江馬 眞 小林 憲弘 納屋 聖人 花井 荘輔 中西 準子
環境毒性学会誌 (ISSN:13440667)
vol.13, no.1, pp.15-26, 2010-06-30 (Released:2014-04-17)

The present paper reviews the carcinogenicity study of titanium dioxide(TiO2),widely used in the production of paints paper and plastics, as food additives and colorants, and increasingly, as nanpoparticles in pharmaceutical and cosmetics products, based on data published in openly available scientific literature. Increased incidence of tumors was reported in rats after exposure to respirable, fine or ultrafine TiO2 by inhalation or intratracheal instillation. No increased incidence of tumors was noted in mice or hamster after exposure to TiO2 by inhalation or intratracheal instillation, or in rats or mice given TiO2 by intraperitoneal or subcutaneous injection or by feeding. This review indicates that the incidence of tumors was increased in rats after inhalation or intratracheal instillation of TiO2 at levels associated with particle overload and persistent inflammation.
滝澤 恵美 小林 育斗 川村 紗世 岩井 浩一
理学療法学 (ISSN:02893770)
pp.11546, (Released:2019-06-05)

【目的】本研究は,運動器検診の項目であるしゃがみ動作の可不可,さらに下肢の関節間協調性に関連する要因を調べた。【方法】小学生47 名を対象に,踵接地でしゃがみ動作の可不可を確認した。動作中の膝関節に対する股関節の屈曲角度の変化率が一定であることを表す直線からの偏差を二乗平均平方根で計算し,この値を関節間協調性の指標とした。独立変数として,年齢,性,疼痛・傷害歴,スポーツ活動,生活様式(寝具の種類),身体特性(下肢長,肥満度,足関節背屈の角度および筋力,長座体前屈距離)を調べ,ロジスティック回帰分析または重回帰分析を行った。【結果】しゃがみ動作が不可であった児童は12 名(25.5%)であり,疼痛・傷害歴,肥満度,長座体前屈距離が有意に影響した。膝関節と股関節の関節間協調性は年齢のみが関連した。【結論】児童において,しゃがみ動作の可不可は身体構造の状態を反映し,下肢の関節間協調性には発達による変化が現れる。
小林 亮太 本多 樹 町澤 まろ 市川 奈穂 中尾 敬
感情心理学研究 (ISSN:18828817)
vol.28, no.2, pp.38-48, 2021-03-25 (Released:2021-03-25)

The present study aimed to develop and validate the Japanese version of the Body Perception Questionnaire-Body Awareness Very Short Form (BPQ-BAVSF-J). In Study 1, we conducted a cross-sectional survey of 358 crowdsourced participants and 296 university students. We conducted an exploratory factor analysis and then conducted a confirmatory factor analysis. The results of the factor analysis indicated that the BPQ-BAVSF-J has a unidimensional structure with sufficient reliability. Additionally, consistent with the original version, the BPQ-BAVSF-J had a positive correlation with somatosensory amplification and physical stress. Thus, it was shown that the BPQ-BAVSF-J has adequate validity. In Study 2, we conducted a cross-sectional survey of 305 and 295 crowdsourced participants and then compared the BPQ-BAVSF-J and the Japanese version of the Body Perception Questionnaire-Body Awareness Short Form (BPQ-BASF-J). The results of Study 2 showed that both the BPQ-BAVSF-J and the BPQ-BASF-J had the same level of correlation with the validity scale. These results suggest that the BPQ-BAVSF-J can measure interoceptive awareness as well as the BPQ-BASF-J, which has a larger number of items. In study 3, we conducted a two-wave survey with a one-month interval (N=68) and confirmed that the BPQ-BAVSF-J has sufficient test-retest reliability.
久野 智之 打田 佑人 宇佐美 寿彦 小林 晋 高田 幸児 大村 真弘 松川 則之
一般社団法人 日本脳卒中学会
脳卒中 (ISSN:09120726)
vol.42, no.4, pp.244-247, 2020 (Released:2020-07-25)

郡司 敦子 郡司 明彦 田村 幸彦 平尾 功治 町田 光 秋田 季子 小林 奈緒美 藤井 彰
歯科薬物療法 (ISSN:02881012)
vol.28, no.3, pp.109-116, 2009-12-01 (Released:2010-04-16)

