神田 大輔 嶋田 睦 真柳 浩太 斉藤 貴士 井倉 真由美

嶋田 義仁 DUCROS Garance GARANCE Ducros

嶋田はDr.Ducrosとともに、変革期にある日仏家族内における非物質的相続関係の研究をおこなった。Dr.Ducrosは、フランスにおける「家族の記憶」をめぐる研究史(M.Halbwachs、A.Gotman、B.Le Wita,J.Coenen-Huther,I.Bertaux-Wiane,A.Muxel)を通じて析出した「家族の記憶」分析の諸カテゴリーをふまえて、日本における「家族の記憶」のあり方を探った。本年その事例としたのは、70歳後半の新宗教教団幹部で支部大教会の会長である。海外布教に専心し、ヨーロッパ、東南アジア、アルゼンチンなど海外数カ国での布教活動をおこなった。家族の財はその祖父の代に教団に寄贈したという家族であった。ライフ・ヒストリーを通じて衝撃であったのは、家族と言うよりも教団の一員としての意識が強烈であったことである。とりわけ教団の組織確立者であり、教団の海外布教の推進者であった教祖を深く尊敬していた。ただし、これは教団への盲目的な服従心とことなり、その後の教祖たちについては批判的であった。特集技能者の成長過程は、家族という親族的論理と、特殊技能であるがゆえに家族の親族的論理の枠を超えた社会集団の論理(宗教団体、茶道や華道団体、学問や大学組織、企業、スポーツ界)がかかわる。職業的社会集団は、フランスではデュルケーム社会学が個人を越えた独自の存在として重視した社会集団である。家族/職業的社会集団という異なる2種の社会原理の相克と補完関係についてのよい事例が得られた。他方嶋田は、この2組織原理にくわえて、地縁原理の重要さを指摘し、家族、職業的社会集団、地縁社会という、3つの原理がどのようにかみあっているのかを考察した。この3原理は、世界の諸社会・諸文化の比較研究のうえにも役立つことが、嶋田の研究しているアフリカ社会の考察でも明らかになった。部族主義の伝統のあるアフリカでは、家族親族集団が部族あるいはその下位単位のリニージにまで広がる。他方、イスラムなどの世界宗教が広がる地域では、宗教的アイデンテティが第4の要素として巨大化する。
小村 健 武宮 三三 牧野 修治郎 嶋田 文之
社団法人 日本口腔外科学会
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.39, no.4, pp.445-451, 1993-04-20 (Released:2011-07-25)

Mandibular reconstruction remains one of the most challenging problems for the head and neck surgeon. Various methods of mandibular reconstruction have been described, including free bone grafts, osteomyocutaneous flaps, free vascularized bone grafts, reimplantation of treated mandibles, and reconstruction using alloplastic materials with particulate cancellous bone and marrow grafts.This paper describes the author's experience using a Dacron-urethane mandibular mesh tray filled with particulate cancellous bone and marrow for mandibular reconstruction.Six patients underwent resection of the mandible for malignant tumors, 7 for benign tumors, and 1 for radiation osteomyelitis.Immediate reconstruction was performed in 7 patients, and 5 of the 7 were successful. Delayed reconstruction was performed in another 7 patients, and 5 of the 7 were successful. The overall success rate was 71%. Mandibular reconstruction was successfully accomplished even following radiotherapy in 4 of 6 patients. The majority of the failures occurred in the first 10 days following surgery and the major factor in failure seemed to be related to intraoperative wound infection.The Dacron-urethane mandibular mesh tray has the advantage of being malleable but stiff, and can be easily cut with scissors to fit the defect. The tray is radiolucent, faciliting follow-up examinations by routine roentgenograms and radionuclide scans. It can be used either before or after radiotherapy.This reconstructive procedure is not technically difficult and does not require expertise in microvascular surgery. In selected patients, this procedure may significantly contribute to cosmetic and functional improvement following radical surgery of the mandible.
小村 健 和田 重人 小野 貢伸 嶋田 文之
Japanese Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.42, no.6, pp.560-565, 1996-06-20

