田積 徹 溝口 大和 阿孫 さや香 大足 彩月 工藤 裕輝 星野 菜々子 渡邉 みなみ
人間科学研究 = Bulletin of Hman Science (ISSN:03882152)
vol.44, pp.103-114, 2023-03-01

Planarians have the basic brain structure of an animal and, like mammals, their brain produces a variety of neurotransmitters, suggesting that they have a learning and memory function. Based on a previous study (Chicas-Mossier & Abramson, 2015), six students in seminar of the 3rd year examined the effects of shaping in the acquisition of operant conditioning by planarians. Results indicated that planarians trained by shaping acquired operant conditioning earlier than planarians not trained by shaping and that training led them to display stable operant behavior. In contrast, planarians that were not trained by shaping were slow to acquire operant behavior and they did not display stable operant behavior. The current work compared the results of this experiment to those of previous studies and it discussed the possibility that the behavioral measures used to gauge operant behavior may differ depending on the protocol and the species of planaria used. Moreover, this work discussed the feasibility of introducing operant conditioning experiments with planarians in lessons such as seminars and laboratory classes.
工藤 弘樹
青森県史研究 (ISSN:13427431)
no.7, pp.106-119, 2002-12
沼崎 誠 工藤 恵理子
実験社会心理学研究 (ISSN:03877973)
vol.43, no.1, pp.36-51, 2003 (Released:2004-02-17)
3 1

工藤 龍彦 首藤 裕
The Japanese Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis
日本血栓止血学会誌 (ISSN:09157441)
vol.7, no.3, pp.239-243, 1996-06-01 (Released:2010-08-05)

Patients on oral anticoagulant therapy present a clinical problem when they take large amounts of natto, because immoderate ingestion of natto results in reduction of the effect of warfarin so that thrombotest and PT-INR are adversely affected.We previously demonstrated an undesirable effect of immoderate ingestion of natto in a trial in patients given 100g of natto each. In the present study changes in blood levels of vitamins K were determined after the administration of reduced doses of 10 and 30g of natto.There was no change in blood levels of MK-4. Howevere, the blood levels of vitamin K1 increased from 0.53±0.26ng/ml to 0.72±0.25ng/ml at 4 hours after the administration of 10g of natto (p<0.001). After the administration of 30g of natto the blood level of vitamin K1 increased from 0.46±0.28ng/ml to 0.70±0.21ng/ml at 4 hours (p<0.001). The blood level of MK-7 increased from 0.58±0.15ng/ml to 2.43±0.77ng/ml at 4 hours, 1.66±0.69ng/ml at 24 hours, and 1.28±0.46ng/ml at 48 hours after the administration of 10g of natto (p<0.001).After the administration of 30g of natto the blood level of MK-7 increased from 0.57±0.18ng/ml to 7.24±2.92, 4.53±1.82, and 3.00±1.09ng/ml at the same time points as mentioned above, respectively (p<0.001).The results of this study suggest the wisdom of discouraging patients on anticoagulant therapy from taking natto, since it may reduce the effect of warfarin, be the amount ingested 30g or 10g insted of 100g.
工藤 雅孝 風間 守 阿部 積
日本法科学技術学会誌 (ISSN:18801323)
vol.14, no.2, pp.93-98, 2009 (Released:2009-08-25)
1 1

The blast wave caused by the explosion of the explosive and so on shows the refractive index which is different from that of ambience because the wave is accompanied by the density change of the medium. The Schlieren method is often used as a technique to observe the behavior of fluid using the difference of refractive index. However, it is difficult to apply to outdoor experiments because the method requires arrangements of some optical equipments around the subject. In this study, the visualization of the blast wave in a convenient method from the digital frame images which had been taken by a digital high-speed camera in a past outdoor experiment without any optical equipment was tested. This method was a subtraction of images, and a processed image was produced by difference of gradations between two original frame images before and after the explosion. In a part of the background which resulted in a mottled pattern having minute bright and dark parts, the blast wave was possible to be visualized in every frame image. The main blast wave and reflected blast wave from the ground were observed in the processed images. The equivalent ratio to other conventional explosives was derived from the propagation of the blast wave clarified by the processed images. Consequently, this method can be used for estimation of the power of explosion.
杉山 徹 工藤 芳明
社団法人 日本印刷学会
日本印刷学会誌 (ISSN:09143319)
vol.45, no.2, pp.89-100, 2008 (Released:2011-04-15)

