沼倉 研史 沼倉 満帆
Historical Society of English Studies in Japan
英学史研究 (ISSN:03869490)
no.21, pp.91-111, 1989

Taizo Masaki is most prominently mentioned in "Yoshida Torajiro", a short story by Robert Louis Stevenson. After the Meiji Restoration, he was dispatched to Great Britain twice from 1871 to 1881, and became the first president of Tokyo Shokko Gakko (now Tokyo Institute of Technology). He worked earnestly for industrial education for nearly twenty years in the early years of Meiji Era. In 1890, Masaki was transferred to the Foreign Office, and went to Honolulu as consul in Hawaii. After one year, he was promoted to consul general. He stayed in Honolulu for 2 years and a half, however, his activities in Hawaii were not made clear yet. In this article, various kinds of documents between Japanese Foreign Office and Consul Masaki were studied, and the present writers tried to learn from them how he acted as Hawaiian consul.<br>The diplomatic relation between Japan and Hawaii Kingdom began in 1860. It continued only 40 years, because of the Hawaiian revolution in 1893 and the annexation by the U.S.A. The largest pending problem of both countries was the immigration for the sugar beet farms from Japan. As sugar was the main product of Hawaii, the sugar beet farms needed a large number of workers. On the other hand, Japanese agricultural villages were in a long depression after the Meiji Restoration. After short preliminary negotiations, both governments arrived at an agreement that Japan would supply round numbers of immigrants for Hawaiian sugar farms periodically. In 1884, the Japanese consulate was opened at Honolulu, and the first ship "the City of Tokyo" carried 948 emigrants to Hawaii in 1885. This emigration organized by the Japanese government continued for ten years, and 29, 139 Japanese emigrants voyaged to Hawaii as often as 26 times. As the government-sponsored emigration brought about many conflicts, various kinds of troubles occurred.<br>Taizo Masaki made a voyage to Honolulu as the fourth consul in May, 1890. It was the peak period of governmental emigration, and more than twelve thousand emigrants voyaged.<br>There are many documents, and correspondance archives referring to Hawaii in the Diplomatic Record Office. We can infer the activities of Taizo Masaki in Hawaii as consul. The most important business of the Hawaiian consulate was the remittance of immigrants to their family in Japan. Because there was no branch of a Japanese bank in those early years, it was very difficult. Masaki invited a new branch of Yokohama Shokin Bank to Honolulu for Japanese immigrants. The remittance to Japan became easier.<br>Masaki sent many formal annd informal reports which included important information. One of them referred to the suffrage of immigrants. The Hawaiian constitution amended in 1887, approved the right to vote of those other than American or European immigrants. Masaki gave a report on the historical situation and pointed out those problems. The other important reports were referring to the political change of the Hawaiian Government. In those days, the political situation in Hawaii was very unstable; therefore, coups d'état and reorganizations of the cabinet were done frequently. Masaki's reports described the circumstances of the changes of Hawaiian government and his opinions about them. His final report was dated Nov. 9, 1892, because he returned to Japan in December. It was only one month before the Hawaiian Kingdom collapsed and transferred to the republic form of government.<br>The analysis in this article is not enough; a more detailed examination will be reported in the following articles. The other documents of Taizo Masaki referring to many other items will be introduced, too.<br>In the meantime, Robert Louis Stevenson was making a tour of the islands in the Pacific Ocean, and visited Hawaii at least twice. We have much interest in the question whether the two old friends could meet again or not.
東 朋美 神林 康弘 藤村 政樹 大倉 徳幸 吉崎 智一 中西 清香 西條 清史 早川 和一 小林 史尚 道上 義正 人見 嘉哲 中村 裕之
エアロゾル研究 (ISSN:09122834)
vol.29, no.1, pp.s212-s217, 2014

The frequency and scale of Asian dust events have increased rapidly in East Asia since 2000. In connection with this, the effects of Asian dust (<i>kosa</i>) on human health, especially on allergic diseases, are major concern in Japan. We herein discuss the effects of <i>kosa</i> on allergic diseases, including asthma, chronic cough and Japanese cedar pollinosis. Epidemiological studies, as well as experimental studies, have demonstrated the association between <i>kosa</i> and the exacerbation of asthma and allergic diseases.The <i>kosa</i> particles increase airway inflammation as one of the major sources of atmospheric particulate matter. Furthermore the <i>kosa</i> particles absorb various atmospheric gases, including air pollution. Such environmental pollution enhances the response to allergens, including Japanese cedar pollen. Recently, some epidemiological studies used the <i>kosa</i> data obtained by the light detection and ranging (LIDAR) system, which distinguish between mineral dust and other spherical particles, by identifying differences in the shape of the particles. Further studies using the LIDAR system will help to identify the <i>kosa</i> aerosol components that have adverse health effects, leading to provide new strategies to prevent environmentally induced allergic diseases.
森近 浩 橋本 隆之 草野 マサ子 細田 誠弥 倉本 孝雄 田村 和子 林 敬民 稲見 邦晃 高桜 芳郎
順天堂医学 (ISSN:00226769)
vol.51, no.1, pp.83-89, 2005-03-31

