小泉 丈晴 山崎 博子 大和 陽一 濱野 惠 高橋 邦芳 三浦 周行
園芸学研究 (ISSN:13472658)
vol.1, no.3, pp.205-208, 2002-09-15

アスパラガス促成栽培における若茎の生育に及ぼす品種, 低温遭遇量, 株養成年数および性別の影響を検討した.曲がり症は, 低温遭遇にともない発生率が低下し, 曲がり症を発生した若茎に立枯病の病徴である導管褐変がみられなかったことから, 促成栽培における曲がり症は休眠覚醒が十分でないことにより発生すると推定された.2年生株の供試品種いずれにおいても, 販売可能若茎重および若茎収穫本数は低温遭遇量が多い区で増加した.'バイトル'および'ウェルカム'は, 低温遭遇量が少なくても曲がり症発生率が低下し, 販売可能若茎重および若茎収穫本数が増加し, 'グリーンタワー'および'スーパーウェルカム'より休眠が浅いと考えられた.'グリーンタワー'の1年生株の雄株および雌株並びに2年生株の雄株では, 曲がり症発生率および販売可能若茎重から判断すると, 伏せ込み開始時期は2年生株を用いた従来の栽培よりも約2週間の前進が可能であることが示された.
三浦 太郎
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.38, pp.393-401, 1998-03-26

In the Edo period, among Japanese people who went abroad there were some who were keen about the difference between Western and Japanese libraries. Okataro Morita created the word "Shojaku-kwan (or Shoseki-kwan)" in order to express huge scale of the Western library. Then Seiryu Ichikawa used the word to give expression to a new library which would be open to the public and overcome the limit of the previous Japanese governmental library, Momijiyama Bunko, whose use had been restricted to the tycoon as a rule. The idea "Open to the public" was realized in 1875 when the Tokyo Shoseki-kwan was established as a free public library.
三浦 順子
アメリカ太平洋研究 = Pacific and American studies (ISSN:13462989)
vol.16, pp.93-110, 2016-03

論文ArticlesThe phrase "the Mexican Problem" was invented in Texas during turn of the twentieth century, and it spread throughout the American political and social cultures through the 1910s and 1920s. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the creation of "the Mexican Problem" by focusing on the movement of changing social order in Texas during the 1910s. Since the turn of the twentieth century, Texas faced drastic social changes in its social, political, and economic structures. The rise of the political career of James E. Ferguson, governor of Texas, from 1914 to the middle of 1917 was seen as a symbol of those changes. Ferguson stated the importance of the Farming in Texas development and claimed to turn sharecroppers into independent capitalists. Also, he left the topic of prohibition out of political account and placed breweries that were mainly operated by German Americans in Texas urban areas, turning them into an industry that significantly contributed to the state's economic resources. On the other hand, Mexicans were treated as cheap laborers and temporary commuters working in Texas. Their numbers were huge, but they had limited functions as members of society. World War I institutionalized those Mexicans positioned in Texas during their Americanization program, and eventually they were spread throughout the entire country. Mexicans were identified and problematized, which had nothing to do with racial integration with Whites or their assimilation as immigrants; rather, it was a question of socially locating them as illegitimate citizens of American society.
東洋学報 / The Toyo Gakuho
vol.98, no.1, pp.1-29, 2016-06

