宗像 昭子 鈴木 利昭 新井 浩之 横井 真由美 深澤 篤 逢坂 公一 松崎 竜児 三浦 明 渡辺 香 森薗 靖子 権 京子 金澤 久美子 宮内 郁枝 鈴木 恵子 久保 和雄 尾澤 勝良 前田 弘美 小篠 榮
一般社団法人 日本透析医学会
日本透析医学会雑誌 = Journal of Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy (ISSN:13403451)
vol.34, no.13, pp.1525-1533, 2001-12-01

今回我々は, 当院で維持血液透析を施行している安定した慢性腎不全患者59名を対象患者として, ベッドサイドにて簡便に使用できるアイスタット・コーポレーション社製ポータブル血液分析器i-STATを用いて, 透析前後で全血イオン化Ca (i-Ca) 濃度を測定し, 血清T-Ca濃度との関係について検討し, 以下の結果を得た.<br>1) 透析前後における血清T-Ca濃度, 全血i-Ca濃度は, それぞれ9.43±0.90→10.54±0.70mg/d<i>l</i> (p<0.05), 1.26±0.10→1.30±0.07mmol/<i>l</i> (p<0.0001) と, いづれも有意な増加を示した. 2) Caイオン化率は, 53.43±0.03→49.55±0.04% (p<0.001) へと透析後有意に低下した. この原因として, 血液pHの変化の影響が考えられ, 血液pHとCaイオン化率との間には明らかな負の関係が認められた. 3) 透析前後における, 血清T-Ca濃度と全血i-Ca濃度の関係について検討したところ, 透析前ではy=7.507x+0.015 (r=0.839; p<0.001) と強い正の相関が認められたが, 透析後においては, 全く相関が認められなかった. この点について, pHならびにAlbを含めた重回帰分析法を用いて検討したところ, T-Ca=3.369×i-Ca+5.117×pH-32.070 (r=0.436, p=0.0052) と良好な結果が得られた. 4) 透析前後の全血i-Ca濃度の測定結果から, 容易に血清T-Ca濃度を換算できるノモグラムならびに換算表を作成した.<br>以上の結果より, ポータブル血液分析器i-STATを用いた, ベッドサイド ("point-of-care") での全血i-Ca濃度の測定とノモグラムの利用は, 透析室においてみられるCa代謝異常に対して, 非常に有用であると考えられる.
菅原 里枝 新井 猛浩 大村 一史 楠本 健二
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.21, no.3, pp.222-231, 2010-12-30 (Released:2011-01-24)

The purpose of the present investigation is to determine how one′s nutritional status affects an unsettled state of mind, especially the impulsivity trait, in university students. Three hundred twenty-four university students completed a self-rating questionnaire. They were assessed using a brief-type self-administered diet history questionnaire (BDHQ), the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (11th version; BIS-11), and the Beck Depression Inventory-Second Edition (BDI-II). Based on BDHQ scores, the participants were classified into three groups according to their nutrient intake: low-energy density nutrient intake, moderate-energy density nutrient intake, and high-energy density nutrient intake. A one-way analysis of variance revealed significantly higher BIS-11 scores in the case of low-energy protein intake and low dietary intake of the soy and soy food groups. The vitamin and mineral deficiencies influenced the impulsivity trait, and the n-6 fatty acid deficiency possibly led to an increase in the impulsivity level. The results suggest that an unbalanced nutritional status is a risk factor for a higher impulsiveness in university students.
三村 豊 新井 健一郎 志摩 憲寿 加藤 剛

