02