Under the Han Dynasty, which ruled China for about four centuries, the forces of Confucianism gradually expanded, reforming dynastic institutions in line with its classics and doctrines, then forming a completely new system during the Later Han Period, a process often referred to as the "Confucianization of state religion."Confucianism as a state religion has provoked a great deal of discussion, which can be divided into two separate veins: 1) consideration of the position of Former Han scholars of the Five Classics (wujing boshi 五経博士) as the purveyors of official learning within "Confucianization" and 2) the study of the relationship between the state (emperor) and society with respect to divination (chengwei 讖緯) and the reform of institutions regarding ritual. In order to link these two veins together it would be necessary to clarify to what extent Confucianism permeated the image of the emperors, state institutions and social values by examining at least two questions: 1) in what manner did Confucian learning advocated by Confucian bureaucrats contribute to reforming institutions regarding ritual, thus bringing chengwei ideology to fruition, and 2) whether or not such learning, including chengwei, was effectively assimilated by the Later Han state and society.This article is an investigation of the relationship of Confucianism with the state (emperor) and society revolving around ideas concerning auspicious phenomena (furui 符瑞), which were closely related to ceremonies performed by the the Former Han emperors during the winter and summer solstices on the outskirts of the capital (jiaosi 郊祀), while also considering the formation of chengwei ideology.The jiaosi which developed during the reigns of Former Han emperors Wen-Di 文帝 (203–157 BC) and Wu-Di 武帝 (156–87 BC), involving the worship of Heaven (winter) and Earth (summer) through shamanistic practices, were held by the emperors to produce auspicious phenomena. Meanwhile, those Confucians who had expanded their influence within the bureaucracy during the reigns of Zhao-Di 昭帝 (94–74 BC) and Xuan-Di 宣帝 (91–49 BC) were successful in conjuring up the image of rulers who were able to invoke auspicious phenomena, by adding the benefits of their virtue to Heaven, Earth and all things in between through cheng 誠. It was against this background that the Confucians during the reign of Cheng-Di 成帝 (51–7 BC) and Ai-Di哀帝 (25–1 BC) requested that jiaosi divination rituals be performed. Wang Mang's 王莽 success in overcoming the obstacles to institutional reform during the reign of Ping-Di 平帝 (9 BC–AD 6) was due to a change in attitude emphasizing the Confucian texts interpreted during Cheng-Di's reign by Liu Xiang and Kuang Heng, who had added mystical aspects to the classics, resulting in the incorporation of the prolific ideas about auspicious phenomena found the Weishu 緯書 genre of works, which was argued to have been written by Confucius himself. Through this process, xiao 孝 was also linked to Heaven and Earth through cheng; and its purported ability to bring about auspicious phenomena was also incorporated into Wang Mang's reforms of jioasi and its Later Han forms. At the debates over Confucianism held in the palace's Baihuguan 白虎観 during the reign of Zhang-Di 章帝 (AD 57–88), it was officially recognized that the emperors inherited the order of providence in the jiaosi manipulation of xiao and the existence of their ability to bring about auspicious phenomena, by adding the benefits of the virtue of xiao to Heaven, Earth and all things in between.
住元真司 安島雄一郎 佐賀一繁 野瀬貴史 三浦健一 南里豪志
vol.2014, no.8, pp.1-7, 2014-02-24

エクサスケールシステムでは、極限までの通信遅延の削減を省メモリに実現する必要がある。本論文では、エクサスケール通信をめざして開発中の ACP スタックの設計についての設計方針と ACP スタックの概要について述べる。In communication on exascale system, low latency communication with reduction of memory usage is required. This paper discusses design policy of ACP stacks and overview for communication of exascale system.
三浦 猛 岡本 直幸 今泉 明 山本 浩史 村松 孝彦 山門 實 宮城 洋平
公益社団法人 日本人間ドック学会
人間ドック (Ningen Dock) (ISSN:18801021)
vol.26, no.1, pp.51-55, 2011 (Released:2012-08-03)

目的:血漿中アミノ酸濃度は,生理学的な代謝状態を反映することが知られており,肝臓機能障害時や種々のがんで血漿中アミノ酸濃度が変化することが示唆されている.前立腺がんの早期発見,治療につながる新しい診断マーカーの開発を目的とし,前立腺がん患者と対照者との血漿中アミノ酸濃度の比較に基づき,アミノ酸を変数とした多変量解析により作成した判別式「アミノインデックス」による前立腺がん判別の可能性を検討した.方法:前立腺がん患者と対照として人間ドック受診者の血漿中アミノ酸濃度を測定した.患者群と対照群とのアミノ酸濃度を比較し,個々のアミノ酸濃度変化を,変数選択を伴う多重ロジスティック回帰により,前立腺がん患者を判別する判別式「アミノインデックス」を導出,前立腺がんの診断能の評価を行った.判別能の評価基準としては,ROC曲線下面積(ROC_AUC)を採用した.結果:対照群と比較し,前立腺がん患者は,Alanine, Histidine,Asparagine, Prolineの増加,Triptophanの減少が見られた.導出された前立腺がんを判別する「アミノインデックス」は,ROC_AUC=0.74の判別能を有し,早期がんも検出できた.またPSAとは有意な相関は見られなかった.結論:前立腺がんを判別する「アミノインデックス」は,前立腺がんの新しい診断マーカーとなる可能性が示された.また,PSAと独立した指標であることから,PSAとの併用による有用性が示唆された.
三浦 香苗 長澤 陽平 石井 正子 Kanae MIURA Yohei NAGASAWA Masako ISHII 千葉市立宮崎小学校 植草幼児専門学校 Miyazaki Elementary School in Chiba-shi Uekusa Kindergarten Teacher Training School
學苑 = GAKUEN (ISSN:13480103)
vol.761, pp.27-39, 2004-02-01

