高橋 宏佳 今井 克美 高山 留美子 美根 潤 大谷 早苗 池田 浩子 久保田 裕子 高橋 幸利 井上 有史 藤原 建樹
The Japanese Society of Child Neurology
脳と発達 (ISSN:00290831)
vol.43, no.4, pp.305-308, 2011-07-01

乳児期に発症した難治性のてんかんに対して緩和ケトン食が著効した1例を経験した. 生後8カ月からてんかん性スパズムが出現し, 一時ACTH療法にて発作は消失したが, 1歳1カ月時に部分発作で再発し, 2歳以後は部分発作とスパズムの複合発作となり, 種々の抗てんかん薬に抵抗性であった. 2歳6カ月時に絶食期間をおかず, カロリー制限・水分制限をせず, MCTオイルを使用した緩和ケトン食を開始し, 20日目に発作消失かつ脳波も著明改善した. 従来の古典的ケトン食を緩和した緩和ケトン食療法は副作用が少なく継続しやすいため, 難治性のてんかんにおいて試してみる価値のある治療法であり, わが国においても再評価されるべきである.
井出野 尚 大久保 重孝 玉利 祐樹 伊豫部 紀子 村上 始 竹村 和久
日本感性工学会論文誌 (ISSN:18840833)
vol.13, no.4, pp.535-541, 2014 (Released:2014-11-28)

We examined the effect of discount rate presentation (e.g. 40% off) on the consumers' decision making process using eye movement equipment. Ten female participants (average age: 48.4 years old) were asked to choose between two options. The discount rate of option one was higher than that of option two, although total price of option one was higher than that of option two. All eye movements were recorded during experiment in order to examine participants' decision making process. To recheck this finding, we conducted a control experiment without discount rates. The result of the control experiment suggested that the presentation of discount rate influenced the participants' decision strategy.
大久保 文彦
史學雜誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.103, no.6, pp.1059-1095, 1222-1224, 1994-06-20

In this article the author investigates the background and origins of the discharge of Inspector-General of Army Education Mazaki Jinzaburo in July 1935, which resulted in a dispute over army personnel. He focuses on 1)the three Army Chiefs Council (陸軍三長官会議), which was the scene of the discharge procedures, 2)the formation process of 1913 the Arrangement Regulating Duties of three Army Departments and 3)related the Agreement of three Chiefs. In the first chapter, the author analyzes the defense offered by Mazaki up to his discharge, showing, in contrast to conventional opinions, that his views concerning both the Council and the agreement related to the Arrangement surfaced just before the finale to the case. In chapter two, the author demonstrates how Army Minister Hayashi knowing of the Arrangement provision devised counter-measures on how to deal with the Council, intentionally ignoring the Agreement. In chapter three, the author traces the formation process of the Arrangement back to 1913, indicating that the Army Ministry bureaucratic reforms aimed at abolishing the ministerial appointment of active duty military officers was opposed by the Army. This opposition appeared in a revision of the ministerial duties item in provisions. This was the direct cause of the establishment of the Arrangement in the midst of peacetime institutional revisions that the Army feared would enable Imperial edicts to override military decrees. In chapter four, the author takes up the personnel aspect, showing the evolution within negotiations between the General Staff, who wanted to nominalize the authority of the Army Minister and a reluctant Army Ministry over a plan for a personnel section with the three chiefs to be the major decision makers. In opposition to the General Staff who wanted the establishment of such a section according to peace-time organization, the Army Ministry Personnel Bureau Appointments Section attempted to eliminate its effectiveness and authority. What happened in the end was the inevitable division in personnel affairs known in the research literature as "Addenda to Army Secret Memorandum No.120 : The A and B proposals". The "B Proposal", which contained many of the elements for a Personnel Section, should not have gone any farther than simple agreement between the three Chiefs and in fact the authority over the June petition to the throne was held by the Army Minister. But, being only a provisional action, the petition clearly asked for a decision to be made at a later date. After the promulgation of bureaucratic reforms and the consequent resignation of the Army Minister, the right to petition the throne was transferred to the Chief of General Staff, who thus had the last word on the final petition submitted in July. The research up till now has denied the effectiveness of the "B Proposal" on the grounds that its contents were missing from the final petition. However, at the June phase of the petition the "B Proposal" was clearly stated as a subordinate provision to the "A proposal" ; and if the July petition is considered to be a final decision concerning a revised "A Proposal", it is impossible to state for certain that the "B Proposal" was not also accepted. If we keep in mind the sense of urgency shown by the Army, the content of both the June and July petitions should be considered as one entity. Therefore acceptance was given to the June petition through a process that lasted until July. It is for this reason that the effectiveness of the "Agreement" between the three Chiefs cannot be refuted, and the three Army Chiefs Council, given elements of a Personnel section by this petition, became, as Mazaki Jinzaburo reasoned, a personnel decision making apparatus with each Chief having an equal say in the matter.
久保 忠行
Kyoto Working Papers on Area Studies: G-COE Series
vol.89, pp.1-20, 2010-05

