小池 博 太田 壮哉 長谷川 直樹
公益社団法人 日本都市計画学会
都市計画論文集 (ISSN:09160647)
vol.53, no.3, pp.1138-1144, 2018-10-25 (Released:2018-10-25)

青木 一治 平野 孝行 太田 智子
理学療法学 (ISSN:02893770)
vol.16, no.1, pp.33-37, 1989-01-10 (Released:2018-10-25)

健常者132名(男子72名,女子60名)により,等速性筋力計(Cybex II)を用いて,体幹筋筋力(腹筋,背筋筋力)の男女の年代別正常値の決定を試みた。各年代は男女とも20代,30代,40代に分けて行った。また,身長,体重,lever armの長さが筋力に与える影響についても検討した。その結果,男女とも腹筋筋力は背筋筋力よりも弱かった。また,腹筋,背筋筋力ともに女子は男子よりも弱かった。これらはいずれの年代でも同様であった。背筋筋力に対する腹筋筋力の割合は,男子では平均43.6%で,20代が大きく,30代,40代はほぼ同値であった。女子では平均31.6%で,各年代ともほぼ同じであった。身長と筋力は有意な相関はなく,体重は背筋筋力において,男女ともに,体重が増すに従い筋力も増加した。lever armの長さと筋力においては,男女とも,腹筋,背筋筋力でarmの長さが長くなると筋力も強くなるという相関があった。
谷 友之 太田 智之 武藤 桃太郎
日本大腸肛門病学会雑誌 (ISSN:00471801)
vol.61, no.6, pp.315-319, 2008 (Released:2008-10-02)

症例は21歳,男性.右下腹部痛を主訴に来院した.血液検査では炎症マーカーの軽度上昇がみられ,腹部CT検査で右下腹部にtarget signを認めたため回盲部腸重積症と診断した.その後の大腸内視鏡検査では虫垂開口部を中心とした発赤の強い粘膜下腫瘍様隆起を認めたため,虫垂炎による虫垂重積症と診断した.1週間の保存的治療により重積所見の改善を認めた.その後外科的に虫垂切除術を施行したところ,病理組織学的結果は特に重積の核となるような器質的疾患をともなわない急性蜂窩織炎性虫垂炎であった.虫垂重積症は成人腸重積の中で頻度はまれだが,原因として本例のような急性虫垂炎の可能性も考慮する必要があると考えられた.
マックグリービー スティーブンR. 田村 典江 ルプレヒト クリストフD. D. 太田 和彦 小林 舞 スピーゲルバーグ マキシミリアン
社団法人 環境科学会
環境科学会誌 (ISSN:09150048)
vol.34, no.2, pp.46-65, 2021-03-31 (Released:2021-03-31)

太田 峰夫
美学 (ISSN:05200962)
vol.53, no.2, pp.39-52, 2002-09-30 (Released:2017-05-22)

In his mature years Bela Bartok continuously argued that the influence of peasant music on art music should be realized by grasping its "spirit"-which penetrates the composer's creativity. We usually take this argument simply as a part of his program for modernist music, but the significance of this "spirit" remains hardly convincing. It is unclear why modern musicians should undertake such a demanding task as to make the "spirit" of peasant music their own. We can clarify the importance of this idea solely by considering the historical background of Hungary. The discourse of the "spirit" of peasant music can be related to the nationalistic movement from the first decade of the twentieth century ; especially to the innovatively minded movement led by young intellectuals such as Endre Ady. Under the influence of social radicalism, they began to seek the new cultural identity of Hungary. Precisely according to this new trend Bartok also formulated his strategy, approaching long-forgotten cultures of the peasant class and of other peoples. Because of this political-cultural context it became his ultimate goal to grasp the "spirit" of peasant music, which could justify his artistic endeavor both in the nationalistic context and in the modernist one.
比嘉 梨乃 加藤 莉子 太田 穂波 江頭 祐嘉合 諏訪 聖二 今井 啓太 平井 静
公益社団法人 日本食品科学工学会
日本食品科学工学会誌 (ISSN:1341027X)
pp.NSKKK-D-23-00022, (Released:2023-06-02)