These days, soft proof, which checks color images of printed matter on a monitor, is widely used in the field of graphic arts. In order to provide high quality soft proofing system, it is necessary to calibrate the tone reproduction curve and the chromaticity of white point of a monitor to desire characteristics and to make an ICC display profile. In such a background, we developed a method to calibrate them with low cost and high quality by visual calibration. This paper reports the principle and calibration accuracy of our method. In general, it is well known to adjust brightness of a continuous tone image with that of a binary image on a monitor for calibrating tone reproduction curve of the monitor. On the other hand, our method adjusts brightness and hue of three continuous tone images to those of binary images. As a result, our method can calibrate nonlinear tone curve of LCD accurately. In addition, our method can be applied to many viewing illumination conditions, because our method adjusts a color of white point of the monitor to that of target paper under a viewing illumination. Three experiments using three different LCDs were done to test the calibration accuracy of our method. The results of the experiment show the monitors calibrated by our method have enough accuracy for soft proof.
刀祢 和樹 都澤 拓 工藤 謙輔 佐々木 幾星 WEI-CHUAN CHIANG HSIN-MING YEH 中村 乙水 米山 和良 坂本 崇 阪倉 良孝 菊池 潔 河邊 玲
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
pp.22-00026, (Released:2022-12-29)

薩南海域におけるカンパチ成魚の遊泳行動を取得し,台湾東部海域の既往知見と比較した。薩南海域の個体は台湾東部の個体よりも移動範囲が狭く,放流した海域の近傍に留まり続けていた。海域間で滞在深度は異なっていたが経験水温は同程度であった。核DNAのITS領域とmtDNAのcytochrome b領域の塩基配列情報を用いて標識個体の種判別を試みたところ,形態的にはカンパチであるにも関わらず,ヒレナガカンパチと同様のcytochrome b領域のPCR-RFLPパターンを示す個体が見られた。
工藤 孝浩
神奈川自然誌資料 (ISSN:03889009)
vol.2013, no.34, pp.41-42, 2013 (Released:2022-04-17)

A specimen of Homarus americanus H. Milne Edwards, 1837 was collected by beam trawl net at bottom off Yokohama, Tokyo Bay. This is the first record on the bases of specimen from the bay.
工藤 達朗
中央ロー・ジャーナル (ISSN:13496239)
vol.16, no.1, pp.99-119, 2019-06-30

工藤 章
経営史学 (ISSN:03869113)
vol.22, no.1, pp.1-29,I, 1987-04-30 (Released:2009-11-06)

This paper aims at clarifying reasons why IG Farben failed in selling the lisence of the IG method for synthetic oil through an analysis of documents held BASF Archive and other documents. In the middle of 1930 es IG Farben changed its starategy and decided to sell the lisence of the IG method for synthetic oil abroad as well as in Germany. Its first target was Japanese market. In those years it dominated in Japan a boom for synthetic oil industry. IG Farben made every effort and approached to South Manchurian Railway Company, Mitsubishi Mining Co., Ogura petroleum Co. and other 10 companies or projects. It could not, however, succeed in concluding any contract with them. There can be three hypotheses to explain IG's failure : (1) The International Hydrogeneration Engineering and Chemical Co., which was established by four big enterprises incuding IG and held the hydrogeneration patent, restrained IG's effort; (2) Strict conditions presented by IG Farben discouraged Japanese companies which intended to introduce the IG method; (3) Japanese Navy, which was trying to develop socalled Navy method for itself, opposed against introducing the IG method strongly. My analysis reveals : (1) In spite of IHEC's negative attitude IG had chances to conclude contracts with some Japanese companies till 1939; (2) There were some cases where Japanese side did not take presented conditions too strict; and (3) The Navy hindered effectively projects of some companies such as South Manchurian Railway Company and Ogura Petroleum Co. Results of my analysis abandon former two hypotheses, but do not abandon the last one.
工藤 安代
Japan Association for Cultural Economics
文化経済学 (ISSN:13441442)
vol.5, no.1, pp.27-37, 2006-03-31 (Released:2009-12-08)