This paper aims to discuss on a process of achieving camp refugees' "autonomy" by analyzing refugees' self-help activities. Aid agencies such as International NGOs (INGO) provide development-oriented aid to refugees at a stage of protracted refugee condition. This approach aims to reduce the burden of INGOs as well as encourage refugees' self-support. At the Thailand-Burmese border refugee camps, INGO have prompted to set up Community Based Organizations (CBOs) as camp based, refugee-organized aid organizations, backed by financial support from INGOs. INGOs provide CBO staffs to method of management, how to organize groups. This development-oriented framework of aid also enlightens "universal" value such as democracy, freedom and equality to refugees. At a Thailand-Burmese border camp, this "universal" value has reached masses to a degree, now it is understood as "globalized culture". This "globalized culture" has dual meaning among refugees. It is said the core element of causing social problems. On the other hand, it is accepted as "development", which can be the way to solve social problems. A sense not being at home and strangeness living as refugees serve as driving force to set up self-organized CBOs, which are not being supported by INGOs. The social position of the self-organized CBOs shows a possibility of achieving refugees' "autonomy".
上村 睦美 久保 元子 伊藤 恭子 阪東 健司 桑山 直人
日本集中治療医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13407988)
vol.9, no.4, pp.385-388, 2002-10-01 (Released:2009-03-27)

集中治療室と一般病棟という2つの異なる職場環境における新卒,新任看護師を対象に,気分・感情の変化をprofile of mood states (POMS)を用いて経時的に調査,検討した。20~29歳の健康成人女性のPOMSの結果と比較すると,集中治療室勤務の新人看護師は,調査期間中,常に高い「緊張・不安」状態であった。これに対し,一般病棟勤務の新人看護師は調査期間中,健康成人女性に比べ,常に過度の「疲労」「混乱」を感じており,両者に差がみられた。当施設においては,一般病棟新人看護師のほうが,集中治療室看護師よりも疲労感が強く,怒りを表出できない抑うつ状態であり,精神的に疲弊した状態であることが明らかになった。
川口 輝久 久保 正則 秋山 仁 小富 正昭
The Japanese Society for the Study of Xenobiotics
薬物動態 (ISSN:09161139)
vol.9, no.5, pp.661-674, 1994 (Released:2007-03-29)

14C-BOF-A2(3-[3-(6-benzoyloxy-3-cyano-2-pyridyloxycarbonyl)benzoyl]-1-ethoxyme-thyl-5-fluorouracil)をラットに単回および反復経口投与後の放射能,主代謝産物である1-ethoxy-methy1-5-fluorouracil(EM-FU),3-cyano-2,6-di-hydroxypyridine(CNDP),5-fluorouracil(5-FU)の吸収,分布,代謝および排泄について検討した. 1.絶食あるいは非絶食下に雄性ラットに単回経口投与後,血液中放射能濃度は絶食下投与の方が高い推移を示した. 2.雌雄ラットに単回経口投与後の血液中放射能濃度推移には顕著な性差は認められなかった. 3.雄性ラットに反復経口投与後7および14日目の血液中放射能のCmaxは,投与初日の各々,1.8,2.2倍に増加し,AUC0-24hrもほぼ同様の割合で増加した. 4.雌雄ラットに単回経口投与後,総放射能濃度のAUC0-24hr に対する5-FUあるいはEM-FUのAUC0-24hrの割合は,5-FU(雄 : 7%,雌 :5 %)で,EM-FU(雄 : 63%,雌 : 78%)であった.5.雌雄ラットに単回経口投与後2~8時間に,胃,小腸以外では,肝臓,腎臓,副腎,骨髄において血漿中よりも高い放射能濃度を示した.投与後12時間以降の放射能の消失は多くの組織において血漿中に比較して緩慢で残留する傾向が認められた. 6.雄性ラットに反復経口投与14日目の投与24時間以降の放射能の消失は多くの組織において緩慢であり,残留傾向が認められた.7。雄性ラットに非絶食下単回投与後7日目までに尿中へ47.1%,糞中へ41.1%,呼気中へ8.6%の放射能が排泄され,死体残存率は1.2%であった.尿,糞および呼気へ排泄された放射能のほとんどが投与後48時間までに排泄された.また,絶食下単回投与後48時間までの放射能の排泄率は,尿64.9%,糞13.1%,呼気11.8%で,非絶食下投与群との間に差が認められた.8.雄性ラットに14日間反復経口投与期間中の毎回投与後24時間ごとの放射能の排泄率は,尿が約40%,糞が約35~55%,呼気が約10%で,反復投与による変化はなかった. 9.絶食あるいは非絶食下に雄性ラットに単回経口投与後24時間までに尿中へ排泄された総放射能に対するEM-FUの割合は,絶食下13%,非絶食下56%で,5-FUの割合は,絶食下24%,非絶食下9%であった. 10.雄性ラットに非絶食下単回投与後48時間までの放射能の胆汁中への排泄率は4.5%で,そのうち約50%がEM-FUであった. 11.in vitroでの血漿蛋白との結合率は,EM-FUは,ラット34~46%,イヌ47~51%,ヒト27~38%,5-FUは,ラット14~21%,イヌ16~17%,ヒト14~17%,CNDPは,ラット53~58%,イヌ63~71%,ヒト67~69%であった.ラットに14C-BOF-A2を単回経口投与後4,24時間における放射能の血漿蛋白との結合率は各々,39,93%であった.
川口 輝久 久保 正則 秋山 仁 小富 正昭
The Japanese Society for the Study of Xenobiotics
薬物動態 (ISSN:09161139)
vol.9, no.5, pp.651-660, 1994 (Released:2007-03-29)