In squamous cell carcinomas of the oral cavity, spinal accessory lymph node (SALN) metastasis develops infrequently, and the prognosis of the patients with SALN metastasis is extremely poor.<BR>In this paper, patients with SALN metastasis of squamous cell carcinomas of the oral cavity were studied retrospectively. The SALN metastasis was histopathologically confirmed in 9 (5.0%) of 179 patients who underwent radical or modified radical neck dissection. The primary sites of their tumors were the tongue in 6 patients, the lower gingiva in 2, and the buccal mucosa in 1. The risk of SALN metastasis was related to the tumor spread into the oropharynx and the differentiation of the tumor, but not related to the T stage. In the patients with SALN metastasis, the mean total number of involved nodes on the affected side of the neck was 9.4. All of these patients had metastases in multiple groups of neck lymph nodes, and the majority had metastases in the upper and middle jugular groups of nodes. The mean number of involved SALNs was 2.0, and the mean size of these nodes was 0.52 cm in diameter.<BR>The outcome of treatment in the patients with SALN metastasis was poor: 1 patient was alive with no evidence of disease, and 8 patients died of disease with an average duration of survival of 8.0 months after neck dissection.<BR>To improve the prognosis of patients with SALN metastasis, both postoperative irradiation to the neck and intensive adjuvant chemotherapy should be employed.
小村 健 鈴木 晴彦 竹内 洋介 原田 浩之 前田 顕之 嶋田 文之
Japan Society for Head and Neck Cancer
頭頚部腫瘍 (ISSN:09114335)
vol.27, no.1, pp.49-54, 2001-03-25
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舌全摘出例の中には術後の誤嚥を防止するために喉頭全摘出術を併施せざるをえない症例がある。今回, 舌全摘出例における喉頭保存の限界について舌周囲の合併切除範囲との関係から検討した。<br>舌全摘出例における喉頭保存の条件としては, 心肺機能が良好で, 喉頭保存に対するモチベーションが高いことに加え, 上喉頭神経が温存され, 下顎骨の連続性が確保あるいは再獲得され, 中咽頭切除が一側壁までに限局することが挙げられた。また喉頭保存例では喉頭挙上術, 喉頭形成術, 輪状咽頭筋切断術等の誤嚥防止策が有効であるが, 甲状舌骨筋神経の温存は喉頭挙上術を補完する上からも重要と考えられた。
小村 健 武宮 三三 嶋田 文之
社団法人 日本口腔外科学会
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.32, no.2, pp.303-310, 1986-02-20 (Released:2011-07-25)

Carcinoma of the parotid gland with extracapsular extension and recurrent carcinoma of the gland, which is frequently much more advanced than is clinically discernible, are most difficult and challenging problems to treat.Four patients underwent aggressive radical surgery to achieve adequate margins. In addition to radical parotidectomy and neck dissection, surgery included resection of the masseter muscle, medial and lateral pterygoid muscles, temporal muscle, skin, mandible, temporal bone and other involved structures such as parapharyngeal space.In this series, one tumor was previously untreated and the remaining 3 were recurrent after initial surgery. Histologic type of the tumors was carcinoma in pleomorphic adenoma in 2 patients, adenoid cystic carcinoma in 1, and high-grade mucoepidermoid carcinoma in 1. Two of the recurrent tumors had become more highly malignant than the initial tumors.Histopathologically skin overlying the parotid gland was involved in 2 patients, masticatory muscles in 3, capsule of the temporomandibular joint in 1 and parapharyngeal space in 1. No bony involvement was revealed in the surgical specimens. These histologic findings were satisfactorily correspondent to those of the preoperative CT scan. Nodal involvement of the tumor was histologically confirmed in 3 patients, and metastatic nodes spread in the deep jugular chain from the base of the skull to the middle jugular portion and the spinal accessory chain. In addition to the direct extension of the primary tumor, these nodal findings demanded the dissection of the parapharyngeal space in conjunction with the resection of ascending ramus of the mandible.Three of 4 radically parotidectomized patients were alive with no evidence of disease from 6 to 28 months postoperatively. One patients died of local recurrence 29 months after the operation.
小村 健 和田 重人 小野 貢伸 嶋田 文之
社団法人 日本口腔外科学会
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.42, no.6, pp.560-565, 1996-06-20 (Released:2011-07-25)

