下田 俊介
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.25, no.1, pp.70-76, 2009

This study investigated whether affective reaction predicted by the extended self-evaluation maintenance (extended SEM) model (e.g., Beach & Tesser, 1995) would be applicable to close relationships with same-sex friends. Participants (N=232) recalled or imagined eight SEM situations (defined by crossing high and low self-relevance with high and low partner-relevance with whether self outperforms partner or partner outperforms self) with close friend (N=81), romantic partner (N=98), and acquaintance (N=53). They then reported affective reactions to these occasions. As a result, the pattern of sympathy reaction to the partner predicted by the extended SEM model in the high self-relevance domain was shown to close friend and romantic partner. For acquaintance, contrary to the prediction, the pattern of affective reactions predicted by the extended SEM model was shown, regardless of the self-relevance domain. These findings were discussed in terms of the basic assumption of the (original) SEM model and the tendency of Japanese students to think of a relationship even with an acquaintance as very important.
永崎 研宣 三宅 真紀 苫米地 等流 A.CharlesMuller 下田 正弘
vol.2013, no.4, pp.239-246, 2013-12-05

本稿は、大正新脩大藏經テキストデータベースにおける脚注の校勘情報を通じた人文学資料としてのテクスト構造化に関する研究を扱う。これはこのデータベースを構築・運用するSAT プロジェクトの次のフェーズの方針の策定に役立てることを目指すものである。大正新脩大藏經の校勘情報は、各一次資料の歴史的な関係からある程度想定可能だが、具体的に研究されてきたわけではなかった。ここでは、デジタル化された校勘情報を用いた分析を行ったが、結果は一般的な想定を裏付けするものであった。いくつかの例外的なものがあったことが、今後の方針を策定する上で有益かもしれない。また、Linked Data という形で校勘情報を扱うことで、一次資料公開に関する権利所有者との合意形成が容易になるかもしれない。
泉 喜和子 下田 恒久 下田 哲也 香川 豊宏 池邉 哲郎 大関 悟
公益社団法人 日本口腔外科学会
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.56, no.4, pp.261-265, 2010-04-20 (Released:2013-10-19)
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This report describes the feasibility of posterior-superior repositioning of the maxilla by Le Fort Ⅰ osteotomy with a pterygoid process fracture, while preserving the descending palatine artery. We examined movement accuracy and stability in 3 patients in whom maxillary protrusion with vertical maxillary excess was treated by moving the maxilla backward more than 4 mm. The postsurgical positions of the maxilla were more posterior than the presurgical expectations, but the differences were within 1 mm. Cephalometric analysis revealed that the differences in each measurement between immediately and one year after surgery were within 1 degree. Without mandibular osteotomy, maxillary protrusion can be satisfactorily treated with Le Fort Ⅰ osteotomy alone.
伊東 裕子 下田 満哉 筬島 豊
Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology
日本食品工業学会誌 (ISSN:00290394)
vol.30, no.3, pp.133-139, 1983-03-15 (Released:2010-01-20)
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コーヒー豆粉粉末の香気定量法として用いる内部標準を使ったヘッドスペースガス分析法において,粒度および焙煎度の影響を検討した。(1) コーヒー豆粉末ヘッドスペース中の香気成分量は粉末粒度に大きく影響され,中程度の粒径(20~28メッシュ)において最大となった。(2) 内部標準物質のピーク高は粒度が小さくなるに従い減少し,コ-ヒー豆粉末粒子表面積との間に高い相関(r=-0.974)が見られた。従って内部標準物質のピーク高を粒度分布に関して補正することが可能となった。(3) 焙煎が深くなるに従い,内部標準物質のピーク高は減少し, L値との間に高い相関(r=0.965)が認められた。そこで,焙煎度の異なる試料の比較において,一定のL値における内部標準物質ピーク高に換算する補正法を設定した。
日下田 岳史
一般社団法人 日本教育学会
教育学研究 (ISSN:03873161)
vol.89, no.4, pp.603-615, 2022 (Released:2023-04-25)