目的:肥満者に胃食道逆流をよく経験する.体格指数と逆流性食道炎発症の相関について検討した.対象:男性548例(平均53.9歳)女性246例(平均62.2歳)の計794例(平均56.5歳)である.方法:肥満は日本肥満学会の基準に準じ,また逆流性食道炎の判定はロサンゼルス分類による内視鏡所見基準に従った.結果:逆流性食道炎発症は非高齢者普通群(男,女)に比し,肥満A群2.2, 1.5と肥満B2.7, 2.0,また高齢者においてやせ2.4,1.9普通A群1.8,0.9普通b群1.9,2.2肥満A群2.6,2.5と肥満B群3.1,2.8各々倍である.結語:逆流性食道炎発症は体格指数が大となり高齢者に多かった.肥満者と高齢者には逆流性食道炎対策が必要である.
小倉 康嗣
社会学評論 (ISSN:00215414)
vol.52, no.1, pp.50-68, 2001-06-30 (Released:2010-04-23)
3 1

本稿は, 高齢化社会の内実への歴史的再認識を出発点として, 「高齢化」ないし「老い」の問題を, 全体社会の根本的変革や新たな社会構想の問題へとつなげていく研究枠組を開拓していく試みである.つまり「高齢化」ないし「老い」の社会学的研究に関する「生成的理論」の構築を目指して, 探索的な経験的研究を行っていくうえでの理論的インプリケーションを明確化し, その概念枠組の構築を図ることが本稿の目的である.理論的インプリケーションを明確化する際の主張は2つある.第1に, 高齢化社会の内実を「再帰化する後期近代」という歴史的ダイナミズムにおいて認識すること (1節), 第2に, その認識を取り入れてthe agedからaging へと照準を合わせ直し人間形成観の問題圏へ入ること (2節), である.これら 2つの主張は, パースペクティブとしての〈ラディカル・エイジング〉として統括される (3節).つづく概念枠組の構築作業においては, いかなる事象にどのような概念的参入を図ればよいのかを検討することによって, さきの理論的インプリケーションを具象化する.まず, 現代日本における「中年の転機」を〈ラディカル・エイジング〉の理論的インプリケーションの集約事象として位置づけ (4節), その作業を媒介に〈再帰的社会化〉という概念構成を導出し, 同時に〈再帰的社会化〉の基盤をめぐる探索課題を提起することによって概念的参入の足場を築く (5節).
細野 敬太 笹倉 万里子 田邊 浩亨 川上 武志
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 (ISSN:13479881)
vol.28, 2014

2012年に開発されたNUIデバイスのLeap Motionを用い,手のジェスチャ操作により文字入力を行う方法を提案する.マウスとキーボードの2つの機能をLeap Motionのみで実現するため,Leap Motionで文字入力を可能とする.本研究では,指の移動角度で平仮名を入力する方法を提案し,現在主流であるキーボード入力などの文字入力方法との比較を行う.
大前 清嗣 小川 哲也 吉川 昌男 佐倉 宏 新田 孝作
一般社団法人 日本透析医学会
日本透析医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13403451)
vol.48, no.5, pp.287-294, 2015 (Released:2015-05-28)

透析患者に広く使用されるRenin-Angiotensin系抑制薬 (RASI) のうちAngiotensin変換酵素阻害薬 (ACEI), AT1受容体拮抗薬 (ARB) と生命予後との関連を当院databaseにより検討した. 2006年4月以降databaseに登録された透析患者を対象とした. 対象の傾向スコア (PS) を算出し3群 (ACEI, ARB, 非RASI群) からPS近似例を抽出した. 疾患死をエンドポイントとした3群の生存曲線を作成し比較した. 対象の347例から31組93例が抽出, 3群間に有意差なく4.2年で全死亡30例, 心血管死19例であった. 全死亡はACEI群7例, ARB群14例, 非RASI群9例でACEI群が予後良好であったが心血管死は有意差を認めなかった. 透析患者においてACEIによる全死亡抑制を認めたがARBは予後に影響しなかった. 今後多施設での前向き研究が必要と考えられた.
武田 隆宏 谷口 和彦 浅利 一成 倉本 圭 小橋 昌司 畑 豊
日本知能情報ファジィ学会 ファジィ システム シンポジウム 講演論文集 第25回ファジィ システム シンポジウム
pp.46, 2009 (Released:2009-12-15)