内臓脂肪型肥満者の脂肪組織では,酸化ストレスが亢進し代謝異常が引き起こされることで,メタボリックシンドロームの発症および進行に繋がる.ラッカセイ種皮は,通常,加工工程において,大量に廃棄されているが,抗酸化作用を有するポリフェノールを高含有していることが知られている.本研究では,ラッカセイ種皮含有黒酢飲料が,高脂肪食誘導性肥満マウスの糖・脂質代謝異常に及ぼす影響を検討した.6週齢のC57BL/6J雄マウスに60kcal% fat高脂肪食を摂取させるとともに,40倍(低濃度:LD)または20倍(高濃度:HD)に希釈したラッカセイ種皮含有黒酢飲料を20週間自由飲水させた.その結果,終体重は対照群と比較してLDおよびHD両群で有意に減少した.またHD群ではインスリン感受性指標であるHOMA-IRの有意な低下と,インスリン抵抗性指標であるQUICKIの有意な上昇が認められた.以上の結果より,ラッカセイ種皮抽出物含有黒酢飲料による肥満および糖代謝異常の改善が示唆された.
太田 仲郎 谷川 緑野 坪井 俊之 野田 公寿茂 宮崎 貴則 木下 由宇 松川 東俊 榊原 史啓 齊藤 寛浩 上山 博康 徳田 禎久
一般社団法人 日本脳卒中の外科学会
脳卒中の外科 (ISSN:09145508)
vol.45, no.6, pp.425-431, 2017 (Released:2017-12-22)
1 1

Introduction: Although improvements in endovascular treatment have decreased the frequency of bypass surgery, cerebral vascular reconstructions are still important. Many critical points are required to achieve a reliable bypass patency. We describe our experience and techniques for bypass surgery, especially focusing on the superficial temporal artery to middle cerebral artery (STA-MCA) bypass.Materials and methods: Over a period of 5 years, STA-MCA bypass was performed for 42 patients with atherosclerotic internal carotid artery or middle cerebral artery occlusion, or hemodynamic ischemia; 35 patients with moyamoya disease; and 97 patients with complex cerebral aneurysms. Mean occlusion time, bypass patency, hyperperfusion, ischemic complication, and postoperative delayed wound healing were assessed.Results: Within 42 ischemic cases, the mean occlusion time of the STA-MCA procedure was 20 minutes 16 seconds. No ischemic complications due to temporal occlusion occurred. Acute bypass occlusion (occlusion within 2 weeks after operation) occurred in 1 case of STA-MCA for moyamoya disease and 1 case of STA-MCA bypass for a patient with ischemic occlusion. Perioperative ischemic stroke was observed in 4 patients with ischemic occlusion and 1 patient with moyamoya disease.Conclusion: To perform a safe and reliable vascular reconstruction, off-the-job training, a bloodless operative field, selection of an appropriate donor and recipient artery, use of the “fish mouth” method for trimming the donor artery, and an intima-to-intima everting suture are necessary.
細川 亜佐子 太田 直斗 北神 慎司
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.94, no.1, pp.76-82, 2023 (Released:2023-04-25)

The present study examines whether the activation of visuospatial perceptual processing affects empathic responses during narrative comprehension. Specifically, using a dual-task method, we investigated the effects of load on a visuospatial memory task and capacity of visuospatial working memory on empathic response rating scores for reading. Consequently, the results revealed that the effects of load on the visuospatial memory task reduced empathic response scores for reading in the higher visuospatial working memory capacity. The results suggest that the activation of visuospatial perceptual processing influence empathic responses during narrative comprehension. Moreover, elaboration through activation of visuospatial perceptual processing plays an important role in empathic responses, particularly for readers having a large capacity of visuospatial working memory.
細井 菜穂子 村上 智美 太田 雅規
一般社団法人 日本食育学会
日本食育学会誌 (ISSN:18824773)
vol.16, no.1, pp.15-28, 2022-01-25 (Released:2022-03-16)

This study aimed to investigate the effect of eating speed during elementary and junior high school on body size at 20 years of age. We selected men and women aged 20-49 years through an internet survey. The survey comprised the participants’ current height, weight, and eating speed; weight at 20 years of age; body size during elementary and junior high school; presence or absence of food education classes; and eating speed during elementary and junior high school. The results indicated a relationship between eating speed during elementary and junior high school and body mass index (BMI) at 20 years of age. It was found that the faster the eating speed during elementary and junior high school, the higher the BMI at 20 years of age for both men and women (p for trend: all < 0.01). Moreover, these results remained unchanged even after excluding those who were obese during elementary or junior high school. Furthermore, the food education classes during elementary and junior high school caused a significant decrease in the eating speed only in women. In conclusion, our results indicated that a fast-eating speed during elementary and junior high school was associated with a high BMI at 20 years of age, and eating speed in women was affected by food education.
太田 啓子
一般社団法人 日本オリエント学会
オリエント (ISSN:00305219)
vol.50, no.2, pp.161-180, 2007 (Released:2010-03-12)