新井 邦夫 丸井 信雄
総合都市研究 (ISSN:03863506)
no.5, pp.133-144, 1978

都内にある地下空間のなかで最も浸水の危険性の高い江東地区の地下鉄(都営1号線,営団東西線,都営10号線)の,大地震後の浸水危険度について考察した。これらの地下鉄では高潮や洪水に備え,駅出入口の止水板もしくは防水扉,トンネル内の強制換気法,トンネル内の防水扉等さまざまの防水対策がこうじられている。大地震後,堤防の欠壊による地表への浸水や,駅出入口や構築の亀裂からのトンネル内への浸水が発生することを想定し,対象となる駅の地表や,トンネル内の標高とその標高以下の空間体積との関係を図化した。これらの図は駅出入口付近や駅ホームが水没するために必要な総水量を与えるものであるが,発災後の対策に際し極めて有用であると思われる。水没のための必要水量を指標として各駅の浸水危険度を検討した。都営1号線では押上駅の地表部,浅草駅ホーム,東西線では南砂町駅と東陽町駅の地表部,および木場駅ホーム,都営10号線では西大島駅と大島駅の地表部,浜町駅,菊川駅,西大島駅の各ホームが他に比べ早く水没するとの結論を得た。さらにこれらの結論をもとに都営1号線では本所吾妻橋駅,東西線では門前仲町駅,都営10号線では住吉駅を乗客避難の集結地とすべきであり,これらにおける避難誘導法の現実的確立を急ぐべきであることを指摘した。The danger of subway tunnels to be submerged following a heavy earthqake is being considered. The investigated subways are the Metropolitan No.1,No.10 Lines and the Tozai Line which run beneath the area known as the Koto District. In these subways various contermeasures against high tides and/or floods such as the installations of water tight doors at station entrances,water-tight gates in the tunnels and artificial ventilation systems have taken shape,since the area is located on low land that varies from +2 to -3 meter above mean sea level. In respect to the ground surface around each entrance of all stations and each tunnel the relationships between level and space volume below the level were shown graphically. From these graphs it is easy to compute the total water volume needed to flood the ground area bounded by embankments or each platform of stations in question. And the graphs may be useful for emergency measures after the occurrence of water intrusion to the area or into the tunnels. The danger of flooding for each station is investigated using the water volume described above. The ground surfaces around the stations of Oshiage,Minamisunamachi,Toyocho,Nishioshima and Oshima and the station platforms of Asakusa,Kiba,Hamacho,Kikukawa and Nishioshima may be more perilous than the others. The stations of Honjoazumabashi,Monzennakacho and Sumiyoshi may basicall serve as a place of refuge for passengers after the occurrence of a heavy earthquake.

1 0 0 0 OA 藩翰譜 12巻

新井白石 編
馬渕 浩司 新井 良一 西田 睦
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.49, no.2, pp.87-95, 2002-11-25 (Released:2010-06-28)

Karyotypes and nuclear DNA contents of Pseudolabrus eoethinus and P. sieboldi were studied. Until a recent revision, the two species had been consid-ered a single species (Pseudolabrus japonicus), although two clearly distinct kary-otypes had been reported on several occasions. The karyotype of P. eoethinus was confirmed as 2M+2SM+44ST-A (2n=48, NF=52) and that of P. sieboldi, as 20M+8SM+14ST-A (2n=42, NF=70). Nuclear DNA content in the two Pseudolabrus species and 4 other labrid species from Japan was measured by flow cytometry, and provisionally expressed relative to that of a puffer fish, Canthigaster rivulata, used as an internal standard. The relative nuclear DNA content of P. eoethinus was 2.91±0.03 (n=5), that of P. sieboldi being 3.00±0.05 (n=6). Al-though the two values differed significantly (Mann-Whitney U test, P=0.01, Ucal=0.5), the very small difference between them (average value of latter 103% of former) together with karyotype comparisons suggested that both pericentric inver-sions and Robertsonian fusion had played a major role in the establishment of the more derived karyotype of P sieboldi.
森本 悟 髙尾 昌樹 櫻井 圭太 砂川 昌子 小宮 正 新井 冨生 金丸 和富 村山 繁雄
臨床神経学 (ISSN:0009918X)
vol.55, no.8, pp.573-579, 2015 (Released:2015-08-21)

水谷 みゆき 鈴木 千春 大道 裕介 櫻井 博紀 森元 温子 西原 真理 牛田 亨宏 新井 健一 佐藤 純
vol.27, no.3, pp.175-188, 2012-08-10 (Released:2013-02-19)

The effect of hypnotic intervention for the refractory chronic pain patients was examined along with the process of patients' selection and their psychological characteristics. The total 596 visit patients in the first year were statistically examined concerning duration of pain, scores of psychological distress (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale) and disability (Pain Disability Assessment Scale) at the initial visit and the treatment outcome at the end of the first year. The duration of chronic pain was significantly related to disability but not to psychological distress at the initial visit. At the end of the first year of multidisciplinary pain treatment, 44% of total patients were under treatment, 19% finished treatment (10% evidently improved and 9% accepted their pain), 12% were referred and 25% dropped out. The group of patients who were evidently improved was not different concerning the duration of pain, but significantly less anxious, less depressed and less disabled at the initial visit than the other groups. Among the 261 patients under treatment, 33 patients (5.6% of total patients) were introduced into individual psychological interventions in consideration of 1) poor outcome in pharmacological and physical treatments, 2) unstable treatment relationship and marked pain behaviors, 3) obvious psychological distress, 4) event-related fluctuations in pain. They were significantly more anxious and depressed at the initial visit, than those who were not introduced to psychological intervention. Multiple bio-psycho-social factors were identified; tender points in 21 patients (by physiotherapist), stressful life events around the onset of pain in 26, serious daily conflicts at present in 30, catastrophizing thinking in 21, repressive thinking in 12, avoidance in 2 and perseverative coping in 6. Many of them did not or partly perceive their somatic tension / discomfort. Multiple factors were considered to inhibit the effect of treatment in those patients. In individual hypnosis, therapeutic conversation, permissive induction and indirect suggestions were employed. Direct suggestions for analgesia were not applied. Among 33 patients, 25 patients experienced hypnotic analgesia during sessions, 14 of whom finished their sessions with the decreased daily pain level or the enhanced effect of medication until the end of the 3rd year. Among them, 5 patients evidently improved (one phantom limb pain and 4 other chronic pain). Hypnosis successfully helped 42% of the patients who had failed to respond to multi disciplinary treatment. The psychosomatic resources in patients need to be more attended and utilized in chronic pain treatment.
新井 イスマイル 川口 誠敬 藤川 和利 砂原 秀樹

