広瀬 裕子
社会科学年報 = The Annual bulletin of social science (ISSN:03899519)
no.48, pp.193-211, 2014

本稿は、2000 年代に日本で繰り広げられた学校の性教育に対する批判キャンペーンに対する政府対応の経緯を考察し、文部科学省の官僚的なルーティーンに徹した対応が、高揚していた性教育批判の言説を限定化する緩衝剤として機能した様子を浮き彫りにする。2002 年の国会審議から始まった学校の性教育に対する組織的な批判は、中央および地方レベルの動きが呼応する大掛かりなものであった。東京都では性教育実践に関わって行われた教員処分が訴訟にまで発展するというケースも発生した。こうした性教育に対する組織的批判は、性教育の授業実践に萎縮ムードを生んだ一方で、学校の性教育に関する初めての全国調査の企画を具体化させ、それまで明らかにされていなかった性教育実践の実態が明らかにされることにもなった。得られたデータが示すのは、学校の性教育に対する批判は必ずしも社会に広い支持を得ていたわけではないということであった。性教育の処遇の再検討を始めた文部科学省は、性教育批判を精力的に進めていた自民党を与党の動きと呼応しながらも、中教審に検討をゆだねるなど通常のルーティンに則った対応に徹し、結果的に批判を沈静化させる緩衝材として機能した。
近藤 久益子 佐藤 桃子 広瀬 侑 渡邊 麻衣 池内 昌彦
低温科学 (ISSN:18807593)
vol.67, pp.295-301, 2009-03-31

広瀬 悠三
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
vol.57, pp.67-79, 2011-04-25

This paper examines the new possibilities to think enlightenment through reconsidering Kant’s idea of enlightenment. It is often said that Kant’s enlightenment shows a fundamental paradox of education: enlightenment tries to make one autonomous but at the same time enlightenment itself hinders it because enlightenment is primarily heteronomous. In this context Kant’s enlightenment deals with an issue of abstract and closed individual. However there is another aspect of enlightenment that is includes a relationship with society and others. In order to be autonomous and mature through enlightenment, one should think publicly. That is to say, one should communicate with others and examine his view at the others’position. Kant also says that one should be a member of cosmopolitan society. I try to pick up two kinds of cosmopolitan: (1) cosmopolitan who has interests in truth, world, inner value of human being and humanity, in other words, interests which are irrelevant to his own profits. (2) cosmopolitan who has a pluralistic view point stemmed from geographical thinking. With this pluralistic and geographical view point, cosmopolitan can live actually and seek such idealistic idea. Kant’s enlightenment asks us to be such cosmopolitan and it suggests dynamic movement to be mature.
広瀬 茂男 長久保 晶彦 外山 良成
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.57, no.540, pp.2679-2686, 1991-08-25 (Released:2008-02-21)
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The configurational design for a wall-climbing robot which is capable of moving on diversified surfaces of wall and has high payload capability, is discussed, and a developed quadruped wall-climbing robot, NINJA-1, is introduced. NINJA-1 is composed of 1) legs based on a 3D parallel link mechanism capable of producing a powerful driving force for moving on the surface of a wall, 2) a CP (Conduit-wire-driven Parallelogram) mechanism to adjust the posture of the ankles, and 3) a VM (Valve-regulated Multiple) sucker which can provide suction even if there are grooves and small differences in level of the wall. Finally, the data of the trial-manufactured NINJA-1, and the up-to-date status of the walking motion are shown.
広瀬 雅樹 井上 義一

B細胞活性化因子であるBAFFおよびAPRILが自己免疫性肺胞蛋白症 (APAP)患者血清および気管支洗浄液中で健常者および肺疾患コントロールと比べ過剰産生されていることを明らかにし た。肺局所のPAP病変域においてもマクロファージがBAFFおよびAPRILを発現していることを免疫組織学的に確認した。B細胞活性化因子の過剰産生を認めたことより、B細胞自体の増加も考えられたが、APAP病態におい てB細胞が顕著に増加していることは認められなかった。以上の我々の結果は、APAP治療には全肺洗浄、GM-CSF吸入、B細胞活性化因子抑制という集学的治療の必要性を示唆するものであると考える。
中村 薫 広瀬 芳彦
The Society of Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan
有機合成化学協会誌 (ISSN:00379980)
vol.53, no.8, pp.668-677, 1995-08-01
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Recently, lipases are used widely as reagents for syntheses of chiral compounds, although organic chemists have only a little knowledge about characteristics of individual lipases. Reactivities and selectivities of lipase-catalyzed reactions are reviewed from a viewpoint of organic syntheses in the present article, which will be usefull for a guide to the proper selection of a lipase for kinetic resolutions of racemic compounds.
高橋 健夫 広瀬 祐司 米田 博行 増田 辰夫 上野 佳男
奈良教育大学紀要 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.31, no.1, pp.p85-106, 1982-11

This paper deals with teaching methods for beginners' volleyball class. Two models of the methods were selected through analysing various ideas to improve skills and results of our previous experimental lessons. The characteristics of two models were as follows. (1) Model A was a game-center learning. In this model, each skill of underhand pass, overhand pass, service, spike, and team play was separately learned and after every lesson games were played as an actual practice of the learning. (2) Model C was a learning centered on the offensive combination skill. In this model, team plays were mainly learned with focus on the toss-spike skill. The hours alloted for the game were about half of the model A. (3) In both models, lessons were done by "small group learning", and games were played in accordance with a special rule allowing to contact the ball a maximam of 4 times before returning it to the opposite court. Two different classes (of the model A and C), each with 20 school hours, were executed by the same teacher in the first classes of a junior high school. The learning results of both models were evaluated by the skill test, the analysis of team plays during the games, and the investigation on the attitude of students to physical education class-the attitude was substantiated by a questionary (standardized by A. Kobayashi). The major findings are as follows. (1) Personal skills were well developed in both models. But, in the model A underhand pass skill and in the model C overhand pass skill were more developed. (2) The difference of rally times in a game was not observed between two models. However, the times of hiting ball in a game were more frequent in the model C. Especially, frequency of hiting ball 3 or 4 times in the same court was significantly higher in model C. (3) Also the offensive team plays (toss-spike) were observed more frequently in the model C, but the games of the model A were mainly played by underhand pass rallys. (4) As the results of investigation on the attitude to physical education class, model A obtained the evaluation "fairly successful", but could not get good scores concerning the items of human relationship. The evaluation of model C was "very successful".