BOF-A2(3-[3-(6-benzoyloxy-3-cyano-2-pyridyloxycarbonyl)benzoyl]-1-ethoxymethyl-5-fluorouracil)をイヌ,サルおよびモルモットに経口投与後の主代謝産物である1-ethoxymethyl-5-fiuorouracil(EM-FU),3-cyano-2,6-dihy-droxypyridine(CNDP),5-fluorouracil(5-FU)の血漿中動態および尿中排泄について検討した.また,安息香酸およびイソフタル酸の血漿中動態についても検討した. 1.イヌに絶食および非絶食下で単回経口投与後,EM-FUは8時間にCmaxを示したのち,各 々,19.4,48.2hrの長いT1/2で消失した.EM-FUおよびCNDPの血漿中濃度推移は絶食群と非絶食群との間で差は認められなかった.また,いずれの時間においても5-FUは血漿中には検出されなかった. 2.イヌに単回経口投与後の血漿中にはイソフタル酸が検出されたが,EM-FUおよびCNDPよりも低い濃度推移を示した. 3.サルに6,20mg/kg/dayの用量で反復経口投与時の投与初日において,EM-FU,CNDPおよび5-FUは投与量にほぼ対応した血漿中濃度を示した.各代謝産物ともに血漿からの消失は非常に遅く,20mg/kg投与群ではEM-FU,CNDPは各々,22hr,10hrのT1/2を示し,5-FU濃度は投与後24時間まで増加し続けた. 4.サルに反復経口投与した場合,5-FUのCmaxおよびAUC0-24hrは投与日数の増加とともに減少する傾向を示し,T1/2は短縮した. 5.サルに単回経口投与後の血漿中には安息香酸はいずれの時間においても検出されなかった。イソフタル酸は投与後1時間にCmaxを示し,6時間以降の消失は緩慢であった. 6.モルモットに単回経口投与後の血漿中には,5-FUおよび安息香酸はいずれの時間においても検出されなかった. 7,イヌに単回経口投与後72時間までの尿中排泄率は,EM-FU10.1%,CNDP30.1%で,5-FUは尿中へはほとんど排泄されなかった.サルに単回経口投与後96時間までの尿中排泄率は,EM-FU12.7%,5-FU7.1%,CNDP50.9%であった.イヌおよびサルともに各代謝産物の排泄はラットに比べて遅延する傾向にあった.
久保薗 愛
日本語の研究 (ISSN:13495119)
vol.12, no.4, pp.18-34, 2016

久保 吉人
特定非営利活動法人 組織学会
組織学会大会論文集 (ISSN:21868530)
vol.3, no.1, pp.7-13, 2014-08-25 (Released:2014-08-28)

Design-Oriented Innovation aims to pursue toward the future of a world where people live by in-house designers in the characteristics of manufacturing firms in Japan. This paper addresses the effectiveness of product innovation theory through case study, Socialization of tacit knowledge by the in-house designers in collaboration with external designers, that in between the New Product Development members born in collective intelligence. Japanese firms specific designer-centered methodology brings added value creation idea is with diversity in collaboration with external designers. It is assumed that this information helps to determine when the in-house designer of new product development team as coordinator. Finally, the pattern to which the collaboration with external designers thinking movement as a business strategy will implicate the closed collaboration ‘Elite Circle’ of new products development (Pisano & Verganti, 2008, pp.82) .
有村 達之 小牧 元 村上 修二 玉川 恵一 西方 宏昭 河合 啓介 野崎 剛弘 瀧井 正人 久保 千春
心身医学 (ISSN:03850307)
vol.42, no.4, pp.259-269, 2002-04-01

本研究の目的は,アレキシサイミア評価のための改訂版 Beth Israel Hosoital Psychosomatic Questionnaire構造化面接法(SIBIQ)の開発である.SIBIQはアレキシサイミア評定尺度である改訂版BIQの評定に必要な面接ガイドラインと評定基準を含む半構造化面接である.心療内科を受診した45名の患者にSIBIQを実施し,良好な内的一貫性(α=0.91)と評定音間信頼性(ICC=0.82)を得た.また,アレキシサイミア評価の質問紙であるTAS-20との間に正の相関(r=0.49)があり収束妥当性が支持された.因子分析では(1)アレキシサイミア,(2)空想能力の二因子が抽出された.