The purpose of this study is to investigate how contemporary college students perceive destroying living things. In Study 1, an attempt was made to make a scale incorporating factor analysis of various items concerning destroying lives. The result extracted three subscales: "brutal destruction for play", "destruction for human living", and "destruction for educational practice". In Study 2, we examined relationships between the three subscales and student past experiences. Results showed that the three subscales had correlations with "wild play experience" and "experience of gathering food". In Study 3, the scale of destroying lives was completed, and the correlation with human living experience and their sense of life value were investigated. The results showed that experience of keeping a pet worked negative toward "brutal destruction" and "dissection". Also, "field play experiences" and "experiences in home" worked positive toward "dissection".
友松 雄一郎 芳野 純治 乾 和郎 若林 貴夫 奥嶋 一武 小林 隆 三好 広尚 中村 雄太 神谷 直樹 三浦 正剛
一般社団法人 日本消化器内視鏡学会
日本消化器内視鏡学会雑誌 (ISSN:03871207)
vol.49, no.2, pp.178-184, 2007-02-20 (Released:2011-05-09)


1 0 0 0 OA

三浦圭三 編
長谷川 元 三浦 剛毅 渡谷 哲朗 洪 南基
社団法人 有機合成化学協会
有機合成化学協会誌 (ISSN:00379980)
vol.56, no.9, pp.773-780, 1998-09-01 (Released:2009-11-16)
1 1

To date, the resolution of racemic mixture via diastereomeric salt formation has been the most commonly used industrial technique.We have synthesized and applied new resolving agents for industrial application. Practical approach to the developments is as follows. Optically active 2-phenoxypropionic acid and tartranilic acid are readily employed for the resolution of bases, and 1-benzylamino-3-phenoxy-2-propanol for the resolution of acids.
宮里 龍太郎 義江 龍一郎 三浦 翔 東海林 諭
一般社団法人 日本風工学会
風工学シンポジウム論文集 第23回 風工学シンポジウム論文集
pp.61, 2014 (Released:2015-03-10)

三浦 篤史 篠原 佳祐 山本 亮 大塚 菜美 宮田 佳典 崎山 隼人
Palliative Care Research (ISSN:18805302)
vol.10, no.2, pp.301-304, 2015 (Released:2015-06-30)

舌がんでは,腫瘍増大による嚥下機能低下から流涎を招き,Quality of Life を低下させることがある.一般的に流涎の対応として,水分摂取量の減量,抗コリン薬の投与などが行われるが,充分に流涎を抑制できない場合がある.今回,ブチルスコポラミン臭化物の持続静注では流涎の改善が認められなかった舌がん患者に対して,院内製剤であるスコポラミン軟膏を耳介後部の乳様突起付近に貼付したところ流涎の緩和が認められた.有害事象としては口渇を認めたが,問題になるほどではなかった.また,局所の皮膚炎を生じることなく使用できた.スコポラミン軟膏は持続注射よりも簡便であり,舌がん患者の流涎対策の一つになり得る可能性が示唆された.
鞠子 正 河田 真伸 三浦 充 小野 周平
The Society of Resource Geology
資源地質 (ISSN:09182454)
vol.46, no.6, pp.337-354, 1996-12-01