近年,口コミ情報サイトを例とする,ユーザの行動を基にした店舗・施設の検索サイトが注目されている.これらの検索サイトでは,位置に基づいた検索が可能であることと,店舗・施設に対して複数のユーザからの第3 者の評価情報が取得できることが求められている.しかし,商用の検索サイトには広告収入や検閲の影響により,被評価店舗にとって不都合な情報が現れにくく第3 者の評価情報の提供に問題がある.また,従来の情報取得手法ではWWW 上の情報をすべて収集し,複雑な自然言語処理によって位置に基づいた評価情報を抽出する作業が必要となり,サービス構築コストが膨大となるという問題がある.そこで本研究では従来の全文型検索エンジンを活用し,目的の分野を示すキーワードと商用検索サイトを除外するキーワードを組み合わせることによって目的の第3 者の評価情報を収集する手法と,単純な形態素解析と文字列のパターンマッチングを用いた文字列処理によって住所を抽出する手法を提案する.この手法に基づいてWeb インデクサを評価した結果,一度の収集のうち44%が目的とする個人サイトであり,位置情報の取得再現率が59%という結果が得られた.A user expects that he/she can search stores and facilities from Web information space based on his/her behavior (Ex. Word-of-mouth communication sites). For this purpose, an appropriate information must be retrieved based on user's location. In addition, a user expect that he/she can retrieve actual impressions of other users against stores and facilities to decide his/her behavior. However, there are two major problems to achieve the above requirements. One is that the actual impression of other users are often omitted on the commercial web sites by the sponsor's claims. The other is that the cost for the information retrieval may become large because the existing search engines have to crawl most of Web sites and the complicated natural language processing have to be used. In this paper, we propose a new method which can obtain appropriate Web contents from Web search engines by inputting keywords that include user's objective information and black list information. In addition, the proposed method can extract the geographical information from the obtained Web contents by a morphological analysis and a simple pattern matching. As a result of evaluating the Web indexer based on the proposed method, 44% in all obtained Web contents conforms to user's objective. Also, the recall ratio of the extract of the geographical information is 59%.
新井 宏昌 渡邉 信晃 高本 恵美 真鍋 芳明 前村 公彦 岩井 浩一 宮下 憲 尾縣 貢
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.49, no.4, pp.335-346, 2004-07-10 (Released:2017-09-27)

A study was conducted to investigate the changes in anthropometric factors, physical fitness, and sprint ability and motion during the preparatory and competitive periods in two Japanese female elite sprinters. The measurements were carried out from the preparatory period to the competitive period three times. The main results were as follows : 1) In both athletes, sprint speed decreased after the preparatory period and increased in the competitive period. 2) High-intensity sprint training during the competitive period led to hypertrophy of the psoas major muscle and improvement of anaerobic power of the upper limbs. 3) During the competitive period in both athletes, the knee continued to flex after contacting, and took off while maintaining a minimal angle. These results suggest that the performance of elite sprinters changes through each training period, and is influenced by a combination of anthropometric factors, physical fitness and sprint motion.
新井 園枝
産業連関 (ISSN:13419803)
vol.23, no.1-2, pp.18-29, 2016-01-31 (Released:2016-03-10)

戦後の日本経済発展の分析ツールとして産業連関表が大きく貢献したように,経済産業省では各地域経済分析のため「地域産業連関表の作成」,また,高度成長を続ける日本経済の負の部分としての公害を扱った「公害産業連関表の作成」(環境 IO 表の基礎),昭和48年のエネルギー問題に端を発した日本の構造変化に着目した「延長産業連関表の作成」,国際的なグローバル化が進む中での「国際産業連関表の作成」など,時代の行政ニーズに合わせて様々な産業連関表の作成を行い経済産業政策に貢献してきた.中でも地域産業連関表は平成2年表から全ての都道府県が産業連関表を作成するなど,経済産業行政を超えた地域の時代を分析するためのツールとして大きな広がりをみせている.そこで改めて経済産業省の地域表に焦点を当て,作成経緯と役割,その特徴について紹介するものである.これらを踏まえて,今後の統計のあり方について今一度考えていただければ幸いである.
新井君美撰 大槻如電校訂