1930年代のニューディール芸術文化政策は、現代米国社会の文化政策の基盤となっていると言える。ニューディールの芸術政策は2つの性格を持っており、一つは国民の芸術享受の機会を創出し、大不況のなかで芸術家を救済するという社会福祉的視点であり、二つ目は国家の芸術レベルを向上させ精神的アイデンティティを構築していく国家の文化向上政策の視点である。後者の担い手となったのは財務省の管轄下で実施された「セクション」である。ニューディール芸術政策は、第二次大戦と共に中断されるが、セクションの思想は1962年に設立した「米国公共施設管理庁 (GSA)」によるパブリックアート政策に引き継がれる。本稿はまず、ニューディール芸術政策の目的と各プログラムの特色を概観した後、「セクション」の政策に的を絞り、プログラムの目的、作品選定の手順・評価方法等の特性を考察する。その上で「セクション」の思想が現代パブリックアート政策の基礎を形成したことを論じる。
工藤 仁子
ロシア・東欧研究 (ISSN:13486497)
vol.2008, no.37, pp.42-57, 2008 (Released:2010-05-31)

This paper attempts to analyze politico-military relations in Russia, providing a perspective on the Putin-Medvedev duumvirate. Political leaders from Boris Yeltsin to Vladimir Putin had needed support from the military for governing the state. The military had expanded its influence on politics, based on this politico-military cooperation. The political leadership had placed its foremost priority on military policy, which had coincided with the military's interests. However, the political leadership is currently seeking to put more emphasis on economic development than military policy, for stabilizing Russia's domestic and external environment. This policy shift may provoke dissatisfaction from the military, which regards the national security as Russia's top concern. Therefore, the political leadership will strengthen its control over the military, for the purpose of keeping political superiority on military. Nevertheless, strengthening control over the military contains a dilemma in which strong objection from the military would lead to secession of the military from the political leadership, losing military support for politics. When the duumvirate collapses, a problem on which leader the military chooses will emerge. Therefore, unless the dilemma is settled, the politics will have to give way to, or pay the price for pacifying the military in case of confrontation with the military.
八隅 秀二郎 工藤 寧 栗田 亮
一般財団法人 日本消化器病学会
日本消化器病学会雑誌 (ISSN:04466586)
vol.115, no.4, pp.338-349, 2018-04-10 (Released:2018-04-10)

工藤 奈織美 山本 春江 杉山 克己
青森県立保健大学雑誌 = Journal of Aomori University of Health and Welfare (ISSN:13493272)
vol.6, no.2, pp.1-7, 2005-03

The amount of exercise of 29 people in the snowfall period and non-snowfall period was investigated in Aomori City to clarify the influence of "Snow crearing" on the amount of exercise in the snowfall period and to clarify the difference season in the amount of exercise and the number of steps. The results were as follows : 1) The season and the weather such as the snowfall and snow did not influence people who took regular exercise, and the amount of exercise and the number of steps were the same in the snowfall period. 2) "Snow crearing" contributed to the amount of exercise and the number of steps in the snowfall period. 3) "Snow" did not influence the amount of exercise and the number of steps of people who took regular exercise so much. 4) A significant correlation was seen between the amount of the exercise or the number of steps, and daily activity, such as shopping on foot.
吉田 稔 久保 涼子 三迫 智佳子 鈴木 志乃舞 工藤 綾香 蜂谷 紀之 安武 章
一般社団法人 日本微量元素学会
Biomedical Research on Trace Elements (ISSN:0916717X)
vol.24, no.3, pp.170-175, 2013 (Released:2013-10-29)

This survey aimed to determine the levels of mercury in the scalp hair of residents of Hachinohe City in relation to their fish/seafood consumption to assess the risk of methylmercury exposure among the population. A total of 363 individuals (73 males and 290 females) residing in Hachinohe City (Aomori, Japan) provided scalp hair samples and completed a questionnaire. The geometric mean levels of mercury in the scalp hair were 2.52 and 1.91 μg/g in males and females, respectively, and 1.36 μg/g in females aged 15-49 years (n=80). The percentage of females of this generation with a hair mercury level above 2.2 μg/g (corresponding to the WHO's provisional tolerable weekly intake for methylmercury) was 21%, which was lower than the mean of 25% for residents of 10 regions across Japan. The Hachinohe residents consumed a mean of 108 g/day of fish/seafood (which was higher than the mean of 80.2 g/day for the overall Japanese population), consisting mainly of salmon, squid, mackerel, saury, and Atka mackerel. These results demonstrated that the hair mercury level of the residents of Hachinohe City was not so high as the higher consumption of fish/seafood compared with the national average, indicating that the risk of methylmercury exposure through increased fish/seafood consumption among Hachinohe City residents is not particularly high compared with the national level.