神岡鉱山茂住スカルン型Zn-Pb-Ag鉱床は飛騨片麻岩類の結晶質石灰岩中に産する,その鉱化プロセスは5期に分けることができる.最初の単斜輝石―亜鉛―鉛鉱化期は第1ステージ(400-330℃)での大量の単斜輝石(Di<SUB>10-35</SUB>Hd<SUB>43-75</SUB>Jo<SUB>11-35</SUB>)の生成に始まる.これに伴って少量のグランダイト系ざくろ石(Ad<SUB>16-78</SUB>),方解石,石英,含銀・蒼鉛方鉛鉱,自然蒼鉛,輝蒼鉛鉱, Ag-Pb-Bi-S系鉱物および鉄に乏しい閃亜鉛鉱(3-8 FeS mole%)が晶出する.この期の第2ステージ(320-240℃)は,第1ステージに晶出が始まった硫化鉱物生成の最盛期となる.第2ステージ末期には鉱化流体の鉄濃度が上がり早期生成の単斜輝石および閃亜鉛鉱の一部を交代して,それぞれヘデンベルグ輝石質輝石(Hd<SUB>59-88</SUB>)と鉄に富む閃亜鉛鉱(9-14FeS mole%)を生成している.数の方解石―石英―鉛―亜鉛鉱化期の第1ステージ(400-300℃)には早期方解石,早期石英および鉄に乏しい閃亜鉛鉱(3-7 FeS mole%)が含銀・蒼鉛方鉛鉱,自然蒼鉛,輝蒼鉛鉱, Ag-Pb-Bi-S系鉱物を伴い石灰岩あるいは一部の単斜輝石―亜鉛―鉛鉱を交代して生成した.第2ステージ(300-230℃)には,浸透してきた鉄に富む鉱化流体が早期の閃亜鉛鉱を一部鉄閃亜鉛鉱(7-21 FeS mole%)に置換し,少量の黄銅鉱,黄鉄鉱磁硫鉄鉱,硫砒鉄鉱磁鉄鉱を生成した.また含銀・蒼鉛方鉛鉱,自然蒼鉛,輝蒼鉛鉱, Ag-Pb-Bi-S系鉱物の晶出もひき続いた.第3ステージ(230-150℃)にはいると,鉄に富む閃亜鉛鉱(10-14 FeS mole%),含銀四面銅鉱とともに後期方鉛鉱(銀に乏しい)が生成された.このステージの末期には少量の赤鉄鉱が,後期方解石,後期石英,緑廉石とともに生じている.第3のアクチノ閃石―銅鉱化期は早期に形成された単斜輝石不毛スカルンおよび単斜輝石―亜鉛―鉛鉱に対する加水分解および鉄・銅付加作用により特徴づけられる.すなわち,鉱床下部で単斜輝石はアクチノ閃石により広く交代され,これに伴い石英,硫石比鉄鉱,磁鉄鉱,黄鉄鉱,磁硫鉄鉱,黄銅鉱,鉄閃亜鉛鉱などが晶出した.第4の石英―方解石―銅鉱化期および第5の石英―銀鉱化期の鉱化作用は局部的である.以上の各鉱化期の鉱化作用は,熱源としての火成岩は共通しているが,それぞれ独自の通路を持った循環熱水系により行われたと考えられる.
竹内 新治 吉田 穣 三浦 重人
臨床外科 (ISSN:03869857)
vol.24, no.2, pp.213-219, 1969-02-20