石田 肇 下田 靖 米田 穣 内藤 裕一 長岡 朋人
北海道大学総合博物館研究報告 (ISSN:1348169X)
vol.6, pp.109-115, 2013-03

The Okhotsk culture spread from southern Sakhalin Island to northeastern Hokkaido Island and the Kurile Islands from the 5th to the 12th centuries AD. The Okhotsk culture developed a considerable maritime infrastructure which was different from that of the native population in Hokkaido. The demographic structure of prehistoric hunter-gatherers contributes to our understanding of life history patterns of past human populations. Age-at-death distribution was estimated using the Buckberry-Chamberlain system of auricular surface aging and the Bayesian approach to discuss whether paleodemographic estimates can yield an appropriate mortality profile of the prehistoric hunter-gatherers in Japan. The age distributions of the Okhotsk revealed low proportions of young adults and high proportions of elderly adults. The results indicated 24.4-51.3% for the proportion of individuals above the age of 55 years. The newly-employed technique of the Bayesian estimation yielded age distributions with significant numbers of elderly individuals, which are contrary to usual paleodemographic estimates. Apical periodontitis, accompanied by considerable wear, was frequently seen in the upper first molars of the Okhotsk people. The bone cavities around the root of the upper first molars were probably caused by chronic apical periodontitis and radicular cyst. The bone cavity was clearly surrounded by sclerotic bone tissue diagnosed as condensing osteitis. Excessive amounts of secondary cementum were deposited on the root surface as a result of radicular granuloma. Pulp exposure through extreme wear very likely resulted in bacterial infection of dental pulp and periapical tissue. Degenerative changes in people of the Okhotsk culture were investigated using adult human skeletons and reconstructing their lifestyle. Findings were compared with materials obtained from skeletons from the medieval Kamakura period and skeletons of early-modern peasants on the Ryukyu Islands, Japan. Severe osteophytes on the lumbar vertebrae were more frequently seen in the Okhotsk males. Degenerative changes of the articular process were also most frequently seen in the lumbar vertebrae of the Okhotsk skeletons. This is a significant contrasted from the high frequency of degenerative changes in the cervical apophyseal joint among Ryukyu peasants. The high prevalence of elbow and knee joint changes in the Okhotsk skeletons was a strong contrast to the high frequency of hip joint changes seen in materials from Kamakura and changes in shoulder and hip joints common in materials from Ryukyu. Because the Okhotsk culture developed a considerable maritime infrastructure, the lifestyle required for sea-mammal hunting and fishing seems to have particularly affected the incidences of severe degenerative changes in the lumbar vertebrae, elbow, and knee. Isotopic signatures in bulk collagen and some amino acids inform of significant differences in the subsistence of each group. Reconstructed diets are taken into consideration to correct the marine reservoir effects on radiocarbon dates for human remains.
下田 幸男
日本緑化工学会誌 (ISSN:09167439)
vol.43, no.4, pp.579-580, 2018-05-31 (Released:2018-08-24)
杉浦 淳子 藤本 保志 安藤 篤 下田 伊津子 中島 務
一般社団法人 日本摂食嚥下リハビリテーション学会
日本摂食嚥下リハビリテーション学会雑誌 (ISSN:13438441)
vol.12, no.1, pp.69-74, 2008-04-30 (Released:2021-01-22)