近年,様々なシステムの自動化に伴い利便性の高い個人認証技術が必要とされている.本論文では利用者の行動的な特徴を用いる生体認証の一つとして歩行時の足裏荷重分布を用いた生体認証手法を提案する.本手法では連続した歩行中より一歩分の荷重分布を抽出し認証に用いる.歩行行動の特徴として体重移動に基づく特徴および足形に基づく特徴を算出し,それぞれの特徴量において特徴量に関する二つの知識より導出されたファジィIF-THENルールに基づく分類器を作成する.これらの分類器を人工免疫システムを利用し学習させ個人認証を行う.男女30名の被験者よりそれぞれ6回分の荷重分布データを取得し本手法による認証性能の評価実験を行った.その結果,1対1照合である検証では15.0%のEER(Equal Error Rate),1対N照合である識別では7.0%のFAR(False Rejection Rate)の誤認証率により個人認証が行えた.
小倉 知子 昆 泰寛 小沼 操 近藤 高志 橋本 善春 杉村 誠
日本獣医学雑誌 (ISSN:09167250)
vol.55, no.1, pp.59-66, 1993-02-15

ニワトリのリンパ組織におけるT Cell Subsetsの分布をCD4, CD8に相当するモノクローナル抗体を用いて免疫組織化学的に検討した. 胸腺においてCD8^+細胞は皮質にのみ認められ, 一方CD4^+細胞は皮質のみならず髄質にも認められた. 被膜直下の皮質細胞は両抗体に反応しなかった. 盲腸扁桃においてCD8^+細胞は固有層浅層に限局し, 固有層中層ないし深層では多数のCD4^+細胞が胚中心を囲むように存在していた. 脾臓においてCD8^+細胞は赤脾髄にのみ存在し, CD4^+細胞は動脈周囲リンパ組織ならびに静脈周囲リンパ組織に認められた. 胚中心内にこれら抗体に反応するリンパ球は認められなかった. 骨髄ならびにファブリキウス嚢に反応は認められなかった. 夕ンパク抗原(みょうばん沈澱ウシ血清アルブミン)投与実験によって, CD4^+細胞が胚中心内に認められ, 一方CD8陽性を示す細胞は赤脾髄領域から減少した. これらの結果はニワトリのリンパ組織におけるT Cell Subsetsが明らかな住み分けをしていることを示すものと思われる.
倉田 益二郎
日本林學會誌 (ISSN:0021485X)
vol.31, no.1, pp.32-34, 1949-02-28