Acetaminophen is an antipyretic and analgesic drug that has a long history of 100 years or more and has been adopted in the WHO Model List of Essential Drugs in the category of non-opioids and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines. In Japan, the analgesic effects of acetaminophen have not been sufficiently recognized, and NSAIDs have been used in the treatment of pain, even though acetaminophen is the first-choice analgesic worldwide.Since acetaminophen, which is different from NSAIDs, does not inhibit the activity of COX-1 and COX-2, the risk of developing the 3 well-known adverse reactions of NSAIDs, peptic ulcer and gastrointestinal hemorrhage, renal dysfunction, and hemorrhage and platelet dysfunction, is very low. Aspirin is known to induce asthma and Reye's syndrome, however, acetaminophen is scarcely associated with these adverse reactions and can be used for treatment of viral diseases such as chicken pox and influenza. The safety of acetaminophen in pregnant women and elderly patients has been confirmed, and the position of acetaminophen as the first-choice analgesic drug has been established worldwide. In Japan, on the other hand, the effect of acetaminophen has not been sufficiently recognized due to the small doses (single dose, 300-500 mg; daily dose, 900-1500 mg/day) compared to other nations (single dose, 1,000 mg; daily dose, 4000-6000 mg/day). Further, the precautions for use indicated in the package insert of acetaminophen are the same as that indicated for NSAIDs; this may be a possible reason why acetaminophen has been misunderstood to be a kind of anti-inflammatory medication (NSAIDs) in Japan.From above-mentioned viewpoint, the dosage of acetaminophen and expression of the precautions in packaging insertion should be reconsidered. The dosage of acetaminophen as a nonprescription drug should also be reconsidered because the dosage in OTC is further lower than that of the prescription drug. It is expected that when a more reliable analgesic effect is obtained by the administration of a higher dosage of acetaminophen and a more accurate profile of its safety is recognized, this drug will become the first-choice analgesic in Japan.
小林 正史 徳澤 啓一 長友 朋子 北野 博司
北陸学院短期大学紀要 = Bulletin of Hokuriku Gakuin Junior College (ISSN:02882795)
vol.39, pp.277-328, 2007-04-20

平田 恵理 清水 清香 梅田 智子 小林 拓 中野 雅 樋口 肇 芹澤 宏 岩崎 直子 森永 正二郎 常松 令
一般財団法人 日本消化器病学会
日本消化器病学会雑誌 (ISSN:04466586)
vol.112, no.9, pp.1696-1704, 2015-09-05 (Released:2015-09-05)

Maturity-onset diabetes of the young type 3(MODY3)の19歳女性.画像検査で肝細胞腺腫症を疑い,肝腫瘍生検でhepatocyte nuclear factor(HNF)1α不活性型の肝細胞腺腫症と確定診断した.MODY3と肝細胞腺腫症は両者ともにHNF1α遺伝子異常が原因であり,合併することが知られているが,本邦では自験例が初めての報告となる.
鐙谷 武雄 七戸 秀夫 黒田 敏 石川 達哉 岩崎 喜信 小林 祥泰
一般社団法人 日本脳卒中の外科学会
脳卒中の外科 (ISSN:09145508)
vol.34, no.1, pp.49-53, 2006 (Released:2008-08-08)
7 7

We explored national and regional characteristics based on age, gender, and prognosis of subarachnoid hemorrhage by using the Japanese Stroke Data Bank, a data bank of acute stroke patients established to provide evidence for standardization of Japanese stroke management. We analyzed data from 1,183 patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage in the Japanese Stroke Data Bank. For regional investigation, we divided the patients into 3 groups according to their place of residence: Hokkaido, Tohoku, and the area west of Kanto. The total male-to-female ratio was 1:1.88. The female proportion was dominant in older patients: 1:2.27 in the 60s, 1:4.48 in the 70s, and 1:4.63 in the 80s. The age distribution of the patients was apparently different between male and female. Female patients (mean age: 64.5) were older than male patients (mean age: 56.1)(p In total, favorable outcome (mRS of 0-2), extremely poor outcome (mRS of 5-6), and death (mRS of 6) were 58.0%, 28.3%, and 19.8%, respectively. In a regional analysis, the outcome of the patients of the area west of Kanto was poorer than that of Hokkaido and Tohoku (p

7 0 0 0 OA 東京名所

井上安治, 小林清親 画
岩坂 泰信 小林 史尚 皆巳 幸也
エアロゾル研究 (ISSN:09122834)
vol.25, no.1, pp.4-12, 2010-03-20 (Released:2010-03-25)