頭頸部腫瘍術後患者で,Shaker法やMendelsohn法などの喉頭挙上訓練が実施困難であった例に対し,座位で徒手的に抵抗負荷をかける筋力増強訓練を考案し,嚥下機能の改善を得られたので報告する.症例は頸部食道癌の62歳女性および甲状腺癌の56歳女性,根治術施行後,著明な気息性嗄声,頸部筋群の筋力低下および喉頭の可動域制限があり,仰臥位での頭部挙上は不可能であった.嚥下造影検査で喉頭挙上不良,挙上期型誤嚥,クリアランス低下を認めた.嚥下機能の改善と安全かつ効率的な経口摂取を目的に,間接訓練として頸部筋群の可動域拡大訓練,椅子座位での等張性および等尺性筋力増強訓練,リクライニング位での頭部挙上訓練,pushing exercise,直接訓練として代償嚥下法指導(super-supraglottic swallow,顎引き chin-down等)を実施した.この結果,両症例ともに気息性嗄声と声の持続がわずかながらも改善,訓練開始後28~53日で全量経口摂取可能となり,訓練後の嚥下造影検査では両症例ともに舌骨変位量の増加を認め,症例1は誤嚥がなくなったが症例2は若干の誤嚥が残存した.いずれの症例も頸部の筋力低下による喉頭挙上不良に声門閉鎖不全が合併したために気道防御がより重篤に障害された例だったが,積極的な筋力増強訓練を行った結果,頸部筋群の筋力増加と喉頭の可動性に改善を得て経口摂取可能となった.このことより,頭頸部腫瘍術後の筋力低下などによってShaker法など自動的な頭部挙上訓練が実施困難な喉頭挙上不良嚥下障害例に対しては,他動的な徒手的抵抗負荷をかけた筋力増強訓練が有効と考えられた.
宮本 謙治 下田 妙子 伊藤 明彦 嶋村 昭辰
九州齒科學會雜誌 : Kyushu-Shika-Gakkai-zasshi (ISSN:03686833)
vol.40, no.5, pp.1124-1136, 1986-10-25

The morphological and histological characteristic of the teeth of the Afghan pika, Ochotona rufescens rufescence were studied in 12 animals, weighing about 200-300 grams. After the skulls were soft X-rayed, some were prepared for examination on a dissecting microscope and the others for non-decalcified or calcified sections. The main results obtained were summarized as follows. 1. All of the incisors and molars were rootless. 2. The labial and distal surface of the outer incisors were covered with enamel. On the other hand, it was absent on the palatal and mesial surface. For the inner incisors, the four surfaces were covered perfectly with enamel. 3. Enamel was absent on the buccal surface of the upper molars and on the lingal surface of the lower molars. 4. The longitudinal groove found in the labial surface of the outer incisors was filled comparatively thickly with cellular cementum. In the molars, except the lower M_3, bonelike cementum was supplemented along the longitudinal grooves of each lobule (the isthmus) and reinforced the connection between the two. 5. In both the incisors and molars, all of their surfaces including the filling cementum were covered with remarkably thin acellular cementum. 6. The ameloblast being in the process of forming young enamel derived from the enamel organ in the basal end were degenerated gradually toward the occlusal side and were replaced suddenly with the cementoblasts derived from the dental sac. Consequently, on the region cementum covered over enamel (on the occlusal side). Where enamel was absent, neither ameloblast nor inner enamel epithelium was observed. Instead, only short cementoblasts were seen. 7. As compared with the domestic rabbit, the following differences were pointed out. a. The upper M_3 was absent in this animal. b. The lower M_3 of the animal were of single lobule, while those of the rabbit were of double lobi. c. Distribution of enamel in the mesial and distal surfaces of the outer incisors differed slightly between the two animals. d. The region lacking the molar's enamel in the pika tended to be a very little wider than that of the rabbit.
青山 智哉 鷹見 達也 下田 和孝
no.56, pp.115-123, 2002 (Released:2011-03-05)

1.ブラウントラウトの年齢、成長と成熟を明らかにするため、北海道で採集された175尾のブラウントラウトについて鱗や生殖腺などを調べた。 2.プラウントラウトの1+、2+、3+、4+、5+および6+の4から5月における尾叉長の平均は、それぞれ9.1、19.4、26.4、30.6、38.4および59.9cmであった。 3.成長履歴の解析により、2+の一年間の成長が極めて良い群が認められた。それらのうちの2個体は2+の春に降海していた可能性が高いと考えられた。 4.ブラウントラウトの成熟は、雄では1+から、雌では2+から始まった。 5.紋別川においてプラウントラウトの産卵は11月下旬から始まった。 6.以上のことからブラウントラウトは北海道の自然環境に適応し、河川型から降湖型、降海型へと変化していることが推測された。
苅谷 剛彦 安藤 理 有海 拓巳 井上 公人 高橋 渉 平木 耕平 漆山 綾香 中西 啓喜 日下田 岳史
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.47, pp.51-86, 2007

