小山 伸一 行岡 秀和 森本 修 新藤 光郎 西 信一 前田 均 藤森 貢 若杉 長英
The Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine
日本集中治療医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13407988)
vol.3, no.3, pp.235-239, 1996-07-01 (Released:2009-03-27)

自殺目的で燃料用アルコール(メタノール)を服用し,脳死に陥った症例を報告する。患者は42歳の男性で,腹痛と嘔吐で発症し高度代謝性アシドーシスが認められ,昏睡状態に陥ったため気管内挿管後に当院ICUに入室した。入室時,高浸透圧血症と浸透圧ギャップの増加が認められ,頭部コンピューター断層撮影(computed tomography; CT)上両側レンズ核部に低吸収域が認められた。持続血液透析により代謝性アシドーシスの改善が認められたが患者は脳浮腫を生じ,脳死になった。ICU入室7時間後の血中メタノール濃度は173mg・dl-1であった。脳死になった原因として,メタノールおよびその代謝産物の直接作用ならびに脳浮腫による可能性が考えられる。
小山 尚之 Naoyuki Koyama
東京海洋大学研究報告 (ISSN:21890951)
vol.11, pp.7-19, 2015-02-28

坂谷 彰彦 今村 綱男 田村 哲男 小泉 優子 小山 里香子 木村 宗芳 荒岡 秀樹 竹内 和男
日本腹部救急医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13402242)
vol.33, no.6, pp.1023-1026, 2013-09-30 (Released:2014-01-10)

米内山 みお 小山 佐和子 千秋 和久
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.31, no.4, pp.295-300, 2005-04-10 (Released:2011-03-04)
1 1

The use of Tris (2-ethylhexyl) trimellitate (TOTM) as an alternative to di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) as a plasticizer in polyvinyl chloride (PVC) medical devices is steadily increasing. Four types of administration sets are available : general-type sets made of PVC using DEHP (DEHP-PVC) or TOTM (TOTM-PVC) as a plasticizer, pump-type sets made of DEHP-PVC, and those made of polybutadiene (PB). Since the elution of plasticizer from administration sets when specific drugs are passed though them is a matter of concern, in the present study, we compared the amounts of plasticizer eluted from these 4 types of administration sets after passing fat emulsion through them, for different drip rate.The concentrations of plasticizer eluted were lowest for the TOTM-PVC administration set, followed in ascending order by the general-type DEHP-PVC and pump-type DEHP-PVC sets. Neither DEHP nor TOTM was detected for the PB set. For the general-type administration set, the maximum concentrations of TOTM and DEHP eluted were obtained with a drip rate of 10 mL/hr, which were 0.38μg/mL for TOTM and 10.32μg/mL for DEHP, respectively. At a drip rate of 80 mL/hr, the maximum concentration of DEHP was 0.97μg/mL but TOTM was not detected. These results indicate that TOTM is less easily eluted than DEHP and that TOTM-PVC is an excellent material for administration sets in view of its low elution characteristics, though care needs to be taken with regard to drug adsorption.
小山 光彦 シュクリ ファディル 戸田 龍樹 トラン クイン ザイヌル カマル シャズニ 中崎 清彦
一般社団法人 廃棄物資源循環学会
廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演集 第31回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会
pp.201, 2020 (Released:2020-11-30)

尾上 洋介 馬場 一貴 小山田 耕二
社団法人 可視化情報学会
可視化情報学会誌 (ISSN:09164731)
vol.38, no.151, pp.23-27, 2018 (Released:2019-10-01)

近年,査読付き論文誌への科学論文の投稿件数が増加したことで,研究者の論文査読の負担が増大している.査読負担の増大は,論文掲載の遅れや査読の質の低下を招いており,これまで科学を支えてきた査読制度の崩壊も危惧されている.そのため,研究者の査読負担を軽減するための査読支援技術の開発は急務である.本研究では,人工知能技術を用いた査読支援について検討する。論文の採否を分ける要因として論文の文章構造に着目し,科学論文の文章構造を数値的に処理するために,Doc2Vecを用いた文章ベクトルを算出した.国際論文誌Journal of Visualizationに投稿された不再録も含めた591件の論文アブストラクトを対象に,再録・不再録論文の文章構造の差異を調査した.さらに,文章構造に基づいて論文の採否判定の分類モデルを作成し,論文のアブストラクトのみでも75%の精度で採否判定ができることが確認された.
藤田 英二 濱田 初幸 中村 勇 小山田 和行 野口 博之 松崎 守利 森﨑 由理江 安河内 春彦
武道学研究 (ISSN:02879700)
vol.50, no.3, pp.159-164, 2018