1) Introduction : The new theory on natural regeneration of forest by the prevention of bacterial injury dealt with in this treatise, is a hypothesis established on the supposition that, if the bacterial injury or damping-off is prevented, seeds and seedlings will sprout and grow well and lead to the luxury and growth of forest, in the meanwhile, if they suffer the injury of bacteria for lack of the prevention, they will not sprout and results in the ruin of forest in next generation. 2) Outline of Existing Theories on Natural Regeneration : No established theory seems to have been advanced yet on the cause for the formation of natural forest. There are, however, two theories, positive and negative. The positive one asserts the possibility of regeneration of forest by human power, the negative one insits upon the difficulty of artificial regeneration. Recently Dr, Yataro Sato has succeeded in his test on"Sugi"(Cryptomeria japonica. D. DON). Besides this, there are some other instances of success. 3) Result of Experiment : Dr. Hasegawa and others pointed out that the majority of the seedlings sprouting from the numerous seeds which fall in natural forests, perish through the infection of microbes. I, the researcher, ascertained this fact in a wood of"Kiri"(Paulownia tomentosa. STEUD.) first of all. As for the particulars, I refer to"The Journal of the Japanese Forestry Society". To sum up, I found that the seedling of Kiri thrives in such places as the burnt spot, the old seat of charcoal kiln, the moss-grown spot, the spot under eaves, the earthen wall, the straw thatched roof, the tile roof, the stony place, the railway track, the cleared spot in the wood, the reclaimed ground, etc. where anthracnose, the dreadful enemy of the young seedling can be avoided. The experiment on"Himeyashabushi"(Alnus firma. SIED. et ZUCC. var. Sieboldiana. WINKL.) proved the following facts ; a. Fusarium. bacteria kill the young seedling. b. The rainy weather and wet place are hot beds of diseases. The experiments on"Akamatsu"(Pinus densiflora SIED. et ZUCC.) and"Sugi"proved the following facts : a. Fusarium bacteria kill the young seedling. b. Diseases seldom break out in the clayey or the dry zones. c. Bacteria, though scattered, often fail to cause diseases in the clayey zone. d. Rain and humidity help the prevalence of diseases. e. In the sterilized or bacteria-proof zone, no seedling dies from want of sunlight even at a very dark place. 4) Disease Endurance and Shade Endurance : It seems that the"intolerant tree"is an appellation for the specie with weak endurance against diseases, while the"tolerant tree"is an appellation for"one with strong endurance against them". The seedling can easily avoid the bacterial injury at a place which is unfavourable or almost unfit for the breeding of bacteria such as the dry slope or hill top, the sterilc soil containing little humus, the sunny place, etc. But at a place of the opposite condition it falls a easy victim to the bacterial injury. It seems to me that the species with the above property is called"intolerant tree"or"one with weak shade endurance", while the another specie which can thrive under the same conditions enduring against diseases, is called the"tolerant tree"one with strong shade endurance."5) Cause for the Formation of Natural Forest : The natural forest may have deen formed as the result of various requisites having been met. The most important factor among these requisites is the prevention of bacterial injury from the seedling. If the seedling suffers the bacterial injury no forest will come into existence no matter how favourable other circumstances may be. "Akamatsu"is the weakest against the bacterial injury, but it regenerates well in the burnt place, the sterile soil, the spot of land slide, the hilltop, etc. "Sugi"is a little stronger than Akamatsu against diseases, but it is believed that it can thrive well in the above mentioned places where the bacterial injury can easily b
白井 克佳 中里 信立 斉藤 実 鍋倉 賢治 松田 光生
人間と環境 (ISSN:13434780)
no.3, pp.69-77, 1999-06

倉本 和興 田中 隆博
海上保安大学校研究報告. Part 2, 理工学系 = Report of Japan Coast Guard Academy. 海上保安大学校 編 (ISSN:02872951)
vol.58, no.1, pp.1-8, 2014

In the previous report,we proposed a new measuring technique that the number of pulses per unit time was counted by using the general-purpose image processing software after acquiring 16-bit grayscale square image from the temporal acoustic data,as an evaluation method of the number of peculiar cracking noise,whith is called "TEMPURA noise". In addition,we measured the underwater acoustic data with the marine environment at KOJIMA pier of Japan Coast Guard Academy in the every hour for 25 hours in one day of each season and discussed the relationship between the number of pulses and the marine environment value. In this study, the automatic measurement device of the underwater acoustic data and marine environment value was constructed in order to carry out the continuous measurement throughout for a few days. The consecutive measurements for 4 days(for 77 hours)of each season in winter,spring,summer,autumn were carried out in the fixed point at KOJIMA pier,and the relationship between the changes of pulse generation of snapping shrimp and marine environment values is reconsidered.
井上 美智子 萩原 兼一 都倉 信樹
電子情報通信学会論文誌. D-I, 情報・システム, I-コンピュータ = The transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (ISSN:09151915)
vol.76, no.7, pp.405-406, 1993-07-25

平井 浩一 小田和 友仁 岡本 高幸 二宮 温 住元 真司 高木 将通 Balazs Gerofi 山口 訓央 小倉 崇浩 亀山 豊久 堀 敦史 石川 裕
研究報告システム・アーキテクチャ(ARC) (ISSN:21888574)
vol.2015-ARC-215, no.2, pp.1-8, 2015-05-19

将来の HPC 向けの OS としては,メニーコアへの最適化が必須となってきており,それを実現するための OS として McKernel を選択し,計算センターにおけるバッチジョブ運用への適応を進めている.本論文では,将来のスーパーコンピュータ上で,McKernel に適応したバッチジョブ運用を実現する場合の課題を述べ,現状の検討状況について述べる.
小倉 純二
日経ビジネス (ISSN:00290491)
no.947, pp.133-136, 1998-06-29

新倉 貴仁
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
no.73, pp.79-96, 2008-07-31

This article aims to reframe the relationship between nationalism and media. Previous research has approached this problem from within the regime of representation and lost the materiality of technology which allows nationalism to emerge. I reconsider the argument of Imagined Communities by Benedict Anderson from the viewpoint of technology and focus on the concept of "piracy" which describes the dissemination of nationalism, This theoretical study adds a critical new dimension to the theory of nationalism, contending that we should focus on the citation and iteration of nationalism rather than its representation.