For academic high school students in local areas, it is necessary to make geographical transition from their home town to cities to go to ""good"" universities, while others may decide to remain their home countries to go to local colleges. What factors differentiate students into those two routes to have higher education? For what sake do some students decide to leave for large cities, and others to stay in their home town? This study pays attention to geographical mobility of students in top rank academic high schools in Japan. We administered a survey of 3,767 senior students in 12 high schools, all of which admit academically top students in their areas in 2006 and 2007. By analyzing the survey data, we will explore the following research questions: 1. What factors, including structural and socio-psychological, influences students'decision of mobility both at college entrance and future job entry? 2. What reasons lead them to pursue ""elite"" universities? Which goals either for self -realization or contribution to the society give rationale to apply for those universities? Are there any different mechanisms of this determination between high schools in large cities and rural areas? 3. What factors influence the formation of students'consciousness to contribute to the society? Do school experiences raise such consciousness? What school activities and cultures affect it? The data analyses shows that academic high schools in local communities have power to influence students'mobility and creating consciousness for devoting for the society.
下田 俊介 大久保 暢俊 小林 麻衣 佐藤 重隆 北村 英哉
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.3, pp.294-303, 2014 (Released:2014-08-25)
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The Implicit Positive and Negative Affect Test (IPANAT) is an instrument for the indirect assessment of positive and negative affect. A Japanese version of the IPANAT was developed and its reliability and validity were examined. In Study 1, factor analysis identified two independent factors that could be interpreted as implicit positive and negative affect, which corresponded to the original version. The Japanese IPANAT also had sufficient internal consistency and acceptable test–retest reliability. In Study 2, we demonstrated that the Japanese IPANAT was associated with explicit state affect (e.g., PANAS), extraversion, and neuroticism, which indicated its adequate construct validity. In Study 3, we examined the extent to which the Japanese IPANAT was sensitive to changes in affect by assessing a set of IPANAT items after the presentation of positive, negative, or neutral photographs. The results indicated that the Japanese IPANAT was sufficiently sensitive to changes in affect resulting from affective stimuli. Taken together, these studies suggest that the Japanese version of the IPANAT is a useful instrument for the indirect assessment of positive and negative affect.
アチャヤ ウシャ 下田 敦子 大澤 清二
発育発達研究 (ISSN:13408682)
vol.2014, no.62, pp.12-23, 2014-03-01 (Released:2014-05-05)

This study investigated the differences in physical characteristics of Nepalʼs major castes and ethnic groups to create more appropriate standard values with which to evaluate the growth and development of Nepalese children. Data was collected to determine the unique physical characteristics for each group, and this data was further analyzed to combine groups into clusters. Six body measurements (height, weight, chest circumference, sitting height, biacromion breadth, skinfold thickness) were taken of 1,344 children, ages 2-6, from 6 castes and 1 ethnic group in the Sunsari and Sankhuwasava districts of Nepal. Analysis of this data showed growth and physical attributes characteristic for each group. Cluster analysis (Wardʼs Method) was then used to determine similarities between the groups, which resulted in three clusters:high and middle caste cluster (Brahman, Chhetri, Yadav and Koiri), a low caste cluster (Kami and Mushar), and a Sherpa ethnic group cluster. These results indicate that standard values established for each of these clusters will be needed to more accurately evaluate the physical growth of Nepalese children. Because of the distinct physical growth characteristics of each cluster, Nepalese children cannot be properly evaluated using a single standard value for all groups.