This study used a dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) method to investigate how body weight relates to fat-free mass index (FFMI) and fat mass index (FMI) in male college judo players. The whole-body fat-free mass and fat mass of 59 male college judo players were measured to the nearest 0.1 g using a DXA method. The fat-free mass and fat mass thus obtained were each divided by the square of the height (m) to give the FFMI and FMI, respectively. The percentage of body mass index (BMI) accounted for by FFMI and by FMI (%) was then calculated. The relationship between body weight and the percentage of BMI accounted for by FFMI and by FMI (%) can be interpreted as two straight lines with a break point. The break point can be determined by a regression analysis of these two straight lines using the plots of the percentage of BMI accounted for by FFMI and by FMI (%) by the least squares method. Using this method, the break point of two straight lines was obtained with the minimum square sum of the residual. The results showed the break point of the plots of percentage of BMI accounted for by FFMI and by FMI against body weight was 87.6 kg for both FFMI and FMI, and that as body weight increased, the proportion of FFMI in BMI decreased and the proportion of FMI in BMI increased. This break point indicates that the limit up to which it is possible to increase weight without worsening the body composition in male college judo players is around 90 kg, and any weight gain above this will depend on an increase in fat more than an increase in muscle.
國友 博史 小山 修司 東出 了 市川 勝弘 服部 真澄 岡田 陽子 林 則夫 澤田 道人
公益社団法人 日本放射線技術学会
日本放射線技術学会雑誌 (ISSN:03694305)
vol.70, no.7, pp.653-661, 2014 (Released:2014-07-23)

In the detective quantum efficiency (DQE) evaluation of detectors for digital radiography (DR) systems, physical image quality indices such as modulation transfer function (MTF) and normalized noise power spectrum (NNPS) need to be accurately measured to obtain highly accurate DQE evaluations. However, there is a risk of errors in these measurements. In this study, we focused on error factors that should be considered in measurements using clinical DR systems. We compared the incident photon numbers indicated in IEC 62220-1 with those estimated using a Monte Carlo simulation based on X-ray energy spectra measured employing four DR systems. For NNPS, influences of X-ray intensity non-uniformity, tube voltage and aluminum purity were investigated. The effects of geometric magnifications on MTF accuracy were also examined using a tungsten edge plate at distances of 50, 100 and 150 mm from the detector surface at a source-image receptor distance of 2000 mm. The photon numbers in IEC 62220-1 coincided with our estimates of values, with error rates below 2.5%. Tube voltage errors of approximately ±5 kV caused NNPS errors of within 1.0%. The X-ray intensity non-uniformity caused NNPS errors of up to 2.0% at the anode side. Aluminum purity did not affect the measurement accuracy. The maximum MTF reductions caused by geometric magnifications were 3.67% for 1.0-mm X-ray focus and 1.83% for 0.6-mm X-ray focus.
福田 修 小山 新弥 黒田 敏
一般社団法人 日本脳神経外傷学会
神経外傷 (ISSN:24343900)
vol.38, no.1, pp.9-13, 2015-09-10 (Released:2020-04-27)

Severe head injuries with organic lesions in skiing were characterized. We reviewed the patients, backgrounds, the situations of 30 head traumas (6.0%) with organic lesions, out of 504 skiing-related head injuries from 2004/05 to 2012/13 winter seasons in Niigata, Japan. The patient ages were from 8 to 75 (average 37.0 ± 19.0). They were 27 men and 3 women. 30 lesions consisted of 16 cranio-facial fractures, 7 acute subdural hematomas, 3 subarachnoid hemorrhages, 2 brain contusions, an epidural hematoma and a chronic subdural hematoma.The predominant feature of ski-related severe head injuries in this period is that expert or intermediate skier hit forehead by fall or jump or collision at a gentle slope. Craniotomies were performed in 2 subdural hematomas and the outcome was GR in 59-year-old woman and was MD in 75-year-old man, respectively.In comparison with the past nine seasons (1994/95-2003/04) study in this area, the characteristics in this period is that the number of patients, the number of severe head injuries, the number of operation were decreased. The average age of the patients increased. The predominant feature of ski-related severe head injury in the past period is that intermediate skier hit a forehead by collision at a middle slope. There were differences in the pattern, situation and mechanism between those two periods. Greater awareness may be needed to ensure safety, especially helmet use and manner observance.
堀江 直樹 小山 夕美 山本 典子 大竹 朗
社団法人 日本理学療法士協会関東甲信越ブロック協議会
関東甲信越ブロック理学療法士学会 (ISSN:09169946)
vol.30, pp.176, 2011