In squamous cell carcinomas of the oral cavity, spinal accessory lymph node (SALN) metastasis develops infrequently, and the prognosis of the patients with SALN metastasis is extremely poor.In this paper, patients with SALN metastasis of squamous cell carcinomas of the oral cavity were studied retrospectively. The SALN metastasis was histopathologically confirmed in 9 (5.0%) of 179 patients who underwent radical or modified radical neck dissection. The primary sites of their tumors were the tongue in 6 patients, the lower gingiva in 2, and the buccal mucosa in 1. The risk of SALN metastasis was related to the tumor spread into the oropharynx and the differentiation of the tumor, but not related to the T stage. In the patients with SALN metastasis, the mean total number of involved nodes on the affected side of the neck was 9.4. All of these patients had metastases in multiple groups of neck lymph nodes, and the majority had metastases in the upper and middle jugular groups of nodes. The mean number of involved SALNs was 2.0, and the mean size of these nodes was 0.52 cm in diameter.The outcome of treatment in the patients with SALN metastasis was poor: 1 patient was alive with no evidence of disease, and 8 patients died of disease with an average duration of survival of 8.0 months after neck dissection.To improve the prognosis of patients with SALN metastasis, both postoperative irradiation to the neck and intensive adjuvant chemotherapy should be employed.
小村 健 武宮 三三 牧野 修治郎 嶋田 文之
社団法人 日本口腔外科学会
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.38, no.4, pp.604-614, 1992-04-20 (Released:2011-07-25)

A retrospective review of 6 patients with adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC) of the submandibular gland treated between 1978 and 1991 was presented. Two patients who underwent aggressive surgery were disease-free, local control failed in 2 patients, and pulmonary metastasis developed in 2 patients without locoregional disease.This study supports the following conclusions:1. The perimeters of ACC are always more extensive than they appear to be clinically, because ACC has a strong tendency to invade the perineural space and extend for long distance.2. In preoperative diagnosis, aspiration cytology is essential for accurate diagnosis. Diagnostic imagings such as sialography, X-ray CT and MRI are helpful in detecting the size and extent of the tumor. RI study is indispensable in detecting the perineural spread3. Surgery is the treatment of choice, and it should be as extensive as possible, with a wide margin of healthy tissue. Radiation therapy, although not curative, plays an important role in prolonging survival and pain relief.4. ACC is characterized by slow growth, frequent recurrence, and systemic spread even after long-term survival without disease, therefore adjuvant chemotherapy should be taken into consideration.
小村 健 武宮 三三 牧野 修治郎 嶋田 文之
Japanese Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.38, no.4, pp.604-614, 1992

A retrospective review of 6 patients with adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC) of the submandibular gland treated between 1978 and 1991 was presented. Two patients who underwent aggressive surgery were disease-free, local control failed in 2 patients, and pulmonary metastasis developed in 2 patients without locoregional disease.<BR>This study supports the following conclusions:<BR>1. The perimeters of ACC are always more extensive than they appear to be clinically, because ACC has a strong tendency to invade the perineural space and extend for long distance.<BR>2. In preoperative diagnosis, aspiration cytology is essential for accurate diagnosis. Diagnostic imagings such as sialography, X-ray CT and MRI are helpful in detecting the size and extent of the tumor. RI study is indispensable in detecting the perineural spread<BR>3. Surgery is the treatment of choice, and it should be as extensive as possible, with a wide margin of healthy tissue. Radiation therapy, although not curative, plays an important role in prolonging survival and pain relief.<BR>4. ACC is characterized by slow growth, frequent recurrence, and systemic spread even after long-term survival without disease, therefore adjuvant chemotherapy should be taken into consideration.
小村 健 嶋田 文之 奥村 一彦 柳井 智恵 山下 知巳
Japanese Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.43, no.5, pp.410-412, 1997-05-20

A 58-year-old man with benign lympohoepithelial lesions in the right submandibular and accessory parotid glands is reported.<BR>The patient had no signs or symptoms other than tumors in the right submandibular and accessory parotid glands. He underwent removal of the tumors under the diagnosis of a submandibular gland tumor with cheek tumors. Histological examination of the surgical specimens revealed loss of acinar tissue with lymphocytic cell infiltration. Lymphoid follicles and epimyoepithelial islands were also found in the lymphoid tissues, but no neoplastic changes were evident in the specimens. Based on these findings, all tumors were histopathologically diagnosed as benign lymphoepithelial lesions.<BR>There has been no evidence of recurrence or other systemic diseases as of 34 months after surgery.
嶋田恭兵 東海彰吾 長谷博行
vol.2011, pp.1715-1716, 2011-07-20

畑江 敬子 嶋田 淑子 戸田 貞子 壽 和夫 香西 みどり
日本官能評価学会誌 (ISSN:1342906X)
vol.6, no.1, pp.36-40, 2002