はじめに 視診と触診のみに基づいての乳癌の診断法では,腫瘤がある一定の大きさに達するまでは診断が不可能であり,より早期に診断する事が出来るような手段の現れない限り,もはや乳癌の根治成績の向上は期し難いとするLawson1)およびLe-wison2)の説は,極めて正鵠を得ているものと思われる.より早期の乳癌腫瘤が発見され,かつまた,乳腺症,線維腺腫をはじめ種々の良性疾患との鑑別も試験切除の結果を待つまでもなく可能にするような手段の開発が切に望まれるところである.さらに,その手段の実施に当つて普遍性がありMass Screeningに使用可能である事が最も望ましい.このような目的を追求するために,Thermo-graphyもMammography,超音波,同位元素による診断法等と共に登場して来た. Thermographyは生体表面から放散される赤外線をScanning mirrorを通し,増幅してフィルムに写しとる方法であり,皮膚温度の分布を白黒の濃淡度によつて表現するものである.従つて本法により乳癌を診断するためには,乳癌部皮膚温が非癌性腫瘤部および正常乳腺部のそれよりいつも上昇しているという前提が不可欠である.
岡田 勇 楯 博 三浦 善憲 下村 義夫 永田 捷一 松井 邦義 海川 猛司 TAKAKU Tomoharu
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.41, no.3, pp.146-156, 1975

From the results of the investigation of 80 serious patients, mentally and physically handicapped, in our national sanatorium in Kofu City, Yamanashi Prefecture and 2, 716 patients abstracted from all the other national sanatoria in Japan, the following conclusions were drawn. 1) By ages, of the 80 patients in our sanatorium those of 1014 years stand first in number (45.00%) and those of 1519 years stand second (22.50%), while of the 2, 716 patients from all the other national sanatoria those of 5-9 years stand first (39.7%) and those of 1014 years stand second (29.3%). Nevertheless, the investigation of our patients was made in the 50th year of Showa and that of the latter patients was made in the 45th year of Showa. Accordingly, the age-composition of the two groups of patients is the same in reality. 2) By causes, in our sanatorium, cerebral palsy stands first in number (65.00%), the after-effects of encephalitis and cerebrospinal meingitis stand second (13.75%), and follow the after-effct of nucleojaundice (8.75%) and microcephaly (7.50%). In the other sanatoria, cerebral palsy stands first (64.9%), the after-effects of encephalitis and cerebrospinal meningitis stand second (13.0%), and follow the after-effect of nucleojaundice (7.9%) and microcephaly (5.9%). Namely, the order of causes is about the same in both cases. 3) As to evacuation, 95.0% of our patients and 96.5% of the others need to be tended.Namely, , both rates are almost the same. 4) As to communication, 17.5% of our patients and 17.3% of the others can speak a little. Namely, both rates are almost the same. 5) As to eatiny, 86.25% of our patients and 81.4% of the others need to be tended. Namely, both rates are about the same. 6) As to bodily movement, 47.50% of our patients and 32.9% of the others keep their beds. This shows that our patients are more severely handicapped than the others. 7) As to complications, pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, fever in summer, skin disease and symtoms of digestive organs rank high both in our sanatorium and in the other sanatoria. As mentioned above, the age-composition and the conditions of our patients are almost the same as those of the other patients, except that the grade of physical handicap of the former is higher than that of the latter. Generally speaking, more time is spent in their living guidance than in their medical treatment. Consequently, nurses are occupied in work of tendance rather than in their proper work of nusying. On the 1st of August, 1973, we made researches on the time of living of 10 nurses working in the ward of the physically and mentally handicapped of our sanatorium, of 10 nurses in the medical ward of the national hospital, and of 10 nurses in the medical ward of the pref ectural hospital in the same city, with the following results. The total time of nursing, housekeeping, and cooking spent by our nurses, by those of the national hospital, and by those of the prefectural hospital is 12 hours and 3 minutes, 10 hours and 53 minutes, and 10 hours and 33 minutes respectively. Namely, the working time of our nurses is the longest and that of those of the pref ectural hospital is the shortest. Moreover, the nurses of our sanatorium are older and those of the other are younger. The time of nursing is comparatively short and that of housekeeping is long in the former, while the time of nursing is long and that of housekeeping is short in the latter. Namely, they are antipodal. This fact is worthy of note, considering the problem of lumbago. By substance of the working time in hospital, the time of medical care, is I hour and 9 minutes, that is, the shortest, in our sanatorium, 3 hours and 38 minutes in the national hospital, and 3 hours and 48 minutes, that is, the longest, in the pref ectural hospital. The time of tendance in eating and excretion is 2 hours and 34 minutes, that is, the longest, in our sanatorium, 28 minutes in the