【目的】<BR>当地域では平成20年11月より脳卒中地域連携パスが導入され,当院は回復期病院としての役割を担っている.パス導入以前に比べ在院日数は短くなっているが,諸般の理由により長期入院となる症例がある.今回,入院長期化した群と短期群とで比較検討し,若干の考察を加えたので報告する.<BR>【方法】<BR>平成20年11月から平成22年11月までに当院に入院した脳卒中パス患者135例(平均在院日数72±29.4日)の中から,在院日数100日以上の患者21例(以下長期群:121.1±15.7日)と在院日数40日以内22例(以下短期群:33.5±5.1日)について以下の項目を検討した.<BR>検討項目:年齢,NIHSS(入院時,退院時),下肢Br.Stage(入院時,退院時),B-ADL(入院時,退院時),退院時Barthel Index(以下BI),家族構成,復職及び家事復帰.<BR>【結果】<BR>年齢は長期群65.6±10.7歳,短期群75.5±11.7歳で差があった.NIHSSは,入院時は長期群8.0±5.0点,短期群2.3±1.9点.退院時は長期群5.6±4.4点,短期群1.5±2.2点であり,脳卒中は長期群が短期群に比較し重症であった.下肢Br.stageは長期群では入院時にstageIII以下の割合が62%,退院時は38%であった.短期群では入院時・退院時共に5%と変わらず,長期群は短期群に比較し麻痺が重度であった.<BR>ADL評価のB-ADL(退院時)は,長期群4.0±4.1点,短期群2.0±3.3点で差があったが,BIは長期群68.1±29.4点,短期群が81.6±24.1点と短期群に軽症の傾向があった.家族構成については老老介護,一人暮らし,二人暮らし,三人暮らし以上について検討したが両群で特徴は見られなかった.復職及び家事復帰に関しては両群共に3例ずつあり,差は無かった.<BR>【考察とまとめ】<BR>入院長期化した症例は,年齢が若く,機能面,ADL面ともに重症であった.家族構成に関しては介護力の不足などが影響するかと考えられたが,両群間で差は無かった. 当院では入院時に長期入院を防止するためにハイリスクスクリーニングシートを使用し,早期からMSWの介入を行っている.しかしそのような対策を行っていても,入院長期化してしまう症例がある.当地域は山間部で多雪の地域を有し,雪の影響により退院時期が延長することもあり,地域的な特色も影響していると考えられた.
小山 利彦
国語と国文学 (ISSN:03873110)
vol.81, no.7, pp.1-16, 2004-07
坂岡 和寛 大坪 正行 小山 倫史
関西大学 社会安全研究センター
社会安全学研究 = Safety science review (ISSN:21860815)
no.7, pp.3-23, 2016

Plain concrete piers mainly constructed from the Taisho to early Showa era instead of masonry piers and have been used. Since the resistance of plain concrete piers to earthquakes is weaker than the reinforced concrete piers constructed after 1955, serious damage caused by earthquakes is observed in some plain concrete piers. Therefore, in this study, we investigated the current conditions of plain concrete piers for railway bridge and their damage caused by earthquake to obtain the fundamental data for further development of the effective countermeasure of plain concrete piers without increasing the cross section. According to the investigation of current situation and damage caused by earthquakes, the plain concrete piers were seriously damaged by even earthquakes with small seismic intensity. This may be caused by the fact that the criteria for seismic design of railway piers was not established before 1930. In addition, some slides occurs along the construction joint of concrete in the direction perpendicular to the railway track and serious damage was observed in the lower part of the construction joints. In the future, a series of shaking table tests using large scale replica of plain concrete pier and their numerical simulations are planed in order to clarify the damage mechanism of the plain concrete piers during earthquakes.