Japanese chestnuts are known to have pellicle difficult to peel off. To make the task easier at home and in commercial processing, some methods of pretreatment have been tried out. To evaluate each method, the sensory analysis technique has been applied. Three candidate pretreatments chosen were (1) soaking in boiling water, (2) steaming, and (3) frying. The panel composed of 11 female students removed the pellicle of pretreated chestnuts, and graded the easiness. In addition, the time needed has been measured to remove the shell and peel off the pellicle of each pretreated chestnut and untreated one. The frying method was found to be the best. It reduced the time needed by 60% compared to that for untreated samples. The steaming method was also significantly effective. Soaking in boiling water makes no effect for this purpose.
嶋田 憲司
シミュレーション (ISSN:02859947)
vol.12, no.1, pp.11-20, 1993-03-15

Automated mesh generation is a significant problem in many computer applications such as engineering analysis, computer graphics and layered manufacturing. Although various algorithms have been proposed thus far, their functionality and coverage are limited, in most cases being application-specific. This paper provides a summary of those algorithms by classifying them and pointing out unsolved problems. In reviewing them, it is clear that none sufficiently address the major problem of node placement, that is to say the locating of nodes such that they maintain a specified distance between nodes and create a mesh with minimal distortion. This paper introduces a new, physically-based approach to this problem. The method was inspired by the pattern of soap bubbles floating in liquid which gives topology and geometry similar to ideal meshes. Each mesh node is modeled as a bubble with a point mass and viscous damping. The force field exerts repelling/attracting forces between bubbles much like intermolecular van del Waals forces. The equilibrium bubble configuration is obtained by solving numerically the governing equation of motion to yield the static force balance. After the bubble locations are decided, their center points are connected by Delaunay triangulation to give a complete mesh topology.
塩谷 雄二 嶋田 豊 松田 治巳 高橋 宏三 寺澤 捷年
日本東洋醫學雜誌 (ISSN:02874857)
vol.45, no.4, pp.823-831, 1995-04-20
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駆〓血生薬であるサフランの薬理学的作用を明らかにする目的で,まず投与前に性成熟期の12人の健常女性の月経期,卵胞期,黄体期で11-dehydro TXB_2,血小板凝集能, 血液粘度, 血液生化学の検査を行った。月経期では卵胞期または黄体期に比べ,血液粘度,血小板凝集能, 11-dehydro TXB_2の上昇と平均赤血球容積(MCV)の増加を認めた。このことから血液粘度を上昇させる要因としてMCVの増加による赤血球変形能の低下が考えられた。月経期では子宮内膜のPGE_2が最高値を示すことから,MCVの増加にPGE_2が関与していることが推測された。次いで6例の対照群には白湯を投与し(約4週間),他の6例にはサフラン振り出し液を投与し(約4週間), これらの指標の変化を比較検討した。サフランは月経期においてMCVと血液粘度を明らかに低下させたことから,血液粘度の低下の要因にはMCVの減少による赤血球変形能の改善が関与しているものと考えられた。また血中エストロゲンが低値の卵胞期において11-dehydro TXB_2を低下させた。〓血病態においては全血粘度が上昇していること,血小板のトロンボキサン合成が冗進していることが報告されているが,サフランはこれらの指標に対し明らかな作用を持つことから,駆〓血作用を有することが健常の性成熟女性-C示された。
長谷部 光泰 倉谷 滋 嶋田 透 藤原 晴彦 川口 正代司 深津 武馬 西山 智明 岡田 典弘 阿形 清和 河田 雅圭 郷 通子 豊田 敦 藤山 秋佐夫 望月 敦史 矢原 徹一

西田 哲也 江田 昌弘 嶋田 浩一 山田 潔 伊藤 公一 村井 正大
日本歯周病学会会誌 (ISSN:03850110)
vol.35, no.4, pp.692-697, 1993-12-28
34 3

本実験の目的は,アクア酸化水(OX水)のプラーク形成抑制効果について検討することである。日本大学歯学部学生および大学院生,歯周病科医局員計13名(男子8名,女子5名)を被検者とした。ヒト第三大臼歯より大きさ5×5×1mmに切り出した象牙質試験片を埋入した口腔内保持装置を作製した。実験期間は7日間とし,装置を口腔内に装着しOX水で,朝夕(8:00, 17:00)1日2回(1回30秒)洗浄を行った。対照として,0.2%クロルへキシジン水溶液と生理食塩液を用いた。一試験片上に形成されたプラークの様相を,走査型電子顕微鏡で観察を行った。その結果,OX水で象牙質片を洗浄することで,0.2%クロルヘキシジン水溶液と比較して若干劣るものの,生理食塩液で洗浄した場合よりも明らかにプラーク形成量が抑制され,かつ初期プラーク形成における構成細菌叢に対して影響があった。このことから,OX水が化学的プラークコントロールの一方法として臨床応用できることが示唆された。