There has been interest in bioaerosols that have been linked to health hazards for humans, animals, and plants. Additionally, recently possible contributions of bioaerosols to atmospheric processes become a large concern from the view point of interaction between climate-weather and bioaerosol, especially the potential of micro organisms as ice nuclei. However knowledge on atmospheric bioaerosols is extremely poor due to the technical difficulty in measurement of bioaerosols in the atmosphere. Recently some investigators tried to collect atmospheric bioaerosols on high mountains and/or high tower to understand the transport processes, the environmental stress on micro biota in the atmosphere, the concentration and diversity of micro organisms in the atmosphere. Now the science of bioaerosols is world-widely accepted as large break-through in atmospheric science, aerosol science, environmental science, and others. The concentrations and diversity of bioaerosols in the atmosphere and the changes in their temporal-spatial are essential knowledge to clarify the long range transport of bioaerosols and the atmospheric processes affected by bioaerosols, and the environmental effects of micro organisms transported in long range. Balloon borne measurements were actively made in Kanazawa, Japan and Dunhuang, China in 2005-2009 suggesting that Kosa (Asian dust) particles were effective carriers of micro biota. Mixture states of Kosa and micro biota certainly suppress the environmental stress such as ultra-violet solar radiation, dryness and low temperature. The papers in this special issue of EAROZORU KENKYU are mainly based on these balloon borne measurements, and the newest information is described. Considering that the westerly wind frequently transports lots of Kosa particles from arid and semi-arid regions in China and Mongolia to downwind including Japan, the effect of Kosa bioaerosol mixture on environment, weather and health is of large concern in downwind areas. The paper by Kohshima (this issue) describes interesting and valuable topics in order to discuss the effects of Kosa bioaerosols on environment.
林 利充 大澤 義明 小林 隆史
オペレーションズ・リサーチ : 経営の科学 (ISSN:00303674)
vol.54, no.1, pp.5-11, 2009-01-01

小林 茂雄 津田 智史
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.72, no.615, pp.65-71, 2007-05-30 (Released:2017-02-25)

This research examined the interpersonal distances from others desired by couples sitting on a hill by the sea. An investigation to observe the behavior of actual couples, and an experiment to assess their feelings were carried out in the early evening and the nighttime. In the results, the following points were demonstrated. 1) The closest distance the couples could allow others to approach was 2 to 3 meters in all directions, and the distance at which couples were not annoyed by others was about 5 meters in all directions, 2) When the distances with others were within about 5 meters, the time a couple stayed in their spot was affected by others. The effects were stronger when the others were in front of a couple or behind them in the nighttime. 3) When the distances from others were within 5 to 6 meters, the couple's intimate contact was affected by others. The distances were a little larger in the early evening than in the nighttime, and women preferred larger distances than men.
伊藤 章 市川 博啓 斉藤 昌久 佐川 和則 伊藤 道郎 小林 寛道
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.43, no.5-6, pp.260-273, 1998-11-10 (Released:2017-09-27)

The present study was designed to investigate the kinematic factors related to sprint running velocity. The subjects were 71 sprinters(49 males and 22 females)who ranged from world class to collegiate level. Movements were recorded around the 60-m point from the start line during a 100-m race(during official races including world championships in athletics, or under experimental conditions)using 16-mm movie or video cameras. The official best time during recording of the movements was 9.86. The correlation coefficients between kinematic data(see Fig.1)and sprint running velocity were calculated for three groups(male, female, and all sprinters). Step length and step length index(step length/body height to exclude the effects of body height)were correlated positively and significantly with sprint running velocity for all groups(male, female, and all sprinter). Step frequency and step frequency index[step frequency・(body height/gravitational acceleration)^<1/2>to exclude the effects of body height]were correlated positively and significantly with sprint running velocity for all groups except male sprinters with regard to step frequency. With regard to leg swing, maximal thigh angle and maximal leg angle showed no significant correlation with sprint running velocity, but the minimal knee angle showed a singificant negative correlation with sprint running velocity for both male and all sprinters. These results suggest that the purpose of high knee drills generally carried out during training needs to be reconsidered. The maximal leg touch down velocity showed a significant positive correlation with sprint running velocity for both female and all sprinters. This probably means that the leg touch down velocity acts to reduce the deceleration at the moment of foot contact and to accelerate the subsequent leg swing back velocity during the foot contact phase. As for the support leg, the maximal leg swing velocity showed a significant positive correlation with sprint running velocity for all groups. Although the maximal hip extension velocity during the foot contact phase was correlated positively and significantly with sprint running velocity for male sprinters, the maximal knee and ankle extension velocity showed a significant negative correlation with sprint running velocity for female and all sprinters. These results suggest that the knee should not be extended to transfer the hip extension velocity effectively to the leg swing velocity during the foot contact period. This was borne out by the fact that the top sprinters entered in the present study hardly extended the knee of the driving leg during the foot contact phase.