Jidda first appeared on the historical stage as the port city of Mecca. Former studies have not discussed the urban structure of Jidda or the historical changes in its character. This article examines how the international situation around Hijaz influenced Jidda and its ruler, the Meccan Sharifate, using primarily the local chronicles of Mecca, Meccan biographical dictionaries, and Meccan pilgrimage records.The natural conditions of Jidda were not suitable for a seaport; besides, early on its public facilities were insufficient. Nonetheless, during the pilgrimage season a flow of people and goods concentrated in Jidda because of its geographical advantage of being 72 kilometers from Mecca.In the middle of the 8/14th century, Jidda and Yanbu' rose as relay ports, and the west coast of the Arabian Peninsula became a main international trade route. The Meccan Sharifate became interested in Jidda as a sourse of revenue through customs duties. They built harbor facilities and collected customs duties. The Mamluk Sultan Barsbay, who was confronted with the economic decline of the Mamluk dynasty, sought to the increase of the amount of the customs duties collected in Jidda and actively invited ships engaged in the Indian trade. He dispatched a port controller to Jidda and collected the customs duties directly. Therefore the rise of Jidda as a relay port on the international trade route changed the policy of the Mamluk dynasty toward Hijaz; until then the Mamluk dynasty had ruled Hijaz indirectly through the Meccan Sharifate. In consequence, the character of Jidda changed from being the port city of Mecca into being a commercial port of the Mamluk dynasty, and the Meccan Sharifate became subordinate to the Mamluk dynasty in politics and economy because it had lost its source of revenue and economic independence.
立川 康人 太田 裕司 宝 馨
京都大学防災研究所年報. B (ISSN:0386412X)
vol.44, no.B-2, pp.267-275, 2001-04-01

東海豪雨によって名古屋市天白区野並地区で発生した浸水被害を対象とし, 浸水状況を再現するシミュレーションモデルを構築した.次に, このモデルを用いて, いくつかの想定シナリオのもとでの浸水シミュレーションを行い, 浸水被害の原因や対策について考察した.その結果, 計画規模を越えるような豪雨に対処するためには, 排水のネットワーク構造を考えた対策を考えねばならないことが明らかとなった.
市村 恵一 瀬嶋 尊之 太田 康 牧野 伸子
Japan Rhinologic Society
日本鼻科学会会誌 (ISSN:09109153)
vol.41, no.2, pp.149-155, 2002-08-05 (Released:2010-03-11)

The elderly often report watery rhinorrhea without other symptoms. Allergic rhinitis is not common in individuals aged over 65 years. The color of nasal mucosa in the elderly is not usually pale, and antigens are not identified. Taken together, such nasal discharge is usually non-allergic and called “old man's drip.” The mechanism behind it is not fully understood. To determine the demographic data on patients with this condition, the concerns of physicians treating it and actual patient management, we sent questionnaires to 124 oto-laryngologists, with a response of 58% (64). Most were not familiar with the term “old man's drip.” Although nasal discharge was a leading symptom in the elderly, and 10 to 30% of patients reported rhinorrhea, less than 30% of these suffered from allergic rhinitis. Chronic rhinitis, vasomotor rhinitis, and chronic sinusitis were often used in tentative diagnosis. Fewer than 50 patients with old man's drip consulted a clinic each year. Antihistamines were most frequently prescribed for these patients, followed by antiinflammatory enzymes and anticholinergic nasal drops. The elderly are, however, specifically at risk from complications of such drugs.Atrophic change in nasal mucosa becomes apparent in the 60's, lowering mucosal temperature in the nose and nasopharynx and diminishing heating capacity. Water reabsorption from nasal mucosa becomes incomplete in expiration and water droplets remaining on the surface may increase. Condensed water cannot be used for humidification in the next inspiration because of the lower heating potencial of nasal mucosa, causing nasal drip after water droplets collect. Water provided by vascular leakage but not glandular secretion appears to be dominant in nasal drip. Nasal drying caused by medication also decreases air conditioning potential. Old man's drip often occurs during eating. Conditions differentiated from this condition are cold air-induced rhinorrhea and gustatory rhinorrhea, considered due to reflex parasympathetic activation of the nasal glands, and anticholinergics are effective. These are not, however, indicated for old man's drip, for which we suggest heating nasal mucosa resulting in increased water absorption during expiration.
太田 紘史 山口 尚
Contemporary and Applied Philosophy (ISSN:18834329)
vol.2, pp.1001-1017, 2009-07-27

Ned Block has dedicated himself to many topics of philosophy of mind in the past thirty years. We survey his contribution to the philosophical investigations of mind, consciousness and qualia by taking up principal papers contained in his Consciousness, Function, and Representation: Collected Papers, Volume 1 (2007, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press). The article is divided into five sections. In section 1, we explain what functionalism is and take up Block’s refutation of this position. In section 2 and 3, we introduce Block’s analysis of consciousness based on his anti-functionalism and consider how he applies this analysis to several new findings in contemporary scientific consciousness research. In section 3, we consider a series of his arguments against representationalism. In section 4, we formulate the harder problem of consciousness which Block regards as an obstacle to his position.
太田 真祈
